City Council Minutes 1978 03-16-78 (Public Hearing) MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC HEARING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED 1 0 9
MARCH 16L_1978 ._
RE: Revenue Sharing
Mayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order at 7 : 30 P.M. Present were
Aldermen Wolff, Harker, Beach, Simmons 8 Smith. Alderman Hanback was
Mayor Thanepohn stated there was a carry-over of $40 ,000 from the previous
year and an estimated income of $30 ,000 , bringing to total amount
available to $70 ,800 .
Mayor Thanepohn asked for Citizen comments .
Judy Richter spoke as a representative for Kendall Family 6 Youth
Services and Mr. Bachman for the CETA program. Pamphlets on the
organizations were presented.
Mrs. Richter asked the City Council to consider making funds available
to the programs on the new City budget.
Attorney Dickson stated that no Revenue Sharing funds could be used
for matching funds in regards to grants , etc . Attorney Dickson further
stated that they must meet priority lists towards the aged and indigent.
Mrs . Richter asked if an appeal could be made to the Budget Committee.
Attorney Dickson stated it would depend on the purpose as to the use
and would need to be taken from general funds .
Mr. Bachman stated the office was located on W. Hydraulic Street for
everyone' s information. Mayor Thanepohn stated the City had agreed to
hire CETA workers , but the organization could not find any available
workers . Mar Bachman stated the program has been changed since that
time and was more efficiently run. Mayor Thanepohn stated he felt it
would be helpful to make help available information, available to the
City at all times .
Mrs . Richter stated meetings are held the 4th Thursday of every month
at 7 : 00 P.M. at the Congregational Church for anyone interested in
learning more about the programs .
Alderman Wolff moved to adjourn the meeting at 8 : 05 P.M. , seconded
by Alderman Simmons . Motion carried 5-0 .
Respectfully Submitted,