City Council Minutes 1979 06-14-79 e 3
Mayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order and led the Council in the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Roll call was taken as follows :
Ward 2 - Harker Ward 3 - Simmons
Hanback Pierce
Aldermen Wolff and Beach were absent from Ward 1 . A quorum was esta-
blished .
Alderman Hanback moved the minutes from the May 24 , 1979 meeting be
approved as presented , seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried 4-0 .
Alderman Harker moved to authorize payment of the bills as presented ,
seconded by Alderman Hanback . Roll call vote was taken as follows :
Harker - Aye Hanback - Aye Simmons - Aye Pierce - Aye .
Motion carried 4-0 . Aldermen Wolff & Beach were absent from voting .
Alderman Hanback moved to authorize Attorney Dickson to draw up a
Cable TV Ordinance patterned after that of The Village of North
Aurora with changes as shown on-the attached copy letter. Alderman
Simmons seconded the motion . Motion carried 4-O . by roll call vote
as follows :
Hanback - Aye Simmons - Aye Pierce = Aye Harker - Aye
Aldermen Wolff & Beach were absent from voting .
MAYOR' S REPORT - Mayor Thanepohn reported receiving a letter from
the Illinois Municipal League in reference to their insurance program.
A letter of interest was sent by the 'City previously. The basic plan
would include :
1 . Each municipality will insure each occurance up to $1 ,000 . 00 .
Losses in excess of $1 ,000 . 00 would be paid from the association.-'_s
pool up to designated limits .
2 . Risk Management Association to be operated under the direction
of the Municipal League Operations Committee and day-to-day
operations under direction of the Exeeutive Director League .
3 . Institute a require safety program.
4. When legal defense is necessary , it will be handled by local
attorneys acting under the supervision of the legal staff of
the league .
5 . Cost would reflect in the number of Municipalities in the program.
Alderman Simmons moved to adopt the Resolution expressing interest
of the City of Yorkville in becoming a member of the Illinois Municipal
League Risk Management Association , seconded by Alderman Harker .
Motion carried 4-0 .
Mayor Thanepohn reported that Randy Erickson has applied and been
approved to be issued the liquor license at 210 South Bridge Street .
Work through the Finance Committee will be initiated to consolidate
the lengthy Liquor License Ordinance with all amendments into one
Ordinance and set up license classes to correspond with the ones
used by the state .
Mayor Thanepohn reported the Emergency Services & Disaster meeting
attended at Western Springs by Mayor Thanepohn ,Director Madden ,
Chief Randall and ES&D Director Usry was very imformative . Sample
disaster plans are available and willr�be reviewed.
Mayor Thanepohn reported he has received numerous comments and
compliments on the increased number of flags displayed over Memorial
CITY CLERK - The Annual Treasurer ' s Report has been received by Clerk .
Alderman Harker moved to refer the Zoning Amendment to Mulhern' s
Planned Development by Sawasko & Whalen Developers to the Plan Commission
to be placed on the June 26 , 1979 agenda, seconded by Alderman Simmons .
Motion carried 4-0 .
Alderman Simmons moved to refer the following two (2) petitions
for variance to the Zoning Board of Appeals to be held July 9 , 1979
at 7 :00 P. M. at City Hall :
1. Fred & June Dollman and Douglas & Gayle Dhuse - E . Main St .
2 . Robert & Violet Kyes - W. Main & King St.
Motion was seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried 4-0 .
TREASURER - Alderman Simmons moved to approve the Treasurer ' s Report ,
seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried 4-0 .
Page 2
POLICE REPORT - Alderman Hanback moved to approve the Police Department
report , seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried 4-0 , ***See Attached
PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR - Alderman Hanback moved to approve the Public Works
Reports , seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried 4-0 . ***See Attached
POLICE REPORT - Chief Randall presented Officers Barna , Deiderich &
Millen with Certificates of Achievement for successfully completing the
14-week Emergency Medical Technician Course sponsored by Waubonsee Community
College . State certification & pins were received . Alderman Harker
expressed the Council ' s appreciation for having qualified EMT ' s .
HUMAN RESOURSE COMMISSION - Alderperson Pierce reported the Commission
thanked everyone for blood donations . Student Government Day to be
held October 25 , 1979 was discussed. Mayor Thanepohn asked all Council
members to hold the date open for participation in Student Government
has talked with Chairman Hershel Smith in regards to a number of items
to be placed on the B&ED agenda.
COMMUNITY CENTER COMMITTEE - Alderperson Pierce reported that the
discussion centered mostly on Day Care requirements , whether or not the
Library would incorporate with the Community Center building and about
the future of the Community Center .
SENIOR CITIZEN REPRESENTATIVE - The representative expressed her comments
in being proud to be a resident of Yorkville . Also , complimented the
City for the flag display over holidays .
