City Council Minutes 1979 12-13-79 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE , KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS HELD AT CITY HALL , DECEMBER 13 , 1979 . Mayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order at 8 :00 P.M. and led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Clerk called the roll as follows : Ward 1 - Beach Ward 2 - Harker Ward 3 - Simmons Pierce Aldermen Wolff & Hanback were absent. A quorum was established. The reading of the minutes was waived. Alderwoman Pierce moved the minutes of the November 15 , 1979 meeting be approved as presented, seconded by Alderman Harker. Motion carried 4-0 . The reading of the bills was waived. Alderman Harker moved the bills be approved as presented, seconded by Alderwoman Pierce . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Pierce - Aye Beach - Aye Motion carried 4-0 . Aldermen Wolff & Hanback were absent from voting . ATTORNEY' S REPORT - Attorney Dickson reported the Resolution Waiving the requirement of appraisal by the Illinois Department of Transportation and to enter into agreement with the State of Illinois for functional replacement of the library was passed at the November 15 , 1979 meeting and has been signed and forwarded to the Illinois Department of Transportation . MAYOR' S REPORT - Mayor Thanepohn announced the Impact Study for Wildwood Estates has been scheduled for December 20 , 1979 at 8 :00 P.M. at City Hall . Notices have been sent to all principal people involved. Alderman Simmons moved to approve Mayor Thanepohn ' s setting of City Council meeting dates for 1980 and directed attorney Dickson to draw up a resolution with the following meeting dates : January through October 1980 - second & fourth Thursdays November 1980 - first & third Thursdays December 1980 - second Thursday only Motion was seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried 4-0 . TREASURER - Alderman Harker moved to approve the Treasurer ' s Report , seconded by Alderwoman Pierce . Motion carried 4-0 . POLICE - Alderman Harker moved to approve the Police Report , seconded by Alderwoman Pierce . Motion carried 4-0 . DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS - Alderman Harker moved to approve the Public Works Reports , seconded by Alderman Simmons . Motion carried 4-0 . BUILDING DEPARTMENT REPORT - Alderman Harker moved to approve the report of the Building Department , seconded by Alderman Simmo,- s . Motion oarried 4-0 . Mayor Thanepohn noted that there was over $4 ,000 ,000 declared value of construction to date in 1979 . PLAN COMMISSION - Alderman Beach read Item #79 . 32 of the November 27, 1979 Plan Commission Minutes regarding the Petition for Annexation and Rezoning of Wild Wood Estates . The Plan Commission voted unani- mously to forward the Petition to the Impact Study scheduled for December 20 , 1979 at 8 :00 P.M. at City Hall . Alderman Wolff arrived at 8 : 15 P.M. Alderman Beach read the Zoning Board of Appeal Minutes of December 10 , 1979 recommending to the City Council that the Variance be granted for Ridgewood Estates (formerly Yorkshire Estates) . Attorney Grant and Engineer Bill Perry made presentations in behalf of the developers . Alderman Beach moved that on recommendation by the Zoning Board of Appeals the City Council grant the Variance for Ridgewood Estates as follows : 1. to establish the maximum grade of the street not to exceed 15% , the precise grade to be approved by the City Council when considering the final plat . Page 2 December 13 , 1979 2 . to permit construction of street at this location in question (see Petition for Variance) with vertical curve length of 150 feet. 3 . to permit construction of the street at the location in question with minimum reverse curves without intervening tangent . 