City Council Minutes 1979 03-08-79 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE , ILLINOIS HELD AT CITY HALL, MARCH 8 , 1979 . In the absense of Mayor Thanepohn, Clerk Erickson called the meeting to order at 8 :40 P .M . and led the council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Ward 1 - Beach Ward 2 - Harker Ward 3 - Simmons Hanback Smith Alderman Wolff was absent . A quorum was established . Alderman Harker nominated Alderman Simmons as Mayor Pro-tem , seconded by Alderman Beach . Motion carried. The readingg of the minutes was waived . Alderman Harker made one correction as follows : Page 1 -• Under Attorney ' s Report-• line 4 to delete "Harker" and add "Hanback" . Alderman Hanback moved to approve the minutes with the noted correction , seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried 4-0 . The reading of the bills was waived . Alderman Harker moved to authorize payment of the bills presented and requested the bill from Twait Lawn & Recreation in the amount of $421 .40 be turned into the insurance company , The motion was seconded by Alderman Beach . Roll call was taken as follows : Beach - Aye Harker — Aye Hanback - Aye Smith - Aye Motion carried 4-0 . Alderman Wolff was absent from voting . ATTORNEY ' S REPORT - (STARK ANNEXATION) - Alderman Beach noted there was no Land/Cash Grant involved in the annexation, but that there is4fee for the Impact Study . Alderman Hanback moved to pass the Ordinance Annexing Territory to the United City of the Village of Yorkville Pursuant to an Annexation Agreement Entered into with James Stark , seconded by Alderman Beach . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Beach - Aye Harker ;- Aye Hanback *- Aye Smith �- Aye Mayor Pro-tem Simmons -Iiye Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Wolff was absent from voting . CITY CLERK - The Aldermen were reminded to have their lists of election judges ready for approval at the March 22 , 1979 meeting . TREASURER - Alderman Smith moved to approve the Treasurer ' s Report , seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried 4-0 . POLICE - Alderman Harker moved to approve the Police Report , seconded by Alderman Smith . Motion carried 4-0 . DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS - Alderman Smith moved to approve the Public Works Reports , seconded by Alderman Beach . Motion carried 4-0 . Alderman Beach noted that 60 ton of stone was used on Fox Road during the month of February . PLAN COMMISSION - Mayor Pro-tem Simmons reported that there was a Public Hearing regarding Ron Westphal ' s Annexation and no objectors were present . CITY CLERK - Alderman Harker moved to pass the Ordinance of the United City of the Village of Yorkville , Kendall County, Illinois Designating Wards and Polling Places for Municipal Elections , seconded by Alderman Smith . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Beach - Aye Harker - Aye Hanback - Aye Smith - Aye Motion carried 4-0 . Alderman Wolff was basent from voting . HUMAN RESOURCE COMMISSION - Mayor Pro-tem Simmons reported that the Blood Drive coordinated with the Lions Club was t,successful . -Upon recommendation of ther4Zx Commission , Alderman � Smith moved to donate $1 ,000 to the Kendall Family & Youth Services , seconded by Alderman Harker . Roll call was taken as follows : Beach - Aye Harker - Aye Hanback - Aye Smith - Aye Motion carried 4-0 . Alderman Wolff was absent from voting . CITY CLERK - Alderman Beach moved to set the election judges salaries at $40 without the test and $50 with passing the test , the guidelines set by Kendall County Board , seconded by Alderman Harker . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Beach - Aye Harker - Aye Hanback - Aye Smith - Aye . (15) Page 2 Motion carried 4r0 . Alderman Wolff was absent from voting . BUSINESS & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION - Alderman Beach reported on the February 13 , 1979 meeting . The water pressure at Fox Industrial Park was discussed in regards to promoting more business within the park . Alderman Beach informed the Commission that even though Yorkshire Estates would aid in the volume of water it would not help the ; pressure problem . The Commission feels that a men ' s store at Countryside Center would enhance the mall . COMMUNITY CENTER COMMITTEE - Alderman Smith reported that on the February 20 , 1979 meeting the discussion centered around the type of building and the location . OLD BUSINESS - Alderman Harker moved to approve the Holdiman/ Holdiman/Bazan & Ron Westphal Annexation Agreement with the following addition: The owners shall have 2 years recapture rights for connecting water & sewer lines extended by developers to areas east of Route 47 both north and south of the development . Alderman Beach seconded the motion. Roll call vote was taken as