City Council Minutes 1979 10-11-79 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TINITED CITY (61 OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE , KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS HELL) OCTOBER 11 , 1979 AT CITY HALL. Mayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order at 8 : 00 P .M. and led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag . Clerk called the roll as follows : Ward 1 - Wolff Ward 2 - Harker Ward 3 -- Simmons Beach Hanback Pierce A quorum was established . Guests were Mr . Boeger, Howard Gallagher and Identa Austin . The reading of the minutes from the September 27 , 1979 meeting was waived . Alderman Harker moved the minutes be approved as presented , seconded by Alderwoman Pierce . Motion carried 6-0 . The reading of the bills was waived . Alderman Wolff moved to -authorize payment of the 'bills -presented , seconded by Alderman Harker. Motion carried 6-0 . ATTORNEY ' S REPORT - Attorney Dickson read the pertinent parts of the Harker Annexation Ordinance ,. Alderman Simmons moved to pass Ordinance No . 17-1979 Annexing Territory to the United city of the Village of Yorkville , Kendall County , Illinois consisting of 8 . 717 acres of land zoned M-1 adjacent to Fox Industrial Park . Motion was seconded by Alderman Wolff . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Wolff - Aye Beach - Aye Harker - Abstain Hanback - Aye Simmons - Aye Pierce •- Aye Motion carried 6-0 . MAYOR' S REPORT - Mayor Thanepohn reported that the I11nois Department of Transportation will have a pre-construction meeting regarding the shoulder work for the traffic signal on Rt . 47 on October 15 , 1979 at 10 : 30 A.M . in Ottawa . Director Madden was requested to attend the meeting . CITY CLERK - Alderman Beach moved to refer the Petition by Ivan Anderson for rezoning from B-3 to M-1 the corner parcel at Rt . 71 and 47 in Kendall County, to the Yorkville Plan Commission , seconded by Alderman Wolff . Motion carried 6-0 . TREASURER - Alderman Harker moved to approve the Treasurer ' s Report, seconded by Alderman Simmons . Motion carried 6-0 . POLICE - Alderman Wolff moved to approved the Police Report , seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried 6-0 . DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS - Alderman Wolff moved to approve the Public Glorks A,eports , seconded by Alderman Harker. Motion carried 6-0 . BUILDING DEPARTMENT REPORT - Alderman T^Iolf_f_ moved to approve the Building Department Report, seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried 6-0 . PLAN COMMISSION - Alderman Beach reported the next meeting will be Tuesday, October 23 , 1979 at 7 : 30 P .M. at City Hall . PARK COMMISSION - Alderman Hanback reported the next meeting will be Tuesday, October 16 , 1979 at 7 : 00 P .M. at the City Clerk ' s office . HUMAN RESOURCE COMMISSION - Alderwoman Pierce reported Student Govern- ment Day will be October 25 , 1979 . SENIOR CITIZEN REPRESENTATIVE - Identa Austin reported from the Senior Foxes that the Senior Citizen Watch is being appreciated and invited members of the Police Department to attend their next Senior Foxes meeting . BUILDING & ZONING - Alderman Beach called a committee meeting for Thursday, October 18 , 1979 at 7 : 30 P.M. at the Water Tower to discuss the McHugh property and Robbie Acres . Attorney Kramer requestee permission to attend the meeting in behalf of Robbie Acres . EMERGENCY SERVICES & DISASTER - Alderman Simmons reportedl there will be a meeting with the ESDA Director on Tuesday, October 16 , 1979 at the Water Tower Conference Room . The Pinball Application will also be discussed . (62; Page 2� October 11 , :1979 3EALTH & SANITATION - Alderman Wolff requested a list of blighted areas so that he may proceed with his project . Trash containers have been ordered by Director Madden for the downtown area . POLICE_ - Alderman Wolff reported the survey was acceptable and the garage would be constructed as planned . Alderman wolff moved to advertise for sealed bids for a new squad car , seconded by Alderman Hanback . Motion carried. 