City Council Minutes 1979 03-22-79 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE (19) UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE , ILLINOIS, HELD AT CITY HALL MARCH 22 , 1979, Mayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order at 8 : 00 P.M. and led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag . Roll call was taken as follows : Ward 2 - Harker Ward 3 - Simmons Hanback Smith Aldermen Beach and Wolff were absent from Ward 1 . A quorum was established . The reading of the minutes was waived . Alderman Hanback moved to approve the minutes as presented , seconded by Alderman Smith . Motion carried 4-0 . ATTORNEY ' S REPORT - Alderman Simmons moved to pass the Resolution Transferring the Budget for the 1978-1979 Fiscal Year, and Making Line Transfers of Specific Items , seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried 4-0 . MAYOR ' S REPORT - Mayor Thanepohn thanked everyone for their kindness and sympathy in the death of his mother . CITY CLERK - Election judges for the 1979 Municipal Gdneral Election 4/17%79 were presented for Wards 2 and 3 as follows : Ward 2 - Madeline Morris Mrs . Chester Vial Mrs . James Brant Mrs . Alonzo Sharp Mrs . Robert Skinner Mrs . Carl Schobert (alternate) Ward 3 - Elizabeth Leifheit Helen Clayton Alice Woodworth Lenora Cornils Ruth Farren Mrs . Oldenburg (alternate) Jeannie Johnson (alternate) Alderman Simmons moved to approve the election judges as presented and to allow Alderman Wolff to present his list to the Clerk at a later date retroactive to March 22 , 1979 , seconded by Alderman Smith . Motion carried 4-0 . PLAN COMMISSION - Alderman Simmons announced the Plan Commission will meet March 27 , 1979 at 8 : 00 P .M. at City Hall . BUSINESS & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION - Alderman Harker reported that there was discussion, but no action was taken due to small attendance at the meeting . FINANCE - Alderman Smith moved to adopt the Tentative Budget for the 1979-80 Fiscal Year , seconded by Alderman Harker . The budget totals $976 , 132 .67 representing a drop of $58 ,290 .78 from the previous fiscal year . Roll - call was taken as follows : Harker - Aye Hanback .- Aye Simmons - Aye Smith - Aye Mayor Thanepohn - Aye Motion carried 5-0 . Aldermen Wolff and Beach were absent from the voting . Alderman Simmons reminded the Council of the second Public Hearing regarding Revenue Sharing , the time to be changed from 7 : 30 P .M. to 8 :00 P .M. preceding the regular meeting on April 19 , 1979 . LIGHTS-; TELEPHONE & GAS - Alderman Smith reported that he has met with representatives from 3 Cable TV Companies and he will have a recomendation at the next City Council meeting as to who will be awarded the franchise . PUBLIC PROPERTY & BUILDINGS - Upon recomendation of the committee , Alderman Simmons moved to accept the bid of Motorola for $7 , 331 .50 for the Public Works radio system , seconded by Alderman Smith . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Harker - Aye Hanback - Nay Simmons r- AYe Smith - Aye Mayor Thanepohn - Aye Motion carried 4-1 . Aldermen Wolff and Beach were absent from the voting . Alderman Hanback stated he felt the system was more of a convenience than a necessity, and that it is a luxury item . (.?p) Page 2 March 22 , 1979 STREETS & ALLEYS - Mayor Thanepohn read a letter from Alderman Beach ,who was absent from the meeting to attend a seminar , requesting temporary reduced speed limit signs on West Washington Street that is used more now to avoid Using Fox Road . Mayor Thanepohn stated that Fox Road has been graded and was now in better condition . Chief Randall suggested 10 mile per hour signs . Director Madden stated that they were not available Director Madden also stated that W . Washington has also been cold patched , and---that Fox Road would be completed as soon as the temperature reaches 55 degrees for 10 consecutive days . In the meantime Director Madden suggested putting up barricades and "slow" signs along W. Washington St . YBS BOARD - Alderman Harker reported that the I&I Study is completed and on its way to the E .P .A. in Springfield for approval Withiti approximately 6 months time . CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - Mayor Thanepohn reported that he had attended the last meeting and Chief Randall gave an excellent presentation of the Drug Abuse Program . Director Madden stated that a check for $4 , 276 .00 has been received from the Federal Government for the snow disaster aide . Mayor Thanepohn announced a meeting with Mr . Crawford of CM&T , Wednesday, April 5 , 1979 at 8 : 00 P .M. at the Water Tower Conference Room . Alderman Simmons announced a meeting of the Finance Committee , April 12 , 1979 at 7 : 30 P .M. at the Water Tower Conference Room . CITY ERK - ar �-r SOLUTI /f.V SOLUTION OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF 7ORKVILLE, TRANSFERRING THE BUDGET FOR THE 1978- 1979 FISCAL YEAR, AND MAKING LINE TRANSFERS OF SPECIFIC ITEMS// I WHEREAS, excesses exist inn line items of the budget for the United City of ;the Village of Yorkvil•le;.