City Council Minutes 1979 02-08-79 14INUTES OF THE REGULAR PIEFTING OF THE CITY COUNCII, OF THE (7) UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORx?TTLLE . TLLTNOTS uFLI) AT CITY HALL ON FEBRUARY-8; -1979-, - P4ayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order at 8 : 00 P.P . and led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Roll call was taken as follows : Ward 1 - Wolff Ward 2 - Hanback ?"lard 3 - Simmons Beach Smith A quorum was established . Alderman Harker was absent from 1"1ard 2 . Guests were representatives from the r4adsen Cornoration, Ron Cobb and mike Hitzemann. Alderman Smith moved to waive the reading of the minutes and. approve the minutes , seconded by Alderman Simmons . motion carried 5-() . The reading of the bills was waived.. Treasurer PIerl-el requested. the bill from Diamond Crystal Salt Company be held for payment in the amount of X1 ,455 . 56 . Treasurer P4erkel added the following bills to be paid: 1 . Ron Westphal Chevrolet - $7 , 595 . 00 for the new Public 1^lorks truck & plow. 2 . Redman Welding - $35 , 00 for thawing a water line at Countryside Center. 3 . Ron i"lestphal Chevrolet - X55 . 12 . Alderman Smith moved to authorize payment of the bills presented, with the one deletion and. three additions , seconded by Alderman Beach. Roll call was taken as follows : Beach - Aye Hanback - Aye Simmons Aye Wolff - Aye Aye P4otion carried 5-0 . Alderman Harker was absent from voting. Alderman Harker arrived at 8 : 10 P.1'1. MYOR' S REPORT - P4.ayor Thanepohn read a letter received from Jerry and Anne Fngelhardt of 31.2 Blackberry Lane in Yorl-ville expressing their thanks to the efforts of the Yorkville Street Department in opening their street so that r4r. Engelhardt could be taken to the hospital during the recent January blizzard . Alderman Harker moved to approve the reouest of the Kendall County Heart Association to conduct a fund drive in February, seconded by Alderman Smith. P40tion carried 6-0 . Mayor Thanepohn reported that the meeting on Tuesday, February 1979 with the Illinois Department of Transportation in regards to the Route 47 Bridge project shoilld help in expediting tl�e situation. He stated there was no great controversy to the plan presented by the State . P4ayor Thanepohn stated that he took some initiative with the Illinois P4unicipal League in regards to the collection fee that the utilitv companies add on to the utility bills amounting tn . 00730 over the S° to be collected. The P4unicipal League bas received various other complaints on the matter and have their legal. counsel working on it at present . to draft legislation . P4ayor Thanepohn stated that to allow the utilities to get . 0073° of the bill and not of the tax is a gross injustice to the consumer. In dealing with this matter there should be some tax relief coming to reduce the utility tax without taking any away from the City. CITY CLERK - Clerk Erickson reported one gasoline bid for the Public works and Police Department vehicles was received. from Kendall-Grundy F. S. , Inc. as follows : Regular: Pumn Price less Federal Tax, less 31,,&/gallon discount. No Lead: Pump price less Federal Tax, less 3%¢/gallon discolipt . Current Purr, prices including Federal F State Tax are : Pegular 65 . 9¢ per gallon. No Lead - 70 , 9 per gallon. Alderman Simmons recommended approval and acceptance of the Bid of Kendall-Grundy F. S. , Inc . for gasoline bid as stated, seconded by Alderman Hanback. Roll call vote was taken as follows : Wolff - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Beach - Aye Hanback - Aye Smith - Aye P40tion carried 6-0 . (8) Page 2 _ February 8, 1979 Alderman Beach read theEtwo bids received. for radio system for the Public T'Torks Department as follows : CF,R. Communications - X751951 . 