6-0 . SETXIERS - Alderman Harker moved to grant the request of Yorkville Baptist Church to put in a septic system until sewer becomes available in the future , seconded by Alderman Hanback . Motion. carried 6-0 . STREETS & ALLEYS -- Alderwoman Pierce reported she has received several phone calls regarding the traffic lights and has spoken with Burlington and the red tape has been cleared and lights should be in service within 2 weeks time . A motion sensoring device for train switching is available . TREES & PARKS - Alderwoman Pierce stated that she is having information sent to her from her inquiries at the Illinois Municipal League regarding recreation grants . Alderwoman Pierce will be planting tulip bulbs in the parks and. has spoken with several nurseries in the area in regards to the reforestation program project next spring . Alderman Wolff reported the Yorkville Sports Boosters are selling tickets for lighting the football field and stated it was his feeling that the City should back the project by means of a Proclamation issued by the Mayor . WATER - Alderman Harker moved to authorize Baxter & woodman Engineering firm to do the enginnering for replacement of the water line from 1.7. Ridge St to down Morgan St . to Hydraulic St . to S . Main St . to w. Van Emmon making a loop in the line . The motion was seconded by Alderman Simmons . Motion carried 6-0 . LIBRARY BOARD - Alderman Harker reported the next meeting will be October 24 , 1979 at 7 : 30 P .M. YBS_BOARD - Alderman Harker rported the next meeting will be October 15 , 1979 . The meeting was adjourned into Executive Session regarding litigation at 8 : 45 P .M. mhe regular meetiang was reconvened at 9 : O5 P .M. Alderman wolff moved to adjourn the meeting at 9 :06 P .M. , seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried 6-0 . L City Clerk i SEPTEMBER, 1979 Approved October 11, 1979 Meeting GENERAL FUND Illinois Bell Telephone Co. - 553-7855 Bldg. & Zoning $158.97 202.57 553-6222 Clerk 5.32 553-6999 Recreation Dept. 22.50 023-1001 Pvt. Line P.D. 15.78 (1-42-864) Commonwealth Edison Co. - EH55-AP-8690-A Maint. Bldg. $59.82 (1-38.4-761) 79.53 EH55-AP-3084-A Trees & Parks $19.71 (1=36.2-662) ommonwealth Edison Co. - EJ59-AP-0150-A P.D. $4.59 (1-38.2-740) 4.59 orthern Illinois Gas Co. - 3119058117 Park (1-36.2-662) $5.61 146.32 3119001000 Trees $ Parks (1-36.2-662) $111.37 3119011702 Maint. Bldg. (1-38.4-761) $29.34 Northern Illinois Gas Co. - 3129002808 P.D. (1-38.2-740) 8.50 Salisbury Grocery - Supplies P.D. (1-38.2-741) $55.48 149.98 Supplies P.D. (1-35-612) 94.50 Salisbury Grocery Supplies (1-30-405) 16.92 Countryside True Value - Keys, Duct Tape, Hose $ Nozzle (1-38.2-741) $15.44 43.98 Flashlight $ Batteries-Public Works (1-30-411) $11.30 Paint -Maint. Bldg. (1-38.4-762) $17.24 Kendall County Record - Printing Emergency Information Forms, postcards & 152.33 Letterheads (1-35-606) $122.73 Tractor Bid (1-33-532) $4.80 Annexation Hearing (1-41-802) $15.40 Publish for Crossing Guards (1-42-860) $1.60 Garage Bids for P.D. (1-42-860) $7.80 Ronald Diederich - I.V.C.P. Shoot at Joliet Dist. #5 (1-35-607) 8.00 Richard A. Randall - Attending I.V.C.P. meetings (1-35-607) 24.25 The John Marshall Law School - Seminar on The Law of Traffic Offenses-P.D. (1-35-607) 70.00 Veto Enterprises, Inc. - Bearcat Scanner Radio for P.D. (1-35-608) 