THURSDAY , JULY 27 , 1978 •
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Thanepohn at 8 : 00 P . M . He then
led the Council . in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag . Roll call was
taken as follows :
Ward 1 - Beach Ward 2 - Harker Ward 3 - Simmons
Hanback Smith
Alderman Wolff was absent from Ward 1 . A quorum was established .
Guests included Kendall County 4-H Exchange Japanese students and their
interpreter chaperone . Mrs . Ruby Quantock was spokeswoman for the
group . The students introduced themselves and the City Clerk then
presented each with a Certificate of Honorary Citizenship to the City
of Yorkville , State of Illinois , U . S .A .
Other guests included Harold Feltz of the Plan Commission , representative
from Tri -County Scavenger Service and Fox Valley Disposal , Gene Morell ,
Ron Wheaton , Mr . & Mrs . Ralph Blake and Attorney Grant .
Alderman Hanback moved to waive the reading of the minutes and approve
the minutes as presented , seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried
5-0 . Alderman Wolff was absent from voting .
ATTORNEY ' S REPORT - Alderman Beach moved to approve the Joint Venture
Agreement for Construction of Curbs & Gutters at West Alley & Van
Emmon Street with Richard J . Groner , seconded by Alderman Simmons .
Roll call vote was taken as follows :
Beach - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye
Hanback - Aye Smith - Aye
Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Wolff was absent from the voting .
Alderman Simmons moved to adopt the Ordinance Annexing Hillside
Nursing & Convalescent Home land I and the adjoining lots
11 , 12 and 16 , seconded by Alderman Harker. Roll call vote was taken
as follows :
Beach - Nay Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye
Hanback - Aye Smith - Aye
Motion carried 4-1 . Alderman Wolff was absent from the voting
MAYOR ' S REPORT - Alderman Simmons moved to accept the resignation
of Greg Smiley and approve Mayor Thanepohn ' s appointment of Mary Ellen
Ellis as Chairperson for the Human Resource Commission , seconded by Alder
man Hanback . Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Wolff was absent from the
voting .
Alderman Harker moved to approve Mayor Thanepohn ' s appointment of
Judy Middleton as a member of the Library Board , seconded by Alderman
SMith . Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Wolff was absent from the voting .
Alderman Simmons moved that Attorney Dickson be directed to draw
— - up an Ordinance as required by the State _ of Illinois upon ascertaining
the prevailing wage rates of approximately $9 . 80 to $ 12 . 30 which requires
all contractors to pay that wage rate on any contracts with the City .
The motion was seconded by Alderman Simmons . Attorney Dickson commented
we would protect ourselves by the Ordinance and prevent the possibility
of lawsuits as well as the fact it is a situation with which we must
comply . The motion was carried 5-0 . Alderman Wolff was absent from the
voting .
228 Page 2 July 27 , 1978
Mayor Thanepohn spoke with the Illinois Department of Transportation
in Ottawa in regards to the traffic signal . The contract was let
July 24 , 1978 to Ulrich Electric . Specifications require the job
be completed within 120 days from the acceptance of the bid .
Mayor Thanepohn called for a meeting of the City Council as a whole
to discuss Projects and Goals for the year for Thursday , August 3 ,
1978 at 8 : 00 P . M . at the Water Tower Conference Room. Alderman Sim-
mons requested to include discussion on the Tax Levy Ordinance at
the meeting . Treasurer Merkel was requested to contact Bill Sanders
to attend the meeting .
PLAN COMMISSION - Alderman Simmons read the July 25 , 1978 minutes of
the Plan Commission meeting recommending refection of Morel and
Wheaton ' s Special Use Permit Application .
the West Alley project has begun and the engineering difficulties
have been resolved .
Alderman Wolff arrived at 8 : 26 P .M .
OLD BUSINESS - Attorney Grant presented a revised Annexation agreement
with changes regarding Mezger ' s Yorkshire Estates for Mayor Thanepohn
and Attorney Dickson to review. Alderman Smith moved to schedule
a Public Hearing on the matter on August 24 , 1978 at 8 : 00 P . M . at
the regular City Council meeting . Publication is required . The
motion was seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried 6-0 .
Director Madden stated the Public Works Building was available for
storage of the Park Commission equipment as requested by Joyce Ward .
