Comp Plan Steering Committee Packet 2015 01-22-15 AGENDA COMP PLAN STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, January 22, 2015 6:00 P.M. City Hall Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road 1. Welcome 2. Roll Call 3. Citizen’s Comments 4. New Business: a) The Lakota Group Presentation 1. Introductions o Consultant Team o Steering Committee Members 2. Roles and Responsibilities 3. Project Schedule/Timeline 4. Issues and Opportunities Discussion 5. Adjournment 6. Next meeting date: TBD United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Telephone: 630-553-4350 www.yorkville.il.us STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING #1 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS LAKOTAJANUARY 22, 2015 The Firm Contact Us T.Y. Lin International Great Lakes, Inc. (TYLI) is a planning and engineering firm providing transportation consulting services to the public and private sectors. TYLI is a wholly-owned subsidiary of T.Y. Lin International and operates as its Midwest Regional Office. Our staff of over 60 employees includes experienced structural, civil, highway and traffic engineers, transportation planners, and construction engineers and inspectors. TYLI also has the full resources of T.Y. Lin International in its pursuit and performance of all projects.For over 28 years, TYLI has gained extensive experience as the prime consultant in planning, design, and construction of roadway, bridge, site, non-motorized, transit and railroad improvements in the urban and rural environments of the greater Chicago region. TYLI’s major engineering and planning focus has been in the areas of civil, structural, environmental, traffic, drainage, bridge inspection, construction engineering, and planning. These skills allow us to provide services for a wide variety of highway, road, airport, railroad, transit, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities. 200 South Wacker Drive Suite 1400 Chicago, Illinois 60606 telephone: 312.777.2900 facsimile: 312.705.0305 26711 Northwestern Highway Suite 125 Southfield, Michigan 48033 telephone: 248.936.2030 facsimile: 248.936.2035 Senior Vice President/District Director Heather J. Gaffney, S.E., P.E. Apply at: www.tylin.com T.Y. Lin International is an Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer Planning Urban Design Landscape Architecture Historic Preservation Community Engagement Design Institute TM Change. The Lakota Group is a team of talented designers, planners and commu- nication experts powered by a passion for offering creative solutions to complex problems. Our defining attribute is fostered in a team-based approach to project management centered on positive dialogue that results in meeting our clients’ needs and objectives. Sustainability is not a buzz word, but rather, a way of thinking inherent in all that we do at Lakota. Its use is determined by providing a careful analysis and balance of the right tools to employ to achieve environmental, social, economic or healthy lifestyle opportunities. Lakota balances idealism with realism to create award-winning places around the country inspired by lateral thinking and implemented through consensus-building. The firm’s approach is reflected in its name, “Lakota,” which is a Native American word meaning “allies.” Our professionals share a strong respect for land and community — and work to bring people together as allies for positive change. lakota 212 W Kinzie Street, Floor 3 Chicago, IL 60654 www.thelakotagroup.com info@thelakotagroup.com p 312.467.5445 f 312.467.5484 FOR MORE THAN 20 YEARS THE LAKOTA GROUP, BASED IN CHICAGO, HAS BEEN HELPING COMMUNITIES, INSTITUTIONS, BUSINESSES AND PROPERTY OWNERS CREATIVELY DESIGN, MANAGE, PROMOTE AND FOSTER SUSTAINABLE CHANGE. Goodman Williams Group was founded in 1993 by Linda Goodman and Christine Williams, two veterans of Chicago’s real estate industry. The firm specializes in market feasibility analyses for individual properties, large development sites, downtowns, and redeveloping neighborhoods. Local governments, non-profits, and private real estate interests rely on the market expertise of Goodman Williams Group. The firm provides its clients with a thorough understanding of current market conditions and trends in a rapidly changing industry. The following assignments illustrate the breadth of the firm’s experience in the major land use categories: Residential  Site and market analyses for multifamily projects to be financed by the Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA).  Feasibility analysis for a planned development on the former US Steel Southworks site in Chicago that would include 850 residential units in multiple phases.  Assessment of development potential for townhouses and condominiums on a key site in Barrington’s Village Center. Office  Analysis of current market conditions and future trends in the Chicago office market for an institutional investor.  Assessment of the competitive advantages of a River North site for new Class A office development.  Projections of growth of the Chicago office market through 2020 for the Central Area Plan. Retail  Recommendations for transit-oriented commercial development around commuter stations in Chicago and numerous suburban communities.  Retail market analyses and strategies for Downtown Evanston and the City of Berwyn.  Recommendations for retail, restaurant, and other commercial uses as part of a plan for the Madison Street Corridor in Oak Park. Industrial  Study of potential for new rail-related industrial development in five of Chicago’s industrial corridors.  Market analysis for a portion of the former Joliet Arsenal site located in Will County.  