City Council Minutes 1978 03-09-78 (Public Hearing) MINUTES OF THE "PUBLIC HEARING" OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED 18 3 CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE HELD AT CITY HALL, MARCH 9 , 1978 . RE: STARK' S PROPOSED ANNEXATION Mayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order at 7 : 30 P.M. Present were Aldermen Beach, Harker, Simmons , Smith, Zoning Officer Madden, Attorney Wilson, representing Mr. Stark and approximately 12 property owners . Attorney Wilson made a presentation in behalf of the petitioner, Mr. Stark. He presented a description of the property consisting of fifty-six ( 56) acres . Twenty-six ( 26) acres are already in the City limits . Petitioner asks that thirty ( 30 ) acres be annexed and that the entire parcel of fifty-six ( 56) acres be re-zoned as shown on petitioner' s map as furnished to the City Council. Mr. Stark is offering to donate land to the City to use as the City sees fit. This land would be in the B-1 zoning area near Walnut Street with a possible entrance and exit on Walnut Street. Mr. Wilson pointed out that at this time the petitioner is asking for annexation and re-zoning and not for acceptance of the plat. John Schneider, an owner of adjacent land asked for the depth of the buffer zone along Walnut Street and if there would be a guarantee that the buffer zone (trees) would remain. Attorney Wilson assured him that covenant would require that trees remain as they are . Mrs. Al Brady, an owner of adjacent land, asked what location was designated for the Community Center. Mr. Wilson replied that no specific area had been chosen. Alderman Beach then asked if there would be any objections of the westerly 4 lots on Walnut Street were chosen for the Community Center. Mrs . Brady answered that she would object to that location because of the increase in traffic generated on a bad intersection. Mr. Brady said that if part of the buffer zone were removed for the the driveway for the Community Center then the entire buffer zone would be jeopardized. Also, Mrs . Brady pointed out that if the Community Center faces the enclosed screed that the back of the building with all its ' cartons , waste container, etc . , would be visible from the residential area. Mayor Thanepohn mentioned that suggested name "Bristol Station" and "Fox Station" were both unsatisfactory due to prior plats in the area with the same names . Also, that there has been no impact study due to a lack of information of the proposed development . Dale Woodworth asked if utilities installation would necessitate cutting of trees . Attorney Wilson stated it would not be necessary. Al Brady asked if the public would be advised of the progress . Attorney Wilson stated they would to a limited degree . Al Brady asked where the water main would be installed? Mayor Thanepohn stated they had no information on that to date and would be worked out before the final plat was approved. Attorney Wilson stated only zoning and annexation was being requested at this time. Bob Thomas asked if a medical center would be near Walnut Street . Attorney Wilson stated it had been requested for the B-3 zoning area. 184 Page 2 March 9 , 1978 ' Mayor Thanepohn stated Mr. Stark was only asking for re-zoning at this time but was his feeling that the City wants more specifics . . . . . nothing is in writing to date. All Mr. Stark was after tonight was whether or not the City concurs with the basic concept . Attorney Wilson then asked for and received permission to poll the Aldermen: Alderman Simmons stated that if the neighbors did not object , he thought the concept looked good . Alderman Harker thought it looked good for Yorkville . Alderman Beach stated he did not want to commit himself at this time. He would not want to waive the Subdivision Control Ordinance . Alderman Beach then read the recommendation of the Plan Commission. Alderman Smith stated he liked the basic concept , but he would want to see all the details ironed out. Mayor Thanepohn stated he would want to see everything in writing , instead of talking, to make headway. He would like to see the details in writing so they can be discussed and revised if necessary. He would like to have a meeting of the petitioner, his attorney, the Building 9 Zoning Committee , the City Attorney and himself to try to work out some of the details . Attorney Wilson thanked the City Council for their time and consideration. The meeting was adjourned at 8 : 20 P.M. Respectfully Submitted: CITVY7 CLIERK AYOR