162.15 Ray O'Herron Co. , Inc. - Inv. 061414 Targets, Mace Holders (1=35=613). $81.52 141.52 Insignias (1-35-608) $60.00 Engine Testing of,.Mt.c Carroll - Inv. 2197 Car Testing (1-35-610) 23.00 Ron Westphall Chevrolet, Inc. - Ticket 3509 Check front suspension & steering on 2,60,65 M2 $21.05 (1-35-611) Ticket 3634 Check engine timing $ replace turn signal bulbs on M3 $22 .67 (1-35-610_ Ticket 3591 Replace front $ rear shocks $118.40 (35-610) Ticket 3662 Replace Spark Plugs, repair Mars Lights on M-3 $65.60 (1-35-610) Ticket 3720 Check fluids $ filters on M-2 $12.15(35-611) Ticket 3724 Check brakes on M-3 $19.20 (1-35-610) PAJ#23,11 _ $l .58 _ 0-35-610) Kendall Grundy FS, Inc. - Gas P.D. $931.21 (1-35-611) 945 .06 Squad Maintenance (1-35-610) $13.85 Hornsby's Family Center - Ticket 074704 Filters-P.D. (1-38.4-762) $2.25 13.02 Ticket 075039 Supplies P.D. (1-35-612) $10.77 Cavett Rexall Drugs - Tape P.D. (1-35-612) 2.80 IBM Office Products - Inv. 1570720 Typewriter Repairs-P.D. (1-35-614) 43.04 Plano Police Department - 329 Calls on Call Forwarding for September (1-35-615) 82.25 Share Corporation - Inv. 218732 Sure Clean, Glass Cleaner & Polish 45 .67 P.D. (1-38.2-741) Elden Madden, Director Public Works - Re-imburse Petty Cash: Office Supplies $1.74 77.64 (1-30-405) ; Plan Comm. mailings $12.59 (1-42-861) Ill. Mun. League Conf, Expense (Clerk $ Treasurer) $52.36 (1-42-863) ; Office Supplies $10.95 (1-42-865) SEPTEMBER, 1979 GENERAL FUND Continued Perkins Builders, Inc. - Repairing Suffleboard courts & Sidewalk replacement 910.85 at Countryside Center (1-30-403) Aurora Blacktop„ Inc. - Inv. 1986 Cold Mix (1-30-410) 352.47 Central Limestone Co. - Crushed Rock (1-30-410) 136.41 Uniwear - Inv. A2212 Winter Uniforms Public Works (1-30-404) 267.25 Airco Welding Supply - Inv. A545903 Acetylene $ Oxygen (1-30-410) 19.28 G. Heiman's Lawn Equipment - Inv. 005689 Mower $ weed eater repair (1-30-415) 93.75 $ Repair Service $48.95 Inv. 2840 Carb Kit $44.80 (1-30-415) hn N. Schneider Appliance - Duct Tape, Keys & Yellow paint (1-30-410) 45 .26 totional Power Rodding Corp. - Inv. 4197 Sewer cleaning & TV Sewers (1-32-501) 4358.70 Kendall Excavating Inv. 110 Manhole repairs on Kendall Drive (1-32-501) 325.00 Farmers Elevator Co. - Sewer tile (1-32-501) 17.46 Kendall Grundy FS, Inc. - Gas, Oil-Public Works $470.20 (1-33-533) 730.84 Tires for Pontiac $260.64 (1-33-531) Hathorn's Inspection Station - Truck Inspections (1-33-534) 29.25 Tri-County Scavenger Service,Inc.- Services for September (1-34-561) 3277.60 Satellite Industries, Inc. - Portable Toilet rental for September (1-36.2-664) 130.00 James B. Clarage & Associates - Planning Services for July,Aug.& Sept. (1-37-701) 250 .00 Yorkville Appliance $ Furniture- Ticket 53101 Drapes (1-38.4-762) 257.40 Xerox Corporation - Rental charge for August - Copier at P.D. (1-42-866) 75.00 Elden Madden - Ill. Municipal League Conference Expense (1-41-805) 251.14 Day-Timers - Office Forms Public Works (1-42-859) 37.60 New England Business Service,Inc. - Desk Tray $ Pads (1-42-860) 74.64 Goldsmith,Thelin,Schiller $ - Title Commitment-Blake Property (1-42-860) 75.00 Dickson Quill Corporation - Pens, Rubber Bands, Stamp Rack $ Add Machine Rolls 26.78 (1-42-865) Markelz Office Products - Inv. M63632 Binder,Legal Pads, Pencil Sharpener 65.36 etc. (1-42-865) Inv. M62546 Blaine Harker - Municipal Conference Expense (1-42-863) 92.85 Marilyn J. Merkel - Municipal Conference Expense for Clerk $ Treasurer 203.21 (1-42-863) eRoy Thanepohn - Administrators Meeting Expense (1-42-863) 9.00 B Dick Company - Inv. 397213 Paper $28.08; Inv. 396124 Paper $35.53 63.61 (1-42-866) Filbey,Summers,Abolt,Good $ - Audit expense (1-42-855) 3900.00 Kiddoo The Economics