follows : Beach - Aye Harker - Aye Hanback - Aye Smith - Aye Mayor Pro-tem Simmons - Aye Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Wolff was absent from voting . Alderman Beach noted the development was a welcome addition to the City of Yorkville . NEW BUSINESS - One bid was. received for the 1970 Ford dumptruck at the Public Works Dept . and the bid was withdrawn . Alderman Hanback moved to rebid for the sale of the 1970 Ford dumptruck , seconded by Alderman Smith . Motion carried 4-0 . FINANCE - Mayor Pro-tem Simmons reminded the Council of the following meetings : March 15 , 1979 - Wage Negotiations at the Water Tower Conference Room - 6 : 30 P .M . - Police Department 7 : 00 P .M „ - Public Works Department March 22 , 1979 - The first Public Hearing on Revenue Sharing and adoption of the tentative budget . LIGHTS TELEPHONE & GAS - Alderman Smith called a committee meeting for March 20 , 1979 at 7 :30 P .M. at the Water Tower Conference Room to discuss Cable T.V. with 3 companies to make presentations each to be given 30 minutes . PUBLIC PROPERTY & BUILDINGS - Alderman Beach reported on committee recommendatio—n--rFat the Public Works Radio System should be rebid due to Motorola not meeting the specifications and C&R Communications time of 20 days to accept the bid had lapsed . Alderman, Beach moved to rebid the Public Works Radio System to include both 30 and 50 or more watt output . Discussion followed . Alderman Beach then rescinded his motion . The bids received will be studied further and a report will be given at the next City Council meeting on March 22 , 1979 . SEWERS - Alderman Harker reminded the Council of the meeting scheduled for March 14 , 1979 between the Y.B . S .D . and the City Council . LIBRARY BOARD - Alderman Harker passed out copi @s of the Library budget . They were able to lower their budget due to the hiring of a C .E .T .A. employee . The budget will be put up for approval at the next meeting . YBS BOARD - Alderman Harker reported that the next meeting would be March 19 , 1979 . TENNIS COURT COMMITTEE - Alderman Hanback reported that Gordon Campbell had talked with him and the high school is in need of 6 new tennis nets . The City will pay half the cost . Alderman Smith moved to adjourn the meeting , seconded by Alderman Harker . CITY CLERK MARCH, 1979 Approved April 19, Meeting GENERAL FUND Commonwealth Edison Co. - EJ59-AP-0150A P.D. (1-38.2-740) 2.23 Commonwealth Edison Co. EH55-AP-3084-A Trees & Parks (1-36.2-662) $43.03; 102.68 EH55-AP-8690A Maint. Bldg. (138.4-761) $59.65 Commonwealth Edison Co. - EJ59-AP-0150A P.D. (1-38.2-740) 2.01 Commonwealth Edison Co. - EAP71881 St. Ltg. (1-39) 958.05 CC Services, Inc. - Policy R1C1P-9-664820 Comp. Genl. & Auto Liab/Phy. Dam. 372.00 (1-42-866) Northern Ill. Gas Co. - 3119001000 Trees & Parks (1-36.2-662) $41.53; 3119011702 733.94 Maint. Bldg. (1-38.4-761) $692.41 orthern Ill. Gas Co. - 3139077402 City Hall (1-38.1-730) 103.60 orthern Ill. Gas Co. - 3129002808 P.D. (1-38.2-740) $113.78; 3119058117 Park 116.30 (1-36.2-662) $2.52 Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - 553-7855 Bldg. $ Zoning $59.69; 553-5836 P.D. $74.66; 163.47 553-6999 Recreation Dept. $29.12 (1-42-864) Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - 553-0535 Mayor $7.02; 553-6990 Mayor $22.99 (1-42-864) 30.01 Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - 553-0535 Mayor $4.38; 553-6990 Mayor $29.81 (1-42-864) 34.19 Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - 023-1001 P.D. Pvt. Line (1-42-864) 15. 78 Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - 553-6222 Clerk $8.62; 552-7593 Call Forwarding P.D. 29.95 $16.43; 553-7809 Treas. $4.90 (1-42-864) Harry Crawford,Postmaster - Mailing newletters (1-42-861) 88.79 Director of Labor - Unemployment Insurance for Qtr, ending March,1979 722.11 (1-42-870) Betty Huston - Sect. Plan Commission - Fees for Jan. & Feb. ,1979 68.87 (1-37-700) MSP/Group Insurance Trust - Premium for April (1-42-856) 1820.78 CC Services, Inc. - Bonds for Treasurer, Mayor & Library Treas. (1-42-854) 127.00 The Hartford - Policy No. 83WZ653649 Workmens Compensation (1-42-853) 346.00 LeRoy Thanepohn - Meeting Expense (1-42-863)$14.00; Off.Suppl. (1-42-867)8.50:-22.50 Markelz Office Products - Expresso Black Pens-City Sect. (1-42-867) 3.18 Kendall County Record - Legal Ad-Holdiman $7.80 (1-41-802) ; Dump Truck Bids $4.20 494.50 (1-30-413) ; Ballots $107.00 (1-42-859) ; Follow-up reports P.D. $136.50 (1-35-607) ; Patrol Sheets, Warning Tickets & Verbal Order Pads-P.D.S$97.60 (1-35-607) ; Printing Election Ordinance $33.20 (1-42-859) ; Truck Bids $4.20 (1-30-413) ; Zoning Map $104.00 (1-41-802) & R Communication - Radio Repair Inv. 1319 $20.00; Radio Repair Inv. 1305 30.90 $10.90 (1-35-603) Region IV Law Enforcement - Tuition Expense attending Investigative Report