Attorney Grant presented a sketch and floor plan for the building
proposed by Morell and Wheaton . The upper level will be 4 one
bedroom apartments with businesses on the lower level . The only
objectors are Mr. & Mrs . Henne and Attorney Grant stated the building
will be approximately 130 feet from their residence with screening
to be provided at their request and the building would fit into the
area structurally. The front will be a green area of approximately
25 feet in width , with parking for the apartments in the rear and
for the business on the sides of the building . Mr . Feltz stated he
felt there was not the need today for apartments above businesses .
Alderman Smith stated that many of the neighbors have voiced objections
to apartments above the businesses to him. Alderman Beach stated
he felt there could be business development , but more multi -family
housing was not needed . Alderman Hanback moved to reject the Special
Use Application by Morel ] & Wheaton , seconded by Alderman Beach . Roll
call vote was taken as follows :
Wolff - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye
Beach - Aye Hanback - Aye Smith - Aye
Motion carried 6-0 .
Mr. & Mrs . Ralph Blake were advised to come before the City Council
with their request to acquire approximately ,) acre of ' City ].and
adjacent to his lot . Mr. Blake has been using and maintaining the
property for years not knowing the property belonged to the City.
The area in dispute is a 35 foot width by , 230 foot depth parcel
where Mr. Blake 's driveway is located . Attorney Dickson stated
the only way the City can dispose of the property is by public sale
Page 3 July 27 , 1978
with publication unless Mr. B1aW s lawyer can come up with any
persuasive facts to the matter . Mr . Blake stated he would be willing
to bid on the property if put up for public sale . Alderman Wolff
moved to put the 35 foot by 230 foot parcel of City land up for sealed
bidding with publication , seconded by Alderman Beach . Roll call vote
was taken as follows :
Wolff - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye
Beach - Aye Hanback - Aye Smith - Aye
Motion carried 6-0 .
Ken Vogus , Treasurer of the Kendall County Family and Youth Services
requested the City contribute $400 for a band for a concert at the
City Park , August 26 , 1978 from 6 : G0-10 :00 P . M . . The program will also
include a comedian . There is no rain date and $200 will be required by
the band in such an event . Mr . Vogus stated this was a beginning
in trying to provide for future youth programs . Alderman Beach stated
it sounded like a good program but he feels since it is a Kendall
County organization , Kendall County should provide funding . Mr . Vogus
stated it was Kendall County in name only and that other towns do
provide some funds . Mayor Thanepohn spoke with Joyce Ward of the
Park Commission and she feels it will be a good program to have . .
Alderman Harker stated the City has already contributed $ 1 ,000 to
this organization . Mr . Vogus responded that the contribution was not
towards this area but for the Homemaker ' s program . Alderman Smith
stated he wanted to support the Park Commission , but it seemed like
$200 wasted if it rained . Alderman Beach stated the Park Commission
was supposed to be self-supporting and should provide for and plan
these programs through their budget . Alderman Hanback moved to
deny the request to expend $400 for the band for the concert , seconded
by Alderman Beach . Motion carried 6-0 .
BUILDING & ZONING - Alderman Beach read Mr . Kenton ' s statement from
the Plan Commission meeting regarding disallowing special use apartments
over businesses . The matter was referred to the Committee meeting ,
August 3 , 1978 for discussion .
FUTURE PLANNING - Alderman Beach reported on the Cable TV request
and Attorney Grant has a brochure to circulate to acquaint the Council
with the matter further .
HEALTH & SANITATION Alderman Hanback read the two sealed bids for
Garbage pickup as followed :
Fox Valley Disposal $3 . 36 per month per unit
Tri -County Scavenger $3 . 40 per month per unit
To date there are 764 units being picked up .
Alderman Wolff moved to accept the low bid of Fox Valley Disposal .
The motion was lost for want of a second .
Alderman Simmons moved to refer the bids to the Committee meeting
on August 3 , 1978 , seconded by Alderman Beach . Motion Carried 5-1 .
Alderman Wolff voted Nay .
PUBLIC PROPERTY & BUILDINGS - Alderman Beach reported the Public
Works Department were doing work on the City Hall belfry : and there —
was a picture in the current issue of the Kendall County Record .
SEWERS - Alderman Harker reported that work had not been completed
by Engineer Anderson on the I & I Study & Grant Application .
