Public Works Minutes 2014 11-18-14Page 1 of 4 APPROVED 12/16/14 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Tuesday, November 18, 2014, 6:00pm Yorkville City Hall, Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road IN ATTENDANCE: Committee Members Chairman Diane Teeling Alderman Jackie Milschewski Alderman Larry Kot Absent: Alderman Ken Koch Other City Officials Mayor Gary Golinski (left at 6:50pm) City Administrator Bart Olson Alderman Chris Funkhouser Public Works Director Eric Dhuse Engineer Brad Sanderson, EEI Other Guests: Attorney Dan Kramer Jeff Freeman, EEI The meeting was called to order at 6:01pm by Chairman Diane Teeling. (Items #6 and #9 were moved forward on the agenda.) New Business: 6. PW 2014-87 IDOT Resolution for Highway Permit for Kendall Crossing – NCG Theater Mr. Olson said IDOT is now requiring the City to sign off on all new highway permits for all projects. This resolution is for the right in/right out for the theater. Mr. Kramer said IDOT has said they will pay for the improvements with no City responsibility and a letter was sent to EEI to guarantee that. The committee approved this and it moves to the consent agenda. 9. PW 2014-90 Ordinance Vacating a Portion of the Liberty Street Right-of-Way and a Portion of the Elm Street Right-of-Way (Heartland Meadows) Mr. Kramer said this action is required by the PUD agreement. The committee agreed on this action and it moves to the consent agenda. Citizen Comments: None Page 2 of 4 Previous Meeting Minutes: October 21, 2014 The minutes were approved as presented. New Business: 1. PW 2014-82 Long Term Water Planning Jeff Freeman of EEI was present to discuss water planning and a handout was given to the committee. A recent study of the NE portion of Illinois showed that the water demand is exceeding the capacity of the deep aquifer supplying the water. He said modifying demand is a first step to extend the resources. Chairman Teeling asked how the plan would affect people who are on wells and if they draw from the main aquifer. He said well logs would be obtained and be considered with the rest of the study. Mr. Freeman noted that Plainfield now gets their water from Lake Michigan. He said it would be cost- prohibitive at this time for Yorkville, but should be researched. The study suggests working with Oswego and Montgomery and Mr. Olson has reached out to these towns regarding possible meetings. Mr. Freeman added that Elgin and Aurora use Fox River water. Ms. Teeling asked if Joliet has done any long-range planning since they use the deep aquifier. They have not taken any steps to draw water from an alternate location. The last comprehensive water report was done in 2000 and Mr. Freeman said it would take 9-12 months to do a water study for Yorkville. Alderman Kot inquired about possible state funding, however, there would not be money/grants for the planning portion, but low-interest loans from IEPA might be available. Alderman Milschewski asked if this has been budgeted. It is included in the 2016 budget based on staff recommendations and will have its own category. In conclusion, committee members recommended inviting EEI to make a presentation to the full Council at a future date. 2. PW 2014-83 Public Works Committee Meeting Dates for 2015 The committee approved the meeting dates as presented. 3. PW 2014-84 Cannonball Trail LAFO – Authorization of Contract Changes No. 1 Mr. Sanderson said the documents contain authorization for milling and re-surfacing which have been completed. This is the balancing change order which increased the amount slightly to $2,500.33. This should be the last change and he recommended approval. The committee agreed and it moves to consent. 4. PW 2014-85 Game Farm Road/Somonauk Street Improvements – IDOT Joint Agreement and Resolution The joint agreement specifies the funding source and $2.3 million is available for the construction process. Some utility work has begun and bids will be let at the end of the week. Construction should start in March or April and finish in December. More detail will be available in the December Public Works meeting. Ms. Teeling said a resident had approached her about the disputed preservation of a tree on Game Farm Rd. These inquiries should be forwarded to EEI. Ms. Milschewski also brought up an issue with the busses on Game Farm Road near the cemetery, that go straight across the road to the new parking lot. Page 3 of 4 Mr. Dhuse spoke with Mr. DeBolt at the school regarding signage. Mr. Sanderson also said EEI will be meeting with the schools for their input prior to the road construction starting. This item moves to the consent agenda. 5. PW 2014-86 Resolution Regarding Night-Time Work for Reconstruction of Route 34 (Eldamain to Center Parkway) IDOT has targeted this portion of Rte. 34 for 2017 and is seeking approval for night-time construction prior to their Public Hearing. Area residents are given advance notice of any night-time work. The committee was OK with this resolution and it will move to consent agenda. 