City Council Minutes 1978 02-09-78 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE , ILLINOIS , HELD AT CITY HALL , FEBRUARY 9 , 1978 • In with absence of Mayor Thanepohn , Clerk Erickson called the meeting to order at 8 : 05 P . M . and led the Council in the Pledqe of Allegiance to the flag . Clerk Erickson entertained a motion from Alderman Smith to nominate Alderman Wolff as Mayor Pro-tem , seconded by Alderman Beach . Motion carried . Roll call was taken as follows : Ward 1 - Alderman Beach Ward 2 - Alderman Harker Ward 3 - Alderman Simmons Alderman Smith A quorum was established . Alderman Hanback was absent . The reading of the minutes was waived . Alderman Smith moved to approve the minutes of the January 12 and January 26 , 1978 meetings at presented , seconded by Alderman Beach . Motion carried 4-0 . The reading of the bills was waived . The following bills were presented by the Clerk for payment : Fox Valley Disposal Co . - service $ 1 , 816 , 32 ending 1 /31 /78 Hathorn ' s Inspection Station 23 . 80 Ken Swanson Plumbing Service - cleaning 50 . 00 sewer main on E . Orange Street Alderman Harker moved to authorize payment of the bills including the 3 additions , seconded by Alderman Simmons . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Beach - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Smith - Aye Motion carried 4-0 . Alderman Hanback absent . ATTORNEY ' S REPORT - Alderman Simmons moved to approve passage of the Traffic Control agreement and signal at Route 47 and Van Emmon Street and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement . The motion was seconded by Alderman Smith . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Beach - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Smith - Aye Motion carried 4-0 . Alderman Hanback absent . Alderman Beach moved to approve the Resolution authorizing the expenditure of $ 14 , 700 of M . F .T . funds for the installation of the traffic signal at Route 47 and Van Emmon Street , seconded by Alderman Simmons . Roll Call vote was taken as follows : Beach - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Smith - Aye Motion carried 4-0 . Alderman Hanback absent . Alderman Smith moved to pass the Ordinance for traffic signal parking regulations stating a violation for any person to park within thirty ( 30) feet of the approach to the traffic signal at the side of the roadway and a fine of not less than $5 . 00 nor more than $500 . 00 for each offense . The motion was seconded by Alderman Harker . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Beach - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Smith - Aye Motion carried 4-0 . Alderman Hanback absent . 1 7 2 Page 2 February 9 , 1978 In regards to the Conover suit , Attorney Dickson reported that four (4) of the six (6) counts have been dismissed . Mayor Pro-tem Wolff asked for an executive session to discuss Conover litigation following regular meeting . MAYOR ' S REPORT - Mayor Pro-tem Wolff read a letter from Al Brady of Absco , Inc . stating the alley that goes behind the library and to the east of Schneider ' s property currently used as access & egress to the library is the property of 123 E . Hydraulic Street . The letter will be filed . A Thank You letter was sent to Nancy Baird from the Mayor for her work done with the Park Commission . Also , a letter was sent by the Mayor to Bobbie Schneider for her services as City Clerk and her assistance in a smooth transition upon her resignation . CITY CLERK - Alderman Beach moved to approve the Easter Seal Society of Southern Kane and Kendall Counties to hold tag days known as "Lily Days"' on Friday , May 12 and Saturday , May 13 , 1978 , seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried 4-0 . TREASURER ' S REPORT - Alderman Beach moved to approve the Treasurer ' s Report , seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried 4-0 . POLICE REPORT - Alderman Smith moved to approve the Police Report , seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried 4-0 . PUBLIC WORKS REPORT - Alderman Harker moved to approve the Public Works Reports , seconded by Alderman Simmons . Motion carried 4-0 . Alderman Beach commended the Public Works Department for excellent snow removal services , especially at Countryside where drifting was excessive . PLAN COMMISSION - Alderman Beach reported the Commission recommended approval of Dr . & Mrs . Casimir Bassak to rezone from A- 1 to R-2 . The Commission recommended approval of the initial plan for Unit 2 of Woodworth ' s Subdivision with the exception of the need for a variance for the cul -de-sac , recognition of