Writing on 70.00 Commission Property Crimes Course-P.D. $60.00 (1-35-608) ; Tuition attending Investigative Report Writing on Crime against Persons $10.00 (1-35-608) The Bureau of National - Inv. 790-0769 Law Officers Bulletin -P.D. (1-35-608) 48.00 Affairs, Inc. Ron Westphal Chev. , Inc. - Inv. 1312- 1979 Chev. Impala-P.D. $4434.00; License & 4582.70 Title transfer $10.00 (1-35-609) ; Inv. 94595 & 2600 Oil $20.80 (1-35-612) ; Inv. 74944, 74893, 1391, 74825 Squad Repairs $117.90 (1-35-611) Ray O'Herron Co. , Inc. - Mace - P.D. (1-35-613) 12.27 Yorkville Auto Parts - Cust. No. 974 Operating Supplies-P.D. Inv. 1481,1357, 38.06 2697,3464 (1-35-613) Cavett Rexall Drugs - Film $ Developing-P.D. (1-35-613) 10.54 Riemenschneider Electric - Moved switch & receptacle etc. P.D. (1-38.2-741) 59.11 Xerox Corporation - Monthly rental charge P.D. (1-42-868) 2 Months 150.00 Kendall Grundy FS, Inc. - Gas P.D. $585.49 (1-35-612) ; Balance $ put on tires 597.49 $12.00 (1-35-611) GENERAL FUND (Continued) John N. Ihneider Appl. - Operating Supplies P.D. $4.82 (1-35-613) ; Dust Mop 11.89 $7.07 (1-35-616) Law Enforcement Journal - Subscription - P.D. (1-35-608) 10.00 Frank's Service Center & - Olds repairs (1-35-611) 47.58 Car Wash Badger Uniforms - Shirts, Flags, etc. P.D. (1-35-605) 191.44 The Shoe Horn Boots $ Rubbers (1-35-605) 48.90 Plano Police Department - 509 Calls on Call Forwarding (1-35-617) 127.25 Drivers License Guide Co. - Subscription (1-35-608) 25.00 Burroughs Corporation - Ribbons for Adding Machine-P.D. (1-35-604) 27.00 Cal-Mark Ltd. - Letter & Number for Police Car, Premask $ Appl. of 32.40 Emblem (1-35-613) derson $ Bushnell - Office Supplies-Public Works $57.24 (1-30-406) ; Office 744.80 Supplies-City Sect. $21.85 (1-42-867) ; File Cabinet- Maint. Bldg. $376.20 (1-38.4-760) ; File Cabinet-P.D. $215.37(1-38-;2-742) ; F10or Mat $46.80 P.D. (1=38.2-742) Office Supplies P.D. $27.34 (1-35-604) Ronald Reuter - Expense attending Crime Prevention Seminar (1-35-608) 8.35 Richard Randall - Expenses - Attending Meetings (1-35-608) 57.00 Radco Communications,Inc. - Install Radios - P.D. (1-35-611) 339.52 Veto Enterprises, Inc. - Inv. 13263 Install lights,siren etc. on Squad 255.00 (1-35-609) Farmers Elevator Co. - Supplies - P.D. (1-38.2-741) 2.82 Share Corporation - Inv. 189609 Glass Cleaner $ Polish (1-38.2-741) P.D. 43.78 Elden Madden - Re-imburse for Petty Cash: Office Supplies $5.37 39.73 (1-30-406) ; Postage .86� (1-30-407) ; Supplies for Meetings $8.81 (1-42-860) ; Postage $24.69 (1-42-861) Luanne Erickson - Clerk Expense: Postage $3.60 (1-42-861) ; Recording 40.43 Stark Annexation $21.00 (1-41-807) ; Election Supplies $15.83 (1-42-860) Elden Madden - Re-imburse for School expense $117.50 (1-30-410) 141.92 $24.42 (1-30-416) Central Limestone Co. - Crushed Rock (1-30-411) 20.82 Ram Electric Supply - Batteries (1-30-411) 50.28 Aurora Blacktop, Inc. - Cold Mix (1-30-411) 992.47 Countryside True Value - Adhesive Tape $ Step Ladder (1-30-412) 23.35 yle Signs, Inc. - Speed Limit Signs (1-30-414) 80.72 armers Elevator - Bolts (1-30-414) 4.45 omer G. Dickson & Co. ,Inc. - Tractor $ Bucket repairs (1-33-531) 449.09 orkville Auto Parts - Cust. No. 126 - Oil, Fan Belts, Oil Filters, Sealed 102.77 Beam lights, Reflectors, etc. (1-33-531) Kendall Grundy FS, Inc. - Gas - Public Works (1-33-533) 377.28 Hathorn's Inspection Station- Truck Inspections (1-33-534) 17.80 Tri-County Scavenger Service,Inc.- ' Service for March (1-34-561) 3192.60 John N. Schneider Appl. - Supplies (1-38.4-762) 12.78 Aaren Pest Control - Rodent Control - Maint. Bldg. (1-38.4-762) 25.00 Hornsby's Family Center - Shelves $ Brackets - City Office (1-38.4-760) 43.95 IBM Corporation - Typewriter repairs- City Office (1-42-860) 49.20 Bride's Flower Shop - Flowers (1-42-860) 26.25 Xerox Corporation - Paper, Toner etc. (1-42-868) 127.50 GENERAL FUND (Continued) Crawford,Murphy $,;Tilly,Inc. - Inv. 1085 Services rendered August, 1978 Meeting on 1769.22 Fox River Bridge replacement 4 checking Loftus parking lots $145.68 (1-30-409) ; Inv. 1088 Services rendered August, 1978 Assisting Public Works Empl. 4 partial inspection of Street Maint. work $378.95 (1-30-409) ; Inv. 922 Services rendered July, 1978 Assisting Public Works Empl. & partial inspection Street Maint. work $535.16 (1-30-409); Inv. 757 Services rendered June, 1978 Tennis Court lighting, project plans, specs & bidding documents $117.80 (1-36.4-690) ; Inv. 1708 Services rendered Dec. 1978 General Engineering $12.60 (1-37-703) ; Inv. 1830 Services rendered Jan. 1979 for collecting drawings for Yorkville projects 4 reproduction expenses $256.92 (1-37-703) ; Inv. 1197 Services rendered on General Engineering 4 travel expense attending meetings $26.80 (1-37-703) ; Inv. 752 Services rendered June, 1978 Developer Subd. checking $203.60 (1-41-803) ; Inv. 1086 Services