Public Works Minutes 2014 10-21-14Page 1 of 3 APPROVED 11/18/14 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Tuesday, October 21, 2014, 6:00pm Yorkville City Hall, Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road IN ATTENDANCE: Committee Members Chairman Diane Teeling Alderman Milschewski Alderman Ken Koch Alderman Larry Kot Other City Officials City Administrator Bart Olson Alderman Chris Funkhouser Engineer Brad Sanderson, EEI Other Guests: Attorney Dan Kramer The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by Chairman Diane Teeling Citizen Comments: None Previous Meeting Minutes: September 16, 2014 The minutes were approved as presented. New Business Items #4 & #7 were moved up on the agenda. New Business: 4. PW 2014-76 Route 47 Easement (taken out of order) Mr. Sanderson said the easement was an agreement with a private landowner and IDOT following damage to their septic field during Rt. 47 construction. The resident will be connecting to city sewer and water and the resident will pay for the hookups. The committee approved this action. 7. PW2014-79 Blackberry Woods Acceptance and LOC Reduction (taken out of order) The developer is requesting acceptance of the paving and other work completed. Mr. Sanderson recommended acceptance and reduction of the letter of credit. The amount remaining will be $174,000 and the reduction will be done by staff after approval. The remainder of the money will be for underground work and landscaping. Page 2 of 3 1. PW 2014-73 Water Department Reports for July and August 2014 Mr. Dhuse said the reports were typical and are submitted to the EPA. No further comments. 2. PW 2014-74 Railroad Quiet Zone Initiative Mr. Sanderson referred to the memo in the packet and said there are two railways that affect the City: the trains running in the downtown and the trains on the north side of town. To be eligible for quiet zones, he said certain levels of improvements are necessary such as flashing lights, gates and warning time detections are required at each crossing. Other work and diagnostic meetings are also needed. The lights, gates and warning time detection cost approximately $250,000 to $500,000 per crossing. He noted there are many crossings in the downtown and some might need to be closed. Closing crossings sometimes leads to ICC funds, he said. Ms. Milschewski asked what prompted this initiative. Mr. Olson said there has been a modest increase in train traffic and also different engineers who sound horns in different manners. These factors have generated some of the complaints received. Alderman Milschewski said she could not support this due to the amount of money involved. She added that people are aware of the train tracks when they purchase their homes and that the money can be better spent on roads. Alderman Koch said people do not realize the cost. The committee agreed that by closing some of the downtown crossings, it would also limit the flow of traffic. Alderman Kot asked how far the City needs to be in the process to apply for funds. A diagnostic meeting would be needed and also engineering costs would affect the application for funds. ICC fund amounts are unknown. Alderman Kot said sometimes the City needs to be positioned to obtain grants and take the first step. Mr. Sanderson will try to get a more accurate cost estimate and determine how long the study is valid. This will come back for further discussion at the November meeting. 3. PW 2014-75 Kennedy Road Improvements – Change Order No. 1 This change order is decreasing by $43,000 and the project is nearly complete. This will move to the consent agenda. 5. PW 2014-77 Route 47 & Cannonball Trail Improvements – Supplemental Agreement with HR Green This is a change order with HR Green who performed some of the engineering and they have requested an additional $13,000. The project was to have started in 2012 and was delayed to 2013 due to utility work. Some work was done by contractors and Geneva Construction during “non-working” days (December through April) and HR Green had to be on site. The number of hours increased and pay increases occurred in this time as well. Mr. Sanderson said the funds are coming from Kendall Marketplace. The committee approved and this moves to the consent agenda. 6. PW 2014-78 2015 RTBR Program a. Ridge Street Water Main Improvements Agreement with EEI Mr. Sanderson discussed getting a jump start on next year's road projects with design in the winter and bids in the spring when bids are more competitive. The Ridge St. project will go out for bid in the Spring and work will begin then also. Page 3 of 3 b. 2015 Road Program Agreement with EEI State, Ridge, Washington and some of Van Emmon will be improved in FY 2015, but the engineering costs will be incurred this year and will be shifted between years, said Mr. Olson. Some side streets might be partially paved as well with the Rt. 47 project. It was noted that West Hydraulic will be paved as part of the MFT this year as very little pavement was left. This item moves to consent. 8. PW 2014-80 Skidsteer RFP Request Mr. Dhuse said he is seeking approval for skidsteer bids. Proceeds of $30,000 from the previous sale of a backhoe will also be used. The current machine is still in use, but careful planning is needed for its use each day. This moves to consent agenda. 9. PW 2014-81 Autumn Creek Parking Restrictions Some complaints were received regarding parking near the school and baseball field. There is a current seasonal restriction due to the field. Staff looked at traffic patterns and street width and recommended a parking ban on the west and south sides between Rt. 34 and Kennedy. If the committee approves the recommendation, residents would be invited to attend a meeting to give feedback. The committee was OK with this proposal and it will move to consent agenda. A letter will be sent to affected residents if the City Council endorses the proposal. In conjunction with this, Alderman Funkhouser noted that there was a proposed city-wide study on parking restrictions and asked about the progress. Staff has not been able to start a comprehensive study at this time, but ideas will be brought to committee on how to approach. Old Business: None Additional Business: Alderman Kot asked for an update on Rt. 47. Mr. Dhuse said the south side (south of river) is planned to be finished this year. Regarding the north side, Mr. Dhuse said the hope is to get to Park St. or have the southbound lane finished before winter. The westbound lane of Rt. 34 to Center Parkway should be paved and storm sewer will be installed soon. Mr. Kot said the drive is treacherous with the barricades and cones and Mr. Dhuse said the State will require the contractor to finish many items to make for a safer drive in the winter. Alderman Koch said potholes are also a concern for the winter. Mr. Kot said IDOT has been very responsive about potholes when he has reported them. IDOT has been grinding and paving problem areas in anticipation of potholes. Having four lanes open on Rt. 47 before winter, is in question, but Mr. Dhuse said he will attend an update meeting in two days. Alderman Koch reported that many “Green T Landscaping and Aeration” signs have been placed at locations throughout the City. Mr. Olson said such signs are not permissible on the right-of-way. There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 6:41pm. Minutes respectfully transcribed by Marlys Young