00 PTotorola Communications F, _Electronics - X7 , 331 . SO (PTaintenance is quoted on the basis of the radio to be repaired to be brought to their repair -Facility. If "on location" repairs are needed the optional quote is X90 . 00 per year for the mobile and $225 n-er year for the base . ) Alderman Beach moved to refer the bids to the Public Property F Buildings Committee, seconded by Alderman Simmons . P40tion carried.. 6-0 . Alderman Beach called a Public Property F, Buildings meeting for Thursday, February 1S , 1979 at 7 : 30 P.M. to discuss the radio bids and also to consider the C.MT Engineering bills and discussion on the 1970 Public TITorks tractor. TheEmeeting will be held at the Water Tower Conference Room. A�R�,a P9•�- Alderman Wolff moved to approve the application for license for Pinball F, PTechanical_ Amusement Devides ; seconded by Alderman Harker. Potion carried 6-0 . The City Council Public Hearing regarding Holdiman/Holdiman F Pazan' s Annexation will be held PIarch 8 , 1979 at 8 : 00 P.r. preceding regular business of theECity Council . A Notice of Annexation was received from Attorney T^rilson from James FT Patricia Stark to be placed on the agenda for the February 22 , 1979 regular City Council meeting. A Petition was filed with City Clerk for Submission of a Ouestion of Public Policy to the Electors of the United City of the Village of Yorkville , Illinois stating : "Shall Council action be enacted to repeal and withdraw an Ordinance known as Ordinance #29 , Book C , effective June 8 , 1967, captioned 'An Ordinance Imposing a Tax on Certain LTtilities Doing Business in the TTnited City of the Irillage of Yorkville, Tllinois ' ." TPF,ASTTRFR' S REPORT - Alderman Simmons moved to annrove the Treasurer ' s Report, seconded by Alderman Wolff. "lotion carried 6-n . POLICF Alderman Harker moved to approve the Police nenort as nreseni'ed, seconded by Alderman Wolff_ . P?ayor Thanepohn commended Chief Randall on his detailed report . DInECTOp OF PUBLIC WORKS - Alderman Reach moved to approve the Public Works Department reports , seconded by Alderman Harker. motion carried F-n , Alderman Reach noted that Director P4adden attended the meeting for the federal funding for the snow disaster in Joliet. Alderman Beach moved to designate Director Flden Madden as agent for the Federal Snow Disaster Funding reports , and Luanne Erickson as alternate agent, seconded by Alderman Wolff. Potion carried 6-0 . BUSINESS FT ECONMIC DMTFLOPMFNT COkTITSSION - Alderman Beach reported t e next meeting would e hel February 13, 1979 (Tuesday) at the Water Tower Conference Room at 8 : 00 P.H. OLD BLTSINFSS - (Fox I^Tood Estates) - Alderman Simmons read from the Plan Commission minutes of January 30 , 1979. in regards to Fox Wood Estates , TTpon recommendation of the Plan Commission, Alderman Simmons moved to approve the Foxwood Fstates Subdivision and authorize the T4avrr and Clerk to sign the approval, seconded. by Alderman Wolff. Poll -call was taken as follows : Smith - Aye .71-L1111-,ULLs - Aye Hanback - Aye Harker - Aye Beach - Aye Wolff - Aye P40tion carried 6-n . (Unit _l , Block 1 , Countryside Center) - Alderman Simmons read. the Plan Commission minutes of January 30 , 1979 in regards to the resubdivision. Upon Plan Commission recommendation, Alderman Hanback moved to approve the final plat of TTnit - l . Block 1, Country- side Center and to authorize the P,layor and City Clerk to sign the plat, seconded by Alderman Simmons . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Smith - Aye Simmons - Aye Hanback - Aye Harker - Aye Beach - Aye WoIf_f r, Aye P?otion carried 6-0 . Page 3 February 8 , 1979 (9) NFI,T BUSINESS - (Madsen Corporation - Petition for Variance & Re-zoning) - Alderman Simmons read from the 7oning Board of Anneals and Plan Commission minutes of January 30 , 1979 in regards to the matter. Discussion was opened. Alderman Beach asked if there were any walk ways in the back of the building to which Attorney Crant replied that there was only a back patio and end exits . Alderman Wolff stated he would go along with the re-zoning , but he felt more discussion was needed on the parking issue. The Bristol-Kendall Fire Department and Police nenartment expressed concern with the Parking Plan Presented due to not being able to reach the far wing of the building in emergencies . Upon recommendation of the Plan Commission, Alderman Wolff moved to annr.ove tb.e rezoning to P-4 but to deny approval of the narking variance from 2 spaces per unit to 1 space Per unit. The motion died for grant of a second. r4r. P4orey of Madsen Corporation stated that some excellent points had been made . As far as the parking lot shown on the plan presented , rIr. r4orey stated that an addition curb cut onto 11i. _K.end.all nrive could be made to give through ingress and egress . Attorney Crant asked what procedure to follow. Attorney Dickson stated. that the Variance and Rezoning could be approved and the annroval. of the building in regards to the parking Placement would be left to the Building Inspector' s discretion. Alderman Wolff moved to approve the Re-zoning to R.-4 and granting of Variance from 2 narking spaces per unit to 1 parking space Per unit of Block 5 , Countryside Center, but specifically not an-proving of the site Plan Presented in regards to the parking as illustrated. The motion was seconded by Alderman Harker. Roll call vote was taken as follows : Smith - Aye Simmons - Aye uanback - Aye Harker - Aye Beach - Aye Wolff - Aye lIotion carried 6-0 . (Ron Cobb - Oversize Water main - miller ' s Subdivision) - Attorney Kramer presented non Cobb ' s reauest of �11 ,603 . 5n recovery costs of the difference between the 8" and 12" water main. F .P.A . aPnroval has been received and the main is functioning. Attorney Dickson reouested Attorney Kramer send him a copy of the written assignment transferring the property from 14r. Gabel to '4r. Cobb . Alderman Wolff moved to authorize payment of X11 ,603. 50 to Ron Cobb for the differjence between the 8" and 1.2" water main, pending Attorney' s approval upon receipt of the written assignment. Alderman Simmons seconded the motion. Roll call vote was taken as follows : Smith - Aye Simmons - Aye Hanback - Aye uarker - Aye Reach - Aye 11'olff - Aye Potion carried 6-0 . COP4P41TNITY CENTER COT4PMTTFF - Richard rIau, chairman of the committee asked or time at the Public Property & buildings committee meeting set for Thursday, February 15 , 1979. at approximately 8 : 30 P.P. P4r. Mau also asked for time in an executive session for discussion on the Proposed Community Center. FINANCE - Alderman Simmons reported the first Budget meeting was Tie-IT on February 1 , 1.979 and the next meeting will be scheduled for P4arch 1_ , 1979 at 7 : 30 P.A . at the Water Tower Conference Room. Alderman Simmons reported there is a seminar on 1Iunicipal Budgeting F, Finance sponsored by the nenartment of Local Government Affairs on march 24 , 1979 in Elgin. The fee is �1o . On and Alderman Simmons would like someone to attend the meeting for the City. POLICE - Alderman 1^Tol.ff made a