230 ' Page 4 July 27 ,_197.8
STREETS & ALLEYS - Alderman Beach reported that the Elizabeth Street
storm damage problem would be placed on the August 3 , 1978 committee
meeting agenda . Director Madden will obtain a time and material
estimate with work to be done by the City Crew.
Mr . Mezger has agreed to widen Gateshead Drive in Yorkshire Estates
proposed subdivision , and he will also provide a 5 foot asphalt
walkway , bridge and lighting . The City will allow Mr . Mezger 2 year
recapture rights on water and sewer fees .
Alderman Harker requested Council direction as to requirements as
to the access road through his property . Alderman Beach read the
minutes from the July 13 , 1978 City Council meeting . Attorney Dickson
stated there was no certainty as to where the through street would
run through the property , as a frontage road or to the rear of the
property . Attorney Dickson stated he was not in favor of a dedicated
right-of-way with no connecting roads available at this time . Attorney
Grant stated if Mr . Harker is required to provide a road it will
not be feasible dollar wise and if development is made to the south
of the property there could be future access by means of a frontage road .
but would be of no benefit to his property . Attorney Dickson stated
possibly a through street at the rear of the property that will
incorporate an easement when it is developed . Alderman Hanback, asked
who would pay for the street in the future. Director Madden stated
it would be the responsibility of the property owners to build a frontage
road , not City responsibility. Attorney Dickson stated the annexation
agreement could provide that the frontage road be extended . The develop-
ment of that property is keyed to the construction -and.-.extension of that
roadway .
YBS BOARD - Alderman Harker reported the next meeting would be Monday ,
August 31 , 1978 .
TENNIS COURT COMMITTEE - Alderman Hanback reported the tennis court
lighting project is $3 ,000 short . Alderman Hanback moved to
authorize the tennis court committee to expend the money budgeted :for
Trees & Parks salaries for the tennis court lighting , seconded by Alder-
man Beach . Roll call vote was taken as follows :
Wolff - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye
Beach - Aye Hanback - Aye Smith - Aye
Motion carried 6-0 .
Alderman Smith moved to adjourn the meeting at 10 : 10 P .M. , seconded
by Alderman Harker .
Respectfully Submitted ,
7 City Clerk
JULY, 1978 Approved August 10 meeting
Commonwealth Edison Co. - EH55-AP-3084A Trees $ Parks (1-36-36.2-662) $26.83; 993.75
EJ59-AP-0150A P.D. (1-38-38.2-740) $15.78; EH55-AP=
8690A Maint.Bldg. (1-38-38.4-761) $46.16; EAP 71881
St. Ltg. (1-39) $904.98
Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - 023-1001 Pvt. Line P.D. $15.78; 553-7855 Bldg. & Zoning 216.36
$43.57; 553-6999 Park Recreation Dept. $59.81; 553-5836
P.D. $38.55; 553-6990 Mayor $26.41; 553-7809 Treas.
$6.78; 553-0535 Mayor $4.38; 553-6222 Clerk $4.40; 552-
7593 Police Call Forwarding $16.68 (1-42-864)
Sherwood Office Systems,Inc.- Data Cart for Mayor (1-42-867) 62.96
MSP/Group Ins. Trust - Group Insurance Premium (1-42-856) 1143.21
Northern Ill. Gas Co. - 312902161 Library (1-38-38.3-750) $27.72; 311900100 158.62
Trees $ Parks $90.85 (1-36-36.2-662) ; 312900280 P.D.