rendered August, 1978 Development checking at Metzger property $91.71 (1-41-803) Sears Roebuck & Company - Wearing Apparel for Public Works (1-30-405) 147.73 $ 21,665.08 SALARIES GROSS 19,195.84 NET 14,013.35 EVENUE SHARING FUND iemenschneider Electric - Inv. 2246 Electrical Work at New Office-Maint. Bldg. 179.97 (7-401) Kendall County Record - Printing Budget Hearing Notice (7-405) 4.80 184.77 MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND Crawford,Murphy 4 Tilly,Inc. - Inv. 911 Services rendered July, 1978 - Fox Road 5942.12 Project (4-402) WATER FUND Commonwealth Edison Co. - EK59CH25525 Pumping (2-50-403) 27.18 Commonwealth Edison Co. - EP14AP33737 Pumping (2-50-403) 1120.25 Commonwealth Edison Co. - EK59CH25525 Pumping (2-50-403) 26.50 Illinois Bell Telephone Co.- 553-7079 Water Dept. (-2-50-409) 38.01 Norther Ill. Gas Company - 3139061604 Pumphouse (2-50-410) 158.53 Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - 023-1047 Pvt. Line Pumphouse (2-50-409) 9.20 Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago- Deposit-Water Bond & Interest Fund 2000.00 Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago- Deposit-Water Bond $ Interest Reserve Fund 170.00 The Bank of Yorkville - Deposit-Water Depreciation & Contingencies Fund 150.00 Water Products Co. - Meters (2-50-404) $558.00; Repair Clamps $60.74 618.74 (2-50-407) C $ R Communication - Repair Portable Radio (2-50-412) 120.40 orkville Hardware - Supplies (2-50-412) 12.98 Taurus-Bauer & Ass'c. ,Inc.- Inv. 6944 Paint (2-50-412) 64. 75 Valley Instant Printing,Inc. - Inv. 003253 Meter Book Cards (2-50-412) 55.35 Jim's Trenching - Water leak at West Washington St. (2-50-405) 202.50 Elden Madden - Re-imburse petty cash: Postage (2-50-420) $15.32; 27.92 School Expense (M.Mikkelson) $12.60(2-50-418) Quill Corporation - Poly-C Sheet Protectors $9.04; Door Signs $ Hanging 217.54 Binder $26.10 (2-50-411) ; File Folders $ Hanging _ Folders $182.40 (2-50-411 5019.85 SALARIES GROSS 2135.17 NET 1530.10 WATER BOND & INTEREST FUND e Northern Trust Co. - Water Refunding Bonds dated 5/1/69-5% $10,250.00(2-51- 10271.15 450) ;Bank Charge $21.15 (2-51-452 The Northern Trust Co. - Water Revenue Bonds dated 5/1/69-7% $6475.00 6493.28 (-2-51-450) ; Bank Charge $18.28 (2-51-452) 16764.43 FHD:sb ORDINANCE NO. 'Y' /9 7 9 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TERRITORY TO THE UNITED CITY OP THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE PURSUANT TO AN ANNEXATXON AGREEMENT ENTERED, INTO-WITH JAMES .STARK WHEREAS, a petition for annexation has heretofore been filed with the City Clerk of the United City of the r Village of Yorkville, Kendall County, 'Illinois, by James Stark as record owner of the territory described in Exhibit "A" attached to this Ordinance hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, a portion of said territory, consisting of approximately 37.9 acres (37.9) is North of and contiguous to the city limits of the United City of the Village of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, and not within the corporate limits of any ' municipality, all of which territory includes adjacent highways to the far side thereof, specifically,' including portions, of" Illinois Route 47, U.S. Route -34,, and McHugh Road;' and WHEREAS, James .W. Stark is the record- owner of said lane AaL. no electors reside withip the territory described in Exhibit witn the exception of Ray Bunch and Sandy Bunch, Mary Shostak Fryer, • and Donald Frye, who, ,together with JAmmes W. Stark, have heret :>fr:ra signed, under oath, the petition originally filed herein; anu WHEREAS, the United City of the Village of Yorkville nom; herL-ofore entered into an annexation agreement with James Stark. as record owner of the territory described uppn Exhibit "A" to re- c2.assify the property described n'Exhibit 01A" upon .annexation of ,1 GOLDSMITH• THE:-IN. $CHILLER & DICKSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW - - I41111C,4ANTS NATIONAL DANK OL00. t AURORA.ILLINOIS 60307 1 w ►. O. DOX'lass Mu COOL 011-060-2200 "f a --the~territory, said Annexation Agreement being dated the 26th day of Octdber, 1978, said territory to, be zoned as B-1--Limited Business District, B-2--General Business District, and B-3-'- Service Business District, in\\accordance with the Zoning 'Ordinances of the United City •of the Village of Yorkville,, said zoning classifications fgr�the\ territories being more particularly described and identified upon Exhi ` ii "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS,.., duernotice of the Petition for Annexation has •-=.. been served upon all appropriate authorities including . the Bristoli Kendall Fire Protection District by nd through its Trustees, the Bristol Township Road Commissioner, Floyd Woods, and the Board of Auditors for Bristol Township, including James