Mayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order at 8 : 00 P .M. and led. the
Council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag .
Roll call was taken as follows :
Ward 1 - 11olff Ward 2 - Harker Ward 3 - Simmons
Beach Pierce
Alderman Hanback was absent from Ward 2 . A quorum was established .
Guests of the meeting were Pally Whalen & Len Sawasko , Attorney
Jim Wilson , Mr . & Mrs . Gallagher , Mr . & Mrs . Vial and Herb Tripp .
The reading of the minutes was waived . Alderwoman Pierce moved
to approve the minutes as presented , seconded by Alderman Harker .
Motion carried 5-0 .
The reading of the bills was waived . Alderman Harker moved to
authorize payment of the bills as presented. , seconded by Alderwoman
Pierce . Roll call vote was taken as follows :
Beach - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Pierce - Aye Wolff - Aye .
Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Hanback was absent from voting .
ATTORNEY ' S REPORT - Alderman Beach moved to pass Ordinance No . 15-1979
entitled "An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 29 Known as "An Ordinance
Imposing A Tax On Certain Utilities Doing Business in the United City
of the Village of Yorkville , Kendall County , Illinois ' " with the
following addition :
Page 2 , immediately following line 17 add "on November 1 , 1979"
The motion was seconded. by Alderman Harker . Roll call vote was
taken as follows :
Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Pierce - Aye Wolff - Aye
Beach - Aye
Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Hanback was absent from voting .
MAYOR' S REPORT , - Mayor Thanepohn reported that he has spoken with
the Illinois Dept . of Transportation in Ottawa regarding the traffic
signal . The railroad has executed the agreement and it is hopeful
the hookup can be made within the next week . The shoulder roadwork
will be done as soon as possible .
Mayor Thanepohn announced the Homecoming Parade will be October 6
3.979 and Alderman Wolff_ will be available with his car for any
Council members who wish to ride in the parade , meeting at the
Nursing Home preceding the parade .
A card of appreciation and thoughts was received from the family
of Frieda Wolff .
Alderman Harker moved to grant the request of the Kiwanis Club of
Yorkville to hold their Official Peanut Day on September 28 , 1979 .
seconded by Alderman Beach . Motion carried 5-0 . Mayor Thanepohn
read the Proclamation that is to be published.
Mayor Thanpeohn read a Proclamation for Mental Health month during
September to be published . They will hold a door to door campaign .
Mayor Thanepohn reported the resignation of CHarles Stading from
the Business & Economic Development Commission .
Alderman Simmons moved to approve Mayor Thanepohn ' s appointment of
Herb Tripp to fill the vacancy of the 1982 term vaoancy of the
Business & Economic Development Commission , seconded by Alderman
Beach . Motion carried 5-0 .
Alderman Simmons moved to approve Mayor Thanepohn ' s appointment of
Robert Barkley to fill the unexpired term of Charles Stading of
the Business & Economic Development Commission , seconded by Alderman
Harker . Motion carried 5-0 .
Alderwoman Pierce will attend the Fox Valley YMCA Open House at
the Centennial Grade School in Plano on Sunday , September 16 , 1979
to represent the City of Yorkville .
CITY CLERK - Clerk Erickson reported that Director Madden had
called from Springfield ,where he was attending the Annual Waterworks
Association Conference , to report he has spoken to Terri Zeal of
the E.P.A. in regards to the Sewer Grant Review. She has referred it to
another person who will review it next week and should be hearing
(54) Page 2
from him the following week ,,
Alderman Beach moved to table the Application for Pinball & Mechani-
cal Amusement Devise License by Timothy Boeger for operation at
109 W. Hydraulic , for review at the Committee meeting Thursday ,
September 20 , 1979 at 7 : 30 P .M. , seconded by Alderman Wolff . Motion
carried 5-0 .
Alderman Beach moved to refer the following items to the Plan Commission
meeting scheduled for September 25 , 1979 at 7 : 30 P .M. :
1 . Petition for Annexation & Rezoning by Charles Beaudry of
approximately 2 . 3 acres on Mill St . & 111 . Rt. 126 . Public
Hearing Notice has been published.
2 . Public Hearing for the Second Amended Petition for Annexation
& Rezoning by Blaine & Elizabeth Harker of approximately
8 . 7 acres to Fox Industrial Park with the Public Hearing
Notice being published.