motion to create a position for Po ice Secretary, seconded by Alderman Harker. Roll call vote was taken as follows: Smith - Aye Simmons - Aye Hanback - Aye Harker - Aye Beach - Abstain Wolff - Aye Motion carried 6-0 . PUBLIC PROPERTY F, BUILDINGS - Alderman Beach moved to advertise for bids to sell the 1970 Ford dumptruck and plow from the( Public T,rorks Department to he opened at the 14arch R , 1979 meeting , seconded. by Alderman Hanback. motion carried. mayor Thanenohn reouested Alderman Beach to think about a new library site and to consider incorporating it in the Community Center with funds received from the sale of the building . Attorney Dickson stated that it was possible the State could take out the library for the Rt . 47 Bridge without Paying for it due to it being a Public ruilding. (10) Page 4 February 8 , 1979 Funding is available to libraries demolished by Public ?^.rorks projects, so it would be wise to investigate that area. SEWERS - Alderman Harker reported on the Sanitary District ' s meeting. There was discussion of funding on Phase 1 of the Sewer Grant Study with a question of' the City annlying for funds to be recovered from the state for that specific nurnose. mayor Thanenoh stated his recollection of the matter was that there would be a reimbursement from the state when the I F, I Study was done, but it is not completed ' to date . mayor Thanepohn stated the City will try to expedite the matter but if there were any auestions the Sanitary District had on the matter to lave them get in touch with the City Council . LIBRARY BOARTI - Alderman Hamer reported on the Last meeting of the board. T ey worked on the budget and had �Ietr with rIrs . Thomas and T4ayor Thanepohn. The tax distributions amounted to $21 . 624 and the City has approved a budget for $25 , 000 . In order to function within their budget it was recommenede by the Finance Committee to have the City fund the balance of X3 ,376 . Alderman Hanback moved to transfer from the General Fund $3 , 376 to the Library Fund to meet the X25 , 000 budget . The motion was seconded by Alderman Harker. Roll call vote was taken as follows : Smith - Aye Simmons - Aye Hanback - Aye Harker - Aye Beach - Aye I'Tolff - Aye 14otion carried 6-0 . P4ayor Thanepohn stated that the Library Board in the future should wo4O c operate within their budget. Attorney Dickson stated that auarterly transfers would. be acceptable . ,, Alderman Hanback moved to adjourn the regular meeting into Executive Session regarding Conover Litigation and the Community Center, seconded by' Al.derman Harker. T4otion carried 6-0 . CITY C FPK / JANUARY, 1979 Approved February 8 Meeting AlkENERAL FUND ommonwealth Edison Co. - EJ59-AP-0150-A - P.D. (1-38-38.2-740) 2.11 11 . Bell Telephone Co. - 553-6990 Mayor $28.31; 552-7593 P.D. Call Forwarding 191 .63 $16.43; 553-7809 Treas. $7.85; 553-0535 Mayor $4.38; 553-5836 P.D. $54.89; 553-6222 Clerk $11 .07; 553-7855 Bldg. $ Zoning $45.55; 553-6999 Recreation Dept. $23.15 (1-42-864) Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - 023-1001 Pvt. Line P.D. (1-42-864) 15.78 LeRoy Thanepohn Expense for Meetings (1-42-863) 29.00 CC Services, Inc. - Policy No. PQS 304412 Inland Marine Floater $223.00 15341 .00 (1-42-858) ; RICIP-9-664820 Comp. Genl. & Auto Liab./Phy. Dam. $11,421.00 (1-42-866) ; PYA 106233 Property (1-42-871) $3,697.00 MSP/Group Insurance Trust- Monthly Premium for Group Insurance Empl. No. 07087 1353.57 Trust #1022 CC Services, Inc. - Policy No. 400FB4351 Bond for Asst. Collector (1-42-854) 20.00 Yorkville Area Chamber - Dues for 1979 (1-42-860) 60.00 of Commerce Markelz Office Products,Inc.