City Council Minutes 1979 03-08-79 Public Hearing MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC HEARING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED CITY (13; OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE , ILLINOIS HELD AT CITY HALL: MARCH 8 , 1979 . RE : Holdiman/Holdiman/Bazan & Ron Westphal Annexation & Zoning In the absence of Mayor Thanepohn ,Clerk Erickson called the Public Hearing to order at 8 : 00 P .M . Present were Aldermen Beach , Harker , Hanback , Simmons & Smith . Absent was Alderman Wolff . Discussion was,lopened . Ron Cobb stated thq_�y intentions are to bore under Route 47 to pick up the water and sanitary sewer mains . Mr . '..Cobb has spoken to representatives of Countryside Center and they have agreed to a tier-in of the mains . Future expansion of the theater in Countryside Center may put it over the sanitary sewer and they would prefer Mr . Cobb to hook into the sanitary sewer at Countryside Parkway at Route 47 . Mr . Cobb asked if there were any future plans for annexing the property north of their development to Kennedy Road and request recapture rights for the costs of extending the mains . Mr . Cobb also asked if the City would require oversizing either the water or the sanitary sewer mains . Alderman Hanback stated that he felt the City limits would eventually extend beyond the development in the future and asked what size water line Mr . Cobb would install . Mr . Cobb responded they propose to run a 6" line to hook into an 8" waster line., and to run the sanitary sewer into a 10" sewer line . Attorney Dickson stated the Ordinance provides for recapture rights within tx4bSyear, but could be extended a longer period of time under the annexation agreement . Alderman Simmons asked if the newly platted lots in Countryside Center could be requested to pay the developers for hooking into the sanitary sewer in this area . Attorney Dickson stated that he felt it permissable if they would be crossing a dedicated rightrof-way . Alderman Beach stated that by doing this Countryside Center would be charged a second time for running their own line . Alderman Harker stated the Cigy_ could absorb the cost of over- sizing the 6 " water main to 10" and the sewer main if necessary . Attorney Dickson stated the decision would be the responsibility of the Building Inspector . Alderman Hanback moved to recommend approval of the Holdiman/ Holdiman/Bazan & Ron Westphal Annexation Agreement with the follow- ing addition : The owners shall have 2 years recapture rights for connecting water & sewer lines extended by developers to areas east of Route 47 both north and south of the development . Alderman Simmons seconded the motion . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Beach - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Hanback - Aye Smith Aye Motion carried 5-0 . The Public Hearing was adjourned . CITY LERK