3 . Preliminary Plat of Robbie Acres Subdivision off Cannonball
Trail byl.James Knierum (Kendall County)
4 . Petition for i I Rezoning from B-4 to M-1 of approximately
3 . 9 acres on Rt . 71 & 47 by Raymon H . Mattsen . (Kendall County)
5 . Subdivision Plat of Unit 8 Countryside Subdivision by John
Conover . (Kendall County)
6 . Petition for Special Use Rezoning from A-1 to AlSU by the New
Life Assembly Church for the purpose of construction of a church
on 5 acres off Cannonball Trail in Bristol Township . (Kendall
7 . Petition to Resubdivide Kenny Pesubdivison of 4 lots on Tuma
Road in Fox River Gardens . (Kendall County)
Alderman Simmons seconded the motion . Motion carried 5-0 .
TREASURER - Alderman Harker moved to approve the Treasurer ' s report ,
seconded by Alderwoman Pierce . Motion Carried 5-0 . Favorable comment
was made by Council members on Treasurer Merkel ' s new form of presentation .
POLICE - Chief Randall reported that of 58 arrests , 25 were for illegal
transportation of liquor in one month ' s time which showed half of the
arrests involved liquor . Alderman Harker moved to approve the Police
Reports , seconded by Alderman Wolff . Motion carried 5-0 .
DIRECTOR. OF PUBLIC WORKS - Alderman Harker moved to approve the Public
Works reports , seconded by Alderman Wolff . Motion carried 5-0 .
BUILDING DEPARTMENT REPORT - Alderman Simmons moved to approve the Building
Department Report , seconded by Alderman " Harker . Motion carried 5-0 .
PLAN COMMISSION - Alderman Beach reported that item 479 . 2.1 will be
reported later in the meeting and item 479 . 22 will be presented at the
next Plan Commission meeting scheduled for September 25 , 1979 at 7 : 30
P .M. at City Hall .
PARK COMMISSION - Director Suzzette Heth was granted permission to use
City Hall and the Water Tower Conference Room to hold 2 classes rather
than renting out another building. Silk;-:Flower classes will be held
Tuesdays & Thursdays at the Water Tower Conference Room from 6 . 30 to 7 : 30
P. M. for 4 weeks and Women ' s Slimnastics will be held on Tuesday and
Thursdays from 6 : 30 to 7 : 30 P .M. at City Hall . Alderman Beach stated he
felt it very commendable to use City resources at hand . Richard Mau
stated that November 29 , 1979 was scheduled for an Accountability Session
so the classes would have to be worked around that night .
on the meeting held September 11 , 1979 with East Alley Property
owners invited to attend. 50% or better were present and the talk
centered around the possibility of obtaining property for parking in
the East Alley. All but 2 or 3 were willing to participate . chairman
Hershel Smith and Alderman Beach met with members of the Farm Bureau
Board following the meeting in regards to obtaining a lease or purchas-
ing property behind the Farm Bureau building . A committee has been
appointed to investigate the situation and will get back to the Comm-
ission in the near future with an answer.
COMMUNITY CENTER COMMITTEE - Chairman Mau gave a report on the progress
to date . The City Public Property & Buildings Committee and the Comm-
unity Center ' s Building & Grounds Committee will meet at 8 :00 P.M.
on September 20 , 1979 at the Water Tower to present preliminary drawings
on the proposed building and Stark property site drawings . Chairman
Mau stated the building has to be completdd by April 2 , 1982 and ground
breaking should be in the spring of 1980 .
Page 3
aZ� BUSINESS : Alderman Wolff moved to authorize Attorney Dickson to
draw up an Ordinance approving the petition by Sawasko & Whalen to
amend the P. U. D. to provide for condominiums seconded by Alderman Harker.
Roll call vote was taken as follows :
Wolff - Aye Beach - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Pierce - Aye
Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Hanback was absent from voting .
BUILDING & ZONING - Alderman Beach reported that he has spoken to Inspector
Madden in regards to the Building Permit & Inspection Fees study and
samples will be gathered and at that time a committee meeting will be
called for study of the matter .
EMERGENCY SERVICE; .& DISASTER - Alderman Simmons reported that a committee
meeting will be held on Monday , September 24 , 1979 at 7 : 00 P .M. at the
Water Tower Conference Room with Chief Randall , Tom t.Tsry , Russ Devick of
the Fire Department , .,.Director Madden and committee members .
