City Council Minutes 1978 04-13-78 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS HELD AT CITY HALL APRIL 13 , 1978 . Mayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order at 8 : 05 P .M. and led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag . Roll call was taken as follows : Ward 1 - Wolff Ward 2 - Harker Ward 3 - Simmons Smith Absent were Alderman Hanback and Alderman Beach. A quorum was established . The reading of the minutes was waived . Alderman Wolff moved the minutes be approved as presented , seconded by Alderman Harker. Motion carried 4-0 . Alderman Hanback and Beach were absent from voting . The reading of the bills was waived. Treasurer Merkel presented 3 additional bills as follows : McNelis Tree Service - rolling both parks & removing X150 . 00 5 stumps Bride' s Flower Shop 36 . 00 Richard Randall - Training program attendance 35 . 00 Alderman Harker moved to authorize payment, including the 3. additional bills , seconded by Alderman Smith. Roll call vote was taken as follows : Wolff - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Smith - Aye Motion carried 4-0 . Aldermen Hanback and Beach were absent from voting . Alderman Hanback arrived at 8 : 10 P.M. ATTORNEY ' S REPORT - Alderman Wolff moved to table the Pinball Ordinance or furt er revisions , seconded by Alderman Simmons . Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Beach was absent from voting . Alderman Wolff moved to approve the Budget Transfers , seconded by Alderman Simmons . Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Beach was absent from voting . *Copy attached. MAYOR' S REPORT - Mayor Thanepohn read thank-you notes from the Family of Jeanette Gauer and from Larry Beach for Flowers and remembrances . Alderman Simmons moved to approve Mayor Thanepohn ' s appointment of Al Spera as Director of Emergency Services & Disaster , seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Beach was absent from voting . Mayor Thanepohn has spoken with Senator Grotberg and John Piggot in regards to the Route 47 Bridge . They will take a close look at the bridge deck and meet with the Mayor in approximately one month with a decision on what can be done. Windy City Amusements will be applying for a carnival license for Countryside Center for 5 days, May 17-21 , 1978 . Mayor Thanepohn read the Order of the Special Election Board in reference to the Utility Tax Petition and .Objection. Due to much Citizen concern over the matter, Mayor Thanepohn set a Special Public Hearing date for March 4, 1978 at 8 : 00 P .M. at City Hall . All Petitioners will be notified by mail and invited to attend . Arrangements will be made to move the hearing if over-crowding becomes a problem. 194 Page 2 April 13 , 1978_ CITY CLERK - Alderman Harker moved to approve the Mental Health Association in Illinois to conduct a door-to-door campaign during the month of May, seconded by Alderman Hanback. Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Beach was absent from voting . TREASURER - Alderman Smith moved to approve the Treasurer ' s Report , secon e by Alderman Simmons . Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Beach was absent from voting . POLICE - Alderman Smith moved to approve the Police Report , seconded by A erman Harker . Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Beach was absent from voting . DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS - Alderman Harker moved to approve the Public Works Department Reports , seconded by Alderman Smith. Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Beach was absent from voting . PLAN COMMISSION - Alderman Harker reported the Commission approved Leonard Devick' s Unit 3 of Pavillion Heights . Harker' s proposed subdivision south of the industrial park was rejected . The resubdividing and final pldt of Countryside Center , Block 4, Unit 4 was approved. HUMAN RESOURCE COMMISSION - Alderman Simmons reported the next meeting will be Monday, April 17 , 1978 at 7 : 30 P .M. at the Water Tower Conference Room. BUSINESS $ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION - Mayor Thanepohn read the o lowing recommendations from the Commission meeting of April 11 , 1978 : 1 . The Business & Economic Development Commission recommends to the City Council that bids be sent out for the West Alley Parking Paving Project. 