JULY 1321978.
Mayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order at 8 : 07 P .M. and led the
Council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll call was taken as follows :
Ward 1 - Wolff Ward 2 - Harker Ward 3 - Simmons
Beach Hanback
Alderman Smith was absent from Ward 3 . A quorum was established.
Guests introduced themselves as follows : Mrs . Damato, Mr. & Mrs . Staples ,
Mrs . Smith, Mrs . Kreppert , Mr. & Mrs . Harberts , Mrs . Swanson, Mr. Sleezer,
Mr. & Mrs . Duckett , Mr. & Mrs . Mezger, Jeff Mezger , Mr. & Mrs . Mahoney
and Attorney Grant .
Reading of the minutes was waived. Alderman Simmons made one correction
on Page 1 , last line, to delete "Alderman Simmons" and add"Alderman
Hanback" . Alderman Wolff moved the minutes be approved as corrected,
seconded by Alderman Harker. Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Smith was
absent from voting.
The reading of the bills was waived. Alderman Harker moved to authorize
payment of the bills as presented, seconded by Alderman Simmons . Roll call
vote was taken as follows :
Wolff - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye
Beach - Aye Hanback - Aye
Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Smith was absent from voting.
ATTORNEY'S REPORT - Attorney Dickson stated he will be sending out a
letter to the Council members regarding the litigation items .
Attorney Dickson reported the Intergovernmental Agreement has been signed
by the Mayor and Clerk and forwarded to Plano . Attorney Grant stated
Plano has signed the agreement and will send a copy to the City and for-
ward the agreement to Kendall County for signatures .
MAYOR'S REPORT - Mayor Thanepohn read a thank-you note from Treasurer
Marilyn Merkel for the plant sent to her while in the hospital.
Mayor Thanepohn reported that property taxes have been sent out and was
worthy to note that the City of Yorkville' s rate has dropped this year, the
3rd consecutive year, from . 8784 to . 7119 .
Alderman Simmons moved to approve the request by Reverend Paul Martin
of the New Life Assembly for use of the Public Sauare for a Community
Christian Music Program on August 6 , 1978 , seconded by Alderman Harker.
Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Smith was absent from the vote .
CITY CLERK The Clerk presented a Petition by James Wandel to re-zone
a .parC'el on E . ?`lain St in Worsley ' s Addition from R-1 to R-2 . Alderman
Simmons moved to refer the Petition to the Plan Commission, seconded by
Alderman Beach. Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Smith was absent from voting
MAYOR' S REPORT - Mayor Thanepohn received a letter from Attorney Grant ' s
office in reference to X.W. Mitchell & Associates , Inc . , Cable TV Fran-
chise of Ottawa. Mr. Mitchell will be petitioning the City within 60
days for exclusive franchise for operating and maintenance of a cable
TV system for the City of Yorkville . Mr. Mitchell requested the opportunity
to meet with City officials and any other interested parties to present
his request . Alderman Beach moved to refer the matter to the Future
Planning Committee for study, seconded by Alderman Harker. Motion carried
5-0 . Alderman Smith was absent from Voting. Mayor Thanepohn stated Attor-
222 Page 2 July 13 1978
ney Dickson should be present at all meetings .
Mayor Thanepohn called a meeting of the City Council as a whole, Thursday,
July 20, 1978 at 8 :00 P .M. at the Water Tower Conference Room. Alderman
Beach requested a meeting for the West Alley Project the same night .
PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - Alderman Wolff moved to approve the Public
Works reports , seconded by Alderman Harker. Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman
Smith was absent from voting.
POLICE REPORT - Alderman Harker moved to approve the Police Department
report, seconded by Alderman Beach. Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Smith
was absent from voting.
TREASURER'S REPORT - Alderman Simmons moved to approve the Treasurer' s
Report , seconded by Alderman Harker. Notion carried 5-0 . Alderman
Smith was absent from voting.
Bob Bushing was not present at the regular July 11 , 1978 meeting
of the Commission, but he does have the property lines for the East
Alley project delineated and 2 parking plans to present . Mr. Bushing
will be forwarding 20 copies to be dispursed. Mike Hardecopf has agreed
at his companies expense to do the title work necessary on his own time.
This will eliminate the expense of having Clarage and Associates do the
same work.
Alderman Beach publicly commended Dave Schindlbeck for his time and wort-c"
involved in obtaining signatures for the West Alley Project .