NEW BUSINESS - Alderman Hanback stated he feels,, paper could be conserved
by cutting down on the number of copies of reports distributed , and
possibly the heads of departments could report on their departments as
well as the Chairmen of Commissions . Mayor Thanepohn responded that
it would be taken into consideration and was referred to the Finance
Committee .
FINANCE - Upon Committee recommendation , Alderman Simmons moved to
continue the utility tax and as well as continuing to reduce the
property tax , seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried 3-1 , Alderman
Hanback voting Nay.
Alderman Simmons reported on the need to pool the accounts into one
account for maximum interest rates in the investment program. This
should be possible by the approximate month of July.
Alderman Simmons scheduled a Finance Committee meeting , Thursday ,
June 21 , 1979 at 8 :00 P .M. at the WaterTower Conference Room.
HEALTH & SANITATION - Chief Rands.11 reported that Tri-County Scavenger
has a dumpster by the Police Department for use by the Police Department
and Park.
Attorney Dickson stated that the time has expired regarding the Horton
building on E .Main St. & King St, and the next step would be to go to
court on the matter .
POLICE - Alderman Hanback called a Police Committee meeting Tuesday ,
June 19 , 1979 at 8 : 00 P.M. at the Water Tower Conference Room.
SEWERS - Alderman Harker reported that a proposal has been received
from the National Power Rodding Corporation to do the sewer Tying .
Work should begin in approximately 2 weeks .
STREETS & ALLEYS - Alderman Simmons reported the Fox Road ditches
have been completed by Aurora Blacktop and are in good condition .
TREES & PARKS - Alderperson Pierce reported Reverend Paul Martin has
requested use of the City Park (public square) on August 5 , 1979 at
2 :00 P . M. through the afternoon . Their request for use of the volleyball
nets was referred to the Park Commission .
Alderperson Pierce moved to approve two (2) restroom facilities for the
park by the dam to be maintained & serviced by the Satellite Company
Page 3 June 14 , 1979 (37)
at a charge of $62 . 00 per month per unit with a $12 .50 one-time
pickup fee on a trial ha-9iq and to ,pay for the portable
restrooms already located at the Little League fields at Circle Center
and Van Emmon St . The motion was seconded by Alderman Hanback .
Roll Call vote was taken as follows :
Pierce - Aye Harker - Aye Hanback - Aye Simmons - Aye
Motion carried 4-0 . Aldermen Wolff & Beach were absent from voting .
WATER - Alderman Harker reported that he had a tour of the water
facilities of the City.
LIBRARY BOARD - Alderman Harker reported that there would be a meeting
at the end of June .
TENNIS COURT COMMITTEE - Alderman Hanback reported that the tennis
court lighting is completed . The original bid was $13 ,870 .00 less
a credit of $2 , 840 . 00 for the volunteer work done by Alderman Hanback
and Roy Deane bringing the total to $11 ,031 .00 owed to Berg Electric .
The Chamber of Commerce will donate $500 . 00 , the Lions Club has donated
$500 . 00 ,along with the $7 ,086 . 67 from the Walk-a-thon bringing the
City ' s share in the cost to $2 ,945 . Alderman Hanback moved to add
the bill of $2 ,945 for the tennis court lighting and a bill for
$516 for new tennis nets to the list for payment , seconded by Alderman
Harker. Roll call vote was taken as follows :
Harker --Aye Hanback - Aye Simmons - Aye Pierce - Aye
Motion carried 4-0 . Aldermen Wolff & Beach were absent from voting .
Alderman Simmons moved to adjourn the meeting , seconded by Ald.erperson
Pierce . Motion carried 4-0 .
Cit Clerk
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Yorkville, Illinois
desire to reduce the cost of insurance coverage within the municipality,
WHEREAS, the Illinois Municipal League Risk Management
Association may cause a reduction in insurance.costs.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City expresses
hereby its interest in becoming a member of the Illinois Municipal
League Risk Management Association;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the questionnaire submitted
by the Illinois Mur. _eague be completed and c-:_.,rned to the
BE IT ,hER RESOLVED that the Clerk be authorized and
directed to carry out the directions of the Resolution.
DATE: 6Y 7�
�� �97�
MAY, 1979 Approved June 14 Meeting
Commonwealth Edison Co. - EAP71881 St. Ltg. (1-39) $ 958.05
Commonwealth Edison Co. - EH55-AP-869OA Maint. Bldg. (1-38.4-761) 40.50
Commonwealth Edison Co. - EH55-AP-3084-A Trees & Parks $18.84 (1-36.2-662) 22.60
EJ59-AP-015OA P.D. $3.76 (1-38.2-740)
Northern Ill. Gas Co. - 3139077402 City Hall $41.07 (1-38.1-730) ; 492.02
3119011702 Maint. Bldg. $341.22 (1-38.4-761)
3119058117 Park $5.61 (1-36.2-662)
3119001000 Trees $ Parks $104.12 (1-36.2-662)
LeRoy Thanepohn - Meeting Expense (1-42-863) 57.00
Naydene Pierce - Newly Elected Municipal Conference Expense (1-42-863) 102.79
The Paper Crate - Ticket #7682 Office Supplies (1-42-865) 22.23
CC Services, Inc. - Comp. General Auto Liability $ Phy. Dam. Additional 128.00
Premium (1-42-858)
Larry Beach - Municipal Conference Expense from 1978 (1-42-863) 77.34
Betty Huston - Sec't. Plan Commission Expense (1-37-700) 70.75
SP/Insurance Trust - Group Insurance Premium for May & June (1-42-856) 3097.46
rown's Flowers, Inc. - Planters (1-42-860) 30.00
Northern Ill. Gas Co. - 3129002808 P.D. (1-38.2-740) 50.10
Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - 023-1001 Pvt. Line P.D. $15.78; 553-6999 Recreation 237.14
Dept. $23.55; 552-7593 Call Forwarding P.D. $16.43;
553-7809 Treas. $5.39; 553-7855 Bldg. & Zoning $94.37;
553-6222 Clerk $12.23; 553-5836 Police $69.39
The Hartford - Assigned Risk Policy 83WZ653649 (1-42-853) 26.00
Elden Madden - Reimburse for petty cash: Office Supplies .34¢ 46.34
(1-30-405) ; Postage P.D. (1-35-605) $15.00; Ill.
Mun. Treas. Assn. Dues $10.00 (1-42-863) ; School
Expense-Mikkelson $21.00 (1-42-863)
Luanne Erickson - Reimburse City Clerk Fees - Postage $1.73 (1-42-861) ; 299.69
Recording Amended Woodworth Annexation $7.00
(1-42-860) ; Clerk's Conference Expense $290.96
Central Limestone Co. - Crushed Rock (1-30-402) 295.77
Aurora Blacktop, Inc. - Inv. 1581 Cold Mix (1-30-402) $168.00
Inv. 1487 Asphalt $432.00 (1-30-402) 600.00
Crawford,Murphy & Tilly,Inc. - Inv. 2198 Copies of Plans & Specs Ref: Tennis Court 205.59
Lighting (1-36.4-692) $24.00
Inv. 2197 Services-Inspection Fox Roald (Field
Staking) (1-30-408) $181.59
Yorkville Hardware - Flowers (1-36.2-666) $23.00; Supplies $54.92 77.92
ldridge Electric, Inc. - Job No. 5452EX - 2 Street Lights (1-30-410) 60.00
$ H Utility Sales, Inc. - Inv. 69541 Shovels, Wrenches etc. $172.77 (1-30-411) 235.02
Inv. 70068 Hand Tools $62.25 (1-30-411)
Countryside True Value Hdwe. - Flag, Brackets etc. $31.93 (1-36.2-664) 219.20
Hand Tools for Trucks $187.27 (1-30-411)
Lyle Signs, Inc. - Inv. 46596 Signs (1-30-413) 343.17
Fox Valley Sewer Service - Sewer Cleaning on Elizabeth St. (1-32-501) 124.50
Mounts Septic $ Sewer Service- Clean Lift Station at Countryside Center (1-32-501) 57.50
Farmers Elevator Co. - Couplings,Tile,Mortar Mix (1-32-501) 44.94
Water & Sewage WKSZ - Magazine Subscription (1-32-504) 24.00
Homer Dickson & Co. , Inc. - Tractor Repairs (1-33-531) 1282.51
Elden Madden - Reimburse petty cash: Postage (2-50-420) 4.51
Anderson $ Bushnell - Binder (2-50-412) 16.80
Water Products Co. - Inv. 26408 Repair Clamps $40.50 (2-50-408) 1305 .40
Valves $ Fittings (186.04 (2-50-413)
Inv. 26203 Meters & Parts $130.74 (2-50-405)
Inv. 25562 Meters $948.12 (2-50-405)
Ulrich Chemical, Inc. - Inv. 123618 Chlorine (2-50-415) 455.00
Ill. Environmental Protection - Certificate Renewal Fee (2-50-418) 5.00
The Bank of Yorkville - Deposit Water Depreciation & Contingencies Fund 150.00
Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago- Deposit Water Bond $ Interest Fund 2000.00
Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago - Deposit Water Bond & Interest Reserve Fund 170.00
Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - 553-7079 Water Dept. $29.70; 023-1047 Put. Line 38.90
Pumphouse $9.20
CommonweaLth Edison Co. - EP14AP-33737 Pumping (2-50-404) 1247.77
Commonwealth Edison Co. - EK59CH25525 Pumping (2-50-404) 28.68
orhtern Ill. Gas Co. - 3139061604 Pumphouse (2-50-411) 89.02
SALARIES Gross 2,630.11 Net 1,859.59
John Conover $ Reid, Och. Murphy- Reimburse for Sewer Extensions to Satisfy 2400.00
& Hupp Judgment in Case No. 77-L-45
Williamsburg Inn - Meeting Expense 38.40
GENERAL FUND (Continued)
Mel's Truck & Trailer, Inc. - Inv. 1072 & 1017 Repairs on Chev. C-65 (1-33-531) 388.38
Au-Sable International, Inc. - Inv. 1258 & 10646 I-H Cub Repairs (1-33-531) 108.50
Yorkville Auto Parts - Cust. No. 126 Repairs, parts $ oil (1-33-531) 58.88
Kendall Grundy FS, Inc. - Gas $299.19 (1-33-533) ; Tractor Tires, Tubes etc. 1060.42
$761.23 (1-33-531)
Greene Valley Landfill - Trash pick-up (1-34-561) 337.45
Tri-County Scavenger Service,Inc.- Services for May (1-34-561) 3192.60
Robertson Flag Sales - Flags (1-36.2-663) 86.00
Francis J. McNelis - Rolling Parks (1-36.2-664) 85.00 �^
John Schneider Appliance - Receptacle (1-38.4-762) 3.15
Quill Corporation - Corner Shelf (1-41-800) 15.45
Xerox Corporation - Service Charge and Filter for Xerox Machine 89.75
Anderson $ Bushnell - Floor Pads (1-42-860) 99.34
Frank Thornber Co. - Inv. A32386 Election Supplies (1-42-860) 11.57
Ray O'Herron Co. , Inc. - Inv. 058223 Wearing Apparel P.D. (1-35-605) 1286.65
Ticket #058308 Badge Case (1-35-605) 8.60
otomac Gift Co. - UPS charge P.D. (1-35-606) 2.62
.C.P.O.A. - Membership Ill. Crime Prevention Officer's Assn. 12.00
forWayne Millen (1-35-607)
The Country Camera Shop,Inc. - Tri Pod & Lens $50.00 (1-35-608) ; Photo finish 62.66
$12.66 (1-35-612)
Richard Randall - I.V.C.P. Meeting (1-35-607) $20.00; Seminar Ref: 268.49
Concepts of Consolidation $248.49 (1-35-687)
Victor Frants, Sheriff - Complaint Tickets P.D. (1-35-612) 125.00
Executive Offices(Handicapped)- Handi-Clean Products - Cleaning Supplies (1-35-612) 83.00
Hornsby's Family Center - Supplies (1-35-608) 138.66
John N. Schneider Appliance - Service air conditioners P.D. (1-38.2-741) 66.50
Jim McCarty Fire Equipment - UPS Charge (1-35-614) 1.62
Wayne Millen - Meeting Expense (1-35-607) 3.00
Drivers License Guide Co. - Subscription (1-35-614) 23.90
MTI Teleprograms, Inc. - Control No. 45197 Survival Shooting Techniques 79.00
Quill Corporation - Conference Table ( 1-35-608) 199.04 `^
Xerox Corporation - Monthly Rental Charge (1-42-866) 75.00
Veto Enterprises, Inc. - Inv. 13263 Balance due on used Super Light Bar 200.00
Kendall Grundy FS, Inc. - Gas P.D. (1-35-611) 402.20
ALARIES Gross 31,948.82 Net 22,471.38
State Treasurer - Traffic Signal Job #C-93-088-77 (3-403) 13965.00
Aurora Blacktop, Inc. - Estimate #2 Work on Fox Road Project (3-401) 43701.32
ADDITIONAL BILLS MAY, 1979 Approved Jame 14 Meeting
Christine Weiss - Dog Catcher fees for January thru December 1978 449.50
$ January thru May 1979 (1-34-564)
Illinois Retail Merchants- Film Rental P.D. (1-35-607) 20.00
Building Officials $ Code - Fee for Plan Review #2975 (Office Building-Phase I) 257.00
Administrators Int. ,Inc. (1-41-803) Inv. 71863
LeRoy Thanepohn - Meeting Expenses (1-42-863) 78.50
Illinois Bell Telephone - 553-0535 Mayor (1-42-864) 7.27
Kendall County Record - Legal Ad (Ter-Jac) $8.60 (1-41-802) 37.80
Blake Property Bids $29.20 (1-42-860)
Kendall County Record - .printing Vehicle Sticker Receipts (4-403) 94.40