-for the year 1978-1979; and WHEREAS, those excesses may be transferred to -and used for other', needed items; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the United / City of the Village of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, that the - following•items, be, and the same are hereby transferred for the(-budget for 1978-1979 fiscal year, ending April 30, 1979, for the United City of the Village of Yorkville, shown upon the attached amendment to said budget and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the United City of the Village of-Yorkville, Kendall County; Illinois, that the budget--- " for the United City of the Village of Yorkville for the year 1978-1979, be, and the same is amended to conform thereto, to-wit: (See attached) PASSED by the City Council of the United City of the Village of it Yorkville, Kendall County,' Illinois,, this o day of'�`- — ,1979. City er SIGNED AND APPROVED this eWrcC_day of J ,1979. j ay r BUDGET TRANSFERS FOR 1978-79 BUDGET STREETS & ALLEYS Transfer $300.00 from Maintenance-Streets & Alleys to• Equipment-Streets & Alleys Transfer $704.68 from Engineering-Streets & Alleys to Curbs $ Gutters-Streets & Alleys . I Transfer $700.00 from Cement Sidewalks along City Streets-Streets & Alleys to Miscellaneous- Streets $ Alleys sfer $10,•981.87 from Sewer Fund-Sewer Expansion to Parking Lot F, Alley Improvements- eets F, Alleys SNOW REMOVAL- Transfer $500.00 from Salt-Snow Removal to Equipment Maintenance-Snow Removal Transfer $200.00 from Equipment-Snow.Removal to .EgLiiRmept .Maiintenance-Snow Removal Transfer $2,00016`0 from Equipment-Snow Removal to mergency Snow REmoval- Snow Removal Transfer $2,640.0 fr'm Engineering4ewer to Emerge cy Snow Removal-Snow Removal � ►}. //' SEWER Transfer $406.71 fro Engineefing.�Sewer Ito Repair Main enance 8 _Cleaning - Sewer, TRUCKS, TRACTOR & EQU NT sfer"$2,400.00 from Sewer-ft inee�;ing to Operating Diainteriance-Trucks Tractor F, Equipment sfer $600.Op from P ning'Con ul'ant Fee=Future Planning to New Equipment-Trucks,Tractor Equipment I -HEALTH & SANITATION' I - Transfer $200.00 from Mosquito Spraying_�Health & Sanitation to Garbage Removal-Health $ Sanitation Transfer $195.8, from Weed $ Hazard Removal-Health 8 Sanitation to Garbage Removal-Health & Sanitation Transfer $,5,004.20 from Replacement to Water Works Plant-Water Operations & Maintenance Fund to Garbage Removal-Health & Sanitation POLICE (� Tr sfer $100.00 from Shooting Range-Police to Radio Maintenance-Police . T fer $400.00 from Publications-Future Planning to Office Supplies-Police Transfer $1,000.00 from Street Lighting to Wearing Apparel-Police Transfer $300.00 from.Maintenance'-Tennis Courts to Operating Supplies-Police Transfer $450.00 from EngineeringzFuture Planning to Call Forwarding - Police T~ t BUDGET TRANSFERS FOR 1978-79 BUDGET (Continue) , TREES $ PARKS ( . i CITY PARK Transfer $15.00 from Equipment-City Park to Operating Supplies-City Park Transfer $700.00 from Equipment-City Park to Salaries-City Park + Transfer $100.00 from-Miscellaneous-City Perk -t-0 Illinois Municipal Retiroment Fund- City Park' \ . CITY PARKING \ Transfer $200.00 from Tree Replacement-City Parking to Tree Removal-City..•Parking PUBLIC PROPERTY 8 BUILDINGS . L . CITY HALL Transfer $170.00 from Building Improvements-City Hall to. Repairs & Maintenance-City Hall ' ATIC�N POLICE ST I C Transfer $100.00 from .Repairs $ Maintenance-Library Building to Repairs F, Maintenance Police Station MAINTENANCE BUILDING & CITY OFFICE Transfer $300.00 from Land Acquisition-Maintenance Building & City Office to Repair $ Maintenance-Maintenance Building $ City Office BUILDING & ZONING Transfer $20.00 from Office Supplies $ Equipment-Building & Zoning to Books & Maps-Building Zoning - Transfer $300.00 from Engineering $ Review-Building F, Zoning to Miscellaneous-Building & Zoning Transfer $10.00 from Education, Conference & Associations-Building--F,"Zoning to--Postage Building-F, -Zoning.-.__ ' FINANCE \ 'Transfer $1.-,000-.00 from Legal -Service-Finance to Miscellaneous-Finance Transfer $100.00 from Telephone-Finance to Postage-Finance Transfer $300.00 from Xerox Rental. $ Supplies-Finance* to New Equipment - Finance Tr fer $3,000.00 from Pumphouse Repairs $ Improvements-Water Operations$ Maintenance Fund t neral Liability Insurance - Finance i Transfer $�50.00\lfrom Stationery &! Printing-Finance to Office Supplies-Finance Transfer $3,450.00 rom Engineering-Water orations $ Maintenance to Umbrella Policy-Finance Transfer $300.00 from Auudit Expense-Finance to Office Supplies-Finance Transfer $2,030.00 from Replacemen . to Water W rks Plant-Water Operations $ Maintenance Fund to General Liability Insurance-Finance