$6.54 (1-38-38.2-740) ; 311901170 Maint. Bldg. $28.61
(1-38-38.4-761) ; 313907740 City Hall $4.90 (1-38-38.1-730)
Erlenborn's Office Supply- Inv. 4-05942 Office Supplies $ Brief Case $56.75: (1-42- 198.32
867) ; Inv. 3-05858 File Cabinets $141.57 (1-41-800)
Riemenschneider Electric - Office Wiring $44.51 (1-38.4-762) ; Street Light repairs 69.74
$25.23 (1-30-416)
Yorkville Hardware - Storm Door $7.25 (1-38.2-741) ; Paint etc. $14.86 22.11
Jack Kane Heating - Flashing (1-38.1-731) 5.15
Farmers Elevator Co. - Repair materials $108.05 (1-38.1-731) ; Catch Basin 141.30
material $33.25 (1-32-501)
Metropolitan Pump Company - Lift station repairs (1-32-501) 58.75
AuSable International - Mower repair parts (1-33-531) 33.11
Yorkville Auto Parts - Repair parts (1-33-531) Cust. No. 126 5.40
Kendall Grundy FS, Inc. - Gas Public Works (1-33-533) 253.40
Fox Valley Disposal Co. - Disposal Service for July $2567.04 ,• Dumpster Service
for 7/5/78 thru 8/4/78 $33.00 (1-34-561) 2600.04
Walter E. Deuchler Ass'c. - Aircraft charter to Springfield (1-42-863) 195.00
Elden Madden - Re-imburse petty cash: Postage (1-30-407) $2 .64; Gas 14.98
(1-33-533) $2.30; Office Supplies (1-41-800) .55�;
Postage (1-41-806) $9.49
C $ R Communications - 1 replacement mike, tube $ fuse (1-30-408) 81.85
Crawford,Murphy & Tilly - Inv. 753-Services rendered advertising for bids on 146.00
Orange St. sidewalk $89.30 less $70.00 credit Due
$19.30 (1-30-409) ; Inv. 751 Services rendered East
Alley storm sewer & parking project $126.70 (1-30-409)
Midwest Supply Co. - Street safety equipment (1-30-411) 334.51
Ricmar Industries Inc. - Traffic marking paint $ quick kill (1-30-411) 173.90
Aurora Blacktop Inc. - Inv. 718 Cold Mix (1-30-411) 153.45
Central Limestone - Crushed stone (1-30-411) 101.75
Countryside True Value - Supplies $8.64 (1-30-411) ; Supplies $65.68 (1-30-412) 124.31
Screen Door Grill $5.84 (1-38.2-741) SVP�lies P.D. $44.15
Salisbury Grocery Store - Supplies Maint. Bldg. $48.41 (1-38.4- 62) ; SuppliesP.D. 86.26
$37.85 (1-38-38.2-741)
Yorkville Appl. $ Furniture- Paint (1-38.4-762) 4.10
Homer Dickson Co. - Repair work on backhoe $124.39 (1-38.4-762) ; Hand 129.04
Cleaner $4.65 (1-38.4-762)
Bristol Lumber Co. - Materials for new office (1-38.4-762) 9.44
anco Chemical Supply,Inc.- Supplies $34.65 (1-38.4-762) ; Liners $50.70 (1-36.2-663) 85.35
The Paper Crate - Office Supplies (1-41-800) 22.44
L. Erickson, City Clerk - Award Certificates (1-42-859) 6.00
GENERAL FUND (Continued)
Xerox Corporation - Delivery/removal charges $112.25 (1-42-860) ; 1.0 Reg. 222.25
Service $40.00 (1-42-860) ; Monthly rental charge $70.00
redrickson's Inc. - Honorary Citizen Certificate covers (1-42-860) 5.61
Bride's Flower Shop - Plant for J. Mann (1-42-860) 15.00
The Country Camera Shop - Film. flash cubes & film processing (1-35-613) 27.10
Wesley & Co. - Inv. 1130 Batteries & chargers (1-35-613) 53.52
Kenneth R. Lotz - Ammo P.D. (1-35-610) 35.00
Goodyear Truck Tire Center- Inv. 17522 Tire (1-35-613) 155 .36
John N. Schneider - Batteries for P.D. (1-35-613) $2.16; Waste Bags for P.D. 4.23
(1-38-38.2-741) $2 .07
Comm. Technicians $ Cons.Inc.- Inv. 22883 Mike cords (1-35-603) 63.60
Detzler Pontiac, Inc. - Inv. 17107 $ 17254 Repair 1978 Catalina (1-35-611) 100.65
Ron Westphal Chev. Inc. - Inv. 1121 $ 1154 Repair 1976 Olds $65.25; Inv. 1115 Repair 96.39
1976 Pont. Catalina $31.14 (1-35-611)
Yorkville Auto Parts - Cust. #974 Supplies (1-35-613) Inv. 08575 & 07427 4.70
Plano Police Department - 590 calls on call forwarding (1-35-617) 147.50
Markelz Office Products,Inc.- Inv. M37826 File folders, Pend. Folders & staple 30.70
remover (1-35-604)
Badger Uniforms - Inv. 043598 Trousers, shirts, shoes, jacket emblems 458.71
$278.37; Inv. 043050 Cap $10.95; Inv. 043658 Jacket &
Vest $169.39 (1-35-605)
Kendall Grundy FS, Inc. - Gas for P.D. (1-35-612) 253.36
PAYROLL Gross 20,259.93 Net 14,700.96
Layne Western Co. , Inc. - Monthly payment No. 15 Well No. 4 $1140.23 Balance 1140.23
to be paid out of Water Fund (2-54-460)
Kammes Bus Service, Inc. - Bus trip 248.00