easements and a floodplain area . In regards to the Comprehensive Plan , Mr . Clarage needs feedback from the Business & Economic Development Commission , the Impact Study Committee , Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown Study Group . Clerk Erickson was requested to make copies of the minutes of these meeting available to the members of the Plan Commission . The next meeting will be held February 28 , 1978 at 8 : 00 P . M . at City Hall . PARK COMMISSION - Alderman Smith reported the next meeting would be February 21 , 1978 at 7 : 30 P . M . at the Maintenance Building Conference Room . HUMAN RESOURCE COMMISSION - Alderman Simmons reported the Public Survey Questionaire/returns were discussed at the meeting . BUSINESS & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION . - Alderman Beach reported the next meeting will be Tuesday , February 1978 at 8 : 00 P . M . at City Hall . Page 3 February 9 , 1978 173 COMMUNITY CENTER COMMITTEE - Alderman Simmons reported that he had attended the joint meeting with the City Council along with Alderman Beach and Mayor Thanepohn and the Council ' s opinions were projected into the committee . OLD BUSINESS - Attorney Kramer , representing Robert Loftus , presented the City Engineer ' s estimate for removing the existing asphalt and replacement with 2 inches of new B-5 bituminous on Lots 1 & 2 , 3 , 4 and 6 & 7 and to the rear of Lot 5 of Kountryside Kommons property to be 20 , 106 . 97 sq . ft . times the cost of $ 1 . 14 per sq . ft . equals $25 , 214 . 15 . Alderman Beach moved to accept a $29 ,000 Certificate of Deposit assigned to the City of Yorkville by Robert Loftus con - tingent on approval by the City Engineer , Attorney Dickson and Dir- ector of Public Works of the resurfacing all parking lots of Kountryside Kommons and the driveway between 205 Powers Court and Powers Court . The motion was seconded by Alderman Harker . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Beach - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Smith - Aye Motion carried 4-0 . Alderman Hanback was absent . Alderman Beach moved to vacate Powers Court and give authorization to the Mayor and City Clerk for signatures , contingent on the Certi - ficate of Deposit assigned to the City of Yorkville in the amount of $29 ,000 being delivered . Alderman Beach then withdrew his motion . Alderman Beach then moved to vacate Powers Court and execute an Ordinance to be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk conditioned on the Certificate of Deposit appropriately assigned to the City of Yorkville in the amount of $29 , 000 being delivered . The motion was seconded by Alderman Simmons . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Beach - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Smith - Aye Mayor Pro-tem Wolff - Aye Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Hanback was absent . Alderman Beach moved that the final plat of Loftus ' Resubdivision of Loftus Subdivision , Block 3 , Unit 4 of Countryside Center Subdivision of the City of Yorkville be approved and authorization given for the Mayor and City Clerk ' s signatures conditioned on the City of Yorkville receiving the Certificate of Deposit assigned to the City by Mr . Loftus in the amount of $29 ,000 . The motion was seconded by Alderman Smith . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Beach - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Smith - Aye Motion carried 4-0 . Alderman Hanback was absent . Attorney ' s Grant and Kramer agreed that if the construction work on Powers Court has not commenced within four (4) months of this date , the City of Yorkville has the right to procede with the job . The originals of the Letter of Credit for Randy Erickson were filed with the City Clerk . NEW BUSINESS - One gasoline bid was received . Kendall -Grundy F . S . Inc . submitted the following bid : 3/5C per gallon discount for Regular and No Lead . Pump Price - Current Net Price less discount & tax Regular - 61 , 7 /gallon 54 . 2fi/gallon No Lead - 63 . 7 /gallon 56 . 2fi/gallon 17 4 Page 4 February 9 , 1978 Alderman Simmons moved to accept Kendall -Grundy F . S . Inc . ' bid as presented for the period beginning February 15 , 1978 through January 31 , 1979 with consideration given to the pump price fluxiating during the year . The motion was seconded by Alderman Harker . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Beach - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Smith - Aye Motion carried 4-0 . Alderman Hanback was absent . STREETS & ALLEYS - Mayor Pro-tem Wolff reported a letter has been received from the City Engineers with the cost estimates as follows : Traffic Signal $ 14 , 700 Van Emmon Street 74 ,000 W. Fox Road 53 , 000 Total $ 1T+ 1 , 700 Alderman Beach moved to send the Fox Road construction estimate to the State for approval and to approve a Resolution to expend $53 ,000 from M . F .T . funds for the Fox Road construction work . The motion was seconded by Alderman Smith . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Beach - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Smith - Aye Motion carried 4-0 . Alderman Hanback was absent . POLICE - Alderman Smith reported Chief Pricket has received a certificate of appreciation for service in the Illinois Police Chiefs Association . Officer Randall was requested to present the citation to Chief Prickett . SEWERS - Alderman Harker reported he had discussed the lift station at Countryside Center with Mr . Purcell . Mr . Purcell had agreed to hook it up by a year from the summer of 1978 . FUTURE PLANNING - Alderman Beach reported that to date he had not heard from Mr . Mezger regarding Yorkshire Estates . PUBLIC PROPERTY & BUILDINGS - Director Madden was requested to check out the furnace at the library . BUILDING & ZONING - Alderman Beach reported there will be a pre-public hearing with the City Council regarding Stark ' s proposed business park February 23 , 1978 at 7 : 30 P . M . at City Hall preceding the regular City Council meeting. There will be a Public Hearing regarding Starks ' proposed business park March 9 , 1978 at 7 : 30 P . M . preceding the regular City Council meeting at City Hall . FINANCE - Alderman Simmons reported the Committee will meet with the Auditor and Treasurer Merkel on February 16 , 1978 at the City Secretary ' s office at 8 : 00 P .M . There will be a meeting with employees regarding wage negotiations on March 2 , 1978 with the following schedule : 7 : 30 P . M . — Police Dept . Representative 8 : 00 P . M . - Police Chief 8 : 30 P . M . - Public Works Dept . Representative 9 : 00 P . M . - Director of Public Works Alderman Smith moved the meeting be adjourned into Executive Session at 9 : 27 P . M . to discuss Conover litigation , seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried . Page 5 February 9 , 1978 Regular session was reconvened at 9 : 45 P .M . Alderman Beach moved to authorize Attorney Dickson to pursue the Conover suit for any connection fees not paid for previously . . Yhr motion was econded by Alderman Smith . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Beach - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Smith - Aye Motion carried 4-0 . Alderman Hanback was absent . Alderman Beach moved to adjourn the meeting at 9: 46 P . M . , seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried . Respectfully Submitted , - (Lu nne J . E ickson , City Clerk) Approved by : yo FEBRUARY, 1978 GENERAL FUND Commonwealth Edison Co. - EAP71881 St. Ltg. (1-39) $904.98; EH55-AP-8690A Maint. 954.73 Bldg. (1-38.4-761) $49.75 Commonwealth Edison Co. - EJ59-AP-0150A P.D. $2.00 (1-38.2-740) ; EH55-AP-3084A 15.60 Park $13.60 (1-36.2-662) Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - 552-7593 Call Forwarding P.D. $16.68; 553-6222 City Clk. 177.67 $4.89; 553-6990 Mayor $23.46; 553-0535 Mayor $2.54; 553-7809 City Treas. $9.14; 553-5836 Police $44.24; 553-7855 Bldg. & Zoning $47.12; 553-6999 Park Recreation $29.60 (1-42-864) Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - 023-1001 Pvt. . Line P.D. (1-42-864) 15 .78 Xerox Corporation - Monthly charge for January (1-42-869) 70.00 IBM Corporation - Repair typewriters (1-42-860) 38.87 LeRoy Thanepohn - Meeting Expense (1-42-863) 14.00 Yorkville National Bank - Box Rent (1-42-860) 12.00 Betty Huston - Fees for Nov. 1977 to Jan. 1978-Sect. Plan Commission 65 .51 (1-37-700) Kendall County Treasurer - Yorkville share for Civil Defense Siren (1-42-872) 3677.91 Yorkville Area Chamber of - Dues for Ald. Wolff for 1978 (1-42-860) 60.00 Commerce C C Services, Inc. - Inland Marine Policy 1-1-78 to 1-1-79 223.00 C C Services, Inc. - Commercial Fire Policy 3634.00 MSP Group Insurance Trust - Group Insurance Premium for March (1-42-856) 1143.21 Goldsmith,Thelin,Schiller - Transcript of Depositions Re: Conover suit (1-42-860) 262 .20 & Dickson Fox Valley Disposal Co. - Dumpster Service $44.00; Disposal Service for February 2060.96 $2016.96 (1-34-561) Kendall County Record - Gas Bid (1-30-413) 6.80 Elden Madden - Postage (1-30-407) $2.20; Office Supplies $3.91 (1-41-800) 45.24 Suburban Bldg. Officials Conf. $5.00 (1-41-806) Postage Plan Commission $4.71 (1-42-861) ; School Expense $14.50 (1-42-863) ; Notary Bond, Seal & Manual $14.92 (1-42-868) Sears Roebuck $ Company - Pants $ shirts (1-30-405) 173.79 Salisbury Grocery - Supplies P.D. $19.32 (1-35-613) ; Supplies-Maint.Dept. 57.53 $38.21 (1-30-411) Aurora Blacktop Inc. - Cold Mix (1-30-411) 116.00 Jay McCoy - Snow plowing (1-30-403) 150 .00 Mount's Septic & Sewer - Pump 3 loads-Dolph St. (1-32-501) 90.00 Service Van Ham Ford Mercury - Bolts for ford truck (1-33-531) 10.88 Yorkville Auto Parts - Parts (1-33-531) 65 .77 Kendall Grundy FS, Inc, - Ticket #48164 Service (1-33-531) 7.00 Homer G. Dickson $ Co.,Inc.