4 . to waive requirement of the vertical curve at the intersection of the grades at the location in question . The motion was seconded by Alderman Harker . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Pierce - Aye Wolff - Aye Beach - Aye Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Hanback was absent from voting . PARK COMMISSION - Alderwoman Pierce reported the 10th Annual Christmas Sing-along had been held in the City Park and there have also been many comments on the Christmas lighting in the park . Alderman Simmons reported the Park Director was now bonded as requested. HUMAN RESOURCE COMMISSION - Alderwoman Pierce reported that Student Government Day improvements were discussed at the last meeting. BUSINESS & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION - Alderman Beach reported there was a lack of communication on the S . Main and W. Hydraulic Street right-of-way. Alderman Beach requested the City Clerk send out cards prior to the meetings of the Commission as reminders to members due to lack of attendance and participation at meetings . Alderman Beach reported on his attendance at a recent conference stating it was the best he had ever attended, with excellent speakers . SENIOR CITIZEN REPRESENTATIVE - The representative present stated that Yorkville now has two new doctors . Also , that she was happy to see the traffic signal in use . CITIZEN COMMENTS - Mr. Garvey spoke in behalf of the residents of Crooked Creek Subdivision in objection to the proposed Annexation and Rezoning of Wildwood Estates . Mr. Garvey stated they wish to work with the City in alleviating problems that could develope due to their present water run-off problem. POLICE - Chief Randall presented awards to Sgt . Reuter and Officers Sibenaller & Kennedy for completion of a 13 week E.M. T. course . Mayor Thanepohn presented Louis Nauman of 207 W. Ridge Street in Yorkville , a Certificate of Commendation for his recent life-saving actions involving saving a child ' s life on November 27 , 1979 . FINANCE - Alderman Simmonsreported there was a committee meeting scheduled for Monday, December 17 , 1979 at 8 :00 P.M. at City Hall . Alderman Simmons reported the report from the Five-City Finance Meeting held on November 1, 1979 have been completed and sent out to the Cities involved and the Yorkville City Council . HEALTH & SANITATION - Mayor Thanepohn commented on the new trash containers in the downtown area with the City Public Works seal on them. LIGHTS, TELEPHONE & GAS - Mayor Thanepohn reported that a major street light on Bridge & Hydraulic Streets has been repaired. POLICE - Alderman Wolff reported that he and Chief Randall attended a Communications Center meeting. Consideration should be made for the future . STREETS & ALLEYS - Alderman Simmons moved to authorize Attorney Dickson to draw up an Ordinance to change the name of :"Mill 'Street" between Route 126 & Route 47 to "Colonial Parkway" . Motion was seconded by Alderman Harker. Roll call vote was taken as follows : Simmons - Aye Pierce - Aye Wolff - Aye Beach - Aye Harker - Aye Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Hanback was absent from voting. Page 3 December 13 , 1979 Alderman Wolff asked if anything was going to be done on the Circle Center School & Orange Street sidewalk project . Alderman Beach stated the Committee is waiting for CM&T to submit engineering and when that is considered suitable bids can then be sent out . It is to be included in the next fiscal year ' s budget. TREES & PARKS - Alderwoman Pierce reported there would be a January meeting to discuss new trees for spring planting. Mayor Thanepohn stated that the Ordinance on sign advertising would have to be enforced regarding the Fox Valley Shopper containers . WATER - Director Madden reported the letter to the Department of Transportation regarding the water