Press,Lnc. - Inv. Q-709092 Front Line Management-40 Lessons 87.80 (1-42-863) YSPlInsurance Trust - Group Insurance Premium (1-42-856) 1623.32 Northern Illinois Gas Co. - 3139077402 City Hall (1-38.1-730) 6.01 Da-Nite Equipment Co. - Inv. 46957 Loader Backhoe (1-33-532) 21833.00 Illinois Bell Telephone Co. - 552-7593 Call Forwarding P.D. $16.43 124.81 553-7809 Treasurer $33.98 553-5836 P.D. $74.40 (1-42-864) r149„_r0.1_84, !QG_. T10-ket 3935 Repalla 1976 Ghev. $24 .90 Tieket 3365 Repair 1978 Shev. $94.89- Ei 55 551) Elden Madden - Registration $ lunch-Annual Meeting SBOC (1-41-805) 112.00 y J GENERAL FUND Continued Ron Westphall Chevrolet, Inc. - Ticket 3849 Replace Battery $10.65 (1-35-610) 74.40 Ticket 3901 Replace Washer bottle M-3 (1-35-610) $9.00 Ticket 3749 Service M-3 $22.05 (1-35-611) Ticket 3825 Service 1976 Olds $12 .15 (1-35-611) Ticket 3884 Service M-2 $20.55 (1-35-611) Director of Labor - Unemployment Insurance for Quarter Ending 214.83 September (1-42-868) tDonahue,Thornhill ommonwealth Edison Company - E AP 71881 Street Lighting— (1-39) 958.05 ox Valley Garden Center - 200 Tulip Bulbs (1-36.2-666) 50.00 & Olson - Order No. 1693 Surveying Police Station Property 147.00 (1-38.2-742) 44,010.70 SALARIES GROSS $22,375.77 Net 151716.27 WATER FUND Illinois Bell Telephone Company - 553-7079 Water Dept. (2-50-410) $29.02 38.40 Oa3-1047 Alternator Cable (2-50-402) $9.38 Elden Madden - Expenses at Water Supply Operators Convention 126.69 (2-50--0.18) 2ommonwealth Edison Co. - EP14 AP 33737 Pumping (2-50-404) 1367.14 ,ommonwealth Edison Co. - EP14 AP 33737 Pumping (2-50-404) 1314.32 Yorkville Plumbing $ Pump Co.,Inc. - Ticket 1696 Solder ��5.20; Ticket 1692 Fittings 7.80 $2.60 (2-50-402) Elden Madden, Director Public Works - Water samples 8 postcards for water billing 9.51 (2-50-420) ,ity of Yorkville - Transfer to Water Depreciation $ Contingencies Fund 150.00 .at'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago - Deposit - Water Bond, & Interest Fund 2000.00 Vat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago - Deposit-Water Bond $ Interest Reserve Fund 170.00 Vorthern Illinois Gas Co. - 3139061604 Pumphouse (2-50-411) 10.35 5194.21 SALARIES GROSS $2,435.11 Net 1,656.33 'ARK COMMISSION FUND <ammes Bus Service,Inc. - Inv. 11831 Bus trip to Wrigley Field 558.40 iayden's Sport Center - Inv.8009 Ribbons,Stopwatches,Tapes & Finish line 147.63 Yarn 706.03 WATER-BOND & INTEREST ACCOUNT The Northern Trust Company - Water Revenue Bonds Dated 5/1/69 - 7% 6496.43 ORDINANCE ANNEXING TERRITORY THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE KENDALL COUNTY , ILLINOIS WHEREAS , Blaine M . Harker and Elizabeth Harker , his wife , of Yorkville , Kendall County, Illinois , as record owners in fee simple of a tract of land contiguous to the United City of the Village of Yorkville , Kendall County , Illinois , consisting of approximately 8. 717 acres of land , have heretofore filed a Petition for Annexation with the United City of the Village of Yorkville , Kendall County , Illinois ( hereinafter referred to as "City" ) , requesting the annexation and zoning of said property ; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said Petition , the Plan Commission of the City has held a public hearing thereon ; and WHEREAS , the Petitioners are the owners of said land and no electors reside thereon ; and WHEREAS , said Petitioners are under oath requesting the annexation of said property to the City and in all respects have presented their Petition in accordance with the provisions of Section 7-1 -8 of the Illinois Municipal Code , being Chapter 24 of the Illinois Revised Statutes , 1969 ; and WHEREAS , upon investigation by the proper authorities of the City ' it has been