- Inv. M49167 Office Supplies (1-42-867) 120.60 Kendall Grundy FS, Inc. - Gas P.D. $930.54 (1-35-612) ; Repair Tire $5.00 935.54 (1-35-611) Richard Randall - Expense-Ref. Truck Enforcement Class $8.00; Ill. Ass n. 33.00 Chiefs of Police dues $25.00 (1-35-608) Plano Police Department - 856 Calls on Call Forwarding (1-35-617) 214.00 lommunications,Technicians- Inv. 24147 Red light repairs $39.00 (1-35-611) ; Inv. 132.75 & Consultants, Inc. 244035 Radio Repair $93.75 (1-35-603) orkville Auto Parts - Ticket #16349 $ 734 Operating Supplies P.D. (1-35-613) 46.96 adger Uniforms - Inv. 050677 Shirts,flags & Ties !112 .09; Inv. 050977 131 .08 Fur Hats $18.99 (1-35-605) Schwaab, Inc. - Stamp for P.D. Inv. 745053 (1-35-604) 18.50 Clark Boardman Co. ,Ltd. - Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure (1-35-608) 9.52 Cavett Rexall Drugs - Film $ film processing (1-35-613) 49.33 Hornsby's Family Center - Ticket 937678 Oil $16.42; Ticket 937686 Heet $7.99 305.44 (1-35-612) ; Film $8.88 (1-35-613) ; Gloves & Snowmobile Suits $272 .15 (1-35-605) Yorkville Hardware - Snow Shovels for P.D. (1-38-38.2-741) 37.90 John N. Schneider Appl. - Vacuum Bags for P.D. (1-38.2-741) 1.35 Hornsby's Family Center - Anti freeze $ DeIcer (1-33-531) $17.49; Shelf & Brackets 24.89 (1-38.1-732) $7.40 Public Works Yorkville Hardware. - Operating Supplies (1-30-411) 30.13 Elden Madden - Re-imburse for Petty Cash: Postage $8.50 (1-30-407) ; 49.64 Office Supplies $17.33 (1-30-406) ; Gas $12.10 (1-33-533) ; Postage $9.21 (1-41-808) ; Postage $2.50 (1-42-861) C & R Communications - Inv. 1220 Battery pack for Public Works Radio (1-30-416) 72.00 Central Limestone Co. - Stone (1-30-411) 108.83 Diamond Crystal Salt Co. - Salt (1-31-451) 1455.56 J. Ray Schneider Trucking - Hauling chips (1-31-452) 43.65 Sandwich Iron Foundry,Inc. -Inv. 003129 Snowplow shoes (1=31-454) 330.00 enke Manufacturing Corp.- Inv. 13182 Cutting edge & rubber cutting edge $211 .65: 388.59 (1-31-454); Inv. 13342 Cutting Edge $176.94 (1-31-454) ierzen Welding & Mach.Co.- Hydraulic Hose (1-31-454) 18.00 lay McCoy - Snow Removal (1-31 ) 3070.00 Bob Davidson - Snow Removal (1-31 ) 126.00 A f GENERAL FUND (Continued) D. Backhoe Service - Snow Removal (1-31 ) 717.50 cNelis Tree Service - Snow Removal (1=31 ) 625 .00 . Ray Schneider Trucking- Snow Removal (1-31 ) 1262 .50 Homer Dickson & Co.,Inc.- Rental of tractor loader (1-31 ) $840.00; Supplies $ 890.98 replace hydraulic hose $50.98 (1-33-531) AuSable Intl. Inc. - Inv. 8947 Bolts,nuts $ washers (1-33-531) 15 .12 Janco Chemical Supply,Inc.- Inv. A 74248 Liquid shampoo for cars (1-33-531) 29.75 S & A Repair - Inv. 1448 Replace clutch assembly in 1973 GMC Truck 495.09 (1-33-531) $389.47; Inv. 1436 Tune-up 1973 GMC (1-33-531) $105.62 Yorkville Auto Parts - Cust. #126 Supplies (1-33-531) 84.92 John N. Schneider Appl. - Supplies (1-30-411) $2.11; Screwdrivers (1-30-412) .49¢ 2 .60 Kendall Grundy FS, Inc. - Gas Public Works (1-33-533) 897.47 Fox Valley Disposal Co. - Disposal Service for December (1-34-561) 2567.04 Tri-County Scavenger - Service for January 939 Homes @ 3.40 per home (1-34-561) 3192 .60 Service,Inc. Quill Corporation - Office Supplies $18.03 (1-41-800) ; Office Supplies $36.45 54.48 (1-42-867) Frank Thornber Co. - Inv. A30666 Election Supplies (1-42-411) 5.70 Beckley-Cardy Co. - Flag for City Hall (1-42-862) 26.00 Xerox Corporation - Rental for December (1-42-868) 75.00 Farmers Elevator Co. - Course grit for Library (1-38.3-751) $2.00; Flags (1-30-411) 12.80 $10.80 35720.90 ALARIES GROSS 22,072.14 NET 15,520.50 PARK COMMISSION FUND Zeiter-Dickson Ins. Agency,Inc. - Premium for Basketball