Mayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order at 8 : 00 P . M . and led the
Council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag . Roll call was taken
as follows :
Ward 1 - Wolff Ward 2 - Harker Ward 3 - Simmons
Beach Smith
Alderman Hanback was absent from Ward 2 . A quorum was established .
The reading of the minutes of the April 27 , 1978 meeting was waived .
Alderman Wolff moved the minute be approved , seconded by Alderman
Smith Motion carried 5-0 .
The reading of the bills was waived . Alderman Harker moved to
authorize payment of the bills , seconded by Alderman Wolff . The
cost to date for the river crossing water main break is $4 , 466 . 30
to Meyer Material Company and $ 11 , 574 . 53 to Davis Construction Company
totaling $ 16,040 . 83 . Roll call vote was taken as follows :
Wolff - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye
Beach - Aye Smith - Aye
Alderman Hanback was absent from voting .
ATTORNEY ' S REPORT - Comment has been satisfactory in regards to the
joint resolution for inter-governmental assistance between Police
Departments . The Police Chief in Oswego has referred a copy to their
insurance company for inspection and Attorney Ingemunson is satisfied
as to the County 's part.
The Resolution for Commendation to the Y . B . S . D . was. presented .
Attorney Dickson is working on the parking Ordinance changes
and a draft of the agreement with West Alley property owners .
MAYOR ' S REPORT - The reading of the Proclamation designating
Nursing Home Week was waived . It has been published in the
newspaper .
A thank-you was received from the Kendall Family & Youth Services
for the City ' s contribution of $1 ,000 from Revenue Sharing Funds .
TREASURER ' S REPORT- Alderman Simmons moved to approve the Treasurer ' s
Report as presented , seconded by Alderman Wolff . Motion carried 5-0 .
POLICE REPORT- Alderman Wolff moved to approve the Police Report ,
seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried 5-0 .
DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS - Mayor Thanepohn suggested making the water
report a part of the minutes . Alderman Wolff moved to approve the
Public Works Reports , seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried 5-0 .
_WATER REPORT April 1978 - Total pumped - 9 , 000 ,000 estimated gallons .
Down 2 ,051 ,000 from 3/78 .
Down 922 ,000 from 4/77 .
Daily Average - 300 ,000 gal .
Daily Maximum - 360 ,000 gal .
Chlorine fed - 120 lbs .
Chlorine fed - 1 . 6 parts per
million .
Well #2 — Checked & operated periodically .
Water Samples - All Satisfactory .
New Customers - 2 Commercial & 4 Single-family
206 Page 2
Replaced Meters - 2
Leaks - 1 -10" Under the Fox River
1 -2" at Madison & Morgan
A boil order for the south side of Yorkville was issued on the
morning of April 10th when the pressure at Pumphouse #3 fell
below 20 psi . Pressure was found to have fallen due to a leak
in a 10" main under the river . Repairs were completed Saturday ,
April 15th at 10 : 30 P . M . and the line was chlorinated and tested .
All tests were satisfactory and the line was put back in service
on Friday , April 21st . The Department worked on the leak 105 . 5
hours regular time and 37 . 0 hours overtime plus the time of the
Director .
Crushed rock for the peninsula was purchased at Meyer Material
Company on Jericho Road . 1615 tons or about 1075 cu . yds . of
rock were hauled in . The cost of the rock was $4 , 466 . 30 . 27 loads
were hauled by the City and 100 by hired trucks . Pumps were
rented wherever they could be found . Perkins Builders donated
a 3" pump and Yorkville-Bristol Fire Department donated a pumper
and flood lights . McCarty Fire Equipment of Yorkville donated
flood lights . The neighbors were very co-operative and we should
especially mention the patience and co-operation of Henry and
Dorothy Wollenweber , Mr . & Mrs . Wayne Gutzwiler , Mrs . Alberta
Sharp , also Sim Wilson for the use of the old fish hatchery
property . The Director would like to take this opportunity to
commend the employees of the Department and the Davis Construction
Company for their willingness and abilities to work under some
very trying conditions .
Department labor cost was 51 , 071 . 15
Overtime was limited to two men on April 10 , A. M . and two men
on Saturday , April 15 •
Landscaping remains to be accomplished . Department is hauling
black dirt from the Bowling Lanes on Route 47 . The hill will
require sod . Report submitted by Elden Madden , Director of Public
Works .
PLAN COMMISSION - The next meeting will be May 23 , 1978 at 7 : 30 P . M .
at City Hall .
PARK COMMISSION - The next meeting will be May 16 , 1978 at 7 : 30 P . M .
at City Hall .
HUMAN RESOURCE COMMISSION - It was reported the Committee is tying into
the Community Blood Drive with the Lion ' s Club . A slide program was
presented and donor cards passed out .
on the May 9 , 1978 meeting . Bid openings for the West Alley Black-
topping will be opened May 25 , 1978 at 10 A. M . at the Water Tower
Conference Room.
The East Alley parking facilities were discussed . Bob Bushing of
Clarage Associates will delineate the parking and creek For `uture
use and will be available for presentation at the June 13 , 1978
meeting at 8 : 00 P . M . at City Hall .
COMMUNITY CENTER COMMITTEE - Dick Mau reported the site and architect
committee has interviewed 3 architects and talked with a 4th ,
Page 3 207
The Committee is working on the available sites as to the costs to run
sewer and water to them . There has been a meeting with Mr . Wolcott ,
the trustee of the estate, and there will be an anticipated $282 ,000
including interest in the fund at the end of 2 or 3 years . Identa
Austin has a list of items that can be donated to the Center and is
making contacts regarding the donations at this time . Mrs . Austin is
also working with Attorney Dickson to have forms drawn up regarding
the donations .
The Site and Architect Committee of the Community Center Committee
recommends Leo Anderson as architect at a 7%' fee which is under
the standard AIA fee . Mr . Anderson prefers a standard AIA contract
under which to work .
Attorney Dickson will draw up a Resolution designating the Merchant ' s
National Bank as the contracting party.
Alderman Simmons stated it would be beneficial for the architect to be
in on the site selection .
Alderman Wolff recommended referral to the Public Property G Buildings
Committee for further discussion between the City Council and the
Site and Architect Committee of the Community Center Committee . The
meeting is scheduled for Thursday , May 18 , 1978 at 8 : 00 P . M . at the
Water Tower Conference Room .
Mr . Mau stated that 49 responses were received from the questionaire
in the City Newsletter to date .
NEW BUSINESS - Three (3) sealed bids .were received for the sale of
the 1977 Pontiac LeMans . Alderman Wolff read the bids as follows :
Miss Bonnie Rice , 1711 Violet St . , Aurora $ 400
R . O . Peterson , Yorkville 775
Gene Keck , 815 Montgomery Road , Montgomery 1 , 806
Alderman Wolff moved to sell the 1977 Pontiac LeMans to Gene Keck ,
at a bid of $ 1 , 806 . 00 , seconded by Alderman . Smith . Roll call vote
was taken as follows :
Wolff - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye
Beach - Abstain Smith - Aye
Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Hanback was absent from voting .
FINANCE - Alderman Simmons moved to accept and approve the salary schedule
as presented for the City Employees for the 78/79 fiscal year , seconded
by Alderman Wolff . Roll call vote was taken as follows :
Wolff Aye Harker v Aye Simmons - Aye
Beach - Aye Smith - Aye
Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Hanback was absent from voting .
POLICE - Alderman Wolff reported he will be meeting with Chief Prickett
in the coming week .
PULBIC PROPERTY & BUILDINGS - Alderman Harker ordered the water cooler
for the Library.
Alderman Wolff excused himself from the meeting at 8 : 40 P .M .
STREETS & ALLEYS - Sealed bid openings will be held at the Water Tower
208 _ Page 4
Conference Room on May 25 , 1978 at 10 : 00 A. M . for the West Alley
Black-topping and at 11 : 00 A .M . for the Streets Project .
YBS BOARD - Alderman Harker reported on the joint City Council -YBS
Board meeting. The Engineers will be going to Springfield to discuss
the EPA Grant . The City Engineer talked with the Grant Administrator .` ' copies of the sewer system evaluation report will be rev %ewed
and a report received within one month . Director Madden requested
the sewer televising on Center Street not be implemented at this time ,
since it will need to be done again if we obtain the grant .
TENNIS COURT COMMITTEE - Alderman Beach reported the bids for the
tennis court lighting were to be in , but had met with minor difficulty
in running the line under Game Farm Road to the source of power as the
City would be charged a year-round minimum charge per month . The plans
now are to be hooked into the school ' s power source . The demand charge
is already charged the school due to the football field lighting .
The School District is requesting a running time meter with the School
charging the City for hours used . There will be a master switch in
the basement to shut off entirely during the winter months . Lights will
turn off automatically after a designated time .