FINANCE - Alderman Simmons reported the Liquor Ordinance will be reviewed
by committee at the meeting scheduled for September 20 , 1979 at 7 : 30 P .M.
at the Water Tower .
HEALTH & SANITATION - Alderman Wolff reported that as soon as the type
of refuse can that can be attached to an obstacle downtown is found , they
will be purchased. Director Madden is in the process of looking for such
a container.
LIGHTS , TELEPHONE & GAS - Alderman Wolff reported that Cable TV personnel
need to meet with Director Madden for a permit to begin construction .
POLICE - Alderman Simmons moved to authorize the Police Committee to have
the land surveyedlat the Police Department , seconded by Alderwoman
Pierce . Motion carried 5-0 .
Alderman Wolff moved to accept the only bid received for the Police
Department garage at a cost of $18 ,400 on the condition that the survey
shows with which to erect a garage upon , seconded by Alderman
Beach . R011 call was taken as follows :
Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Fierce - Nay Wolff - Aye Beach - Aye
Motion carried 4-1 . Alderman Hanback was absent from voting .
Alderman Wolff moves_ to pass the Bicycle Ordinance , seconded by Alderman
Simmons . Roll call vote was taken as follows :
Simmons - Aye Pierce - Aye Wolff - Aye Beach - Ave Harker - Aye
Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Hanback was absent from voting .
Alderman Wolff reported that as of October 1 , 1979 there will be no crossing
guard at Route 34 as the state requires a minimum of 25 children to
cross daily to qualify for funding and there has not been that many per
STREETS & ALLEYS - Alderman Simmons reported that there is a need for engin-
eering for the sidewalk replacement program in the central business district
before the program can be continued .
SEWERS - Alderman Harker read the bids received for the Public Works
tractor as follows :
1 . Will County Ford $25 ,261 .81
2 . Homer Dickson Co. , Inc . 25 ,000 . 00
3 . Gast International 25 .995 . 00
(model 270)
4 . Gast International 22 , 895 . 00
(m del 26 ,A)
5 . Payline West International 23 ,461 .50
6 . ^a Nite (310A) 21 . 833 .00
7 . West Side Tractor Sales 22 ,485 . 00
8 . Eighmy Equipment 19 , 689 . 00
(J. C. B. 1978)
9 . Eighmy Equipment 19 . 390 . 00
(w/494 hrs . 1977)
Upon Committee recommendation , Alderman Harker moves: to accept the
bid of Da Nite for $21 ,833 . 00 , seconded by Alderman Simmons . Herb
Trip , representative from Homer Dickson Co. , Inc . stated questioned
the probability of the 1 yarc bucket and brake: not meeting the speci-
fication requirements . Alderman Wolff and Alderwoman Pierce
requested the matter be tabled and discussed at a committee meeting
scheduled for Monday , September 24 , 1979 immediately following
the ES&D meeting at 7 : OO�;iP .M. at the Water Tower .
(55) — Page a --- -
Alderman Harker requested a committee meeting with Attorney Dickson ' s
presence to discuss a change in the Ordinance to definitely define
the responsible party on the issue of the sewer line from the house
to the sewer main . The meeting was set for Thursday , September 20 . 1979
at 7 : 30 P . M.
Alderman Harker stated to the Council that he appreciated the opportunity
in having the opportunity to attend the seminar in Wisconsin .
STREETS & ALLEYS - Alderman Simmons moved to approve the engineering for
the sidewalk program on the west side of the downtown business area.
The motion was seconded by Alderman Harker . ;.Motion carried 5-0 .
POLICE - Alderman Wolff reported that the County will be removing
the junk cars from the lot located across the street from the Metho-
dist church .
TREES & PARKS - Alderwoman Pierce reported that no trees can be
obtained now until spring. Several organizations and individuals have
volunteered to help plant the tree: when they do become available .
WATER - Alderman Harker reported that the E .P .A. now requires a new radio
active test on water to be sent in monthly.
LIBRARY BOARD - Alderman Harker reported that the Library Board has met
with James Clarage and two of his associates for discussion on the
proposed library building to discuss standards and other necessary
information needed . Alderman Harker moved to authorize Attornev Dickson
to draw up a Letter •of Intent nn an hourly- ba-sis with payments to be
credited to the total fee for architectural services to the proposed
library. Alderman Wolff seconded the moticn . Motion carried 5-0 .