Kenton, Supervisor, I and Jacqueline Mann,• Town and the )Yorkville Public,%Library District by land t• 1•Tgh -the L1,bra3;y ,Board, gas more particularly appears from -the Noti,ce of Annexation, certified and "attested to .by the City Clerk of the .United City of 'the Village of Yorkville; .and 117-1EREAS ' an accurate map—of- the territory to be annexed — i is attached hereto as Exhibit , "C" said annexation map showing the annexations to "the the far -side . of all adjacent roads including..Routes/ 47, 34 and McHugh Road; and • 1 WHEREAS, it appears that-the �an en xation petition heretoforLa- filed herein, as ammended, is in all respects in compliance with - Sect I.on 7-1-8 and Section 7-1-1 of Che I llino,,Irs Municipal Code, being Chapter 24 of the Illinois Revised Statutes, 1977. NOW THEREFORE' -BE IT ORDAINED, by the City Council of the United City bf the Village of Yorkville,, Kendall County, Illinois, GOLDSMITH. THELIN. $CHILLER & DICKSON j ATTORNEYS AT LAW "t -2- M[IICHANTS NATIONAL KANK SLOB, AURORA, ILLINOIS 90507 V.o.sox 1408 MG COOL SIX-4141•10"O as follows: SECTION l.' That the real estate described in Exhibit "A" attachoq hereto and made a part hereof is hereby annexed to the United Ciiy of the Village- of`Yorkville,. Kendall County, Illinois. SECTION 2. That the city limits of the city be -and r . they are hereby" extended to include the territory hereby annexed to -the city .in accordance with th� map of said property attached . hereto and .marked Exhibit "C", * and extending to the far side of all adjacent roads, including specifics ly/tllinois Route 47, U. S. Route--.-_,i 34, and McHugh Road. SE_CT.ION- 3. That the rri ory described upon Exhibit "A --- shall be and is hereby/assigned Zoning Classifications of B-1-- Limited Business District„ B-2--General Business District, and f �B-3--Service Business 'Dist ict in accordance/ with the general classification and 'definition of ,j{ ch zoning districts ,as defined by the Zoning Ordinance oif the United City of the Village of Yorkville, slid Zoning�c]�assification being assigned to the properties described upon Exhibit attached hereto and by reference made a r part hereof. SECTION '4........That.!all ordinances or portions of ordinanceq in conflict herewith be, and they are hereby-•repealed insofar as 1 they are inconsistent herewith. SECTION S. That the City Clerk of the United City of the Village of Yorkville be, and she is hereby -authorized and directed to record with the Recotder of Deede, 0X ,Kenftli CountyrI.11inois, a certified copy of this Ordinances together with an accurate map GOLDSMITH, THEL'IN, SCHILLE dt OICKiON ATTORNEYS AT LAV I —3—' _ r r M[RCNANT/NATIONAL SANK rLDO. - AURORA, ILLINOIS 606 f IiI.sox 1446 , AR[A COO[EIf-6N.Sf00 - ._.r -.._ �i.��.. ...rte. - ' / � ....... ..---��---,-.---- --- - -- _.. / .�..•s...y.. . j y 1 of the territory annexed--thereto, together with an--Affadavit 'of Notice as required by Section 771-l 'of Chapter 24 of the Illinois Revised Statutes setting forth Oiajt Notre-,of Annexation has been heretofore served upon the Bristol,-Kendall Fire Protection District, !_ Bristol Township Highway Commissioner, Bristol Township Board of i Auditors . and Supervisor, and Yorkville Public Library District. 1 SECTION 7. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and after .its final passage, provided however, that this Ordinance shall not be effective until the day subsequent to the -municipal election conducted April 17, 1979, to-wit: April 18t .1979. ' PASSED this 8th day of March .--�' 1979. •" �+ •C ty Clerk �• • '''••• •••• SIGNED and APPROVED this �. 8th day of March , 1979. \ ` Mayor i GOLDSMITH, THELIN. SCHILLER dl DICKSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW { --4- ,MERCHANT!WftIONAL BANK•LOO. III - �•- . . 1R'ZJRORA, ILLINOIS 60507 till / F 0.BOX 1406 MG COD[llf-isWf00 'EXHIBIT "A" _ r 'Mat part of the North half of Section'28, :Township 37 North, Ran c 7 East of the Third Principal Meridian, describ-d ati -06" 1 n at the intersection of the Easterly line, of the Right of Way of Illinois Route 47, with the centerline of U.S.Route 3a; thence South 83046'147" East along, said centerIne, 10`0.22 feet to the Laoterly line' extgnded Northerly, of Lot 1, Aegean Isle Estates, Kendall County •Illinois, Unit 1 as shown by a plat recorded as docunz-lit 73-5207 in the office of the Recorder of Kendall County, Illinois, for the print of'beginninr;; thence South 83046' 17" East along said centerline 963.55 feet; thence South 7010151" West;, 400.06 feet ' �- o a point on,•a-line drawn p-d=13al with said renter line and 400.0 feet nornuilly istm-sti Southerly therefrom; thence North 83046'4.1" Went glory.; said parallel line, 56.