Alderman Beach stated the nets are in need of repair for the Tennis
Tournament in the near future . Signs also needed to designate
it will be for Park Commission use only during the tournament . Dr.
Garnett and Director Dalton are going over the rules and will have
signs made for that purpose .
Alderman Beach moved to adjourn the meeting into Executive Session
regarding Land Acquisition at 8 : 40 P . M .
The regular meeting was reconvened at 9 : 45 P . M .
Alderman Smith moved to authorize Mayor Thanepohn to sign the
Auditor ' s Contract for the year ending 4/30/78 , seconded by
Alderman Beach . Roll call vote was taken as follows :
Beach - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye
Smith - Aye
Motion carried 4-0 . Aldermen Wolff and Hanback were absent from the
voting .
Alderman Harker moved to adjourn the meeting at 9 : 50 P . M . , seconded
by Alderman Smith .
Respectfully Submitted ,
Approved By :
APRIL, 1978 Approved May 11 Meeting
ommonwealth Edison Co. - Trees & Parks $16.16 (1-36.2-662) ; Maint. Bldg. 966.09
$42.69 (1-38.4-761) ; P.D. $2.26 (1-38.2-740) ;
St. Ltg. $904.98 (1-39)
Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - Call Forwarding 552-7593 $16.68; Treas. 553-7809 196.70
$7.88; Mayor 553-6990 $27.50; P.D. 553-5836 $38.37;
Mayor 553-0535 $9.75; Bldg. & Zoning 553-7855 $45.77;
Park Recreation Dept. 553-6999 $29.02; Clerk 553-6222
$5 .95; Pvt. Line P.D. 023-1001 $15.78 (1-42-864)
LeRoy Thanepohn - Expense for Administrative Meeting (1-42-863) 13.76
Marilyn Merkel - Postage (1-42-861) 11.99
Xerox Corporation - Rental charge for March (1-42-868) 70.00
Fox Valley Disposal Company - Dumpster service 4/05/78 thru 05/04/78 $22.00; 2038.96
Disposal service for April $2016.96 (1-34-561)
MSP Group Insurance Trust - Monthly premium for Group Insurance (1-42-856) 1143.21
Plano Police Department - 463 Calls on call forwarding (1-35-617) 115.75
Kendall County Record - Notice of filing objection Re: Utility tax and 153.10
printing newsletters $148.30 (1-42-859) ; Notice to
bid-Pontiac & Notice on stolen cars $4.80 (1-35-607)
Markelz Office Products,Inc. - Inv. M32522 Office Supplies (1-42-867) 7.40
Win Prickett - Expense-I .V.C.O.P. meeting (1-35-608) 20.95
Richard Randall - Expense-attending meeting (1-35-608) 5.41
Robert Prickett - Remove radios and install in new squad (1-35-603) 100.00
eff Ross - Office Supplies P.D. (1-35-604) 11.87
im McCarty - Recharge fire extinguisher (1-35-616) 7.00
ohn N. Schneider - Door closer and waste can liners (1-38.2-741) 6.43
etzler Pontiac - Inv. 16091 Install new equipment on 78 Catalina 60.05
Washington Crime News Service - Crime Control Digest Renewal (1-35-608) 99.00
Law Enforcement Journal - Subscription (1-35-608) 10.00
Hornsby's Family Center - Floor mats for squad (1-35-613) 5.28
Fox Valley Shopping News - Ad for sale of squad (1-42-859) 34.20
Jay Plastics, Inc. - Film storage holders (1-35-604) 25.00
Farmers Elevator Co. - Lumber for shooting range (1-35-614) 38.69
Countryside True Value - Supplies (1-35-613) 12.82
Bob's Standard Service - Head light and car wash (1-35-613) 11.28
Yorkville Auto Parts - Inv. 03345 Operating Supplies (1-35-613) .76
W $ W 'Pontiac-Cadillac, Inc. - 2000 mile checkup, oil $ lube on 1978 Catalina 15.45
Ron Westphal Chev., Inc. - Keys (1-35-613) $6.75; Repair 1976 Olds Delta 88 39.12
$32.37 (1-35-611)
Drivers License Guide Co. - Subscription (1-35-608) 25.00
Cavett Rexall Drugs - Polaroid Film (1-35-613) 11.98
Kendall Grundy FS, Inc. - Gas P.D. $461 .32 (1-35-612) ; Squad Maint. $58.15 519.47
Central Limestone Co. - Chips (1-30-403) 150.96
Aurora Blacktop, Inc. - Cold Mix (1-30-403) 147.25
Farmers Elevator Co. - Tile, cement etc. (1-32-501) 50.16
rawford,Murphy $ Tilly,Inc. - Services-plan review for Countryside Unit 4 107.50
orkville Auto Parts - Oil, brake fluid, hose etc. (1-33-531) 49.71
tendall Grundy FS, Inc. - Gas St. Dept. (1-33-533) 263.32
GENERAL FUND (Continued)
am Electric Supply - Inv. 9681 Barricade batteries $33.75 (1-30-411) ; Inv. 71.25
9065 Light bulbs $37.50 (1-36.2-663)
orkville Hardware - Supplies (1-38.4-762) 17.58
Ildg. Officials $ Code Adm. - Bldg. permits & Appl. for Plan Exam etc. (1-41-801) 23.50
International, Inc.