Layne Western Co. , Inc. - Monthly payment No. 15 Well No. 4 (2-50-408) Balance 449.82
paid out of Water Construction Fund
Elden Madden - Re-imbur se petty cash: Office supplies $10.00 (2-411) ; 39.24
DeKalb Water Conference $3.90 (2-418) ; Postage $25.34
Commonwealth Edison Co. - EK59CH25 25 Pumping $19.89; EP14AP33737 Pumping $1146.41 1166.30
Commonwealth Edison Co. - EP14AP33 37 Pumping (2-50-403) 1087.12
Northern Ill. Gas Co. - 31390616 Pumphouse (-2-50-410) 7.75
Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - 553-7079 Water Dept. $30.30; 023-1047 Pvt. Line Pumphouse 39.50
$9.20 (2-50-409)
Ricmar Industries, Inc. - Inv. 215V Safety red paint (-2-50-412) 59.80
Jim's Trenching - Backhoe time - water leak Hydraulic St. (2-50-407) 187.50
John N. Schneider - Air conditioner repairs (2-50-406) 65.81
Hydronic Supply Co. - Copper water tubing (2-50-412) 294.24
Water Products Co, . - Inv. 18278, 18368 & 18529 Couplings, Flanges & Curbstops 234.88
The Bank of Yorkville - Deposit Water Depreciation $ Contingencies Fund 150.00
Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago- Deposit Water Bond $ Interest Account 2000.00
Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago- Deposit Water Bond & Interest Reserve Account 170.00
PAYROLL Gross 2,215.49 Net 1,605.65
WHEREAS, The United City of the Village of Yorkville
is making general improvements to a street known as West Alley,
in Yorkville, Illinois, and
WHEREAS, RICHARD J. GRONER is the fee simple owner
of a lot improved with a single-family home, located at 117
West Van Emmon Road, Yorkville, Illinois, and
WHEREAS, RICHARD J. GRONER'S property adjoins West
Alley immediately to the West of the said alley, and likewise
fronts on Van Emmon Road, and
WHEREAS, surface water has drained, on occasions,
over Van Emmon Road, and over and upon the property of RICHARD
J. GRONER, and it is the desire of the City and, RICHARD J. GRONER,
to channel said water down West Alley and away from the property
of RICHARD J. GRONER, and to share the costs therefor, for the
orderly transfer of said water.
NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED by and between The United
City of the Village of Yorkville and RICHARD J. GRONER, that the
City will enter into and execute a contract for construction of
gutters and curbing at the edge of the street commencing 36 feet
West of the Southwest corner of West Alley and Van Emmon Road,
and extending Easterly therefrom, and around the corner down
West Alley approximately 100 feet, in accordance with the plans
and specifications as made by Robert Anderson, of Crawford,
Murphy & Tilly, City Engineers, and in addition thereto, the
City will enter into and execute a contract for construction of
a depressed curb or trough through the side-walk for the purpose
of channeling storm surface water from Van Emmon Road, down
West Alley passed the property of RICHARD J. GRONER; RICHARD J.
GRONER does by these presents agree to pay fifty percent (50%)
of the cost of construction therefor, up to a maximum of $500. 00;
said $500. 00 payable as follows : the sum of $250. 00 payable
90 days from the date of completion of the improvement, and the
additional sum of $250.00 payable within 180 days from completion
of construction of the curb and gutter as aforesaid.
IT IS FURTHER AGREED, by the parties that all of the
construction of the curb and gutter shall be of a type and construc-
tion specified as concrete type 6B-18, specified by the State of
Illinois Department of Transportation.
IT IS FURTHER AGREED, by the parties that all the curb
and gutter, notwithstanding the improvement and enhancement of
value to the property known as 117 West Van Emmon Road, the same
being the property of RICHARD J. GRONER, shall be considered a
public improvement and dedicated exclusively for public use and
benefit, and such improvement shall be the responsibility of
The United City of the Village of Yorkville, to the extent that
curbs and gutters, by law, are the responsibility of the said
DATED at Yorkville, Illinois, this 74�day of
July, 1978.
City C1e
Richard J. Groner
WHEREAS , Hillside Nursing and Convalescent Home , Inc . , an
Illinois corporation , as record owner in fee simple of a tract
of land contiguous to the United City of the Village of York-
ville , Kendall County , Illinois , and Robert J . Mahoney and Doris
J . Mahoney, his wife , as record owners in fee simple of a tract
of land contiguous to the United City of the Village of Yorkville ,
Kendall County, Illinois , have heretofore filed a Petition for An-
nexation with the United City of the Village of Yorkville , Kendall
County, Illinois (hereinafter referred to as "City" ) , requesting
the annexation and zoning of said parcels of property ; and
WHEREAS , pursuant to said Petition , the Plan Commission of
the City has held a public hearing thereon ; and
WHEREAS , the Petitioners are the owners of said land and
that no electors reside thereon ; and
WHEREAS , said Petitioners are under oath requesting the
annexation of said property to the City and in all respects have
presented their Petition in accordance with the provisions of
Section 7-1 -8 of the Illinois Municipal Code , being Chapter 24
of the Illinois Revised Statutes ; and
'WHEREAS , upon investigation by the proper authorities of
the City it has been ascertained that said Petition conforms in
all respects to the requirements of the Statutes and that said
property is contiguous to the United City of the Village of York-
ville , Kendall County , Illinois , and is not within the corporate
limits of any other municipality ; and
WHEREAS , due notice of said Petition for Annexation has been
served upon the Bristol --Kendall Fire Protection District , the
Bristol Township Commissioner of Highways , and the Trustees of
Bristol Township , as required by Statutes ; and
WHEREAS , the Statutes provide that upon affirmative vote
from the majority of the City Council , contiguous property can
be annexed to the United City of the Village of Yorkville ,
Kendall County , Illinois ,
NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council
of the United City of the Village of Yorkville , Kendall County ,
Illinois , as follows :
SECTION .1 : That the real estate described on Exhibit "A"
attached hereto and made a part hereof be and the same is hereby
annexed into the United City of the Village of Yorkville , Kendall
County, Illinois ,
SECTION 2: That the City limits of the City be and .they
are hereby extended to include the territory• hereby annexed to
the City in accordance with the map of said property attached
hereto and marked as Exhibit "C " .
SECTION 3 : That all of said property described on Exhibit
"A" attached hereto and made a part hereof be and the same is hereby
zoned R-2 , Special Use , to enable the Petitioner , Hillside Nursing
and Convalescent Home , Inc . , to continue to conduct its nursing
and convalescent home enterprise on said real estate , in accordance
with the provisions of the zoning ordinance of the City .
SECTION 4: That the real estate described on Exhibit "B "
attached hereto and made a part hereof be and the same is hereby
annexed into the Qnited . City of the Village of Yorkville , Kendall
County , Illinois .
SECTION 5 : That the city limits of the City be and they are
hereby extended to include the territory hereby annexed to the
City in accordance with the map of said property attached hereto
and marked as Exhibit "C" ,
SECTION 6 : That all of said property described on Exhibit
attached hereto and made a part hereof be and the same is hereby
zoned "0" ( Office ) , to enable the Petitioners , Robert J . Mahoney
and Doris J . Mahoney, to construct on said parcels of real estate
office buildings , in accordance with the provisions of the zoning
ordinance of the City .
SECTION 7 : That all ordinances or portions of ordinances
in conflict herewith be , and they are hereby repealed insofar as
such conflict exists ,
SECTION 8; That the C1tyClerkf.of the United City of the
Village of Yorkville be and she is hereby authorized and directed
,to l record with the, Recorder ofG- Deedsi of. Kendall County,,r: Ill inois ,
R ti j of KF. ''
a certified copy of this Ordinance , together with an accurate map
of the territory annexed, together with an Affidavit of Notice as
requirtdrby, Sec:Lion, 7-�l.tlzof.; Chapter, : 24eof-) the":_Illinois Revised
Statutes-isettinq forth that notJce� of:, sa-id- annexation has : been; t
served. upon : the; 6ristol .�Kenda-11dF,i:r,etProtgctiott:jDistr. ict , � the
:en-2 t
PristolnTownshipcCommiss.ionerfoft.Highways;and ;the;,-Trustees. ofs .