&1 feet to the Southeasterly corner of said I,ot l; thence North 6013113" F•nnt along the Easterly line of said Hot. 1, 400.0 feet, to the point of beginning, (except _ that part...conveyed to the State of Illinois by Waranty Deed recorded July 29, 1974 as document #74-3616), in the Township of Bristol,\ Kendall County, Illinois, AND AISO That part of�ection 28, Township 37 North, Ranf;e 7 East of the Third Principal :e:idian described 'as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of walnut Street-in the City of Yorkville, Illinois, with the Easterly right of way'line of Illinois Route 47; thence North 10014'00" East along said Easterly right of way line, 821.91 feet to an angle in said line; thence Ptorth\4.052100" East along said line, 92.50 feet; thence South 85008100" East, 31540 Seet; thcncc\,North 4052,00" East, 275.87 feet; thence North 79059'12" East, 62.46 feet to a line drawn parallel with the centerline of United . States Route 34 and 400.00 feet,.normally distant Southerly therefrom; thence South 830 46'47" East along said ,para.11el line 1631.34 feet; thence South 7010'51" West 548.31 feet .to the centerlinc 'of $ristol Road; thence South 53004'00" West along said centerline 108.60 feet to an angle in said centerline; thence :youth 11 030'00" West along said centerline 399.53 feet to the Northeast corner of Guthrie Subdivision; thence Westerly along the Northerly line of said subdivision. to tt,c Northwest corner thereof; thence Southerly along the Westerly line of said Subdivision, ,233.00 .feet to the centerline of said Walnut Street; thence North 82035100"'West alont;,'said centerline, 1551.Of feet to the point of beginning; in the Village of Yorkville and the Township of Bristol, Ken�'all., unty, Illinoi,,s, AND LSO That part of the Northwe at .quart:r of Section 28, Township 37 North, Range 7 East t e Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of th( cent-,::- line of United Staten Route 34 with the F•anterly right of way line of Illinois Route 47; thence South 88047' Enat along the cent.cr line: of said United States Route 344. _ .385.72 feet for a point of beginnin3; thence South 83047' Fast along said center line 544.50 feet; thence South 6013' West 400•fect; thence Borth 830471 West parallel with the centerline of said United Staten Route '34, 544.50-'feet; thence North 6Q13'- East 400-feet to the point of beginning; in the ToNnchlp of Bristol, Kendall County, Illinoia,(EXCEPTn:G 7'r=rr-?.O i the following described real eotate; That part of the Northwest quarter of Gcctio:. 28, Township 37 North, Range 7 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Comrtneing at the intersection of the' center line of Federal. Aid Route 19 (United • S4ttCS Route 34) ondthe Westerly line extended Northerly of Aegean IGlc Eatates, Kendall Comty,Tllinoia, Unit .1; thcncc South 013'13" ulone, Raid extended Wccterly line and alorki the 1lerterly 1inQ of said Unit 1';, bcin3 along a line perpendicular to the center line of said United Staten Route 34, 50 feet to the Southerly right of way line of said United Staten Route '34 for the point of beginning;. thence South 6013'13" West along said Westerly lint 350 feet; thence North 83046'47" West parallel with the center line of said United -- )tatca Rout,_ 34, 25 feet; thence North 6013'13" East parallel with •the Westerly line of' ' raid Unit 1, 348.89 feet to the Southerly right of way linc'of said United States Route 34; thence South 86019'37" East 25.02 feet to the point of beginning; in the Township of Bristol, Kendall County, Illinois), ll a ' situated in the TownshIp of Bristol, Kendall% County,Illinoice -i _ _ I , •. ,�.,•S• _mow tie, •. ..... ww•• .we- ...... •_ ..,•... wr; .....•.L•. .,.•� ...�...,. ...»...... .......rr»/. ...�.... ...»�.� ��.. � . .. `T• M � i i part-of Scctioa 28 Townahi .'� P , P 37 2Jorth,Aange 7 Enat of theThird Priueipa]. t•�ridian, • c =ribzd as follows: Coc�r.:encina at the intersection of the easterly line or xllinDiou iuLe 47 with the centerline of YJ.&:ggute 34, thence South t �ry1i6'47" East along said -rater line, 2023.7 feet to a point;•t3�enee South 7`1015111 blest, 948.31 feet to a point • •1-__ the centerline of 't ••• :�.�.t;"t".i;'c��ce South 51001000" West along said centerline, 0.59 feet to an angle point;thence, Bouth 110i0'0o•' WCGt along said ccnterline,15343 :et to the point of beginning; from said point of urgiauinq, thence South 11030'00'• -Bt along the Last described centdrli.ne, 246.21 feet to,u point; thence North 820 1'00" Vest, .374.36.feet to a point; thence South 7`25'00" hest to a point on.the Interline of Walnut Street; thence Worth 82035100" Weet along said centerliiu: of ' flit Street, 1551.8 feet to a point art the I•:rsste-rly, line of Illinois Roi:e 47; knee ,2;orth 10014'00" East along said easterly line,', 123.'01 feet to a point;thence rth 56 242109 East, 570.19 feet to a point; thrncc Southe aOterly aloud a 600 foot idius curve -convex couthwanterV, nn;arc distance cP 60.37 feat to' a-point of cam- � • curvature, the chord to said are fearing South 53029'218" East; thence- South- 3.d y alortq•a 150.0\foot radius curve convex southuesterly and tangent to the is encribed arc at said point at compound curvatures an are distance of 152.3 .e 0 o a -point of compound curwraturs, the chord to the luut described arc bearing )uth 53029148" East, 1450811 feet; thence Northeasterly along u 558.31 foot•r-adiuc , arve convex-Southerly and tint to the lout described arc: at the last described pint of reverse 'curvature',, an arc dist.