7. PW 2014-88 Wrigley Site Expansion a. Ordinance Proposing Establishment of a Back-up SSA Mr. Sanderson said a stormwater detention facility has to be constructed to comply with a new County ordinance. Approval is needed before a Public Hearing date can be set in January. b. Ordinance Accepting a Plat of Easement for Stormwater Management A grant of easement is also needed in the event the City ever needed to gain access for maintenance. Mr. Sanderson said Wrigley will be expanding to the northeast and a railroad spur will be examined in the long range planning. The committee recommended approval and it moves to consent. 8. PW 2014-89 Heartland Meadows – Ordinance Proposing Establishment of a Back-up SSA A residential development is moving ahead and a stormwater basin must be created to follow the ordinance. A Public Hearing will be set for January. Alderman Teeling asked if SSA's could have been created in Windett Ridge where maintenance issues occurred. Mr. Dhuse said that subdivision had not been accepted so an SSA could not be established. The committee recommended approval of the ordinance and this moves forward to the consent agenda. 10. PW 2014-91 Walsh Drive Drainage Improvements – Change Order No. 1 This is the recently completed project for drainage issues and Mr. Sanderson said the project is mostly complete. The change order reflects a decrease of about $37,000 since an alternate construction entrance was used instead of building a new one. Alderman Kot inquired if the residents are aware of the repairs made. Letters were sent to the residents and Mr. Dhuse said he has not received any complaint calls since Spring. This moves to the consent agenda. 11. PW2014-92 Raintree Village Units 4, 5, and 6 – Completion of Improvements – Change Order No. 3 This is a balancing change order with a decrease of about $20,000. Most of the work is done with landscaping scheduled for next year. A “chimney seal” will be needed which keeps water out of the sanitary manholes. These expenses will all come from bond money. This moves to consent agenda. 12. PW2014-93 Kendall County Transportation Alternatives Program (KC-TAP) Mr. Olson said this is informational. Kendall County has notified the City of next year's TAP grant program. The City submitted an application for a grant for $5,000 for the Rt. 47 project, sidewalks and trails. Applications can be made each year and grant approval is expected for this year. 13. PW 2014-94 Corneils and Beecher Road Improvements – Agreement with EEI This is an agreement with EEI to design and monitor the project construction. The amount is $46,496 and will be paid by funds received by ComEd. It is hoped construction will begin in May. This moves to the consent agenda. Page 4 of 4 14. PW 2014-95 Route 34 Improvements (Eastern Project) Mr. Olson said this is the final agreement for the project and there will be an additional $45,000 expense for a shared-use trail that was omitted. He noted the costs had gone up since the original 2012 memorandum from $230,000 to $284,000. It moves forward to the full Council for approval. Alderman Kot asked why the stoplight and road lighting costs had increased significantly in two years. Mr. Dhuse thought that more recent prices had been included. The costs will be spread out over two fiscal years. Mr. Olson said this project will be less complex than Rt. 47 and he will give an overview at a future meeting. Road medians were also discussed. Alderman Teeling asked if ground covers or rock gardens could be used instead of grass which requires mowing. Any plantings need to be approved by IDOT and must also be salt-tolerant. Ms. Teeling also asked about the ordinance for parking included in this agreement. No parking will be allowed, but the ordinance is part of the agreement. This moves to the consent agenda. Old Business: None Additional Business: Alderman Milschewski noted that she had received an email from Vicky Coveny regarding the difficult road conditions near her home due to the Rt. 47 construction. Ms. Coveny will be contacted with alternatives. Mr. Dhuse gave a brief update of the construction progress. Ms. Milschewski also noted an object protruding from the light pole on the bridge. It is conduit for the pole. Alderman Teeling discussed the intersection of Rt. 47 and Countryside Parkway. She asked to have a green light and arrow at the same time to move traffic more smoothly. Potholes on Rt. 47 were brought up by Alderman Kot. He also asked about the theater entrance which should be opened this year if concrete can be poured yet this winter. He also asked about the pile of gravel by the lift station and the close proximity to the station. Mr. Dhuse said the pile is five feet from the building and will be used for the northbound lanes. Mr. Funkhouser said the daily lane changes and business entrances on Rt. 34 presented some difficulties. He said the construction company was careless with the barricades and the signage was lacking. He asked that they do a better job with the signs. Mr. Olson also suggested the businesses should contact IDOT rep Julia Messina to voice their concerns. He said three businesses had contacted Ms. Messina and him when their entrances were unexpectedly closed. Mr. Dhuse said one individual is assigned to re-set barricades and cones hourly when they are hit by cars. Mr. Dhuse said the last Rt. 47 meeting for this year is scheduled for November 20th. There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 7:35pm. Minutes respectfully transcribed by Marlys Young, Minute Taker