City Council Minutes 1978 06-22-78 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED 2 17 CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE , ILLINOIS , HELD AT CITY HALL JUNE 22 1978 . Mayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order at 8 : 05 P .M . and led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag . Roll call was taken as follows : Ward 1 - Wolff Ward 2 - Harker Ward 3 - Simmons Smith Alderman Beach was absent from Ward 1 and Alderman Hanback was absent from Ward 2 . A quorum was established . Guests included Mr . Womack with Boy Scouts , Tad and Jay Womack and Gary Underwood , working towards merit badges . Mayor Thanepohn reported Treasurer , Marilyn Merkel is presently a hospital patient . Mary Kay Price is also in the hospital . Reading of the minutes was waived . Alderman Wolff moved to approve the minutes with the following correction : Page 1 , under Attorney ' s Report , 3rd paragraph , 1st line add "The City Council ' s denial of" preceding that sentence . Alderman Harker seconded the motion . Motion carried 4-0 . Aldermen Beach and Hanback were absent from voting . ATTORNEY ' S REPORT - Alderman Harker moved to adopt the Ordinance to Provide for Uniform Assessment of Fines for Parking Tickets in Restricted Parking Areas , seconded by Alderman Wolff . It is the States Attorney ' s intent to enforce the City Ordinance with a $5 . 00 fine . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Wolff - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Smith - Aye Motion carried 4-0. Aldermen Beach and Hanback were absent from voting . The Ordinance requires publication . The Joint Venture Agreement for the West Alley resurfacing provides the private property resurfacing be done at the owner ' s expense and the City will stand the balance of the expenses for improvements including grading . Dave Schindlbeck secured the signatures of all the property owners for the agreement . The Property owners can secure their own contractors for the servicing of their own property providing it is done within 30 days of the awarding of the contract . Alderman Smith moved to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the West Alley Joint Venture Agreement , seconded by Alderman Harker . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Wolff - Nay Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Smith - Aye Mayor Thanepohn - Aye Motion carried 4- 1 . Aldermen Beach and Hanback were absent from voting . The curbing cost is not included in the agreement. Attorney Dickson reported that Oswego had approved the Agreement for Intergovernmental Police Assistance . Alderman Wolff moved to pass the Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement for Intergovernmental Cooperative Police Service with Oswego , Plano and Kendall County and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement and Resolution for the City. The motion was seconded by Alderman Smith . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Wolff - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Smith - Aye Motion carried 4-0 . Aldermen Beach and Hanback were absent from voting . 2 1 Q Page 2 V June 22 , 1878 Mayor Thanepohn reported that it was a new law that during the month of June each Municipality is required to investigate and ascertain the prevailing rate of wages to be paid to Public Works workers , to post and keep available its determination as well as supply a certified copy with the Office of the Secretary of State in Springfield . Attorney Dickson feels we cannot comply and will contact the Department of Labor regarding the matter . MAYOR ' S REPORT - Alderman Harker moved to approve Mayor Thanepohn ' s ap- pointment of Mary Thomas as Library Director , seconded by Alderman Wolff . Motion carried 4-0 . Aldermen Beach and Hanback were absent from voting . Mayor Thanepohn reported that he , Director Madden , Alderman Harker , Engineers Anderson and Griffin and Rick Pfister attended a meeting in Springfield regarding the E . P . A . Sewer Grant . There is a need to complete the infiltration and inflow study which will determine if it will be economically feasible to transport and-treat or if it will be better to cut the infiltra- tion by rehabilitating the sewers . If it is not feasible , then we will need a sewer systems evaluation study to rehabilitate the bad areas , or a com- bination of both with plant expansion . We will be allowed to use our own employees . If the City uses $ 10 ,000 of its own payroll for the sewer systems evaluation study , we would receive a 57 , 500 refund in the grant . The City now has priority #942 which looks to be 2-4 years away . Engineer Anderson estimates 6 weeks to complete the study . The annual Library Board report was presented . Mayor Thanepohn will contact Hazel Prickett regarding the City ' s deci - sion to not participate in the 3rd year funding of the Juvenile Officers program as recommended by the Police Committee and will utilize our own investigative and juvenile officers . PLAN COMMISSION - Alderman Simmons reported the Plan Commission will meet Tuesday , June 27 , 1978 at 8 : 00 P . M . at City Hall . PARK COMMISSION - The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday , July 18 , 1978 at 7 : 00 P .M . at City Hall . HUMAN RESOURCE COMMISSION - Alderman Simmons reported Ken Vogus spoke with the Commission regarding youth services . He would like to start programs in Yorkville , possibly holding a' dance , with a guest comedian and is in need of funds . The matter was referred to the Park Commission . BUSINESS & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION - Alderman Simmons reported letters will be sent to all East Alley property owners and contact has been made with Burlington railroad and the Farm Bureau . Dave Schindlebeck was not present to report on the. meeting at Waubonsee and the matter will be held over until next meeting . FUTURE PLANNING - Mayor Thanepohn reported he has been contacted by several individuals in regards to annexing into the City limits in the area of Game Farm Road . Attorney Dickson stated it would be appropriate to send out requests for annexation from them and could be done on a home-owner to home-owner basis as each becomes contiguous to the City Limits having them petition in , go through the publications or they could come in on a pre-annexation basis . Also , if enough were agreeable within the whole subdivision there could be a referendum to annex the subdivison as a whole . Alderman Wolff questioned the requirement of curbs , gutters , sidewalks , etc . Attorney Dickson stated they would be Page 3 June 22 , 1978 2 19 non-conforming uses and would be subject only to tax levys and Ordinances in effect ; water rates would be decreased to single- rate . The matter was referred to Alderman Harker for study. Attorney Dickson stated he could prepare petitions , but there would be a cost for survey work . Alderman Harker reported Ron Westphal will be petitioning for annexation north of Route 34 east of Route 47 . HEALTH & SANITATION - Director Madden reported that Garbage Bids specifi.