2 . The Business & Economic Development Commission recommends to the City Council that : a) Work & Promotion begin on the East Alley concept work b) Sidewalks in the downtown area on Bridge Street and on East Van Emmon from Route 47 to Heustis Street be replaced or repaired c) Lighting in the downtown area be updated d) Parallel parking on South Main Street for downtown employees to utilize e) Develope other alternate sites for parking facilities Mayor Thanepohn reported there was verbal agreement with all the individual property owners with the exception of Barry Lauwers who can get the work done at a cost less than the Engineer' s estimate. Dick Huston stated he feels the City should blacktop their easement around the pumphouse . The easement in question will be checked out . The matter was referred to the Streets & Alleys committee meeting scheduled for April 20 , 1978 at 7 : 30 P .M. at the Water Tower Conference Room. Property ownders and the Business & Economic Development Commission chairman will be notified and invited to attend the meeting . COMMUNITY CENTER COMMITTEE - Alderman Simmons reported that site and architect selections were discussed and should soon have recommendations to the City Council . Page 3 April 13 , 1978 , 95 OLD BUSINESS - The Zoning Board of Appeals recommend Pd approval of Tom McNelis ' Petition_ for Variance . . Alderman Hanback made a motion to Author- ize Attorney Dickson to draw ;up an Ordinance approving the Variance with the understanding that Tom McNelis formally tenders to the City Council the dedication of the Westerly 60 feet of his property for roadway & water easements and the Northerly 20 feet of his property for water & utility easements . The motion was seconded by Alderman Simmons , Roll call vote was taken as follows : Wolff - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Hanback - Aye Smith - Aye Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Beach was absent from the voting . NEW BUSINESS -4 Sealed -Bids were received for the new squad car as follows : Ron Westphal Chevrolet - 1978 Chevrolet Impala $6 , 258 . 42 1978 Chevrolet Nova 5 ,820 . 49 Ronald Walker - 1978 Pontiac Catalina 5 ,950 . 00 W.W. Pontiac/Cadillac , Ottawa - 1978 Pontiac 6 ,387 . 00 Catalina, 4 dr. sedan Arliskas Valley Pontiac - 1978 Pontiac Catalina 5 ,832 . 40 Alderman Smith made a motion requesting the Police Committee , Chief Prickett and Capt . Randall to review the bids and authorizing purchase , seconded by Alderman Wolff. Alderman Hanback stated he felt purchase should be made locally if there wasn ' t a great difference in price . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Wolff - Aye Hanback - Aye Simmons - Aye Harker - Aye Smith - Aye Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Beach was absent from voting . Alderman Wolff moved to refer to the Plan Commission, Kellett-Weiss ' Petition to rezone real estate in the Worsley Addition, Block 1 , Lot 1 from Rl to R3 Zoning . The motion was seconded by Alderman Smith. Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Beach was absent from voting . STREETS & ALLEYS - A meeting is scheduled for April 20 , 1978 at 7 : 30 P .M. at the Water Tower Conference Room. WATER - Alderman Wolff reported on the major river crossing water main brear, approximately 30 feet off the North bank of the river . A road had to be built out past the break on Thursday, April 13 , 1978 and digging would begin Friday, April 14, 1978 and the patch made Saturday, April 15 , 1978 . The cost will be approximately $25 ,000 . Mayor Thanepohn commended the Water Department for extraordinary leadership shown under emergency and near disaster conditions . HEALTH & SANITATION - Alderman Hanback reported the annual Spring Clean-up Days by t e Public Works Department will be in May. Dates will be set next meeting . There is a problem in keeping Pilmer' s Apartments on E . Van Emmon Street