ly a ng sa . i Sout*;erly I `nf , lt'eiriq a
6r.istol„Townsh.ip� I.11inois .r.idiu•, of dista ce of
That,•this- ord.inance sholj, t,ake,. effect, and'.-be- in
t t3 c "t , 71 fP+.� f t � the .-r' i�{'' „ : ? ice G
full,,force and, efi,fect, .from,;andr,afteri,it+s final-% passage and signing
c, t i' No t)1, 0 a l� � � ". I8 . 23 fi � to ; �',r: r + �2
by , the .Mayor andaits.recprdjng by: the Recorderiof,,DeeOs of: Kenoall �
')F, Nor h 40 421 Yle st alonq said ;ast Hno ; 11 . 30
: C;r ,� ,:. ; !;n �; • : i' iht�� U1�3r! �; heCounty,, I:llinois l i ? ' trly
in : PRESENT'CR , tocthe! City , �oupr.ia ; ofcghetyniteo �G:ity .of the
Village of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois , this '-�77;11 day of
PA SED by the City Council of the United City of the Village
of Yorkville , Kendall County, ' Illinois, this a74 day of ,
1978 ,
SIGNED by the Mayor of the United City of the Village of
Yorkville , Kendall County, Illinois, this atZ d.ay of ,
oCity Clerk v
Parcel One
Lot 13 of Unit One, Countryside Subdivision , in the Township of
Bristol , County of Kendall and State of Illinois .
Parcel Two
TFiat part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 29 , Township 37
North , Range 7 East of the Third Principal Meridian described
as follows : Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 12 in Unit
One, Countryside Subdivision ; thence South 820 01 ' 17 " East along
the South line of Lot 13 of said Unit One , 99 . 69 feet to the
Southeast Corner thereof; thence North 70 58 ' 43 " East along the
East Line said Lot 13; 200 . 0 feet to the Southerly line of U . S .
Route No . 34 ; thence Easterly along said Southe.rly line , being a.
curve to the left having a radius of 6925 . 55 feet a distance of
96 . 36 feet ; thence South 60 56 ' 01 " West 200 . 33 feet ; thence
Southerly along a curve to the left having a radius of 1203 .05
feet , a distance of 91 . 71 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot
16 in Unit Two , Countryside Subdivision ; thence North 870 26 ' 03 "
West along the North line of said Lot 16 ; 181 . 23 feet to the North -
west corner of said Lot 16 and East line of Unit One of said Sub-
division thence North 40 42 ' West along said East line 111 . 30
feet to the point of beginning , excepting therefrom the Southerly
24 feet of the foregoing described parcel of real estate , situated
in the Township of Bristol , Kendall County , Illinois .
Lots lend 12 of Unit One , Countryside Subdivision , in the
Township of Bristol , County of Kendall and State of Illinois .
Lot 16 of Unit Two , Countryside Subdivision , in the Township of
Bristol , County of Kendall and State of Illinois , and the South-
erly 24 feet of the following-described parcel of real estate :
That part of the Northeast quarter of Section 29 , Township 37
North, Range 7 East of the Third Principal Meridian described
as follows : Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 12 in
Unit One , Countryside Subdivision ; thence South 820 01 ' 17 "
East along the South line of Lot 13 of said Unit One , 99 .69
feet to the Southeast corner thereof ; thence North 70 58 ' 43 "
East along the East line said Lot. 13 ; 200 . 00 feet to the South-
erly line of U . S . Route No . 34 ; thence easterly along said
Southerly line , being a curve to the left having a radius of
6925 . 55 feet , a distance of 96 . 36 feet ; thence South 60 56 ' 01 "
West 200 . 33 feet ; thence Southerly along a curve to the left
having a radius of 1203 .05 feet , a distance of 91 . 71 feet to
the Northeast corner of Lot 16 in Unit Two , Countryside Sub-
division ; thence North 870 26 ' 03" West along the North line
of said Lot 16 ; 181 . 23 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot
16 and East line of Unit One of said Subdivision ; thence North
40 42 ' West along said East line 111 . 30 feet . to the point of
beginning, in the Township of Bristol , Kendall County , Illinois .
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LUANNE ERICKSON , being first duly sworn on oath , deposes and
states as follows :
1 . That she is the City Clerk of the United City of the
Village of Yorkville , Kendall County , Illinois .