coverage 247.00 REVENUE SHARING FUND Bristol Lumber Co. - Paneling, nails, etc. for Maintenance Building (7-401) 285.56 'a: t lTER FUND 1. Bell Telephone Co. - 023-1047 Pvt. Line Pumphouse $9.20; 553-7079 Water 47.03 Dept. $37.83 Northern Ill.Gas Co. - 3139061604 Pumphouse (2-50-410) 142.20 Elden Madden - Re-imburse for petty cash: Office Supplies $9.02 (2-411) ; 31.13 Postage $4.51 (2-420) ; AWWA Chlorination School $17.60 (2-418) John N. Schneider Appl. - Water Heater (2-50-412) 22.14 Farmers Elevator Co. - Mission Coupling (2-50-407) $28.17; Mortar (2-50-412) 34.60 $6.43 Wallace $ Tiernan - 1 year maintenanceecontract (2-50-401) 256.00 American Water Works Ass'n.- Membership dues (2-50-418) 65.00 Milford Mikkelson - Water Treatment school at Waubonsee (2-50-418) 41.00 Layne-Western Co.,Inc. - Work on pump #41775-Booster at Well No. 3 (2-50-406) 140.70 Quill Corporation - Desk Organizer (2-50-419) 108.37 H. D. Backhoe Service - Repair water leak on Morgan St. 4 Hydraulic St. (2-50-407) 298.75 The Bank of Yorkville - Deposit - Water Depreciation $ Contingencies Fund 300.00 Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago - Deposit - Water Bond $ Interest Reserve Account 340.00 Nat'l. Blvd.! Bank of Chicago - Deposit - Water Bond 4 Interest Fund 4000.00 5826.92 SALARIES GROSS 2,183.09 NET 1,568.93 40 BILLS ADDED TO JANUARY, 1979 Approved. February 8 , 1979 Meeting nFNFRAL FUND Ron Westphal Chevrolet - Public Works Truck + 7 , 595 . 00 (1-33-532) Ron Westphal Chevrolet - + S5 . 12 Delete - Diamond Crystal Salt Co. - Salt (1-31-451) - 19455 . 56 WATER FUND Redman Welding - Thawing Water line at Countryside 35 . 00 Center (2-50-407) BILLS TO BE ADDED TO JANUARY, 1979 Approved February 8 Meeting GENERAL FUND Aurora Blacktop Inc. - West Alley & Parking Lot work (1-30-417) $ 16,052 .06 Riemenschneider Electric - Move outlet for Xerox & Install outside light & 194.57 finish wiring - Water Tower (1-38.4-762) LeRoy Thanepohn - Expense - Meeting (1-42-863) 63.00 Anderson $ Bushnell - Office Supplies - City Sect. (1-42-867) 9.68 16,319.31 MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND Aurora Blacktop Inc. - Work on Fox Road (4-401) 78,067.75 WATER FUND Commonwealth Edison Co. .-- EP14AP33737 Pumping (2-50-403) 1,293.93 Riemenschneider Electric - Repair $ Rewire Chlorine Pump (2-50-406) 44.82 1,338.75 FjiD:GKH PO ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE INCREASING THE S19 RY OF ALDERMEN TAKING OFFICE AFTER APRIL WHEREAS, the duties and responsibilities of Aldermen of the UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE have increased; and WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable to increase the salary to adequately compensate the Aldermen and to attract candidates to run for the office of Alderman within the UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE. i NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE that the annual salary . of all Aldermen elected, qualified and taking office after April 1, 1977 shall be $1,200. 00 per annum; that in addition to the annual salary of all Aldermen elected, qualified and taking office after April 1, 1977 , they shall be paid a per diem stipend of $25. 00 per meeting to each Alderman so elected, qualified- and taking office for attendance at every Regular or Special Council Meeting. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith shall be and the same are hereby repealed. This Ordinance shall be in full force and L/ L/ _ 4 -2- effect from and after its passage and approval according to law. PASSED this day of 197 Lp J Ci y� lerk SIGNED and APPROVED this day of 197 2L Mayo Z'VI i