City Council Minutes 1979 06-28-79 MIN13TES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED CITY (39) OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVIL•LE ,KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS HELD AT CITY HALL ON JUNE 28 , 1979 . __ . Mayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order at 8 : 00 P.M. and led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Roll call was taken as follows : Ward 1 - Beach Ward 2 - Harker Ward 3 - Simmons Hanback A quorum was established. Alderman Wolff was absent from Ward 1 and Alderwoman Pierce was absent from Ward 3 . Alderman Hanback moved to approve the minutes as presented , seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried 4-0 . MAYOR' S REPORT - Mayor Thanepohn reported he has been informed by Director Madden that a check in the amount of $11 ,441 has been received from the State of Illinois for the Step 1 E .P .A. sewer grant . Mayor Thanepohn reported that the Illinois Department of Transportation issued a Notice of Design Hearing for the improvement of the Route 47 Bridge , scheduled for Wednesday, August 8 , 1979 at 8 : 00 P .M. at the Yorkville Grade School gym. The doors will open at 7 . 00 P .M. for anyone interested in examining the displays and exhibits with state officials on hand to answer any questions . Alderman Wolff arrived. Alderman Hanback moved to deny the request by the Yorkville Jaycees for a special liquor license for their annual bratwurst & corn boil at Countryside Center July 13 & 14 , 1979 . The motion was seconded by Alderman Beach . Motion carried 4-1 . Alderman Wolff voted Nay. Mayor Thanepohn reported that the Illinois Department of Transportation has acknowledged the need for should0work on Route 47 at the traffic light site . CITY CLERK - Clerk Erickson reported the Annual Illinois Municipal League Con-erence will be September 28 ,29 , 30 & October 1 , 1979 at the Conrad Hilton Hotel in Chicago. Anyone interested in attending is to contact Clerk as soon as possible for reservations . PLAN COMMISSMON - Alderman Beach reported that the only item on the agenda was the Sawasko & Whalen Application for Amendment to Planned Development (former Mulhern property) . Fire Chief Devick stated the 3-story building would be no problem if the eaves were 25 foot in height and an adjoining building to hold the ladder there would be no problem in fire fighting. The initial plan that will be presented will have to be signed by the Fire Chief . A new plan of 3 buildings was submitted by the developers , with buildings 20 ' apart and balconies & overhangs 14 ' apart and to be staggered. Maintenance procedures & common areas should be considered if condominiums are built . A new site plan including landscaping & lighting will be submitted with Chief Devidk ' s signature . SENIOR CITIZEN REPRESENTATIVE - Mr . . & Mrs . Bill Lowe were representatives for the evening . Mrs . Lowe asked that the City Council be reminded that ramps for the handicapped are needed for the Community' Center Building. Director Madden assured Mrs . Lowe that ramps will definitely be a part of the plans . BUILDING & ZONING - Alderman Beach reported that there has been a meeting in regards to the study & rewriting the appeal procedures . Director Madden is working on the project and will go before the City Council for approval once it is completed. FINANCE - Alderman Simmons reported that the committee was working on the wage study/personnel policy study but to date have no recommendations . HEALTH & SANITATION - Twenty-five (25) addition units will be added to Tri-County Scavenger garbage pick-up bringing the total to 964 . Mayor Thanepohn requested Chief Randall to identify all weedy lots and send appropriate notice to all property owners concerned . (40) Paae 2 June 28 , 1979 Parking areas not being mowed will also be added to the list . POLICE - Alderman Wolff submitted blueprints for a garage addition , restroom & holding cell addition to the police department . Alderman Wolff moved to advertise for bids to obtain an estimate of the cost , seconded by Alderman Beach. Roll call vote was taken as follows : Beach - Aye Wolff - AyE Harker - Aye Hanback - Aye Simmons - Aye Pierce - Aye . Motion carried 6-( PUBLIC PROPERTY & BUILDINGS - Alderman Hanback reported the ! Library Board was concerned about where it would relocate and questioned whether or not the Community Center has made provisions for them within the proposed building. Alderman Wolff stated that the library would not be a part of the Community Center building , but could build a separate building on the land donated to the City by James Stark . Alderman Hanback responded that dollars would be saved if the library could be incorporated in the Community Center building . Mayor Thanepohn suggested members of the Library Board attend the Rt . 47 Bridge Public Hearing meeting . Mayor Thanepohn suggested the Public Property & Buildings Committee meet with the Community Center Committee and Library Board to sound out all views on the subject ., SEWERS - Alderman Harker reported that the signed contract for Tving of sewers has been sent to National Power Rodding Company . STREETS & ALLEYS - Alderman Simmons reported that Director Madden would obtain some"ballpark" figures in regards to the sidewalk replacement program in the Central Business District . The next step would be to contact the property owners . TREES & PARKS - Mayor Thanepohn reported favorable comments on- the restrooms at the Bicentennial Park. TENNIS COURT COMMITTEE - Alderman Beach stated the Council owes a debt of gratitude to Alderman Hanback for all his work on the tennis courts . Alderman Wolff moved to adjourn the meeting , seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried 6-0 . City 1C' erk