ascertained that said Petition conforms in all respects to the requirements of the Statutes and that said property is contiguous to the United City of the Village of Yorkville , Kendall County, Illinois , and is not within the corporate limits of any other municipality; and WHEREAS , due notice of said Petition for Annexation has been served upon the Bristol -Kendall Fire Protection District and the Kendall Township Highway Commissioner, as required by statute ; and WHEREAS, the statutes provide that upon affirmative vote from the majority of the City Council , contiguous property can be annexed to the United City of the Village of Yorkville , Kendall County , Illinois . NOW, HEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council LF Uud a 3 / 7-�f t of the United City of the Village of Yorkville , Kendall County, Illinois as follows : Section 1 : That the real estate described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof be and the same is hereby annexed into the United City of the Village of Yorkville , Kendall County , Illinois . Section 2 : That the city limits of the City be and they are hereby extended to include the territory hereby annexed to the City in accordance with the map of said property attached hereto and marked as Exhibit "B" . Section 3 : That all of said property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof be and the same is hereby zoned M-1 : Limited Manufacturing District , in accordance with the provisions of the zoning ordinance of the City . Section 4 : That all ordinances or portions of ordinances in conflict herewith be , and they are hereby repealed insofar as conflicts exist . Section 5 : That the City Clerk of the United City of the Village of Yorkville be and she is hereby authorized and directed to record with the Recorder of Deeds of Kendall County , Illinois , a certified copy of this ordinance , together with an accurate map of the territory annexed , together with an Affidavit of Notice as required by Section 7-1 -1 of Chapter 24 of the Illinois Revised Statutes setting forth that notice of said Annexation has been served upon the Bristol -Kendall Fire Protection District and the Kendall Township Highway Commissioner. Section 6 : That this ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its final passage and signing by the Mayor and its recording by the Recorder of Deeds of Kendall County, Illinois , as herein provided . PRESENTED to the City Council of the United City of the Village of Yorkville , Kendall County , Illinois , this //� _ day of Qo_k_AA&1 , 1979. PASSED by the City Council of the United City of the Village of Yorkville , Kendall County , Illinois , this J/ � day of -2- 1979 . SIGNED by the Mayor of the United City of the Village of Yorkville , Kendall County , Illinois , this /1,g day of t16 1979 . ay ATTEST : Cit Clerk 17 LEGAL DESCRIPTION That part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 5 , Township 36 North , Range 7 East of the Third Principal Meridian described as follows : Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 1 , Block 2 , "Fox Industrial Park , Kendall County , Illinois , Unit 4 " ; thence North 1 44 ' 07" West along the West line of said lo� 390. 0 feet to the Northwest corner thereof ; thence North 81 52 ' 08" West along the South line of Wolf Street , the South line of Lot 5 , Block 2 , "Fox Industrial Park , Kendall County , Illinois , Unit 511 , and said South line extended 988. 25 feet to the West right-of-way line of Illinois State Route No . 47 , thence South 1 44 ' 07" East along said West right-of-way line 390 . 0 feet to t8e South line of said Lot 1 extended westerly , thence South 81 52 ' 08" East along said extended South line 988. 