Attorney Grant reported the Plan Commission voted unanimously to
approve the Annexation and zoning to R-2 special use as petitioned,
r�h,c:ommonding ;approval by the City Council. Attorney Grant stated there
would be no additional road cuts . Alderman Simmons read the Plan Commission
minutes from both the Public Hearing and the regular meeting of June 27, 1978 .
Mayor Thanepohn then opened the floor to citizen comments . Paul ,Staples
submitted an 80-signature petition objecting to the zoning bf: .thr property
and a notice from the November 22, 1972 Kendall County Record stating the
drive to the nursing home would be moved to a more level area on top of
the hill. �Mr . Staplesstated there was no record at the court house of the
change of zoning to R-6 special use for the County, but there is a change
to R-6 zoning filed. Mr. Staples stated the building development plan
submitted by Mr. Mahoney for the area would not concur to the zoning.
Attorney Grant responded that tabulations have been made and the building
and parking both conform to the size of lot . Mr . Staples stated that at
the February 23, 1978 meeting of the City Council the objectors asked for
support to the county in regards to the same lots . Mr . Staples stated
the objectors were told they would have no problem if they were in the City
Limits , and the residents would be willing to annex into the City when
they become contiguous which Mr. Mahoney 's annexation would provide for
them, but they were only against the re-zoning presented. Attorney Grant
responded that the nursing home must come into the City as R-2 special use
for annexation. Attorney Dickson stated that in July of 1974 the County
comprehensively rezoned all unincorporated area property and the property
in Conover 's subdivision was rezoned at that time and essentially other
than the undeveloped buffer area along Route 34 , the property was assign-
ed classifications consistent with its use. If there were an appropriate
classification given to the nursing home property it would be non-conforming
use and under the law a permitted use as at one time it was properly zoned.
Page 3 July 13, 1978 9 9
Attorney Dickson made a comment to the City Council stating that in
regards to the "0" classification of zoning not more than 50% of
the land can be covered by buildings and structures , but there is
no specific designation as to the number of parking spaces that
must be assigned.
A resident of the community of two weeks residing at 1206 Game Farm
Road stated that in regards to the "0" zoning, the results might be
parking on Game Farm Road possibly in front of homes which could be
hazardous being it is a narrow road. The resident stated with so many
vacant buildings at Countryside Center and in the downtown area,why
is there a need for more. The resident further stated that if she
had been aware of the problem before buying their home she would have
reconsidered the area. Attorney Grant stated he was not aware there
was that much available office space in Countryside Center as most was
not for office use and there was only one building available in the
downtown area that has already been sold for office use . Attorney
Grant stated that the plan he submitted provided ample parking and
there would be no need to park on Game Farm Road . Attorney Grant further
stated that any traffic problem has been there for years and would not
be something newly created by the annexation and zoning.
Mrs . Harberts stated there was a bad traffic situation with numerous
accidents in the area and she felt putting in more offices would only
encourage more traffic .
Mayor Thanepohn stated the facts of the matter have been identified
by both the Plan Commission and the City Council.
Alderman Hanback made a motion to approve Robert & Doris Mahoney and
Hillside Nursing and Convalescent Home 's Petition for Annexation and
Zoning, seconded by Alderman Harker. Alderman Beach commented he feels
the matter should be referred to Committee . Alderman-Hanback-_statiad-_
the matter has been before the City Plan Commission and the City Council
and all facts of the matter brought out already . Roll call vote was
taken as follows : Simmons - Nay
Wolff - Aye Harker - Aye
Beach - Nay Hanback - Aye
Mayor Thanepohn - Aye
Motion carried 4-2 . Alderman Smith was absent from the voting .
himself from this portion of the meeting. Mr. Harker stated his
proposed use of the area to be annexed would be for warehouse rentals
until the use of the land is further determined Extension of the
proposed frontage road from the property north of Mr . Harker' s
through his own property was discussed . There is no time-line for
the property north to run a frontage road and access to any further
development to the south is in question. Alderman Simmons read the
minutes from the June 27 , 1978 Plan Commission meeting.
Alderman Hanback moved to approve nor. Harker 's Petition for
Annexation, seconded by Alderman Wolff. Roll call vote was taken
as follows :
Wolff - Aye Hanback - Aye Simmons - Nay
Beach - Nay
Motion defeated 2-2 . Aldermen Smith and Harker were absent from voting.
