City Council Minutes 1979 03-22-79 Public Hearing (17) MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC HEARING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE HELD MARCH 22 ,1979 AT CITY HALL . RE : Revenue Sharing Mayor Thanepohn called the Public Hearing to order at 7 : 30 P .M. Mary White from Kendall Family & Youth Services "Homemaker ' s Aide" program presented her request for $1 ,200 .00 in funds or whatever the City Council wished to donate . The 2nd year statistic sheet was passed out . The program is now into its third year . The purpose of the program is to keep Sr . Citizens out of nursing homes . The funds received through the Kendall County United Fund are solely for younger families in need and the City ' s donation would be to use as they see fit . Mayor Thanepohn then read a letter from Mary Thomas , library director , requesting funding of $1 , 500 .00 to supplement funds in the area of collection development in the area of local history as follows : Microfilm of Kendall Co . Record 1865 through 1965 $650 .00 Microfilm of Kendall C8 . Record 1965 through current 250 .00 Microfilm 8f Local Census Records for Illinois & Kendall County 200 .00 Material in book form on Illinois History 400 .00 Mrs . Thomas added that if federal funds become available they have to be assured that the library has exhausted every other source of revenue . The Public Hearing was adjourned . CITY CLERK