Preparation of Requests for Proposals to solicit developer interest in City of Chicago-owned industrial parcels. The Firm Contact Us T.Y. Lin International Great Lakes, Inc. (TYLI) is a planning and engineering firm providing transportation consulting services to the public and private sectors. TYLI is a wholly-owned subsidiary of T.Y. Lin International and operates as its Midwest Regional Office. Our staff of over 60 employees includes experienced structural, civil, highway and traffic engineers, transportation planners, and construction engineers and inspectors. TYLI also has the full resources of T.Y. Lin International in its pursuit and performance of all projects. For over 28 years, TYLI has gained extensive experience as the prime consultant in planning, design, and construction of roadway, bridge, site, non-motorized, transit and railroad improvements in the urban and rural environments of the greater Chicago region. TYLI’s major engineering and planning focus has been in the areas of civil, structural, environmental, traffic, drainage, bridge inspection, construction engineering, and planning. These skills allow us to provide services for a wide variety of highway, road, airport, railroad, transit, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities. 200 South Wacker Drive Suite 1400 Chicago, Illinois 60606 telephone: 312.777.2900 facsimile: 312.705.0305 26711 Northwestern Highway Suite 125 Southfield, Michigan 48033 telephone: 248.936.2030 facsimile: 248.936.2035 Senior Vice President/District Director Heather J. Gaffney, S.E., P.E. Apply at: www.tylin.com T.Y. Lin International is an Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING #1 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS LAKOTAJANUARY 22, 2015 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS MEETINGS AND TASKS Why am I here? You’ve been recruited because we want your insight as to what you think would make the United City of Yorkville great. The ultimate purpose of the steering committee is to help guide the creation and development of the Comprehensive Plan Update. What is the Comprehensive Plan Update? The United City of Yorkville is preparing an update to its 2008 Comprehensive Plan, an important policy document for guiding the City’s long term growth and development while maintaining and enhancing its quality of life and community character. The Comprehensive Plan is an important document that outlines policies and strategies for addressing issues related to infrastructure, capital improvements, community design and aesthetics, downtown business development, housing and neighborhoods, parks and open spaces, transportation, historic resources, and community sustainability and resiliency. The goal of the Plan Update is to provide a compelling vision for the United City of Yorkville and will be the official public document to help guide the City’s future. How much time will this take up? You should expect to meet as a steering committee on a regular basis, but it won’t involve more than 15-20 hours over the course of an eighteen month planning process. What is my role in all of this? As a steering committee member, you are being asked to help craft the long-term vision for the United City of Yorkville, define project objectives, review public input, and shape specific elements of the plan. But most importantly, you will provide a means for which the community’s concerns can be conveyed to the consultant team. Who else is on the steering committee? Steering committee members may range from property owners to the Mayor of Yorkville. We think having a variety of voices is best, so you will be joined by local business owners, United City of Yorkville employees and politicians, local residents, and civic organizations. Do you have a list of meetings and tasks that we should anticipate on participating in? We sure do! Members are asked to commit to the following tasks: • Steering Committee Interview Session: a one hour meeting scheduled at the beginning of the planning process. • Community Speak-Out: a two hour interactive workshop in determining community planning goals. • Steering Committee Review of the Draft Concepts and Directions Report: a review meeting with the consultant team and the City to discuss the Draft Concepts and Directions Report. This meeting will last approximately one and one-half hours. • Steering Committee Review Meeting: a one to two hour meeting to discuss preliminary vision, goals, objectives, and planing strategies. • Town Meeting / Community Workshop: a two hour interactive workshop in reviewing comprehensive planning strategies. • Steering Committee Review of the Draft Comprehensive Plan Update: a two hour meeting with the consultant team to review the Draft Comprehensive Plan Update. • Community Open House: a two house interactive workshop in reviewing the Draft Comprehensive Plan Update with the community. • Steering Committee Review of the Final Comprehensive Plan Update: a one to two hour meeting to review and make additional changes to the Final Comprehensive Plan Update. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS LAKOTAJANUARY 22, 2015 COMMUNITY OPEN HOUSE TBD PLAN COMMISSION PRESENTATION TBD CITY COUNCIL PRESENTATION TBD PLAN GOALS, STRATEGIES, & RECOMMENDATIONS REFINEMENT OCTOBER NOVEMBER JUNEDECEMBERJANUARYFEBRUARYMARCHAPRIL 20162015 20152014 2015 MAY SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH PROJECT START MEETING/ CITY TOUR SEPTEMBER 19, 2014 COMMUNITY SPEAK-OUT TBD INTERVIEWS + SPEAK-OUT SUMMARY TBD DRAFT STATE OF THE CITY/ CONCEPTS + DIRECTIONS REPORT TBD FINAL STATE OF THE CITY/ CONCEPTS + DIRECTIONS REPORT TBD STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING JANUARY 22, 2015 STAKEHOLDER INTERVIEWS + TRAINING SESSION NOVEMBER 10, 2014 STAKEHOLDER INTERVIEWS DECEMBER 11, 2014 STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING TBD CITY DEPARTMENTS INTERVIEW SESSION OCTOBER 16, 2014 PROJECT WEBSITE LAUNCH SEPTEMBER 25, 2014 PROJECT START COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBERAPRILMAY TOWN MEETING/ COMMUNITY WORKSHOP SUMMARY TBD DRAFT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE TBD TOWN MEETING/ COMMUNITY WORKSHOP TBD VISION, GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND PLANNING STRATEGIES STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING TBD STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING TBD STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING TBD VISIONING / PLAN FRAMEWORK FINAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN & IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY SECOND DRAFT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE TBD FINAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE TBD STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING #1