City Council Minutes 1978 06-08-78 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED 2 13 CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE , ILLINOIS , HELD AT CITY HALL , JUNE 8 , 1978 . Mayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order at 8 :00 P . M . and led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag . Roll call was taken as follows : Ward 1 - Wolff Ward 2 - Hanback Ward 3 - Simmons Beach Alderman Harker was absent from Ward 2 and Alderman Smith was absent from Ward 3 . A quorum was established . Alderman Wolff moved to waive the reading of and approve the minutes from the May 25 , 1978 meeting , seconded by Alderman Hanback . Motion carried 4-0 . Aldermen Srait-h and Harker were absent from the voting . Alderman Wolff moved to authorize payment of the bills , seconded by Alderman Simmons . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Wolff - Aye Hanback - Aye Simmons - Aye Beach - Aye Motion carried 4-0 . Aldermen Harker and Smith were absent . ATTORNEY ` - In regards to the West Alley Paving Project , Attorney Dickson recommended not letting any contract until the property owners have signed the commitments . The Inter-governmental Assistance agreement has been orally approved by all Police Departments in Kendall County . Oswego is drawing up a Resolution to be signed per mittingrtl?em ` to Sign the agreement . The agreement will then be passed to other departments involved for signatures The City Council ' s denial of , The Petition by Kellett-Weiss to re-zone property in Worsley s Addition has been challenged . A summons was received by the City Clerk on June 2 , 1978 . MAYOR - Alderman Wolff moved to approve Mayor Thanepohn ' s appointment of Chris Nelson to the Zoning Board of Appeals to complete Dave Schindlbeck ' s term of office that expires in 1983 , seconded by Alderman Simmons . Motion carried 4-0 . Aldermen Harker and Smith were absent from voting . CITY CLERK - A Petition for Pre-Annexation Agreement was received on June 6 , 1978 from Attorney Grant regarding Mezger ' s Yorkshire Estates . A Petition for Annexation was received on June 6 , 1978 from Blaine and Elizabeth Harker for annexation and M-1 zoning for land ' southwest of Fox Industrial Park and East of Route 47 . Alderman Beach moved to refer the 2 petitions to the Plan Commission , seconded by Alderman Wolff . Motion carried 4-0 . Aldermen Harker and Smith were absent - from voting . TREASURER - Alderman Wolff moved to request Treasurer Merkel to include the Certificates of Deposit in the Treasurer ' s Report following each category ' s fund balance , seconded by Alderman Beach . Motion carried 4-0 . Aldermen HArker and Smith were absent from voting . Alderman Simmons moved to accept the Treasurer ' s Report , seconded by Alderman Wolff . Motion carried . Aldermen Harker and Smith were absent from voting . 2 t 4 Page 2 POLICE - Alderman Wolff moved to accept the Police REport , seconded by Alderman Beach . Motion carried 4-0 . Aldermen Hq� ker qnd Smith were absent from voting . DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS - Alderman Wolff moved to accept the Public Works reports , seconded by Alderman Simmons . Motion carried 4-0 . Aldermen Harker and Smith were absent from voting . BUSINESS & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION - Alderman Beach reported the next meeting would be Tuesday , June 13 , 1978 at the Water Tower Conference Room at 8 : 00 P . M . Bob Bushing of Clarage & Associates will be presenting property guidelines for the East Alley project . Alderman Harker and Mayor Thanepohn attended a meeting with railroad personnel regarding reshaping of the area by the railroad tracks for the East Alley project. The railroad will need to approve and issue a permit before any construction can begin . EMERGENCY SERVICES & DISASTER - Alderman Wolff is working with Al Spera on the supplies needed by the City for disasters . HEALTH & SANITATION - Alderman Hanback reported the old garbage service specifications are being reviewed and hopefully will be ready to send out for bids by next meeting . LIGHTS , TELEPHONE & GAS - Alderman Wolff