cleaned up. Behind the ball park on E . Van Emmon Street is still a problem area. Junk cars behind the ballpark may result in imposing fines on the owners . TREES $ PARKS - Mrs . Glen D. Palmer would like to make a living memorial donation of trees for the City Parks in her latelhusband ' s memory. SEWERS - Alderman Harker reported there will be a meeting of the Sewer 9 6 Page 4 April 1.3 , 1978 Committee , Yorkville-Bristol Sanitary District Director , Engineer and Trustees , The City Engineer , Director of Public Works and Mayor Thanepohn on April 24 , 1978 at 7 : 30 P .M. at the Water Tower Conference Room. Alderman Harker made a motion to order 25-30 self-sealing manhole covers at approximately $45 . 00 each. The motion was seconded by Alderman Hanback. Roll call vote was taken as follows : Wolff - Aye Hanback - Aye Simmons - Aye Harker - Aye Smith - Aye Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Beach was absent from voting . Alderman Wolff moved to authorize having spot checking done on Center Street for infiltration if we can get the TV crew that is presently working at Woodworth' s Subdivision, seconded by Alderman Simmons . Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Beach was absent from voting . LIGHTS, TELEPHONE & GAS - Alderman Simmons reported the new downtown lightbulbs have been installed. FINANCE - Alderman Simmons moved to adopt the tentative budget with corrections , and lay it over for Public inspection and the Public Hearing scheduled for April 27 , 1978 at 7 : 30 P .M. at City Hall regarding the Budget and REvenue Sharing . The motion was seconded by Alder- man Wolff . Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Beach was absent from voting . *See attached copy. LIBRARY BOARD - Alderman Harker reported there would be no meeting until May. TENNIS COURTS - Alderman Hanback reported there were $60 . 00 worth of repairs that had been done to the courts of which the C=ity' s share would be $30 . 00 . Specifications for the lighting are ready and bids will be sent out. Alderman Wolff moved to adjourn itno executive session regarding personnel , 2nd by Alderman Smith . (9 : 25 P .M. ) The regular meeting was reconvened at 9 : 40 P .M. Alderman Wolff moved to ratify the actions taken by the Public Works Director in hiring DAvis Construction Company to repair the water main break in the Fox River Crossing , seconded by Alderman Smith. Motion carried 4-0 . Aldermen Beach and Simmons were absent from voting . Alderman Wolff moved to authorize Attorney Dickson to negotiate with Mrs . Henry Wollenweber for a permanent easement through her property to the Fox River , seconded by Alderman Harker . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Wolff - Aye Hanback - Aye Smith - Aye Harker - Aye Motion carried 4-0 . Aldermen Beach and Simmons were absent from voting . Mayor Thanepohn read a thank-you note from Linda Hanback for flowers sent to her during her hospital stay. Alderman Wolff moved to adjourn the meeting at 9 : 45 P.M. , seconded by Alderman Smith. Motion carried 4-0 . ,.-- Respectfully Submitted, r / J T- y _ City Clerk MARCH, 1978 GENERAL FUND Commonwealth Edison Co. - EAP71881 St. Ltg. 904.98 (1-39) ; EJ59-AP-0150A P.D. 967.79 2.10 (1-38.2-740) ; EH55-AP-3084A Trees 4 Parks 7.77 (1-36-662) ; EH55-AP-8690A Maint.Bldg. 52.94 (1-38.4-761) Northern Ill. Gas Co. - P.D. 97.59 (1-38.2-740) ; Library 264.75 (1-38.3-751) ; 894.42 City Hall 106.27 (1-38.1-730) ; Park 9.81 (1-36-662) Maint.Bldg. 416.00 (1-38.4-761) Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - 023-1001 Pvt. Line P.D. 15.78; 553-0535 Mayor 3.43; 210.79 553-5836 Police 46.00; 552-7593 P.D. Call Forwarding 16.68; Mayor 553-6990 $26.77; Treas. 