TREES & PARKS - Mayor Thanepohn requested Alderwoman Pierce to contact
Joyce Ward , Chairwoman of the Park cormission in regards to having
City Council representation present at their meetings and also the
Director' s salary and to report at the September 20 , 1979 meeting .
OTHER BUSINESS - Mayor Thanepohn requested that the Resolution
regarding the collection of municipal utility tax f.Pes to be put
on the agenda for the September 20 , 1979 committee meeting.
Alderman Wolff moved to adjourn the meeting , seconded by Alderman.
Harker . Motion carried 5-0 .
City C er
AUGUST, 1979 Approved September 13, 1979 Meeting
Commonwealth Edison Co. - EH55-AP-3084A Trees $ Parks $13.10 (1-36.2-662) ; 107.99
EJ59-AP-0150A P.D. $9.82 (1-38.2-740)
EH55-AP-8690A Maint. Bldg. $85.07 (1-38.4-761)
Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - 553-7809 Treas. $29.50; 552-7593 Call Forwarding P.D. 294.93
$16.43; 553-6990 Mayor (July & Aug.) $49.76; 553-0535
Mayor (July & Aug.) $9.97; 553-5836 P.D. (July & Aug.)
$173.49; 0231001 Pvt. Line P.D. $15.78 (1-42-864)
erox Corporation - Monthly rental charge for July-P.D. (1-42-866) 75.00
11. Municipal League - Registration for Municipal Conference (1-42-863) 535.00
eRoy Thanepohn - Meeting Expense (1-42-863) 20.00
alph Blake - z share cost of Surveying Fee (1-30-408) 125 .00
MSP/lusurance Trust - Group Insurance Premium (1-42-856) 1600.92
Aurora Blacktop, Inc. - Part payment Fox Road Project Est. #2 (1-32-505) 25000.00'
Kendall County Record - Warning Tickets & Accident cards-P.D. $113.55 (1-35-606) ; 137.55
Police Garage Bids $7.80 (1-42-860) ; Kyes Variance
$16.20 (1-41-802)
Blaine Harker - Seminar Expense (1-41-805) 20.76 ,
Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - 553-6222 Clerk $5.66; 553-6999 Public Works $25.09; 98.43
553-7855 Bldg. & Zoning $67.68 (1-42-864)
AB Dick - Photo Copier, Paper & Toner Inv. 394779 & 394778 4628.90
Plano Police Department - 496 Calls on Call Forwarding (1-35-615) For April, 1979 124.00
C & R Communications - Inv. 1650 Antenna $21.00 (1-35-608) ; Inv. 1665 Antennas 144.00
$42.00 (1-35-608) ; Battery & Labor $69.00 (1-35-602) ;
Inv. 1672 Ispern Repair $12.00 (1-35-602)
Waubonsee Community College- 3 Registration Fees for EMT/A Course-P.D. (1-35-607) 229.35
$76.45 each
Thomas R. Barna - Fee attending Evidence Collection Seminar (1-35-607) 11.31
Region IV Law Enforcement - Inv. 2246 Fee attending Disaster Management Workshop 20.00
Commission P.D. (1-35-607)
Ill. Valley Crime - Fee for Police Photography Class-P.D. (1-35-607) 15.00
Prevention Commission
eto Enterprises, Inc. - Inv. 13725 Gun lock & Bulbs $52.00 (1-35-608) ; Inv. 13720 198.22
Arm Patches 146.22 (1-35-608)
ay O'Herron Co. , Inc. - Inv. 060379 Mace Holders $55.01 (1-35-612) 127.04
Inv. 060952 Raincoats & Hand Held Stop Signs for Crossing
Guards $72.03 (1-35-608)
Kenneth R. Lotz - Inv. 5650 Reload Ammo (1-35-609) 76.00
Goodyear Truck Tire Center - Tires-P.D. (1-35-610) 83.32