- cations have been made , the notice to bid published and bids will be re- cgived July 27 , 1978 at 12 : 00 Noon at the City Clerk ' s office , and opened the same date at the regular City Council meeting . POLICE - Alderman Wolff tentatively set a Police Committee meeting for July 6 , 1978 at 7 : 30 P . M. at his home. Alderman Wolff asked to have the Ordinance reviewed for vehicles sitting with no plates or City stickers . Alderman Wolff was referred to Chief Prickett . STREETS & ALLEYS Director Madden reported on the street repair survey:. he had taken . The shoulders are the worst part of many streets and if possible would suggest redoing the shoulders and leaving the crown of the street . The only street that looked good was Dolph Streets west of Morgan and Morgan Street from there as far as the ditch . East of Mill Street on Walter , Olsen , Wdshington and Orange Streets were good until end which requires a lot of work . Director Madden suggested that priority in repairing go by usage of the street and not the condition and if the Engineer would monitor the work closely enough they can alter those not needed as badly as others . Engineer Anderson stated Van Emmon Street can be deleted as it will be done after the traffic signals are installed . Payment to Contractors will be by the materials applied and labor . The Contractors will have to be watched closely. Engineer Anderson was asked to provide a daily analysis of cost so as not to run over the budget . The Engineer ' s fees will be based on an hourly rate. Attorney Dickson reported he had contacted Treasurer Merkel regarding funds . Alderman Wolff made a motion to authorize expending $75 ,000 for the 1978 Roadway & Drainage Improvements Project and requested the Engineer watch the Contractors costs closely . The motion was seconded by Alderman Smith . Alderman Wolff ammended the motion to include requesting the Attorney to draw up a resolution for line changes in the budget , $45 ,000 from Capital Improvements and Repairs and $30 ,000 of unobligated funds from the General Fund , seconded by Alderman Smith . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Wolff - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Smith - Aye Motion carried 4-0 . Aldermen Beach & Hanback were absent from voting . Director Madden and Engineer Anderson will meet with the Streets & Alleys Committee to study the streets for a priority report . LIBRARY BOARD - Alderma Simmons noved to grant the Library Board a loan of $2 , 500 until tax monies were distributed , seconded by Alderman Wolff . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Wolff - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Smith - Aye Motion carried 4-0 . Aldermen Hanback and Beach were absent from voting . Y . B . S . BOARD - Alderman Harker reported Mr . Mezger had not attended the recent meeting . 2 2 V Page 4 June 22 , 1978 TENNIS COURTS - Engineer Anderson reported the low bidder on the Tennis Court lighting was Berg Electric of Batavia with a bid of $ 13 ,800 . Alder- man Hanback and Dr . Garnett both felt they didn ' t want to spend that amount . Alderman Hanback will check into getting help opening trenches and someone with a posthole digger for light standards and their concrete bases . Alderman Hanback estimated the figure could be reduced to appF ox- imately $11 ,000 . The City will be obligated to pay the electric charges . Alderman Wolff moved to adjourn the meeting at 9 : 09 P . M . , seconded by Alderman Smith . Motion carried 4-0 . Respectfully Submitted , ity Clerk Approved By : M or 49b RESOLUTION NO. j Q-1,9 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT FOR INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATIVE 'POLICE SERVICE WHEREAS, The United City of the Village of Yorkville, together with the Village of Oswego and City of Plano, and the County of Kendall, have considered it in the best interest of the respective municipalities and county, to clarify the liability and responsibility for acts of police officers of the respective municipalities and .county, for acts of such police officers in responding to calls for assistance outside of their home jurisdic- tion. NOW, THEREFORE, . be . it resolved, by the City Council of the United City of the Village of Yorkville, that the Mayor and City Clerk be and hereby are authorized to execute an agreement for intergovernmental cooperative police service on behalf of the United City of the Village of Yorkville, copy of said agreement being attached hereto and made a part hereof. PASSED, by the City Council of the United City of the Village of Yorkville, this 22 day of June, A.D. , 1978. 1 CitylvClei7k APPROVED, this 22 day of June, A.D. , 1978. r y_. S. Ma GOLDSMITH, THELIN. SCHILLER & DICKSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW MERCHANTS NATIONAL SANK BLDG. AURORA. ILLINOIS 60507 P.o.Box 1480 . AREA CODE!12-6062900 a , r • vo. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR UNIFORM ASSESSMENT OF FINES FOR PARKING TICKETS IN RESTRICTED PARKING AREAS.' WHEREAS, The United City of the Village of Yorkville has from time to time prohibited parking within the City at various times and places; and WHEREAS, the desire of the City Council is that pro- cedures be established for acceptance of a uniform fine for violations thereof and upon a plea of guilty for the same. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT `ORDAINED by the City Council of. The United City of the Village of Yorkville as follows: That if a parking violation ticket is issued for violation of any Ordinance of The United City of the Village of Yorkville prohibiting parking in an area, and upon issuance or a Notice to Appear, or a Warrant for the arrest of the vio- lator, and upon a plea of guilty thereon, a fine shall be assessed of FIVE DOLLARS ($5.00) . This Ordinance shall be amendatory to and shall supersede all prior Ordinances insofar as the same may be or are inconsistent herewith. PASSED this jjjd4ay of June, 1978. S� "« City Cldtk r SIGNED and APPROVED this q?iopiay of June, 1978. M?6r GOLDSMITH, THE IN, SCHILLER & DICKSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK BLDG. AURORA. ILLINOIS 60507 r.O.Box 14SB AREA I ODE 512-6694500