Public Safety Minutes 2014 11-25-14Page 1 of 3 APPROVED 01/08/15 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE SPECIAL PUBLIC SAFETY MEETING Tuesday, November 25, 2014 6:00pm City Hall Conference Room In Attendance: Chairman Carlo Colosimo Alderman Rose Spears (by phone) Alderman Larry Kot Alderman Chris Funkhouser Other City Officials in Attendance: City Administrator Bart Olson Alderman Joel Frieders City Attorney Kathy Orr Police Chief Rich Hart Deputy Chief Terry Klingel (left at 6:25pm) Others in Attendance: Tony Scott, Kendall County Record Tara Treve, citizen The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by Chairman Colosimo and a quorum was established. Citizen Comments: None Minutes for Correction/Approval: June 10, 2014 The minutes were approved as read. New Business: 1. PS 2014-21 Police Reports for May – September 2014 No comments. 2. PS 2014-22 Adjudication Reports for June-October 2014 It was noted the minimum fines are not being adhered to and training will be held again to address the situation. The fines are set by ordinance. 3. PS 2014-23 Public Safety Committee Meeting Dates for 2015 By a voice vote, the committee approved the meeting date schedule and 6:30pm start time. Page 2 of 3 4. PS 2014-24 Noise Ordinance Amendments This item was approved at EDC and was sent to this committee for input. Alderman Kot said he sees many municipalities lowering their limits (becoming less tolerant) than Yorkville and asked Chief Hart to comment. Chief Hart said the standards may have been initially set slightly too strict. Mr. Kot said some of the residents have lived downtown for a long time and he wants them treated in a fair manner. Chairman Colosimo added that acoustical engineers are consulted when constructing amphitheaters such as the one Yorkville is considering. Festivals such as Hometown Days are exempt since they are one-time events. Minimal complaints were received about Hometown Days and the new band location. Alderman Kot asked about noise generated outside the city. Chief Hart said the County has a noise ordinance now and the City has an agreement with the County to follow the City ordinance regarding noise from the PNA camp. Alderman Funkhouser asked if officers are equipped with noise meters for enforcement. There is currently one functional meter and two additional have been ordered. This item moves to the City Council regular agenda. 5. PS 2014-25 Liquor Code Amendment – Insurance Requirements Mr. Olson said liquor license holders must notify the City within 14 days if their dramshop insurance expires or changes. The City is now recommending a shorter time period of 48 hours for such notifications. Attorney Orr noted that most businesses have a 30-day notice from their insurance companies. This item will move to the Council consent agenda with a voice vote recommending approval. 6. PS 2014-26 BASSET Training Requirements Alderman Teeling brought this item forward for discussion. Administrator Olson said City policy formerly required only managers at liquor-licensed businesses to take this training, then all employees were required and the City later reversed their position and required only managers to do so. In a survey, 11 of 19 comparable cities require all employees to take this training. Staff is seeking committee input. Alderman Frieders said in his experience, reputable establishments train all employees and he supports training for all. Alderman Funkhouser said businesses should become accountable for their establishments and does not believe the City should be responsible for this training. Alderman Kot said he is in favor of training for all and pointed out the on-line training for $14.95. Alderman Colosimo said the burden should not be on the City and said he believes the on-line training is not effective. He also cited high turnover of employees. It was noted the on-line training is transferrable to other businesses. Alderman Spears said she supports training for all employees. It was also thought that insurance is lower for establishments where all employees are trained. Page 3 of 3 Alderman Kot said law enforcement tries to teach the dangers of drinking and driving and BASSETT training is the first line of defense. However, Aldermen Funkhouser and Colosimo pointed out that the training does not necessarily prevent violations. Many people including employees of Jewel, gas stations, etc must also be trained, said Deputy Chief Klingel. If the Council decides in favor of the training, Chief Hart recommended the on-line training, but overall has mixed feelings about it. Raising the the costs of liquor licenses was suggested as a possible solution to defray costs. An already understaffed police department was also noted. Due to time constraints of this meeting, the committee decided to table the matter until the next Public Safety meeting. 7. PS 2014-27 Pawnshop Discussion This item was brought forward as a result of a recent Channel 2 TV segment regarding the Rock Star resale shop in Yorkville. Stolen family heirlooms were taken to this store and immediately melted down. This was in spite of the victim going to the store and providing a photo of the person who stole the items. It was noted that the segment was not favorable to Yorkville and it was decided to revisit the pawnbroker ordinance. Administrator Olson clarified that Rock Star is actually a resale shop and does not give loans. Chief Hart said many crimes have been solved due to the new ordinance and this shop was cited. He said sting operations have been set up and will continue. The meltdown period is 24 hours for jewelry and coins, but he suggested the time frame should be reconsidered. Ms. Treve asked if names of sellers could be red-flagged in conjunction with entry in LEADS and Chief Hart will research. Some revised language was requested for the next meeting and the outcome of the adjudication of the citation issued to the alleged offending business will be known at that time. 8. PS 2014-28 Squad Car Update Chief Hart presented a handout detailing the squad car fleet. He said maintenance costs have been high and many cars have passed their useful life span. Old Business None Additional Business None Meeting adjourned at 6:54pm. Minutes transcribed by Marlys Young, Minute Taker