Attorney Dickson suggested the annexation agreement be prepared with
a 10-year covenant traveling with the land and before the property
is fully developed a through street be provided. .
224 Page 4 - e� July 13 1978
the Impact Study Meeting went well wi.,th_ th.e exception of the walkway
vs . roadway question. The water main, street and storm water control
problems have been worked out and the only problem with the City Council
now lies in the width of the Gateshead Drive and the walkway. Attorney
Grant stated the Plan Commission had voted unanimously to zone the
property R-2 and unanimously voted denial to the development itself.
Attorney Grant stated the walkway is provided on the new maps off Lot
23 on White Fawn Court . Alderman Hanback stated he could not conceive
a roadway connecting the subdivision to rill Street . Alderman Hanback
further stated he felt the route for emergency Yehicles would be no
more of a problem going down E . Van Emmon Street to the subdivision
than snaking through the side streets . Lots 55 & 56 on Windsor Lane
could be used for future access to the east with an easement or
dedicated right-of-way. It would be the responsibility of the City
ter' the developer to the east to develope the road in the future . Mr .
Mezger stated Gateshead Drive has been discussed with the Engineers
and will be widened. The matter was referred to the City Council Committee
Meeting to be placed first on the agenda on July 20, 1978 at 8 : 00 P .m.
at the Water Tower Conference Room.
TENNIS COURT COMMITTEE - Alderman Hanback reported the bid of Berg
ec rzc or was received. After a meeting between the City_.
Engineer, Dr. Garnett and Alderman Hanback, the price was brought down
to $11, 031 by utilizing our own work crew. Mayor Thanepohn spoke with
Mrs . Hahn in regards to fund-raising for the remaining funds needed and
the matter was referred to Alderman Hanback to investigate the possibilities .
Alderman Hanback will look into the possibility of purchasing used lighting
from the property owned by Mr. McAllister. Alderman Hanback reported
$6,800 is in the Walk-a-thon fund, $500 will be donated by the Chamber
of Commerce and the Lions Club is talking about a $1,000 donation,
bringing the total to approximately $8 ,300 in funds available .
The balance is 12,731 in funds needed for the project ' s completion
Alderman Hanback excused himself from the meeting .
POLICE - On recommendation from the Police Committee Alderman Wolff
moved to hire one man now and after September 1 , 1978 hire a second
man. The reason for hiring two men is the Police Chief will be retiring
in December 1978 . The motion was seconded by Alderman Beach. Roll call
vote was taken as follows :
Wolff - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye
Beach - Aye
Motion carried 4-0 . Aldermen Hanback and Smith were absent from voting.
Two bids were received for cleaning the Police Department building as
follows :
Helen Pechtold Once a week cleaning at $25 . 00 per week with
shampooing carpet an added cost at 8� per sq . ft .
Service Master - Once a week cleaning at $58 . 00 per month that
includes emptying ashtrays and waste containers ,
dusting, vacuuming once a week and once a month
trashing all windows and providing---all supplies,
equipment and insurance and for $9 . 00 extra will
spot-clean the carpeting once a month.
Alderman Wolff made a motion to hire Service Master to clean the Police
Department once a week for $58 . 00 and leave it up to the Police Chief 's
discretion as to when the carpet needs cleaning, seconded by Alderman
Simmons . Motion carried 4-0 . Aldermen Smith and Hanback were absent .
SEWERS - Alderman Harker reported that _part of the sealed manhole covedl
have been received and installed.
Page 5 July 13, 1978 C '40"
Engineer Anderson reported on the Inflow and Infiltration report . He
has completed a portion of the cost effects analysis . So far the
estimate is in the range of $2 ,000 ,000 to completely rehabilitate
the sewer system.
POLICE - Alderman Wolff moved that the OffiC'Ors
who qualified receive an additional $5 . 00 per month pay increase ,
seconded by Alderman Beach. Motion carried 4-0 . Aldermen Smith and
Hanback were absent from voting.
STREETS & ALLEYS - Alderman Beach moved to purchase a cement cutter
for the Public Works Department expending up to $600 , seconded by Alder-
man Wolff . Roll call vote was taken as follows :
Wolff - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Beach - Aye
Motion carried 4-0 . Aldermen Smith and Hanback were absent from voting.