553-7809 $12.31; Clerk 553-6222 $8.02; Bldg. & Zoning 553-7855 $45.04; Park Receation Dept. 553-6999 $36.76 (1-42-864) Sonntag Reporting Services,-Depositions in Conover Case (1-42-860) 106.80 Ltd. LeRoy Thanepohn - Expense-Planning meeting (1-42-863) 15.00 Thomas W. Grant - Atty. Fee attending Council Meeting Feb. 23 (1-42-850) 35.00 Schaefer Greenhouses,Inc. - Flowers (1-42-860) 20.00 Xerox Corp. - Monthly Rental charge for February (1-42-869) 70.00 MSP Group Insurance Trust - Group Insurance premium (1-42-856) 1143.21 Country Mutual - Re-imburse for refund overpayment for Gen. Liability 1053.52 & Workmens Comp. Ins. (1-42-853) Kendall County Record - Public Notices 4 Zoning Map (1-41-802) $164.00; Printing 846.73 reports for P.D. (1-35-607) $224.15; Publ. notice for squad bids (1-35-617) $2.80; Printing Land Cash Books & Guidelines (1-41-801) $431 .88; Printing Letterheads (1-42-859) $23.90 Ms. Mary Hill, Treasurer - Registration Fee-Seminar to Ill . Municipal Treas. Ass n. 25.00 for L. Erickson (1-42-863) Paper Crate - Supplies-City Clk. (1-42-868) $8.20; Hanging File Folders 48.33 P.D. (1-41-800)$10.47; Lamp for P.D. (1-35-613) $29.66 Salisbury's Grocery - Supplies P.D. (1-38-38.2-741) 22 .73 Kendall Grundy FS, Inc. - Gas P.D. $357.74 (1-35-612) ; Squad Maint. $299.76 (1-35-611) 657.50 John N. Schneider Appl . - Supplies (1-38-38.2-741) 10.54 Bob's Service - Car Wash P.D. (1-35-617) 1.50 Yorkville Auto Parts - Preston & Spot Lite Bulbs P.D. (1-35-613) 13.94 Jim McCarty - Recharge Extinguisher P.D. (1-35-617) 7.00 Markelz Office Products - Inv. 21627 Guides & File Folders $15.40 less $14.40 Credit 34.74 $1.00 (1-35-604) ; Inv. 32876 Labels& Columnar sheets-City Sect. (1-42-868) $14.36; Inv. 29962 Dater (1-42-868) $11.05; Inv. 32521 Tape & Erasers (1-42-868) $8.33 Marilyn Merkel - Postage for P.D. (1-35-606) 1.95 Win Prickett - Expense-Ill . Valley Chief's Meeting (1-35-608) 18.00 Jay's Texaco - Towing Charge (1-35-617) 15.00 Hamilton Chev.Olds,Inc. - Inv. 31655 Replace starter $ neutral safety switch 140.10 (1-35-611) $54.70; Inv. 31544 Starter motor overhauled & heater motor replaced (1-35-611) $85.40 Cavett Rexall Drugs - Film 4 Film processing (1-35-613) 22.30 Plano Police Department - 387 calls on Call Forwarding (1-35-619) 96.75 Countryside True Value - Supplies (1-35-613) 15. 13 Luanne Erickson - Postage - City Clerk (1-42-861) 8.40 Frank Thornber Company - Inv. A23403 Post Binder (1-42-868) 37.45 Fox Valley Disposal - Disposal Service March $2016.96; Dumpster Service 3/5/78 2038.96 to 4/4/78 $22.00 (1-34-561) GENERAL FUND (Continued) Elden Madden - Reimburse for Petty Cash: Conf. Room Committee Supplies 50.74 (1-42-860) $7.60; Edc. Conf. & Conv. Exp. $35.90 (1-42-863) ; Office Supplies $7.24 (1-41-800) Riemenschneider Elect. Repair 2 mercury vapor lights downtown (1-39) 1739.58 Crawford, Murphy $ - Inv. 236 Services-checking Loftus parking lot $98.10 200.10 Tilly, Inc. (1-41-803) ; Inv. 237 - Services=Revisions on cost for West Alley project $102.00 (1-30-409) Kendall Grundy FS. Inc.- Gas (1-33-533) 228.38 Elden Madden - Expense attending Finance Seminar (1-42-863) 33.85 Mount's Septic Service - Rod sewer at 801 Orange St. (1-32-501) 67.50 Fox Valley Sewer - Rod lines on W. Dolph & W. Main (1-32-501) 315.00 Service Aurora Blacktop, Inc. - Cold Mix (1-30-411) 232 .00 Central Limestone Co. - Stone (1-30-411) 255.29 Metropolitan Pump Co. - Lift station parts (1-32-501) 58.76 Roberts-Gordon Appl. - Inv. 29875 Furnace parts (1-38.3-752) 28.32 Corp. International City - 1978 Municipal Year Book 1-42-863) 26.50 Management Assn. The Stationery House,Inc.- Inv. 48087 Supplies (1-41-800) 100.05 The Drawing Board,Inc. - Inv. 127846 Receipt Books (1-41-800) 23.17 Davis Power & Equipment- Inv. 399 Compactor (1-30-408) 1170.00 Hathorn's Inspection - Truck inspections (1-33-535) 11.45 Station Homer G. Dickson & Co.,Inc.- Supplies (1-30-411) 7.10 Garden Gate Florist - Flowers (1-42-860) 26.25 Yorkville Hardware - Flag P.D. (1-38.2-741) $26.90; Flag & Supplies-City Park 57.77 (1-36.2-664) $30.87 Hornsby's Familty Center- Supplies (1-38.1-731) 4.87 Anderson & Bushnell - Supplies (1-42-868) 43.80 Yorkville Auto Parts - Exhaust System for Olds $84.53 (1-33-531) ; Oil $18.65 103.18 (1-33-531) 13362.24 SALARIES Gross 16996.44 12288.65 REVENUE SHARING FUND Sun Office Equipment Co.Inc. - Inv. B20074 Carpet Casters (7-403) 47.86 Kendall County Record - Publish notices for Revenue Sharing Budget 13.20 Hearing (7-402) 61 .06 PARK COMMISSION FUNDS Hayden's Sport Center - Inv. 10066 Tumbling belt $ Basketballs 51.09 WATER FUND Jim's Trenching - Using Backhoe-waterleak at Countryside $ Kendall Drive 262.50 (2-50-407) $125.00; Waterleak at Countryside $87.50 Waterleak at Bristol Road $50.00 (2-50-407) Farmers Elevator Co.