- Tractor battery $46.65 (1-33-531) ; Hydraulic parts 97.13 $50.48 (1-31-454) Dierzen Welding $ Mach. Co.- Inv. A12022 Snow plow parts (1-31-454) 64 .00 Central Limestone Co. - Stone (1-31-452) 175 .51 Black Office Equipment,Inc.- Inv. 011015 Legal size file cabinet (1-38.4-760) 150.00 Hornsby's Family Center - Shelving $24.50 (1-38-733) ; Windshield Washer $5.18 29 .68 (1-33-531) Yorkville Hardware - Supplies (1-38-731) 5 .13 Crawford,Murphy & Tilly,Inc.- Services-Loftus $ Erickson Subd. (1-41-803) $216.25; 222.33 Inv. 140 Services attending Countil Mtg. for Jan.,1978 $6.08 (1-42-860) BOCA International,Inc. - Inv. P-85943-1 $ 2 Family Dwelling Code Books (1-41-801) 48.00 GENERAL FUND (Continued) Beckley-Cardy Co. - Office supplies City Clerk $30.28 (1-42-868); Office Supplies 36.29 Bldg. $ Zoning $6.01 (1-42-800) Luanne Erickson - Ill. Municipal League Books $5.00; Clerk Dues $10.00; Postage 16.35 $1.35 (1-42-861) Frank Thornber Co. - Inv. A23398 Minute Books $ filler sheets $122 .56; Inv. A23400 159 .65 Minute Books $37.09 (1-42-868) The Paper Crate - Pendaflex files & receipt book (1-42-868) 12 .35 Countryside True Value- Coffeemaker & cable clamps $18.29 (1-42-860) ; Keys (1-35-613) 23.03 $4.74 Ray O'Herron C.,Inc. - Inv. 046063 Badges (1-35-605) 80 .39 Badger Uniforms - Inv. 035869 $ 035868 Wearing apparel (1-35-605) 315.07 Yorkville Auto Parts - Anti Freeze, fusees, spot lite bulbs & belt (1-35-613) 67.82 Fredrickson's Inc. - Racks for forms (1-35-604) P.D. 35.90 Farmers Elevator Co. - Lumber P.D. (1-38-38.2-741) 2 .24 RamElectric Supply - Inv. 5310 Floodlites (1-38-38.2-741) 30.60 Arliskas Valley Pontiac- Inv. W00317 Squad repair $533.77; Inv. W00054 Squad Repair 731.37 $197.60 (1-35-611) Cavett Countryside - Film, film processing (1-35-613) 17.68 Drugs The Glass Shop - 1 window $ putty (1-38-741) 22 .25 Ray O'Herron Co. - Inv. 045432 Dispensor & lifters for fingerprint kit (1-35-613) 19.52 Wayne Millen - Re-imburse for repair of C.B. Radio (1-35-603) 15.00 Al Spera - 2 hours court time (1-35-617); 7-PR-20 lamps $3.15 17.47 Plano Police Dept. - 355 calls on call forwarding for Feb.,1978 (1-35-619) 88.75 Ron Diederich - Expense attending meeting for Valley Youth Officers Assn. 10.00 (1-35-608) Richard Randall - Expense attending Ill. Valley Chief's meetings (1-35-608) 17.90 15,659.86 SALARIES GROSS 15,802.93 NET 12,976.31 WATER FUND Elden Madden - Mileage for M. Mikkelson $8.40 (2-419) ; Postage $23.67 (2-421) 32.07 Farmers Elevator Co.- Insulation & lumber (2-50-413) 16.02 Water Products Co. - Nut &,.Clamps $146.79 Inv.13573 & 14819 (2-50-407: Meters 1397.79 Inv. 14788 $ 14791 $1251.00 (2-50-404) Midwest Welding & - Inv. 8872 Welding $ thawing water mains (2-50-407) 200.00 Fabricating Redmon Welding - Thaw water line (2-50-407) 25.00 Layne Western Co.,Inc.- Payment #10 Well #4 (-2 -50-408) 1590.05 Ill.Bell Telephone Co.- 023-1047 Pvt. Line Pump house (-2-50-410) 9.20 Ill. Bell Telephone Co.- 553-7079 Water Dept. (2-50-410) 34.31 Commonwealth Edison Co.- EK59CH25525 Pumping (2-50-403) 56.58 Commonwealth Edison Co. - EP14AP33737 Pumping (2-50-403) 1004.37 The Bank of Yorkville- Deposit-Water Depreciation & Contingencies Fund 150 .00 Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago - Deposit - Water Bond $ Interest Account 2000.00 Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago- Deposit - Water Bond & Interest Reserve A-count 170.00 6685 .39 SALARIES GROSS 1,930.08 NET 1406.38 MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND Crawford,Murphy $ Tilly,Inc. - Inv. 142 Services on Fox Road Improvement 4578.65 (4-402) ENDu L C Ktc.0 I NICRQI[ILME��' ��NDAII COUNT/1 l� IN ED V< TRACTED�e POP R� ; 145 P ORDINANCE NO. 3— ��Jrf p n ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE VACATION OF POWERS COURT Q%MMl19M(Ift STREET IN THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF TORKVILLE, ILLINOIS PREAMBLE AFTER HEARING the testimony of the Petitioners requesting a vacation of Powers Court , a public street located in the VillageH of Yorkville ; and a Public Hearing having been held by the :City 1 /Council of THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE upon public notice as required by the ordinances duly enacted by said Village, and no protests having been filed or objections voiced by the public as to said vacation; th.e' City Council having made the specific finding that no valuable consideration shall accrue to. the benefit of the adjoining landowners if said street is .. vacated; WHEREFORE upon these considerations : THE CITY COUCIL of THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILL$, ILLINOIS, does ordain as follows : t :SECTION I. t i THAT POWERS COURT, a public street located in THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS, and legally described as a public street dedicated in a plat known as Kountryside Kommons , a Resubdivision of Block 3, Countryside Center, Unit No. 4 , Ken4all ti County, Recorded as Document X74-2380, be \'and the same is hereby '4 vacated with title to said premises to revert to the adjoining land- owners, Old Second National Bank, as Trustee under Trust No. 1856 , --- and Grundy County National Bank as Trustee under Trust No. 513. " J SECTION II. This ordinance shall take effect and be enforced from and after its passage and publication according to law. , Passed by the City Council of THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS , on v' , 9 , 19�. f LmAYOR AfiTiST: CITY LERK o,a 4 CITY ATTORNEY Lx A RESUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 3 COUNTRYSIDE CENTER UNIT NO-. 4 YO RKVILLE, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS Ls 39.16• . Rs Pj ' 1 � • �• y �►Alt `�` �` T�RCi (NO ACCESS WILL `PJ \��10 BE ALLOWED ONTO ����130 �1' �O' CENTER PARK%VAY.) Q�y o v� ��`46 8 E44y�iT \ �• - o 7,0 ` /I( je• �. 'tip � Y`S/O 3 ' �' \ --- 4b .G. 9.9 ti B 9 carnuwrw '•, 0.324 ACIIft -1(. too N A � 34 Cm AT 1 Q,PO G =320. NTg0%0�� E' v tpLkT L8 460.2s ®RIV E . ..��a.�.i.#� + 1►i �iYw!FPM(prs3.i!�ys.»�iX':;. y„wci.-it.., ,,:t�•-„wk.t6, a V '/' .ir AGREEMENT , This Agreement entered into this 9th day of - February . A.D. , 1978, .by and between the STATE ILLINOIS,F LLINOIS, acting by and throu�h its DEPARTMENT 'OF TRANSPORTATION, hereinafter called the STATE, And the' UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE of the r. STATE b� ILLINOIS, hereinafter called the CITY. ` I! 7i . , t WITNESSETH: x WHEREAS, the STATE, in order to facilitate the free flow of traffic, and insure safety to the motoring gubltc, is desirous of improving the intersection of Illinois Route 47 &' Van Emmon Street, ' STATE SECTION PAP 100 108TS, CITY SECTION 77-00008-00-TL by installing traffic control signals, which will include rail- road pre-emption with the Burlington-Northern Railr9ad crossing, . and by performing all other work necessary to complete the improve ment in Accordance with the plans and specifications; and, WHEREAS, the CITY is desirous of said improvement in that same will be of immediate benefit to the residents of the CITY and permanent in nature; and WHEREAS, the intersection mentioned above lies wholly within the .corporate limits of the CITY. 'NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein,-, the parties agree• as' follows: : l. The STATE agrees to make or have made the surveys, prepare plans, or have them prepared along with the specifications, receive bids and award the contract subject to concurrence' by the CITY, furnish engineer ing inspection during construction and cause the improvement to be built in accordance with the plans, specifications and contract. . 2. .BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon award of the contract for thi's improvement, .the CITY will pay to the , DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, in .a lump sum from any funds allotted to the CITY under, the motor Fuel Tax Law, an amount equal to 95% of its . obligation incurred under this Agreement, and will pay to the said DEPARTMENT the remainder of its obligation (including any non-participating costs for F.A. projects) in a lump sum upon completion of the project based ..upon final costs. 3. The IITY 'has passed a resolution budgeting sufficient ` funds to pay its share of the cost of this improvement a copy of which. is attached hereto. as "Exhibit A" and made`;a part hereof. 4. The CITY. agrees to provide, prior to the STATES adver•- tisi;ig for the work to be performed, approval of the plane by a resolution or letter, 5. It is mutually agreed that the proportional participa tion 'and the preliminary estimated cost of this improve- ment will be as follows: TOTAL , STATE CITY ESTIMATED. LOCATION PARTICIPATION PARTICIPATICN COST Ill. 47 and 28,300 $14,700 43,000 Van Emron St. 6.' - Upon the completion ofd_ -ksr--improvement, t-he-C-I�n:ill be responsible for .the maintenance of the traffic signals i in a manner satisfactory to the STATE. Such maintenance shall- be in accordance with the Traffic Signal Maintenance Provisions attached hereto as "Exhibit B" . The STATE . .. reserves the right to take over the maintenance of the .