Alderman Beach moved to send out Engineering Bids for Fox Road to be
received and opened August 3 , 1978 at 10 : 00 A .M. at the Water Tower
Conference Room, seconded by Alderman Wolff. Motion carried 4-0 . Alder-
men Hanback and Smith were absent from the voting.
Alderman Beach stated during the past week we lost one of our most
devoted community workers, Mr. Jim Mann of Yorkville. Mr. Mann for
many years has been a member of the Kendall County Board having
served as chairman and vice-chairman as well as township supervisor
and township clerk. Therefore , Alderman Beach made a motion, seconded
by Alderman Harker to adjourn the meeting in memory of Mr. Jim Mann.
and that the City Clerk be instructed to mail an extract of the minutes
indicating the same and extending our sympathy to the family. Motion
The meeting was adjourned at 10 : 35 P .M.
Respectfully Submitted,
(City .lerk
JUNE, 1978 Approved July 13, 1978 Meeting
tommonwealth Edison Co. - EAP71881 St. Ltg. (1-39) $904.98; EJ59-AP-0150-A 992 .97
P.D. (1-38-38.2-740) $11.97; EH55AP=3084A Trees
a Parks (1-36-36.2-662) $26.74; EH55-AP-8690A
Maint. Bldg. (1-38.4-761) $49.28
Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - 553-7855 Bldg. & Zoning $65 .78; 023-1001 Pvt. Line 177.39
P.D. $15.78; 553-0535 Mayor $6.09; 553-6990 Mayor
$26.53; 553-6222 Clerk $5.49; 553-7809Treas . $6.56
553-5836 P.D. $34.48; 552-7593 Call Forwarding $16.68;
553-6999 Park Recreation Dept. $29.63 (1-42-864)
Xerox Corporation - Monthly Rental charge for May (1-42-868) 70.00
Markelz Office Prdducts,Inc.- Inv. 36943 Stamp (1-42-867) 6.25
Yorkville Auto Parts - Cust. #126 Supplies (1-33-531) 103.22
Luanne Erickgon,City Clerk - Postage (1-30-407) 1.25
Elden Madden - Re-imburse for petty cash: Nylon Line for Weed Cutter 19.95
$4.20 (1-34-563) ; Postage $15.75 (1-41-861)
Homer Dickson Co. - Supplies & Work on tractor $667.16 (1-33-531) ; Drinking 1185.95
Fountain for Library $518.79 (1-38.3-752)
Janco Chemical Supply, Inc. - Inv. A68061 Liners for Trash Cans (1-36.2-663) 74.00
Marilyn Merkel - Postage (1-42-861)
Aurora Concrete Products Co.- 32'" Cone Inv. 04058 (1-32-501) 64.95
The Drawing Board - Office Supplies $6.55 (1-30-406) ; Envelopes $12 .71 19.26
The Stationery House - Inv. 533 Supplies (1-42-867) 24.62
Countryside True Value - Supplies P.D. $13.27 (1-35-613) ; Supplies Maint. Bldg. 52.18
$38.91 (1-38.4-762)
Kendall Grundy FS, Inc. - Gas Public Works (1-33-533) $324.39: Supplies (1-33-531) 395.58
$71.19 162.20
Heiman's - Gas Weed Eater $ Oil (1-30-408)
Aurora Blacktop Inc. - Cold Mix (1-30-403) 37.08
Ricmar Industries Inc. - Street paint (1-30-411) 77.50
Neenah Foundry Co. - Inv. 503804 Frame,Grate, $ Lid (1-32-501) 647.00
Crawford Murphy $ Tilly,Inc.- Inv. 548 Services on West Alley project $143.45 299.15
(1-30-409) ; Inv. 547 Services Inspecting Woodworth
Subd. Sewers $30.70 (1-32-502) ; Inv. 549 Services-
Orange St. Sidewalk (1-30-409) $55.00
The Glass Shop - Door glass (1-38.2-741) 18.75
Xerox Corporation = Developer & Service (1-42-868) 80.49
Earl A. Corrigan Excavating - Clean sewer (1-32-501) 35 .00
LeRoy Thanepohn - EPA Trip to Springfield (1-42-863) 111.30
Hathorn's Inspection Station- Truck inspections (1-33-534) 16.61
Central Limestone Co. - Stone (1-30-403) 404.01
Elden Madden - Conference with Dept. of Transportation Exp.(1-30-416) 11 .00