•uice or 282.58 feet, the chord to said arc :acing North,82055'00" East, 279;58 feet; thence ?Jor�theanterly,along a 558.31 foot %diva curve convex northerly and tangent to the' lact described arc at said point of :verse curvature, an arc distance of 282.59 feet to a point of ti naclicy, the chord r Laid arc tearing North 82055'00" R. Let, 279.58 fact; thence South 82 035'00" Mast Long a line tangent to the last deacrib�d arc at said point or tangency, 460.86 Mt to u point of curvaturca; thence South^noterly• along a 3820.22 root radius curve / :nvex northerly and tangent to the ]not described line at the last descrit►.^:d point curvature, an are' dictance of 272.26 feet to a point of tangency, the chord to Lid arc beeiring South 80032'33" East, thence South 78029'411" East along a line inpent to the last described ore it the loot denrritrsd point'of tangency,66.25 feet I, the point of beginning, containing -16.678_Acrer.,, ;sore or leas. -..�. .-tee». •.. .�... , .. ...r � .'..•x••51..• •�' • •• ' •• - • •' .• •� j rxrixnlT "B" R part of Section 28, Tounahip 37 Ylorth, Rersge 7 Fast`of_the Third Principal Meridian.P described as folloua: Com=nclug at ttie interrcction of the -East ling of- 111inoic Route 47 'With the *centerline of U.S.Routo 3J►, ''hence South 83046'1'7" East alo;ig said center- ►� lino, 2023.7 feet to a point; thenco South 7010'51" Neat, 948.31 feet to a point on the centerline of McHugh Rood; thence South 53°OaO00" meat along raid centerline, 108.59 .rent to an angle point; thence: Soat,4 11°3o!GO"Wcat along said centerline, 153.3 feet , t7 the poiht of Beginning: From said point••o; bctsinninq; thence Borth 7x029'59" Ncct, E C-6.25 5 feet t0 a point of curvatu:a; tl,cuce Vorthventerlyr nlo»g a 3820.22 root xucliun _e convex northerly and tEm.wjU-'. .to .hc'laat described line at paid point of curvature, an me diatanca of 272.205 tcat .to a point of tungency, tho chord to said i arc bcarira North _80032'30"-Want,•?72.2 feat; thence Nortli 82 035'00" Vent along a lino t_:► ;ciiL to said ure nt said ;xAnt of t w—nney, 460-86 feet to is point of curvature:; -- thr:nce Southuesterly-moony a 5i0•31 foot .,c ius curve convex northerly acid tangeat tai tl•, last de:ocribed lino at raid poirat of curvature, on are distance of 282.59 feet to point of rrvcree curvature, -tho ct 6rd of ntiid Arc Learing South 02 055000" Wort, 9..54 Peet; thence Southuroterly calorg it 558.31 foot radiun curve convex routhcrly and :n.;vnt to the loot d•iocrilr,:3 gyre nt. raid ;,oint of mve ire curvature, can arc dirteuiee 232•59 f::::t to a Point of curvature, th•:t' cI%nxd to raid arc bearing South .£:%055'W" Heat, 279.50 feat; the ncc 119rUmanterly morn, a 150 foot radius curve contiC Soutl,vc;tstorly ar,cl tan► ..nt to tL;; lctit•dancribcd arc at nai.d point of compound curvature, �; care distance of 152.3 feet, 'rho cho :11 to said arc bcari:q; Vorth 53029'118" l'lcrt, i 1J:5•C►i fc:uL; thence: i7orl:hucct^rly� JloxtLorly acid Ilu:-thoantorly t1_lon ; n 600.0 foot radiva 'ccirrc con-iex wacterly n:id tangrn'c to the 3zot dcucrii,cd arc at the last 4--acribed point Gi co3nound curvature, an arc auv-. ea of 0192.43 neat to a point of compound caanraturv, • tha chord of raid arc bzsaring Vorth 13°25'311" F.ant, 736.08 reat; thence Northeasterly •:.Iong a 150' foot radian curva co:xux nart-hu-.t,tcrly and tianf$ent to the lane dcacribca a t:t the 1 t of descrilrid poi, o2 cc,,�poimd cu L, rvature, an are diatcuaee of 13.7.7 feat _ to to point of Vw2gaacy, the chord o7. ralci a:r• bearing North 73044127" 1?-aGt, 111'.71 `feat; tLtnes. South 83 ►6'47" Easst along a ling trngent to the lent dcacribzd are at said point of twgency, 285.01 fcz:t to a point; -thence Vorth 60!3'13" Euct, 25.0 feat to u point; tncnce South 83046'47" Tact, 130.0 feet to a point; thence South 6013'13" i; ct, 25.0 feet to a point; th'-•nca South 83 0116147" Fart, 72(.97 feet to n point of cw.rrature; thence Southcaaterly along 'a 200.0 foot rrAiva cunt convex northeamiterly �tizs tangant,to the 3•cat dcoeritr-d 1i at oald poisit of curyritur>>, an arc diattv'aec of 317.51 re' re ot, the chord to said a ,Lrarinj South 38017'58 +l:cat, 285.2 feat; thcnea ruuth C2°h9'Vj" knot, 25.0 feet to n point; thence South 'J°10'51" 1100L, 319.45 feat to 4 point on the centerline or Waugh Road; thence South 53004100" Went alo3as paid center2ir~, 108.59 feet ,to an angle point; thence South 1.1°30'00" Neat aloz "raid ccnte:rlint;. 