-traffic signals upon giving the CITY a written notice not less than thirty (30) days .in advance, and to bill the CITY for the cost of such maintenance if the CITY fails to maintain the traffic signals in accordance with ' these provisions. 7. Upon the completion of the improvement, the CITi will ; ,.aa *assume the financial responsibility for the energy charges for the operation'- of the traffic '"sigrials. " -8. 1 The CITY will make arrangements with the local power company to furnish electrical energy for the .operation of the traffic. signals and to bill the CITY for the energy charges. 9. . The STATE retains the right to control the sequence and timing of the traffic signals. 10. The CITY has adopted and will put into effect, prior to advertising for the work to be performed hereunder, an ordinance requirir)g that parking be prohibited adjacent to this improvement on the approaches lying within the corporate limits of the CITY, a copy of which. is attached hereto as '. Exhibit C" and will in the future *, prohibit parking at such locations on or immediately adjagent to this improvement as may be determined to be necessary by the STATE from traffic capacity studies.. 110 The CITY agrees to exercise' its franchise right to cause private utilities to be- relocated at no expense to the STATE. • 12. The CITY agrees to comply with all applicable executive orders and Federal Highway Acts pursuant to the Equal Employment Opportunity and non-discrimination regulatipns ' requiked .by the U.S. Department of Transportation. .. { • - 113. ' This 1greement and . the covenants contained herein shall be null and void in' the event the contract covering the . .construction work .contemplated,herein is not awarded by October 1, 19.8.0. •34. This Agreement. shall be binding upon and inure, to the benefit of the parties hereto, their successors; and assigns.: UNITED, CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE Z. A� t By . Zlc- z ayor ATTEST: By City Cle STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ' By �a..--L J. AAi.A AJ14 , 1978. : . ' f EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION .! WHEREAS, the UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE has entered into an Agreement with the STATE OF ILLINOIS. for 'the improvement of .the ioterseotion of Illinois Route 47 and Van Emmon Street, known as State "Section .108-TS, City Section 77-00008-00-TL; and, WHEREAS, in co ►pliance with the aforementioned Agreement, it is necessary for the UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE 07 YORKVILLE to budget Motor Fuel Tax funds to pay its share. of the cost of said improvement, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that there is hereby budgeted the sum of Fourteen Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars ($1.4 ,700.00) or so much thereof as may be necessary, from any money now or hereafter. . • allotted to the UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF .YORKVILLE under the•, provisions of the Motor Fuel Tax Law, to pay its share of the cost of this improvement as provided in the Agreement; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon .award of the contract for this improvement, the UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE will pay to the Department of Transportation of the STATE OF ILLINOIS,- in a lump sum from any funds allotted to the UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, under. the Motor Fuel Tax Law, an amount equal to 95% of its obligation incurred under this Agreement, and will pay to the said Department of Transportation of the STATE OF ILLINOIS the remainder of its obligation (including any non-participating costs for 'F.A. projects) in a lump sum, upon completion of the . project based upon final costs. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, . that the UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE agrees to pass a supplemental resolution to provide necessary. funds for tis share .of the cost of this improvmeent if the amount budgeted herein proves to be insufficient to cover said cost. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) APPROVED: COUNTY OF KENDALL ) SS Clerk in and 1978 for ihe United City of the Village of York Ville hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolu- DEPAR'n4W OF TRANSPOF4 TP=N tion•adopted •by 'the City Counsel at a meetin, on 1978. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set District Engineer my hand and seal this 9 7-t day of January, 1978. / Ciity Clerk _. �.. EXHIBIT "B" TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE PROVISIONS THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE shall: 1. Patrol the tr4ffic control signal system a minimum of once every two (2) weeks and replace burned out lamps or damaged sockets as may be required. The r0flector and lens shout¢ be cleaned each time a lamp is replaced. 2. Keep signal posts, controller pedestals,. and foundations in alignment at all times. t 3. Keep signal poets and controller pedestals tight on foundation. �. 4.�/. .Keep signal heads and controller cabinets tight on their pedestals and properly. ,.. adjusted. 5. • Keep• detector equipment in proper working order at all times. 6. Check the controllers, relays and detectors at .least once every month to ascertain that they are functioning properly and make all necessary repairs and replacements. 7. Furnish and install temporary controller whenever necessary. 8.. Keep interior of controller cabinets in a neat and workmanlike manner at all times. 9. Remove to clean and overhaul the controllers, relays special auxilary control ,_: _ `..._..equipment, and time clock once.a year or oftener if necessary. A record tag shall be attached to each controller on which shall. .be indicated the date of overhaul or other service work. 10. Replace burned out fuses. 11. Clean reflectors, lenses,; and lamps once every six (6) months. 12. Repaint all signal components'exposed to weather '-Years'. 13. Group reclamp traffic signal heads at the expiration of the average rated lamp. life 14. Repair or replace any and all equipment damaged by any cause whatsoever. 15.. Be responsible to make recovery for damage to any part of the installation or systems from the party causing the damage. 16. Place a stop sign on each approach to the intersection as• a temporary means of regulating traffic whenever repairs at a signalized intersection require that the controller be disconnected. 17.' Respond to emergency calls from authorized parties twenty-four (24) hours a day including Saturdays, Sundas, and holidays. Controller failure, lights out, - knockdowns, or two (2) red lights out at an intersection are considered emergencies 18. ..Provide the -STATE the name, address, and telephone number of at least one person who will be available for emergency repair of the traffic signals and shall keep SAMPLE EXHIBIT "C" Ordinance Number 197$ An ORDINANCE REGULATING PARKING ON ILLINOIS ROUTE 47 & .VAN EMMON STREET IN THE UNITED CITY OF THE-.31-MLAGE-0P--YORKVILLE,"itEiMAcLL — COUNTY, ILLINOIS. WHEREAS, the UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGS. OF YORKVILLE . -----.,-- and the STATE OIL ILLINOIS, acting by and through its DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, DIVISION OF. HIGHWAYS have' enterred into an _uriderstanding relative to the installation of traffic control signals at the intersection of Illinois Route 47 and Van Emmon Streets and, WHEREAS, in order to facilitate said improvement it is necessary for the UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE to adopt an ordinance prohibiting parking on the roadway facility within:�i ' � the limits stated below, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the CITY COUNCIL of THE UNITED CITY. OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS; Section 1z It shall be unlawful for any person to park . within thirty (30) feet upon approach to any traffic control signal located at the side of the roadway. Section 2: Any person violating this ordinance. shall be fined not less than S5 . 00 nor more than $500 . 00 for each offense. Section 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect after its passage, publication, and approval as provided .by law and upon completion of the project., PASSED AND APPROVED at a regular meeting of the CITY COUNSEL of the . UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS on. the Qr,L 'day of .February 1978, A.D. City Clerk JANUARY, 1978 GENERAL FUND Commonwealth Edison Co. EHSS-AP-3084A (1-36-662) $40.89; EH55-AP-8690A (1-38-38.4- 995.19 €. 761) $47.27; EJ59-AP-0150A (1-38-38.2-740) $2.05; EAP71881 (1-39) $904.98 f :'1'1�rnj5 P1=11 'I��lc!?2hZitie✓ .= 0?:w]nn1L (Q �k3A64)) ];a.:7S; Illinois :Bell.,Telepbone - 552-7593 Call Forwarding $16.68; -553-0535 Mayor $2.