line across the river in connection with the new bridge had been sent . LIBRARY BOARD - Alderman Harker reported that the committee did not care for the architects first set of plans for the new library building. The architect is to submit more plans at the next meeting. Mayor Thanepohn reported that the Department of Transportation is working on the library matter and will be out to measure the building within two weeks . They will also consider any reasonably justified increase in sizing of a new building. YBS BOARD - Alderman Harker announced a meeting scheduled for January 17 , 1980 at the Yorkville-Bristol Sanitary Plant , with the City Council , Public Works Director and City engineer to discuss the Grant and the I&I study. Alderman Wolff moved to adjourn the meeting at 9 : 11 P .M. , seconded by Alderman Harker. Motion carried 5-0 . City ler NGVEMBER, 1979 Approved December 13 Meeting GENERAL FUND Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - 553-7809 Treas. $32.82; 553-7855 Bldg. & Zoning $56.85; 214.92 553-6999 Public Works $21.40; 553-6222 Clerk $11.98; 023-1001 P.D. $15.59; 553-5836 P.D. $59.69; 552-7593 Call Forwarding P.D. $16.59 Northern Ill. Gas Co. - 3119058117 Park $6.43 (1-36.2-662) ; 3119001000 Park 436.35 $117.63 (1-36.2-662) ; 3119011702 Maint. Bldg. (1-38.4-761) $224.94; 3139077402 City Hall (1-38.1-730) $43.12; 3129002808 P.D. (1-38.2-740) $44.23 Commonwealth Edison Co. - EH55-AP-8690A Maint. Bldg. (1-36.2-662) $50.04; 1041.09 EH55-AP-3084-A Park (1-36.2-662) $26.76; EAP 71881 St. Ltg. (1-39) $964.29 Nimlo - Inv. 011596 Membership for City Atty. (1-42-863) 141.90 Markelz Office Products - Inv. M65320- W2 Forms (1-42-865) 20.04 Ill. Dept. of Commerce-& - Conference Registration for Ald. Beach (1-42-863) 45.00 Community Affairs C Services, Inc. - Commercial Umbrella Policy 155C16336 $1102.00 (1-42-867) Park Director Bond $20.00 (1-42-854) 1122.00 John Britt, Oswego Police Dept.- Extra Officer hours for Football Game (1-35-614) 40.00 C $ R Communications - Inv. 1896 Crystals & Labor $498.25; Inv. 1899 Radio 526.25 Repair $28.00 P.D. (1-35-602) Ray O'Herron Co., Inc. - Inv. 063236 Trooper Caps (1-35-604) 17.53 Anderson & Bushnell - Supplies Ticket 1021,1075,1155,1158 P.D. (1-35-603) 115.48 William Pfalzgraf, Regional - Expense attending Juvenile Justice Seminar (R. 50.00 Director Diederich) (1-35-607) MTI Telegrams, Inc. - "Officer Down Code Three" books for P.D. (1-35-607) 10.00 I11. Assn, of Chiefs of Police- Membership Dues for Chief Randall (1-35-607) 25.00 International City Management - Inv. 111358 Local Gov't. Police Management Book 26.75 Assn. (1-35-607) Ill. Law Enforcement Officers - Subscription (1-35-607) 16.00 Law Bulletin, Inc. Maple Leaf Speciality Company - Bicycle Licenses (1-35-607) 207.00 Veto Enterprises, Inc. - Inv. 14127 Light bar assembly, Siren system, Lights, 983.90 etc. (1-35-608) Ron Westphal Chevrolet, Inc. - Inv. 1928 - 1980 Chev. Impala-P.D. (1-35-608) 6060.00 Kendall Grundy FS, Inc. - Gas P.D. (1-35-611) 779.99 Ram Electric Supply - Inv. 13514 Bulbs (1-35-612) 39.24 Goodyear Truck Tire Center - Tires - P.D. Inv. 15339 (1-35-612) 108.00 Yorkville Auto Parts - Cust. 974 Inv. 15925 Supplies (1-35-614) 8.06 Plano Police Department - 425 calls on Call Forwarding-P.D. (1-35-615) 106.25 lden Madden, Director of - Office Supplies $1.29 (1-30-405) ; Gas $5 .00 (1-33-533) ; 73.97 Public Works Recording Beaudry Annexation Ord. $16.00 (1-41-806) ; Postage $5.37 (1-41-807) ; Plan Comm. & Zoning Brd, of Appeals Postage $17.55 (1-42-861) ; Clerk's Dues $10.00 (1-42-863) ; Office Supplies $18.76 (1-42-865) Luanne Erickson, City Clerk - Clerk's Institute Expense $174.40 (1-42-863) ; 187.40 Recording Yorkshire Estate Annexation Ordinance $13.00 (1-41-806) Aurora Blacktop, Inc. - Inv. 2131 Cold Mix $181.92; Inv. 2243 Cold Mix 376.72 $194.80 (1-30-410) Central Limestone Co. - CA6B Stone $271.70 (1-30-410) ; CA16 Stone Chips 428.66 $156.96 (1-31-452) Yorkville Hardware - Supplies $24.70 (1-30-410) ; Blue Bulbs $21.25 45.95 (1-36.2-664) Today Cartage, Inc. - Inv. 00718 Salt (1-31-451) 3000.80 10 . GENERAL FUND (Continued) Midwest Supply Co. - Inv. 1866 Snow Melter (1-31-451) 879.99 Chain Supply Co. - Inv. 76 Snow Melt (1-31-451) 107.80 Fox Valley Sewer Service - Clean sewers at Van Emmon & East Fox (1-32-501) 332.00 Ron Westphal Chevrolet,Inc.- Ticket 2839 Lamp $12.83; Ticket 4348-1976 GMC Tune up & 354.73 Turn Signal $64.58; Ticket 4270-1960 Panel-Wiring, Clutch, tune up & parts $277.32 (1-33-531) Ron Westphal Chevrolet,Inc. - Ticket 4197 Service M-2 $20.80; Ticket 4228 Replace air 101.83 & PLV Filters M-3 $34.79; Ticket 4283 Replace Wiper Blades $22.00; Ticket 4335 Check Fluids $ Filters $24.24 (1-35-611) Homer G. Dickson & Co. ,Inc. - Tickets 92689,92899,92305 Hydraulic Hose & oil (1-33-531) 41.96% Bristol Welding Co. - Inv. 1007 GMC Truck repair (1-33-531) 80.00 Yorkville Auto Parts - Cust. 126 Battery, Oil $ Parts $123.48 (1-33-531) 283.43 Battery Charger $159.95 (1-33-532) J. W. Hinner Sales $ - Inv. 79115 Warning lights (1-33-532) 199.07 Equipment Co. wait Inc. - Ticket 9093 Chain, oil, filters (1-33-532) 275.65 endall Grundy FS, Inc. - Gas - Public Works (1-33-533) 392.01 Hathorn's Inspection Station- Truck Test Ticket 27868 (1-33-534) 6.55 Greene Valley Landfil - Fall junk pickup (1-34-561) 131.00 Tri-County Scavenger - Garbage service for November (1-34-561) 3277.60 Service, Inc. Ace Hardware - Bulbs for Park (1-36.2-663) 69.00 James B. Clarage & Assc. - Engineering Review of Robbie Acres (1-37-703) 280.00 Greiter's Mechanical - Ticket 2174, 2110 Parts for overhead door (1-38.4-762) 29.00 Service Contracting McKee Door Sales & Service- Order #W0036857 Fiberglass (1-38.4-762) 141.00 John N. Schneider Appl. - Supplies, Bulbs, Bolts (1-38.4-762) 26.43 Farmers Elevator Co. - Nails (1-38.4-762) 3.26 Riemenschneider Electric - Material & Labor - Well House, Traffic Light & Mercury 476.55 Light downtown (1-V) Hornsby's Family Center - Ticket 074710 Tapes $18.61 (1-42-860) ; Ticket 074713 & 70.26 074715 Ext. Cords & Oil (1-33-533) $9.46; Ticket 074712 Embossing Tape (1-35-612) $1. 73; Ticket 074714 Snowsuit - P.D. (1-35-604) $40.46 The Stationery House, Inc.- Inv. 15494 Note Pad & Holoer (1-41-800) 28.62 Quill Corporation - Office Supplies (1-42-865) 41.27 Satellite Industries,Inc. - Portable Toilet (1-36.2-664) 17.32 MSP/Insurance Trust - Group Insurance Premium (1-42-856) 1645.71 III. Bell Telephone Co. - 553-0535 Mayor $5.63; 553-6990 Mayor $23.32 (1-42-864) 28.95 McNelis Tree Service - Cutting trees at Somonauk St., Center St. $ Ridge St. 1000.00 $940.00 (1-36.3-680) ; Trimming limbs at City Park $60.00 (1-36.2-661) IC Services, Inc. - Comp. Gen. & Auto Liab. Pol. RICIP9-6648-20 Addl. Prem. 76.00 adding 1979 Chev. (1-42-858) CC Services, Inc. - Bond for Budget Officer $20.00; Bond for City Clerk 83.00 $63.00 (1=42-854) The Hartford - Warrkmens Compensation Insurance (1-42-853) 8339.00 Richard Randall - Expense for I.V.C.P. Executive meeting & I.V.C.P. regular 40.00 meeting (1-35-607) 35113.24 SALARIES GROSS 24,158.18 NET 16,883.73 WATER FUND Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - 553-7079 Water Dept. (2-50-410) $30.00 39,38 023-1047 Alt. Cable (2-50-402) 9.38 Northern Ill. Gas Co. - 3139061604 Pumphouse (2-50-411) 65.81 Commonwealth Edison Co. - EP14AP33737 Pumping (2-50-404) 1195.49 Water Products Co. - Inv. 30805 Meter (2-50-405) $218.14; Inv. 30743 Repair 256.66 Clamps (-2-50-408) $38.52 Elden Madden, Director of - Office Supplies $7.38 (2-50-412) ; Postage-Water Samples 13.42 Public Works $6.04 (2-50-420) Water Depreciation & - Transfer from Water Fund 150.00 Contingencies Fund Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago= Deposit - Water Bond & Interest Fund 2000.00 Nat'l. Blvd.. Bank of Chicago- Deposit - Water Bond 8 Interest Reserve Fund 170.00 , 3890.76 SALARIES GROSS 2,558.09 NET 1,762.82 REVENUE SHARING FUND Motorola, Inc. - Inv. 3510-JG Radio System for Public Works (6-404) 7051.50 PLAN COMMISSION FUND Safari Market - Ticket 9662 Gift Certificates for Turkey Shoot 60.00 RESOLUTION N0. 