moved to allow the high school to install and stand the expense for a receptacle at the Maintenance Building for use for their pitching machine and broadcasting ball games , to .be > installed !at the Maintenance Building . The City will stand the expense of the electricity used . The motion was seconded by Alderman Hanback . Motion carried 4-0 . Aldermen Harker and Smith were absent from voting . POLICE - Alderman Wolff will schedule a meeting date for the Committee . PUBLIC PROPERTY & BUILDINGS - Alderman Beach reported the drinking fountain has been installed at the library building . STREETS & ALLEYS - Alderman Wolff stated it was his opinion all streets should be included in the 1978 Drainage and Roadway Improvements Program and that funds are available . Alderman Simmons stated that sufficient funds were not available and his opinion is to eliminate some sections of streets that did not need immediate attention , but do as much as fund- ing would allow. Engineer Anderson stated we have not received approval from the State for Fox Road to date . Alderman Beach moved to go ahead on the 1978 Drainage and Roadway Improve- ments Program including the intersection at Fox Road and Main Street . Engineer Anderson stated the Chijy was not allowed to use MFT funds for this project and it would haveAoto be approved by the State before letting bids . MVT funds can be used . Attorney Dickson stated his recollection was that the City had budgeted for both the West Alley Paving Project and the Fox Road Project and also for the 1978 Drainage & Roadway Improve- ments Program . Attorney Dickson further stated that in regards to the Capital Improvement Fund there should be some long-range planning on how the funds should be spent . Alderman Beach rescinded his motion . Page 3 C Alderman Wolff moved to accept the bid of Aurora Blacktop for the 1978 Drainage and Roadway Improvements Program providing the approval by Attorney Dickson on legally transferring funds for the payment of maintenance of all streets to include Fox Road from the culvert to the Oorporate Limits . The motion was seconded By Alderman Beach . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Simmons - Aye Hanback - Aye Beach - Aye Wolff - Aye Motion carried 4-0 . Alderman Harker and Smith absent from the voting . TENNIS COURTS COMMITTEE - Alderman Beach reported the Tennis Program of the Park Commission is 4 times larger than last year . Tennis Court lighting bids will be opened on June 15 , 1978 . Mayor Thanepohn stated that several , including himself , would be going to Springfield for an appointment with the E . P .A . in regards to the Sewer Grant on Thursday , June 15 , 1978 at 1 : 30 P .M . Alderman Wolff moved to adjourn the meeting at 8 : 50 P .M . , seconded by Alderman Simmons . Respectfully Submitted , 12 OJI/xv '41 I Y CLTRK Approved YOR MAY, 1978 APPROVED JUNE 8 MEETING GENERAL FUND Commonwealth Edison Co. - EJ59-AP-0150A P.D, (1-38-38.2-740) $2.39; EH55-AP- 969.26 3084A Trees $ Parks (1-36-36.2-662) $26.09; EAP71881 St. Ltg. (1-39) $904.98; EH55-AP-8690A $35.80 Northern Ill. Gas Co. - 313907740 City Hall (1-38-38.1-730) $37.25; 312902161 613.30 Library (1-38-38.3-750) $129.62; 312900280 P.D. (1-38-38.2-740) $39.53; 311900100 Trees & Parks (L-36-36.2-662) $92 .57; 311901170 Maint.Bldg. (1-38- 38.4-761) $314.33 Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - Library 553-5513 $6.52; 023-1001 Pvt. Line P.D. $15.78; 182.08 553-6222 Clerk $4.40; 553-5836 P.D. $49.64; 553-6990 Mayor $26.33; 552-7593 Call Forwarding $16.68; 553-0535 Mayor $7.28; 553-7809 Treas. $7.25; 553-7855 Bldg. & Zoning $48.20 (1-42-864) MSP/Group Insurance Trust - Insurance Prei►ium (1-42-856) 1143.21 CC Services, Inc. - Bonds for Treas., Mayor & Library Treas.(1-42-854) 127.00 Hershel Smith - Expense attending banquet (1-42-863) 13.40 Aurora Typewriter Co.,Inc. - Calculator $263.12 (1-42-862) ; Adding machine tape 268.62 $5 .50 (1-42-867) LeRoy Thanepohn - Expense attending meetings (1-42-863) 54.45 Xerox Corporation - Inv. 049596679 Monthly rental charge (1-42-868) 89.85 Luanne Erickson - Re-imburse for City Clerk fees: Postage (1-42-861) 28.96 $5.69; Office Supplies (1-42-867) $23.27 etty Huston - Expense as Sect. for Plan Commission (1-37-700) 105.52 $92.52; Expense for Zoning Board of Appeals Mts. (1-41-807) $13.00 Plano Police Department - 449 calls on Call Forwarding (1-35-617) 112 .25 Riemenschneider Electric - Electric Outlet (1-38-38.2-741) 12.91 Kendall Grundy FS, Inc. - Gas P.D. (1-35-612) 507,49 The Beacon News - Publish Bids (-1-35-616) 21 .24 Electronic Security Systems- Skinny Minny car opener (1-35-613) 10 .00 Yorkville Auto Parts - Cust. #974 - Flas lite bulbs (1-35-613) 4.12 Detzler Pontiac - Inv. 16404 Install mirror $ clock & check for oil 67.35 leak in 1978 Catalina (1-35-611) Badger Uniforms - Inv. 040010 Trousers & Stripes (1-35-605) 56.07 Elden Madden - Re-imburse for petty cash - Flowers $3.94 (1-36-667) ; 17.18 Waste Basket (1-38.4-760) $1 .63; Postage (1-41-808) $4.81; Supplies (1-42-863) 6.80 Fox Valley Sewer Service - Service on West Main St. $ Main $ Elizabeth St. (1-32-501) 405 .00 S & A Repair, Inc. - Repair 73 GMC (1-33-531) 347.12 Dierzen Welding $ Mach. Co.- Repair on truck & attachment Ticket A13323 $120.00; 120.00 (1-33-531) Homer G. Dickson & Co.,Inc.- Ticket 30399 Welding on Chain $9.00; Check Tractor 35 .30 $25.60 Ticket #30463; Ticket 73636 .70� (1-33-531) Kendall Grundy FS, Inc. - Gas Public Works $373.40 (1-33-533) ; Tires $131.08 504.48 (1-33-531) Greene Valley Land Fill - Junk (1-34-561) 228.00 Winding Creek Nursery - 1 Red Maple $ Tree Paint (1-36.3-681) 27.39 Ialph A. Arnitt - Mower repairs (1-36.2-660) 32.05 John N. Schneider Appl . - Rope (1-36.2-660) 4.32 en Robertson Flag Co. - Flag (1-36.2-663) 16.89 Crawford,Murphy $ Tilly,Inc.- Inv. 464 Services-Sidewalk replacement program 468.10 Downtown Yorkville (1-37-703) $276.80; Inv. 465 Services-West alley project (1-37-703) $174.80; Inv. 466-Services Ctryside.Subd. Pumping Station$16.50 (1-32-502) GENERAL FUND (Continued) 15.00 Marilyn Merkel - Postage (1-42-861 81 .97 Quill Corporation - Carpet covering $30.22 (1-38-760) ; Supplies (1-41-800) $8.87; Wall/door signs (1-42-867) $21 .44; Wall/door signs (1-38.4-760) $21 .44 105.46 Riemenschneider Electric- Inv. 2039 Outlet for Xerox Machine (1-38.4-762) 32.28 Fredrickson's Inc. - Binder 4 Pendoflex Folders (1-41-800) 33.65 Beckley-Cardy Company - Supplies (1-42-867) 6861.27 SALARIES Gross 28279.63 (Includes Library 4 City Officials) Net 22151.30 WATER FUND Commonwealth Edison Co.- EK59CH25525 Pumping $9.92; EP14AP33737 Pumping $1100.36 1110.28 (2-50-403) 61 .57 Northern Ill. Gas Co. - 313906160 Pumphouse (2-50-410) 9.20 Ill . Bell Telephone Co.- 023-1047 Pvt. Line Pumphouse (2-50-409) 73.20 E 4 H Utility Sales,Inc.- Inv. 56202 Curb Boxes (2-50-412) 432.00 K R & G - Black Dirt (2-50-407) I11. Environmental Protection Agency - Water Supply Operator Certification Renewal Appl . (2-50-401) 30 .00 Water Products Co. - Inv. 16708 Remote Meter Wire (2-50-404) 116.48 Crawford,Murphy 4 Tilly,Inc- Inv. 467 Services-Securing Contractor for River Crossing Watermain Break (2-50-405) 2 .89 I lden Madden - Re-imburse Petty Cash - Water samples (2-420) 16.90 uill Corporation - Supplies (2-412) 36 .00 iemenschneider Electric- Service call to pumphouse for controls (2Fund 6) 150.00 he Bank of Yorkville - Deposit Water Depreciation 4 Contingencies Fund 170.00 Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of - Deposit Water Bond 4 Interest Reserve .Account Chicago 2000.00 Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of - Deposit=Water Bond Interest Account Chicago Luanne Erickson - Re-imburse for City Clk. Fees-recording McNelis Easements 13.0 (2-50-413) 4226.52 SALARIES Gross 2172.29 Net 1565.06 MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND Crawford,Murphy 4 Tilly,Inc. - Services-1978 MFT Street Maintenance (4-402) 3327.04 WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND Layne-Western Co., Inc. - Monthly Payment #13 - Well #4 (2-54-460) 1590.05 MAY, 1978 Approved Jame 8 Meeting (To be added to original list) GENERAL FUND Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - 553-6999 Park Recreation Dept. (1-42-864) 33.27 Markelz Office Products - Inv. 36856 Office