-S4; -n.05 553-5836 P.D. $46.75; 553-7809 Treasurer $4.86; SS3-6222 Clerk $4.20 (1-42-864) Illinois Bell Telepbone, - 553-6990 Mayor $27.68; 553-0535 Mayor $5.89;• 553-5836 P.D. 228.52 , $53.99; 553-6222 Clerk $5.03; 553-7809 Treasurer $7.62; 553-6999 Park Recreation $30.47; 553-7855 Building $ Zoning. $97.84 (1-42-864) C.C.. Services, , Ind. - Inv. 2963 General Liability $ Auto $600.00 (1-35-616); 103 1.0( $3309.00 (1-33-534) 1 .Xerox Corporation Rental for December (1-42-869) 70.00 Nat'l. Institute of Municipal- Membership for Attorney (1-42-863) ll .2S I Law Officers Bliss Agency, Inc. - Bond7 for City Clerk $54.00; Budget Officer $20.00 741.00 (1-42-854) € Brown's Flowers - Flowers (1-42-860) 7.50 Salisbury Grocery - Supplies (1-35-613) $2.19; (1-30-411) $15.60 17.79 Quill Corporation Ribbon,. Hanging File Folder, Frame & Folders (1-42-868) 54.98 . Dierzen Welding Machine Co.- Service (1-31-454) 140.00 Riemenschneider Electric - Move 75' Watt Bullseye to City Hall (1-38.1-731) 41.77 Martin's Sheet Metal - Taper Fitting (1-32-501) 44.00 r Elden Madden - Re-imburse Petty Cash: Service, pitchers for Conf. Room • 45.32 (1-38.4-760) $38.07; Notary Public Bond (1-42-854) $5.00; ..:Postage (1-42-861) $2.25 Yorkville Gas For Less - 11-:33-533)Gas - St. Dept. 516.77 Yorkville Auto Parts - Cust. #126 Parts (1-33-531) 1415.05 Odin Christian Rims for Ford Truck (1-33 7531) 52..50 Homer G. Dickson Co. - Supplies (1-33-531) 76.28. Van Ham Ford-Mercury - Inv. 3126 Studs $ ,Nuts .(1-33-531) 10.88 ' Goodyear Truck Tire Center- Tires (1-33-531) 67.62 Kendall Grundy FS, Inc. - Tires for 74 Olds $22.00; Batteryos,Service 6 Tube $49.76 . 71.76 (1-33-531) Farmers Elevator Co. Gloves (1-30-405) 22.28 E & H Utility Sales,Inc. - Inv.,-.516-26 -Boots (1-30 405) 67.72 Communications,Techniciansr Radio Repair Inv. 21774 (1-30-408) 109.10 6 Consultants,. Inc. • Yorkville Hardware - Supplies (1-30-412) 7.58 Crawford,Murphy Tilly,Ine.- Services getting traffic counters for City $89.54 • 111.54 (1-30-408) ; Services checking Randy Erickson project Powers Court $22.00 (1-41-803) Countryside True Value Supplies (1-30-411) $34.34; Supplies (1-35-613) $22.99 ,• 57.33 Markelz Office. Products - Inv. 28778 Glides for Chair (1-38.4-762) 6.30 Elden Madden ) School Expense (1-42-863) $37.93; Builders Inspection School 190.59 Expense (1-41-806). $152.66 Morton Salt Co. Inv. 24772 & .28282 Salt (1-31-451) 1090:52 Central Iamestone. Co. - Chips (1-31-452) 71.78 Suburban Bldg; Officials - Dues 1/78 to 1/79 ' (1-41-806) 20.00 Conference Marilyn Merkel - Postage (1-35-606) $2.01; Postage (1-42-861) $.66t 2.69 Carl M. Carlson,Secy.- - Registration Fee for E. Madden (1-41-806) S0'.00 Treas. SBOC Cavett Drugs - Supplies­(1-3S-613) ANNEEL- - r . ,;SERAL FUND (Continued) Bob's Service - Headlight for Squad M-2 (1-35-611) 8.50 ' -`John N. Schneider Appl - Supplies (1-38-38.2-741) 15..98 Robert W. Prickett. Radio Repair (1-35-603) 58.55 Share Corp - Inv. 119974 Supplies (1-35-613) 42.89 Plano Police Department - 527 calls on call forwarding (1-3S-619) 131.75 Markelz Office Products Inv. 29860, 29978, 29878 & 31086 Office Supplies 70.28 (1-35-604) $46.06;- (1-42-868) $24.22. Yorkville Gas for Less Gas P.D. (1-35-612) $712.64; Towing (1-35-617) $20.00 771.14 Squad Maintenance $38.50 (1-3S-611) 'Christine A. Weiss - Dog Catcher Fees for Sept.,Oct.,Noy. Dec. (1-35-615) 266.25 16374.27 ' SALARIES GROSS ', 17,934.51 Net 13129.24 WATER FUND Commonwealth 9dison. Co. Q EP14AP33737 Pumping (2-50-403) $896.46; EK59CH2552S $61.01 957.47, Northern Ill. Gas Co. - 313906160 (2-50-411) 143.86. Ill*. Bell Telephone Co. - 023-1047 Pvt. Line $9.20; 553-7079 $70.44 (2-50-410) 79.64 Wallace & Tiernan - Water Tower Maint. (2-50-401) 200.00., John N. Schneider Appl. - Supplies (2-50-413) 15.69' Bliss Agency, Inc. Bond Asst. Collector. (Z -50-424) 20.001 Elden Madden Re-imburse Petty Cash: Office Supplies (20-50-413) $12.81; 1S. 0� •. Postage $2.89 (2-SO-421) 1590. S' Layne Western Co,,Inc. —Payment. #9 - Well Nor 4 ' (2-50-408) The Bank of Yorkville - Deposit ,- Water Depreciation & Contingencies Fund ISO. 0; Nat'l. Blvd.. Bank of Chicago-Deposit Water BoAd, & Interest Account 2000. 0 Nat'l. Blvd.Bank of Chicago-, Deposit Water Bond B Interest Reserve Account 170. Oil' . 5342.11' SALARIES GROSS 1930..08 �''" � NET , 1430.651 REVENUE SHARING FUND Riemenschneider Electric Install fixture at City Office-Maint.Bldg. '(74403) 126.32 Farmers Elevator Co. Supplies ' (7-403) ,16.20 Sun Offic9` E uipment Co.,Ind'.- Furnituree (7.403) Inv. B19646 621.13 763.651 PARK COMMISSION FUND , Hayden's Sport Center - Tennis Balls. & Volleuball Net 59.95 ; ,Zeiter-Dickson .Ins. Agency,Inc'. - 6 Months Basketball Policy . 135.00, 194.95