15 .3 feet to the po:at of beginning, oontain�ng 27.140 acrea, more or leas: I'I ' •'0 .•i. • � . �'• 1, I+Ai1iDJL• " j /�'' ..` • •.'�. • �. 43 3 ti N_:IYOt A part of Section 28, Torninh* 37 Borth, R:►bge 7 Eant of the rXhird Principal Vzridian described as followa: ComwAcing at the' intcreectiou of the eanterly lina of ,X1].inolo Route 47 With the centerline of U.S.Route 34, thecae-South 831046'47" x:ut along said centerline , 1060.22 feet to the point of beginning: From Raid point of beginning, thence South 83°46'47" E30t LAOnq anid centerline, 963.48 feet to a }point; thcuce South 7010'51" went 628.86 feet to a point; thence North 83049' 09" Went, 25.0 feet to a point; thence Northwsssterly along a 200.0 feet radius curve convex northeauterly as arc distance of 317.51 feet to a point of tangency, the chord to said arc bearing North 38017158" west, 285.2 Peet; thence North 8;i�'4.6'47" West along a line tangent to tfaid arc at said point of tausency, 727.97 feet to a point; thence North 6013'13': East, 425.0 feet to the point of beginning, containing 9.68,1 Acres;`more or less. AIM ALSO: A part of SectioUc'8;'zmrMp 37 I'lorrh, Rszc 8 7 East of the Third Principal Meridian., described as follows: Cor�ncing at the intersection of the canterly line of Illinois Route 47 with the centerline of U.S.Routc 34, thence South 83046'47" Euat along °said centerliue, 385.72 feet to the point of beginning: From raid point of beginning, y thence 'Sc,uth 83046147" kraut along said centerline, 544.5 feet to a point;. thence South 6013113" Went 425.0 feet to to point; thence: North 83"46'47" ;lent, 286.01 fcct— to a point of curvature; thence Southwesterly along a 150.0 foot ;radius curve convex ! northwetiterly, and tesngent to the lzct described ltae at paid point of curvature, an arc distance of 117.7 feet to a point of eos:.pound curvature, the chord to said arc . !rearing South 73044127" Went, 114.71 feet; thence Southwestarly, Bouther_ly and South. cauterly along a 600.0 foot ra•d uu curve convex westerly and tmn;gcnt•to the lant descrited curve at said point of eemroound curvature, can arc distance of 712.00' feet to a point, the chord to void tare bcsaring South 17015'119" We4t, 671.0 feet;thence South 56042109" Ment, 570.19 fret to a paint on the cas;terly ling of Illinois Route 47; thence North 30°11►'00" Past eaonr, caid caaterly llns,-.698.92 feet to .a point; thence 2:orth 4052100" pct c�lou said eastorly line, 92.36 feet to a point;thenee South 85 009'00" East, 315:8 feet to a point; thence North 4052100" Eaat, 275.87 feet to a point; thence North ?9°59'09" Eaat, 62.46 feet to•a point; thence 21orth 60 13'13 Fast, 400.0 rest- to the point of t>Lginnin,,, containing 11.547 Acres, n►oiv air Al 1eat0. 't• i . . , J• J• �. • � I,•'1••• /:1,••71 •••'1'• ••, '0 • 6 ''• � ' •. .' .. ' � 1 PO/NT Of COMMENCEl11f/Ir . ! U•S. ROUTE F 34 • �Elt���`MS.=;�uh:T�'.,r.Xn1w.+ti1'j•iii��'�i l'��.� ....��'• .. �iw.w�•r�W�•�.'.•.�w,.Tt�.��ry?►'�'!!7Y!'.'^�.t r..rr.r••... v. .. ' ...�.�..�...y.. �..�� �JI`.::w.r?i�J.L::.:..r...ww.•�a.•.i.'aragry .. .. ;.4�sr- - ..:_w.+rtiuwn,. ..;. •..• �'•�..�.�.ter' ' - 38572• • •. =,-S©.5°,�d'47"45-' ,1 1-'�•S 63 046'47"E - —9G3.53',•-r:-r._....� S OJ°46'47"E 044.5". .I,r, i •1 •',dip ta, CENr£R L/NE Of• - )0 oom,r Of 1i•� O}� U.S. ROUTE 34 �.� i' � LINE Of /LL/NO/S 1 i y _ V' ROUTE 47 ? , ' %30.0' K •6P 46 ; ':.• 8J°-06'47"Ar 3.7.9 acres.., j \o '/..,''. �';,•,' To.'be annexed,. including to the .far. side of all highways M N `; r f, ': and roadways. ) 1, / a•l ,�1 p. ��` •/��V; , � � t• iit •,( by '. ",li 1 ,.�~ •�. of s ��• �N406200 i :'�� `S7"It :.�11 ', :�.r• �'1 !• ;'',t V E 02.5 : 1 1'• 1. �';, ;' , >:: //�400 T N a'�.i Ali , !� 1.• tr 1,, .1 ., 14 I /08V0 ¢OV 4 •. '26 acres•t• presently within' corporace limits' la a of 'Yorkville o r of- the United C�.ty of the•Vf�,. g 1 •. � •i 0. •� 0 .�-';,•i.1.•., ,. , .,, .i:• t•.�,, •/ •,J r•I. • N820M'00"jY p• ' + /r:,1/ �, ' '• 'ti,ti ''►�'� .'4 \ •t •�'I Q 374.37' '•- •�, J 82 100111P4 SrReEr 1; 1` •,' CENTER LINE Of WA T STREET 1 1 CEIV LINE Of Me '!:>�N ROAD Izz . � • _ _ '� ,, � ," is • •' ;, ; :' • ; .; PROPOSE ,.. ` D AREA TO QE ANNEXED ' •• " ' t KNOIYN EX/STING'CORPORA TE\LIIN/TSp �CORRECTION :ROADWAYS�TO BE AIQMIEXED (Illinois 47-,! U.S. Route 34, & Mcllu4b ,Rd.) �J��Ll RJR E. DE", UC.'t�LER, ASSU""CI TJES� SI��IJ. SHEt i -•>+=�,� �f//l J1KI/llJl f 60"'61 t(.ew -• •eff'r'0g0 le? ty/4I1 o� j OF, 6 sioNs PLAT OF ANNEXATION TO THE UNITED CITY Of- THE V!LLAGE G.-.ED D.H.S. APPROVED YJ,c. 000K -•---- •Joe NUMBER '� 0�.. YOF2KViLLE KEI�Or�LL COUNTY, 011J t{W.R OaTF 9-14�7N SCA1.F.1"•2500' PR 7668 ILLINOIS ._