Supplies (1-42-867) $37.72 59.32 Inv. 32522 Credit deducted in error-Balance due $21.60 (1-42-867) Aurora Blacktop, Inc. - Cold Mix (1-30-403) 351.85 Yorkville Hardware - Supplies (1-36.2-667) 86.64 Central Limestone Co. - Stone (1-30-403) 65.23 Bob's Standard - Replace lower radiator hose & anti freeze on 1976 20.95 Pontiac (1-35-611) Win Prickett - Expense attending meetings (1-35-608) 45.83 Countryside True Value - Supplies (1-30-412) $64.52; Mower (1-36.2-650) 168.01 $103.49 Dierzen Welding - Repairs on Green Ford Truck due from accident 95.00 Inv. dated 1/18/78 (1-33-531) 926.10 WATER FUND Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - 553-7079 Water Dept. (2-50-409) 31 .27 Comm. Edison Company - EP14 AP33737 Pumping (2-50-403) 995.41 1026.68 PARK COMMISSION FUND Hayden's Sport Center - Inv. 1906 T shirts and screen applications 435.00 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION CONCERNING REZONING OF CLASSIC LAND CONSULTANTS, INC. PROPERTY FROM AGRICULTURAL CLASSIFICATION TO R-12 CLASSIFICATION BY KENDALL COUNTY WHEREAS, The United City of the Village of Yorkville has considered ,a petition for reclassification and rezoning of property presently owned by Classic Land Consultants, Inc. , from County Agricultural (A-1) , to single family residential use (R-2) , and WHEREAS, the property described upon a petition of Classic Land Consultants, Inc. as aforesaid, is within a mile and one-half of the corporate limits of The United City of the Village of Yorkville, and WHEREAS, The United City of the Village of Yorkville wishes to give qualified approval to the reclassification and rezoning as aforesaid, provided certain conditions and stipula- tions are met, including specifically that restrictive covenants be attached to the property requiring annexation of the property described in the petition to The United City of the Village of Yorkville, should the same become contiguous to the corporate limits within the next ten (10) years; and provided further, that the provisions of the subdivision control ordinance of The United City of the Village of Yorkville be complied with in la g p platting the property, as to the length and width of roadways and right of ways and diameter of cul de sacs within the subdivision; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of The United City of the Village of Yorkville, that the petition of Classic Land Consultants, Inc. , for reclassification and rezoning GOLDSMITH, THELIN, SCHILLER & DICKSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW MERCHANTS NATIONAL SANK SLDO. AURORA. ILLINOIS 60507 F.o.sox 1400 AREA CODE 212-050-5000 ., :., , 1 of a tract of land from County Agricultural (A-1) to single family residential use (R-2) , be and the same is hereby approved if and only if restrictive covenants be attached to the property requiring annexation of the property described in the petition to The United Pity of the Village of Yorkville, should the same become contiguous to the corporate limits within the next ten- (10) years; and provided, further, that the provisions of the subdivision control ordinance of The United City of the Village of Yorkville be complied with in platting the property, as to the T width of roadways and right of ways and diameter of cul de sacs within the subdivision. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded by the City Clerk for filing, with the. County Clerk of Kendall County, Illinois, prior to consideration of this matter by the Kendall County Board June meeting. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that should the conditions not be met by the petitioner, Classic Land Consultants, Inc. , prior to consideration of this matter by the Kendall County Board, then The United City of the Village of Yorkville wishes to state a formal objection to the rezoning and reclassification of the property by the petitioner. PASSED THIS day of June, 1978. ity Clerk SIGNED AND APPROVED •THIS day of June, 978. ZOO yor GOLDSMITH. THELIN, SCHILLER & DICKSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW MERCHANTS NATIONAL SANK BLDG. AURORA, ILLINOIS 60507 I.O.SOX 1409 AREA CODE s1!-0sbs�00 Noa