City Council Minutes 1979 05-24-79 ,(33) MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE , KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS HELD AT CITY HALL, MAY 24 , 1979 . Mayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order at 8 :00 P.M. and led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag . Roll call was taken as follows : Ward 1 - Wolff Ward 2 - Harker Ward 3 - Simmons Beach Pierce Alderman Hanback was absent from Ward 2 . A quorum was established . The reading of the minutes was waived . Alderman Wolff moved to approve the minutes as presented , seconded by Alderman Simmons . Motion carried 5-0 . MAYOR' S,?REI�ORT ' - Mayor Thanepohn re-appointed Steve Franks to the Plan Commission . Alderman Beach moved to approve the appointment , seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried 5-0 . Mayor Thanepohn noted the 7th . Annual Fox Valley Leadership Prayer Breakfast will be held June 7 , 1979 at Aurora College . Mayor Thanepohn thanked everyone for the attention and support given his wife with her illness . CITY CLERK - Clerk was absent to attend the IIMC.-Conference . PLAN COMMISSION - Upon Plan Commission recommendation , Alderman Beach moved to approve Herman Halbesma ' s Petition to Re-zone Property located within one and one-half ihiles of the City limits at Routes 47 & 71 to B-3 from B-4 & M-1 County Zoning with the condition that the property will not contribute to the water-shed problem . The motion was seconded by Alderman Wolff . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Wolff - Aye Beach - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Pierce - Aye Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Hanback was absent from voting . Alderman Beach reported on the Pre-Application Conference of Fred Dollman for a variance of the property at 206 & 208 E . Main Street containing two (2) dwellings , each wishing to donate fifteen (15) feet to provide a private drive for the purpose of subdividing the two (2) rear lots of said property . Alderman Wolff stated he did not feel the John Conover request for approval of Unit 8 (14 lots) in Countryside should be heard as they had by-passed the City Council and gone directly to the Plan Commission for hearing and approval . Mayor Thanepohn called a meeting for May 30 , 1979 at noon to discuss the routing procedures for the Land Use Procedure Resolution . Those requested to attend are Mayor Thanepohn , Robert Coleman , Plan Commission Chairman , Building & Zoning Administrator Madden Clerk Erickson , and Alderman Beach . Alderman Beach moved to hear the John Conover request for approval of Unit 8 , Countryside , seconded by Alderman Pierce . Motion carried 5-0 . Upon recommendation of the Plan Commission , Alderman Wolff moved to disapprove the request by John Conover for approval of Unit 8 , Countryside , Motion lost for want of a second . Alderman Beach moved to deny the request by John Conover for approval of Unit 8 , Countryside due to the plat not complying with the Subdivision Control Ordinance of the City of Yorkville . The motion was seconded by Alderman Wolff . Roll call vote was taken as follows: Beach - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Pierce - Aye Wolff - Aye Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Hanback was absent from voting . Alderman Beach reported on the request by Sawosko & Walen ' s Pre- application Conference for the alteration of the PUD agreement of Brian Mulhern ' s property . They wish to change the original plan of 2 - 16 unit apartments to condominiums (one - 8 unit 2 story & two - 12 unit 3 story buildings with 64 garage spaces) . The developers will meet with the Bristol-Kendall fire district to discuss restrictions and changes to be made to comply . OLD BUSINESS - Attorney Dickson stated that the advertising publication of the City property fell short one day of the 30 day advance notice and that the sealed bidding should be readvertised . (3q) Page 2 Alderman Wolff moved to readvertise for tdaledlbids for the sale of the City Property adjacent to ths:, Ralph Blake property to be opened at the July 12 , 1979 , seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried 5-0 . FINANCE - Alderman Simmons reminded the Council of the Committee meeting May 31 , 1979 at 8 : 00 P .M. at the Water Tower Conference Room. HEALTH & SANITATION - Alderman Wolff will look into the need for trash containers in the Central Business District . Director Madden reported the Community Trash/Junk pick-up was successful with 36 loads compared to 21 from the last pick-up . POLICE - Alderman Wolff reported the Junk Ordinance now has a plan of enforcement in effect . SEWERS - Alderman Harker moved to waive the bidding on the Sewer TV project approved at the May 10 , 1979 meeting , seconded by Alderman Wolff . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Pierce - Aye Wolff - Aye Beach - Aye Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Hanback was absent from voting . STREETS & ALLEYS - Alderman Simmons reported there have been a number of complaints on the finishing of the Fox Road ditches . The area was walked with Dir=ector Madden and was determined tha+ some action was needed . Director Madden will get in touch with Aurora Blacktop to see if the the situation can be remedied . The Central Business District sidewalk replacement program will be discussed at the May 31 , 1979 committee meeting . TREES & PARKS - Alderman Pierce is researching several ideas including the reforestation program . LIBRARY BOARD - Alderman Harker reported the Board had a special meeting to discuss moving plans for when it becomes A reality . Alderman Wolff moved to adjourn the meeting into Executive Session regarding land acquisition , seconded by Alderman Beach . Motion carried 5-0 . The regular meeting was resumed . Alderman Wolff moved to purchase additional insurance for the Police Department vehicle , seconded by Alderman Beach . Motion carried 5-0 . DEPUTY CITY CLERK EEM :le