25 feet to the point of beginning in Kendall Township , Kendall County , Illinois . KEN04LL TUWNSM/f' /�C/VLWLL c.w�� •�•, 98825 N8/°5248 W w0i _ -94765 ' 47 65 O r�oo o a F4- S8/°�208'E- 98825 9+mss 5b7O5' State of Illinois.SS - County of Kendall: This is to certify that the plat hereon draw is a correct represawtatiow Of tht follOviaq dWWi W*CU That part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 5, Townshtp 36 Noro. Range I East of the Tkird ►rfncipal Merit(&* follows US inning KWAA11 Countlr 211inots Unit ` inning at the 5i6gth;west corner of Lot 1, 8loctc 2. " Industrial Rant„ �► North 144 0T West along t* West line of said lot 390.0 feet_t the Northwest thtreofl ti�tb CERTIFICATION STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF KENDALL ) SS CITY OF YORKVILLE I , Luanne , Erickson , City Clerk of the United City of the Village of Yorkville , Kendall County , Illinois , do certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of an Ordinance duly passed by the City Council of the United City of the Village of Yorkville , Kendall County , Illinois , on the ZZd day of 1979 , and duly approved by the Mayor thereon on the _ 1/ day of dC,49-� , 1979 . I do further certify that said Ordinance was passed by the affirmative vote from a majority of the City Council of the United City of the Village of Yorkville , Kendall County , Illinois , said vote having been taken by ayes and nos and entered on the records of the corporate authorities . I do further certify that I am the legal custodian of all papers , contracts , documents and records of said City . WITNESS , my hand and the official seal of the United City of the Village of Yorkville , Kendall County , Illinois , this day of 1979 . City erk w STATE OF ILLINOIS ) SS COUNTY OF KENDALL ) AFFIDAVIT LUANNE J . ERICKSON , being first duly sworn on oath , deposes and states as follows : 1 . That she is the City Clerk of the United City of the Village of Yorkville , Kendall County , Illinois . 2 . That on the 18thday of September , 1979 , she caused to be served upon the Bristol -Kendall Fire Protection District a NOTICE OF PROPOSED ANNEXATION , a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, and that said Notice was mailed to the Bristol -Kendall Fire Protection District by certified mail , return receipt requested , and was duly received by the Bristol - Kendall Fire Protection District on the 20th day of September 1979 , a copy of said receipt for certified mail being attached hereto and made a part hereof . 3 . That on the 5th day of September 1979 , she caused to be served upon the Kendall Township Highway Commissioner a NOTICE OF PROPOSED ANNEXATION , a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, and that said Notice was mailed to the Kendall Township Highway Commissioner by certified mail , return receipt requested , and was duly received by the Kendall Township Highway Commissioner on the 10th day of September , 1979 , a copy of said receipt for certified mail being attached hereto and made a part hereof. 4 . That this Affidavit is made in compliance with Section 7-1 -1 of Chapter 24 , Illinois Revised Statutes . Luanne . Erickson , City Clerk of the United City of the Village of Yorkville , Kendall County , Illinois . SUBSCRIBED and sworn to before me this day of 1979 . Notary Public /7—li7q .THOMAS W. GRANT ATTOi NLY AT LAW P.O.BOX 326,202 NORTH STRUT C"N YORMLLE,ILLINOIS 60560 :cif: 312-5:,:)-0066 (G) AS.1JCir�:c To : 5risto. -Kendall Fire Protection 'District Atten on : Vernon Ament ox Road Yorkville , Illinois 60560 NOTICE OF PROPOSED ANNE X;TIO,ti PLcASE TAKE NOTICE that a Petition for Annexation his bean r lad with the City. Clerk of the United Ci ty of the Vii ; uge c Yorkyllle , Kendall County , Illinois , requesting the 4nrL:xati3.1 of a parcel of real estate consisting of approximately 8 . 