Yorkville Body Shop - Inv. 025209 Align front end (1-35-610) 18.00
Kendall Grundy FS, Inc. - Gas - P.D. (1-35-611) 595.25
Jim McCarty Fire Equipment - Inv. 1771 Recharge 3 fire extinguishers (1-35-612) 24.00
John N. Schneider Appliance - Supplies-P.D. (1-38.2-741) 43.32
Yorkville Appl. & Furniture- Supplies - P.D. (1-38.2-741) 13.95
Probst Glass & Screen Shop,Inc. - Ticket 1477 Screen - P.D. (1-38.2-741) 7.10
Yorkville Auto Parts - Cust. No. 974 Inv. 10545,10748,10881 & 11013 Supplies 47.67
McNelis Tree Service - Cutting tree at Heustis & Orange & 609 So. Main (1-36.3-680)360.00
Anderson $ Bushnell - Cabinet,Scale,files etc. $147.74 (1-35- 603) 150.49
Supplies Ticket #86519 $2.75 (1-35-603)
Plano Police Department - 386 Calls on Call Forwarding (1-35-615) for August 96.50
GENERAL FUND (Continued)
Yorkville Hardware - Supplies (1-30-415) $12.12; Supplies $27.03 (1-30-411) 39.15
Uniwear - Inv. A1954 Uniforms (1-30-404) 200.25
Lyle Signs, Inc. - Street Signs (1-30-413) 59.35
Countys .de True Value - Seat Cushion (1-35-612) $4.88; Band Tools-Public Works 30.67
$25.79 (1-30-411)
The Shoe Horn - Safety Shoes - Public Works (1-30-415) 54.95
Yorkville Auto Parts - Cust. #126 Barricade Lights $30.00 (1-30-415) ; Oil & Parts 71.23
$41.23 (1-33-531)
Blue Grass Farms - Sod on Van Emmon St. (1-30-415) 45.50
Zwart Gravel Co. - Gravel (1-30-410) 62.90
ierzen Welding & - Inv. 20138 Repair Spreader (1-31-454) 135.00
Machine Co.
ormulab's Inc. - Red Dye Tablets (1-32-501) Inv. 8907 64.84
Fox Valley Sewer Service- Clean sewer on Bridge & Van Emmon (1-32-501) 58.00
Jim's Trenching - Repair sewer on Heustis St. (1-32-501) 588.00
Aurora Concrete Products Co.- Man Hole parts Inv. 0145 $ 0156 (1-32-501) 161.76
Farmers Elevator Co. - Culvert $ Bands for Mill $ Bridge St. $40.26 (1-32-501) ; 112.12
Sewer $ manhole repairs $71.86 (1-32-501)
Metropolitan Pump Co. - Inv. 16595 Pump repairs at Lift Station-Countryside Center 408.65
Au-Sable Int. , Inc. - Inv. 1382 Repairs on Cub Tractor (1-33-531) 276.57
Kendall Grundy FS,Inc. - Gas - Public Works (1-33-533) 435.35
Tri-County Scavenger - Service for August (1-34-561) 3277.60
Service, Inc.
Satellite Industries,Inc. - Portable toilet rental (1-36.2-664) 103.32
Janco Chemical Supply,Inc. - Inv. 83049 Garbage can liners (1-36.2-664) 114.80
Ram Electric Supply - Inv. 13411 Light Bulbs (1-36.2-664) 36.50
John N. Schneider Appl. - Air Conditioner Service, Paint & Supplies (1-38.4-762) 82.59
BOCA - Inv. 72855 Fee for Plan Review #3098 (Yorkville Baptist 390.00
Church) (1-41-803)
Elden Madden - Seminar at University of Wisconsin Expense (1-41-805) 106.07
Quill Corporation - Desk top trays (1-42-860) 14.68
Elden Madden, Director - Office Supplies (1-30-405) $9.23; Gas (1-33-533) $3.00; 87.99
Public Works Boco Plan Review & Stamps (1-41-807) $4.46; Office Supplies
(1-41-800) $2.64; Ill. Plumbing Insp. Mtg. Expense (1-41-805)
$7.00; Plan Commission Mailings (1-42-861) $15.30; Int. Inst.