53-19 7 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING ACQUISITION OF THE LIBRARY PROPERTY WHEREAS, the UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE has been informed by the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois that it can select one of the following options concerning the acquisition of the Library Property, which is to be acquired by the State for the proposed improvement known as FAP 100 (Ill 47) SECTION 13 D & 109 W & RS. WHEREAS, the options are as follows: 1. Having the State make an appraisal of the property and tendering an offer of just compensation for the property. 2. Having the State make an appraisal, a just compensa- tion offer and the option for the City to request "Functional Replacement" by refusing the offer of monetary compensation. 3. The City waiving the necessity of the State making an appraisal and tendering an offer and entering into an Agreement with the State for the "Functional Replacement" with the State and Federal Governments paying for the replacement facilities and the City paying for any "betterments" to the site or replacement structure. WHEREAS, the UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE officials have determined that the timely and coordinated replace- ` ment of the Library would be in the best interest of all concerned by the acceptance of OPTION #3. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE as follows, to-wit: �1 S t, Y 1. That the City waive any requirement to have the R State make an appraisal of and tender an offer of just compensation. 2. That it is in the best interest of the City and its citizens that the facilities be replaced in cooperation with State -l- and Federal authorities and that the City accept the tender of "Functional Replacement" of such facilities. 3. That the Mayor be, and hereby is, authorized and directed to communicate in writing to the Department of Trans- portation of the State of Illinois the contents of this Resolution. 4� PA$SED'=THIS /�" DAY OF 1979 so ity Clerk /i-7 9-�9 APPROVED THIS �� DAY OF �Jt-L�L� 1979. 7 Mayor 53-1979 CERTIFICATION STATE OF ILLINOIS SS COUNTY OF KENDALL I, LUANNE ERICKSON, City Clerk of the UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, Kendall County, Illinois, do certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Resolution duly passed by the City Council of the UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, Kendall County, Illinois, on the 15th day of November, 1979, and duly approved by the Mayor thereon on the 15th day of November, 1979. I do further certify that said Resolution was passed by the affirmative vote of a majority of the City Council of the UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, Kendall County, Illinois, said vote having been taken by "AYES" and "NAYES" and entered on the records of the Corporate Authorities and that the following Aldermen voted as follows: AYE NAY ABSENT LAWRENCE A. BEACH X FRANK C. WOLFF X DANNY C. HANBACK K ROGER E. SIMMONS X BLAINE HARKER K NAYDENE PIERCE X I do further certify that I am the legal custodian of all papers, contracts, documents and records of said City. WITNESS MY HAND AND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF THE UNITED CITY HE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, KENDALL-COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THIS Jade 1979. 4, Ci y Clerk v T Sri 0A