717 acres lying cEasterly of U .'S . . Route 47 on the .Southerly boundary of .,;a United City of the Village or' Yorkville , *Illinois , more par- ticularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a :.cart nereof. Attached hereto and forming a part hereof is a copy of said Pet! ti on for Annexation . J ` This notice is given to you , and each of you , pursiant tr.e provisions of Chapter 24 , Section 7-1 -1 of the Illinois ,:- v i s e d Statutes . Tit�lerk of ore Unit;�,: City of the Village of Yorkv41, 1e , Kendall County , Illinois . r'7-1y7q a THOMAS W GRANT ATTORNEY AT LAw P.O.BOX 326,203 NORTH STRLLT GRANT S.'�rLGNER YORKVILLE.,ILLINOIS 60560 1 LLt' JIG':5rOOtSB I91 To : Pr . Leo Scott Kendall Township Highway Commissioner Ir,urianuel Road Yorkville , IL 60560 NOTICE OF PROPOSED ANNEXATION PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Petition for Annexation nds been filed with the City Clerk of the United City of the Village of Yorkville , Kendall County , Illinois , requesting the annexation of a parcel of real estate consisting of approximately 5 . 717 acras lying• Easterly of U . S . Routje 47 on the Southerly boundary of the United City of the Village of Yorkville , Illinois , more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Attached hereto and forming a part hereof is a copy of said rent 4 on for Annexation . This, Notice is given to you , and each of you , pursuant to tn,: provisions of Chapter 24 , Section 7-1 -1 of the Illinois Revised 'Statutes . Cit- Clerk o•f the United City of the Village of Yorkville , Kendall County , Illinois i /7—/17 -C 'FIED MAIL KN, RECEIPT FOR -EW' NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED- --- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL ,j (kheck one) (See Rw ierse) k,n.g scr%i,c is rC,ILI ,t whOlIn and date �S, If'Idivery SENT TO y Comm. Show It)�,%hom,'Lltc-and addrc e ScO-t-.t/Hw RVSTRIC,'T") DELIVERY I I S15iE`L7T--;�N­0NO- towholl, and date 'Ich\Cred. , Immanuel—Road p O_STATE AND ZIP GO" --- T L- IL 60560 Silo- a.1dress of d1livery Yorkville , (C0NSI'L1- I!0STNI:\S1•LR FOR FEES) 'POSTAG� CERTIFIED FEE 2. ARTICLE ADDRESSED SPECIAL DELIVER_ Y Leo Scott ighway Comm. RESTRICTED DELIVERY Kendall TwSp . H Yorkville ,e , IL 1,1, Lj SHOW 10 WHOM AND DATE C-1 Immanuel R,oadj. C-2 DELIVERED 3. ARTICLE DESCRIPTION: INSURED NO. 4A 'HOW TO vjjj(�y!D;jj,AND 4 REGISTERED NO, CERTIFIED NS Gn ED N _j P- ADDRESS GI ULLIVLHY vI --- 89719! CM o SHOW TO WHOM AND DATI RtSIRICIIU (AI,,jy,&,oj)tajn signaluto Qf of a20211 WC4 DILLIVIM0 WITH DELIVERY j,st-ribed Above, h.Lve rc( I, lAthe anti C SHOW 10 WIp%j.DAIS AND C3 w S I G N A44-�� Ad,lr ADDASS 01`DIELIVIRY 04 RESTRICTED DELIVERY TOTAL POSTAGE AND FEES POSTMARK Dx r)F,'OvERY a POSTMARK OR DAVE 4 ADDRESS (Complete w...Y CAUSEINITIALS' ' F ,,,.MILL 1"U ULL BECAUSE'. P08 R-r11=12D MAIL RECEIPT FORCE Add your J"'ress No it,1SURAN I CE COVERAGE P,jOVIJED- Is NOT FOR INTERNATIO'.AL MAIL �CJ%I,c IS (See ReverSO) "d i),r., ard d., X -ry S,'.NT TO Ament-Fire Pro V q{rEP 9,0 N 0. Fox Road p 0'STATE AND ZIP CODE I L 6 560 li Cl i'�C,y Yorkyj I I e 1:1.11:Sf) pOSTAGE CERTIFIED FEE M t al I Fire re SPECIAL DLLIVL1AY 0 and IIEb"R'C;TLD ULLIVEi4y Di strict vil'e IL 605'-'0 Yor" tz E ULLI\JLFLo SHOW j6V,,ON1 DATE R T I F r,01 IN LIRL�D:NO. ,j Q A ADCRLSS OE I DELIVERY '64 73790 -LA SHOW 10 WHOM AND DATi DEL IA kED WITH REST RICI Li ur aonntl 16 z ULLfVLHy cc Above. S, 'To CATE A,% C rfid'. C:";,r,tA* An ,�-!S6 0I"DELIVERY wTh. RLSTHICTED DEUVERY C, DFEES TOTAL POSTAGE A1 N "Ok-DAYE �� � 00 (Co 0 CLE�BK*b• 0. �_L T:) �-L,VLR 01:1�;'U�'C I A I.S.