of Municipal Clerks Dues (1-42-863) $25.00; Supplies-City
Clerk & Conf. Room (1-42-865) $21.36
Commonwealth Edison Co. - E AP 71881 St. Lighting (1-39) 958.05
SALARIES Gross 21,380.71 Net 15,149.47
Aurora Blacktop, Inc. - Part Payment Fox Road Project Est. #2 (3-401) 18701.32
Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - 023-1047 Alternator Cable (2-50-402) 9.38
Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - 553-7079 Water Dept. (2-50-410) 30.18
Elden Madden, Director - Water Samples-Postage (2-50-420) 5 .94
of Public Works
Anderson & Bushnell - Meter Books (2-50-412) 90.24
Water Products Co. - Inv. 27355 Meter (2-50-405) 214.92
E & H Utility Sales,Inc. - Inv. 72842 Curb Boxes $ Fittings $367.37; Inv. 73165 386.59
20" Chain $19.22 (2-50-413)
Jim's Trenching - Repair water leaks in Alley & Morgan $ Ridge Streets 420.00
hart Pool USA - Inv. 002130 Bristol Charts (2-50-413) 16.09
ity of Yorkville - Deposit Water Depreciation & Contingencies Fund 150.00
at'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago - Deposit-Water Bond & Interest Fund 2000.00
at'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago- Deposit - Water Bond $ Interest Reserve Fund 170.00
Commonwealth Edison Co. - EP14 AP 33737 Pumping (2-50-404) 1472.55
4,965 .89
SALARIES Gross 2,406.12 Net 1,659.74
LeRoy's Hobby Craft - Counter top for new office-Maint. Bldg. (6-403) 105.00
Riemenschneider Electric - Wiring & Fixtures - New Office at Maint. Bldg. (6-403) 410.71
Yorkville Appl. & Furniture- Carpet $ pad-New Office at Maint. Bldg. (6-403) 340.00
ristol Lumber Co. - Material for New Office at Maint. Bldg. (6-403) 777.32
r'LID: su
ORDINANCE NO. /5 -19 7 9
WHEREAS, the City Council has taken action to reduce
the rate of tax imposed on Gross Receipts for public utilities
doing business within the city limits of the UNITED CITY OF THE
VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, and more specifically, upon Gross Receipts
for the transmission of messages by means of electricity, the Gross
Receipts imposed upon the distributing, supplying and furnishing of
gas for consumption, and the Gross Receipts upon the distributing,
supplying and furnishing and selling of electricity within the
corporate limits of the City of Yorkville, as heretofore imposed
by Ordinance NO. 29, known and styled as "AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING A
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of
that Section 1 of Ordinance NO. 29, being an Ordinance Imposing a
Tax on Certain Utilities Doing Business in the United City of the
Village of Yorkville, Illinois, be and the same is hereby amended
to read as follows:
Section 1 - A tax is imposed on all persons engaged in the
following occupations or privileges:
a. Persons engaged in the business of transmitting messages by
means of electricity, at the rate of 4% of the gross receipts
from such business originating within the corporate limits of
Yorkville, Illinois.
b. Persons engaged in the business of distributing, supplying,
furnishing,- or selling gas for use or consumption within the
corporate limits of Yorkville, Illinois, and not for resale, at
the rate of 4% of the gross receipts therefrom.
c. Persons engaged in the business of distributing, supplying,
furnishing, or selling electricity for use or consumption within
the corporate limits of Yorkville, Illinois, and not for resale,
at the rate of 4% of the gross receipts therefrom.
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED by the City Council of the UNITED
CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE that the City Clerk transmit forth-
/ with to all taxpayers collecting taxes imposed hereby a true and
correct copy of this Ordinance.
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that all Ordinances and parts of
Ordinances which are in conflict with this amendatory Ordinance be
and the same are repealed insofar as they conflict, but that the
Ordinance known as Ordinance No. 29, being "An Ordinance Imposing
a Tax on Certain Utilities Doing Business in the United City of
the Village of Yorkville" shall be in each and every other respect,
except as specifically amended by this Ordinance, readopted and
reaffirmed as an Ordinance of this_ City.
That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect ON �
from and after its passage, signing and publication as required by
Presented to the City Council of the UNITED CITY OF THE
VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE this IJA day of 1 1979.
Passed by the City Council of the UNITED CITY OF THE
t 11,,4, 1979.
rte; YORKVILLE this /dam day of
j City Cilerk
Signed by the Mayor of the UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF
YORKVILLE, Kendall County, Illinois, this 1311c day of AA ,�.
it LUANNE ERICKSON? being first d ly sworn on oath dispose
and say;
1, That I am the City Clerk. of the UNITED CITY .OF THE
VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, Kendall County, Illinois.
2. As such City Clerkr I am the custodian of the Official
County, Illinois.
3. That the foregoing is a true and correct copy of an
Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 29 Known as An Ordinance Imposing
a Tax on Certain Utilities Doing Business in the United City of the
Village of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, passed by the
Mayor and the City Council at a Regular meeting on the /3/-,t day
of � �_, A.D. , 1979.
City Clerk
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this _LL Z-7/ day of A.D. ,
r '1,q79.
Notary Public
/�- /97!