- Supplies (2-50-406) 27.51 Ill. Bell Telephone - Water Dept. 553-7079 $30.78; Pvt. Line Pumphouse 023-1047 39.98 $9.20 (2-50-410) American Water Works- Membership Dues 4/78 to 4/79 (2-50-419) 65.00 Ass'o. Layne Western Co.,Inc.- Payment No. 11 on Well #4 (2-50-408) 1590.05 E $ H Utility Sales, - Inv. 53907 Valve locator & carrying case ( 2-50-413) 423.00 Inc. Elden Madden - Re-imburse for petty cash: Postage (2-50-421) 14.89 John N. Schneider Appl.- Supplies (2-50-416) 72.87 Commonwealth Edison - EK59CH25525 Pumping $52 .52; EP14AP33737 Pumping $1030 .99 1083.51 Co. (2-50-403) Northern Ill. Gas Co. - 313906160 Pumphouse (2-50-411) 139.73 Kendall County Record - Water Bills (-2-50-422: 36.25 The Bank of Yorkville - Deposit - Water Depreciation $ Contingencies Fund 150.00 Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago - Deposit-Water Bond & Interest Account 4000.00 Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of - Deposit -Water Bond $ Interest Reserve Account 170.00 Chicago 8075.29 SALARIES Gross 1967.58 Net 1441.61 RESOLUTION NO. 7? A RESOLUTION OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE FOR THE TRANSFER OF EXCESS FUNDS FROM THE SEWER FUND - BOND & INTEREST FUND ISSUED 1960, TO SEWER EXPANSION FUND - WHEREAS, the Sewer Fund - Bond & Interest Fund issued 1960, has been fully paid by the United City of the Village of Yorkville, and; WHEREAS, there exists in excess funds, the sum of $9,064.78, in the Sewer Fund - Bond & Interest Fund issued 1960, after payment of all outstanding sewer bonds in both principal and interest of the United City of the Village of Yorkville, and; WHEREAS, said excess funds, by law, may be used only for expansion of the sewer of the United City of the Village of Yorkville, and it is the desire of the City Council to transfer the excess funds of the Sewer Fund - Bond & Interest Fund, to the Sewer Fund of the United City of the Village of Yorkville; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the United City of the Village of Yorkville, that all excess funds of the Sewer Fund - Bond & Interest Fund of 1960, being in the amount of $9,064 . 78, be and the same are hereby transferred to the Sewer Expansion Fund of the United City of the Village of Yorkville, for such purpose or purposes as the City Council may, at some future time, allocate and budget for such purpose or purposes as by law, such Sewer Expansion Fund may be used. GOLDSMITH. THELIN, SCHILLER & DICKSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK BLDG. AURORA, ILLINOIS 60507 F.O.Box 1480 AREA CODE 712-608•8300 t7� ,A BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Treasurer is directed to transfer all funds in the Sewer Fund - Bond & Interest Fund issued 1960, of the United City of the Village of Yorkville, ' to the Sewer Ekpansion Fund. PASS9D by the City Council of the United City of the Village of Yorkville of Kendall County, Illinois this 13 day of , 1978. City Clerk SIGNED and APPROVED this -.2 i da y of , 1978. M or _ r GOLDSMITH. THELIN, SCHILLER & DICKSON page -2- ATTORNEYS AT LAW MLRCNANTB NATIONAL BANK BLDG. ' AURORA, ILLINOIS 60807 P.O.BOX 1405 AR[A CODS SIS-65#.3300 RESOLUTION N0. 33-197 A RESOLUTION OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE TRANSFERRING AND AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR 1976-1977 FISCAL YEAR, AND MAKING LINE TRANSFERS OF SPECIFIC ITEMS WHER AS, excesses exist. in line items of the budget for the United* City of the Village of Yorkville, for the year 1976-1977, and; WHEREAS, those excesses may be transferred to and used for other needed items. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the United City of the Village of Yorkville that the following items be, and the same are hereby transferred for the budget for the 1977-1978 fiscal year, ending April 30, 1978, for the United City of the Village of Yorkville, as shown upon the attached amendment to said budget, and; IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, by the City Council of the United City of the Village of. Yorkville, that the budget for the United City of the Village of Yorkville, for the year 1976- 1977 be, and the same is amended to conform thereto, to-wit: (see attached) PASSED by the City Council of the United City of the Village of Yorkville of Kendall County, Illinois, this 1317 day of , 1978. TvCity Clerk SIGNED and APPROVED this j�day of , 1978. or GOLDSMITH, THELIN, $CHILLER & DICKSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW MERCHANTS NATIONAL SANK 81-00. _ AURORA, ILLINOIS 60507 P.O. Sox 1486 AREA CODE$11-680-3800 33 Alt_ STREETS $ ALLEYS Transfer $1,000.00 from Sewer Fund-Engineering to Streets & Alleys-Salaries Transfer $300.00 from Sewer Fund-Engineering to Streets & Alleys - Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Transfer $60.00 from Streets $ Alleys-Curbs & Gutters to Streets & Alleys-Wearing Apparel Transfer $100.00 from Streets 4 Alleys-Curbs & Gutters to Streets & Alleys-Office Supplies Transfer $4,000.00 from Sewer-Engineering to Streets $ Alleys-Engineering SNOW REMOVAL Transfer $160.00 from Snow Removal-Equipment to Snow Removal-Equipment Maintenance Transfer $600.00 from Snow Removal-Equipment to Snow.Removal-Salt Transfer $850.00 from Snow Removal-Chips to Snow Removal-Salt, TRUCKS,TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT Transfer $1,000.00 from Trucks,Tractor Equipment-New Equipment to Trucks,Tractor & Equipment-Gas Transfer $2,500.00 from Trucks,Tractor & Equipment-New Equipment to Insurance-City Bldg,, Trucks $ Tractor Transfer $100.00 from Trucks,Tractor & Equipment-New Equipment to Trucks,Tractor & Equipment- Inspections & Licenses POLICE Transfer $3,300.00 from Police-Salaries to Police-Crossing Guard Salaries Transfer $500.00 from Police-Investigators Expense to Police-New Equipment Transfer $1,500.00 from Police-Gas.-Oil & Lube to Police-Squad Maintenance Transfer $100.00 fxom Police-Insurance to Police-Telephone Call Forwarding TREES & PARKS Transfer $250.00 from City Park-Equipment to City Park-Miscellaneous Transfer $600.00 from City Parking-Tree Replacement to City Parking-Tree Removal PUBLIC PROPERTY & BUILDINGS Transfer $800.00 from City Hall-Repairs-1 Maintenance to Library Building-Repairs & Maintenance LIQUOR COMMISSION Transfer $28.00 from Building & Zoning-Miscellaneous to Liquor Commission FINANCE Transfer $1,000.00 from Finance-Civil Defense Siren to Finance-Insurance Workmens Comp. Transfer $1,000.00 from Finance-Salary City Officials to Insurance Workmens Comp. Transfer $1,000.00 from Finance-Health & Accident Insurance to Finance-Insurance Workmens Comp. Transfer $1,000.00 from Finance-Directors & Officers Liability Insurance to Finance-Insurance Workmens Comp Transfer $3210.00 from Sewer-Engineering to Finance-Audit Expense Transfer $1,300.00 from Sewer-Engineering to Finance-Telephone Transfer $4,804.00 from Sewer-Engineering to Finance-General Liability Insurance WATER-OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE FUND Transfer $30.00 from Water Operations & Maintenance-Bond Asst. Collector to Water Operations & Maintenance-Miscellaneous Transfer $600.00 from Water Operations F Maintenance-Pumphouse Repairs & Improvements to Water Operations & Maintenance-Repairs to Water Works Plants Transfer $28,000.00 from Water. Operations & Maintenance-Water Main Replacement to Water Operations $ Maintenance-Replacement to Waterworks Plants Transfer $200.00 from Water-Operations & Maintenance-Education,Trng.Conf. F Dues to Water Operations & Maintenance--Telephone Transfer $600.00 from Water Operations & Maintenance-Engineering to Water Operations $ Maintenance-Operating Supplies & Equipment WATER METER RENTAL FUND Transfer $51.94 from Water Operations & Maintenance-Office Equipment $ Maintenance to Water Meter Rental Fund-Refund of Deposits WATER-BOND $ INTEREST FUND Transfer $4.57 from Bank Charge to Postage SEWER-BOND $ INTEREST FUND Transfer $50.00 from Sewer Expansion Fund-Capital Improvement & Repairs to Sewer-Bond $ Interest Fund-Bank Charge