Burlington Northern Inc. - Resurfacing grade crossings (1-30-403) 1175.11
Au Sable Int'l. , Inc. - Inv. 5086 & 5101 (1-33-531) 16.48
Fox Valley Disposal Co. - Disposal Services for May & June $4584.00; Dumpster 4628.00
Service for 5/5/78 thru 7/4/78 $44.00 (1-34-561)
Hornsby's Family Center - Supplies Ticket 0937665,0937666 & 0937667 (1-38.4-762) 15.33
Farmers Elevator Co. - Supplies x'18.60 (1-32-501) ; Supplies $22.50 (1-36.2-664) ; 97.79
Supplies $59.69 (1-38.4-762)
ohn Schneider - Repair lights $ air conditioner at Library (1-38.3-751) 146.64
$81.74; Repair air conditioner $44.75 (1-38.4-762) ;
Supplies $20.15 (1-30-411)
Yorkville Hardware - Supplies (1-36.1-663) 51.27
JUNE, 1978 Approved July 13, 1978 meeting
rowns Flowers - Flowers (1-42-860) 21.00
chaefer Greenhouses,Inc.- Flowers (1-42-860) 15.00
endall County Record - Printing Record of Permtt Forms $31.25 (1-41-800) ; 130.05
Legal Ads (1-41-802) $66.40; Legal Ads (1-30-413)
$7.60; Legal Ad $8.80 (1-35-607) ; Notice to Contractors
$16.00 (1-30-413)
Ron Westphall Chevrolet - Repair 1976 Pontiac (1-35-611) 17.50
Cavett Countryside Drugs - Supplies (1-35-613) 43.16
Kendall Grundy FS, Inc. - Gas P.D. (1-35-612) 481.08
Yorkville Auto Parts - Cust. $974 Wiper Blades, Fuses 4 Flash lite bulbs 43.52
The Country Camera Shop,Inc.- Camera Supplies (1-35-613) 40 .47
Win Prickett = Expense attending meeting (1-35-608) 20.00
Aaren Pest Control - Spray P.D. (1-38-38.1-731) 15.00
City of Plano - Parking and/or Ordinance Citations (1-35-607) 129.10
Markelz Office Supplies - Inv. 36956 Stamp (1-35-604) 19 .85
Kendall County Record - Printing Verbal order pads $ radio logs (1-35-607) 69.20'
Plano Police Department - 472 Calls on call forwarding (1-35-617) 118.00
Badger Uniforms - Trousers, stripes & shoes (1-35-605) 123.24
Detzler Pontiac - Inv. 16881 & 16671 Repair 1978 Catalina (1-35-611) 24.65
University of Illinois - Firearms Course for John Perkins (1-35-608) 275 .00
Zeiter-Dickson Ins. Agency - Sports Policy $562.00; Sports Accident Policy $153.00 715.00
Hayden's Sport Center - Softballs, Masks, bats, footballs, homeplates, bases 442.20
Revenue Sharing Advisory Service - Handbook (7-405) 40.00
Layne Western Co. ,Inc. - Payment No. 14 on Well No. 4 (2-54-460) 1590.05
dall County Record - Printing vehicle sticker receipts (5-401) 88.15
JUNE, 1078 Approved July 13, 1978 Meeting
armers Elevator Co. - Supplies (2-50-406) 8.20
e Drawing Board, Inc.- Office Supplies (2-50-412) 15.56
Elden Madden - Re-imburse for petty cash: Postage (2-420) 29.86
McNelis Tree Service - Sodding at Wollenweber $ Game Farm House (2-50-405) 2870.00
Ill. Bell Telephone Co.- 553-7079 Water Dept. 28.39; 023-1047 Pvt. Line $9.20 37.59
Ace Hardware - Pump (2-50-408) 19.98
Scott Wood & Metal,Inc. - Pipe (2-50-406) 27.50
Jim McCarty - Flood bulbs (2-50-412) 18.55
Commonwealth Edison Co.- Pumping EK59CH25525 (2-50-403) 21 .88
Water Products Co. - Inv. 17444 Meter & Coupling $597.48 (2-50-404) ; Clamps 644.24
-=Inv. 17191 (2-50-407) $46.76
Kendall County Record - Printing Water Bills (2-50-411) 36.25
The Bank of Yorkville - Deposit-Water Depreciation $ Contingencies Fund 150.00
Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of - Deposit - Water Bond 4 Interest Account 2000.00
Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of - Deposit-Water Bond $ Interest Reserve Account 170.00