The Stationery House, Inc. - Inv. 51652 Supplies (1-41-800) 41 .53
Jean P. Brady, Co. Recorder - Micro Easement (1-41-801) 3.00
Quill Corporation - Plastic Cup Dispenser, ledger marker & ring book 7.60
sheets (1-42-867)
The Paper Crate - Supplies (1-41-800) 9.40
Xerox, Inc. - Inv. 833219900 Paper $145.50; Inv. 108213377 PM Kit 166.99
$21.49 (1-42-868)
Schaefer Greenhouses,Inc. - Flowers (W.Deutchler) (1-42-860) 20.00
Luanne Erickson - Postage (1-42-861) 2 .99
Byers Printing Co. - Book of General License (1-42-859) 8.59
Elden Madden - Re-imburse petty cash: Tire (1-33-531) $10.00;Postage 44.74
.41¢ (1-41-808) ; Office Supplies .47� (1-41-800) ;
Supplies $1.59 (1-42-860) ; Postage $14.10 (1-42-861) ;
Expense $5.20 (1-42-863) ; Fireproof Cash Box $12 .97
6962 .79
Commonwealth Edison Co. - EK59-CH-25525 Pumping (2-50-403) 24.17
Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - Pvt. Line Pumphouse 023-1047 $9.20; Water Dept. 48.14
553-7079 $38.94 (2-50-409)
Yorkville Hardware - Supplies (-2=50-401) 34.97
Ulrich Chemical, Inc. - Chlorine (2-50-414) 305.00
Elden Madden - Re-imburse for petty cash: Water samples, etc. 27.57
$17.40 (2-50-401) ; Office Supplies $1.87 (2-50-411) ;
Fox River water main break $8.00 (2-50-419) ; Postage
.30¢ (2-50-420)
City of DeKalb - Water Tests (2-50-414) 42.00
Jack Ward, P.E. - Inspect 2" Hersey Comp.Meter (2-50-404) 75 .00
John Schneider Appl . - Supplies (2-50-406) 31 .83
Water Products Co. - Inv.16279 Meter (2-50-404) $558.00; Inv. 15321,15328, 1031.96
15813,15986,16003,16128 Curb box,clamps,coupling,
gasket,bolts & curbstop $473.96 (2-50-407)
Meyer Material Co. - Shot Rock & Limestone (2-50-407) 4466.30
Davis Construction Co. - Labor & Equipment for river crossing leak (2-50-407) 11574.53
The Bank of Yorkville - Deposit - Water Depreciation $ Contingencies Fund 150.00
Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago- Deposit-Water Bond & Interest Reserve Account 170.00
9 17981.47
olor Tone, Inc. - City Vehicle Stickers (5-401) 283.25
Yorkville Comm. School - Electricity & Equipment use Nov. 1977 thru March,1978 307.00
Dist. #115
Kendall County Record - Printing 3000 brochures 572.00
Kendall County Record - Revenue sharing notice 4.40
Layne-Western Co. , Inc. - Payment #12 - Well No. 4 (-2-54-460) 1590.05
The Northern Trust Co. - Water Revenue Bonds dated 5-1-69 - 7% 6494.57
The Northern Trust Co. - Water Revenue Bonds dated 5-1-69 - 5% 10520.23
Ronald L. Walker - 1978 Pontiac Catalina for P.D. (1-35-609) 5950 .00
Director of Labor - Contribution for Quarter ending 3/31/78 for 591.84
Unemployment Insurance 6541.84