2 . That on the lst day of June , 1978 , she caused to be served
upon the Bristol -Kendall Fire Protection District a Notice of Pro-
posed Annexation , a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part
hereof, and that said notice was mailed to the Bristol -Kendall Fire
Protection District by certified mail , return receipt requested , and
was duly received by the Bristol - Kendall Fire Protection District
on the 2nd day of June , 1978, a copy of said receipt for certified
mail being attached hereto and made a part hereof .
3 . That this Affidavit is made in compliance with Section
7-1 -1 of Chapter 24 , Illinois Revised Statutes .
EuAnne Eri c on , C174ty C-Terk of the
United City of the Village of York-
ville , Kendall County , Illinois .
SUBSCRIBED an sworn to before
me this 9 `day of July , 1978
Notary Public
A:70:,N Y AT L:i\V
P.J:bJX 23, U.s.i201.E 3A
To : 3risto1 -Kenda11 c- ,a Protectior, District .
%z ten ;. ion: %Ar . Joh S . S aware
~cute Y7.
Yorkville , Illinois '0560
PLEAS : AKE _ NOTICE that a Petition for An-nexatlor: .a; - aen
0-_-1 with she City Clerk of the United City o T, e Vil ac,a. o:
Yorkv: 1 e , Kendall County , Ill ; no :s , requesting a anncx titan o�
,. parcel or" real estate consisting of approx: n,at y 5 . O crag
y: ng southerly of U . S Route No . 34 and cor,z u e
Subdivision on the !:esLerly Boundary 'o. the Unit Ci ;y c =
Villatie of v,or;:vide , Illinois , more particularl descrioad in
Exhit i z "A a:ached hereto and made a part ha•rc
n��ached hereto and forming a part hereon" IS a cc y C) s
P a+i or. "3r Annax,: tion .
is notice is given to you , and to each of you , pursu o
the pr3v.isions or" Chapter 2; , Section 7-1 -1 or the Ill ir•o is Revi ;ad
1 ark of i the U i ve0 ZY
of the Village of Yor v
Kendall County , I1 1 i no ; .
x. ..... c,• :n' i.
on ii
s.:J\v and v:::C ..Jl:ver C.3.....
tiate, d•G :—.Ii-ess of dc: .'}'.. 35,
da. .iciivc:cd.... 65,
:.:.•l�' 11)\\•::o:::,, and aiiresS J: CI 'c1T SJ"
J1, . s -o l 'enda l I Fire °r ecti c,n
r . John E . Ste' r i
;our 7
+I 036821 ( o,-ccei\•ed the article dcS\rSJCd above 1
SIGNATURZ L; :\.i.iressec :\utlwr 1 agent
' ti .D: .RFSS (Comp:..:a only if
TO D--LIVZR u'ECAUS:: \ •'>
.�.i_v.... V. Vim.. . ..
i rePro'r e c Z,,^;Z77:<
A�tn . I OR DA.
i •'r JOrn Stewart '
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./. ! P.O.. STA% .N; ::P J. QV 11�'1
CO - i -D-n��v 1 ! _ 360
;rt...C Only J�i Sod
Nay.1971 "`� hv; FOR I;; NATIO\At MAIL .o.o. woo••a•...
THOMAS W . GRJ T, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and
states as follow!
1 ; That he an attorney at law duly licensed to practice
law in the State f Illinois and County of Kendall having offices
at 202 North Stri t , Yorkville , Illinois ; that he is the attorney
of record for thi Petitioners , Hillside Nursing and Convalescent
Home , Inc . , an I inois corporation , and Robert J . Mahoney and Doris
J . Mahoney, his fe .
2 . That on ie 20th day of July , 1978 , he caused to be served
upon the Bristol 'ownship Commissioner of Highways and the Trustees
of Bristol Towns ip a Notice of Proposed Annexation , a copy of
which is attache hereto . and made a part hereof , and that said Notice
was mailed to th Bristol Township Commissioner of Highways by
certified mail , turn receipt requested , and was duly received by
the Bristol Town iip Commissioner of Highways on the 22nd day. of
July, 1978, and iat said Notice was mailed to the Trustees 'of
Bristol Townshir )y certified mail , return receipt requested , and
was duly receivE by the Trustees of Bristol Township on the 22nd
day of July, 19i , copies of said receipts for certified mail being
attached hereto nd made a part hereof .
3 . That th Affidavit is made in liaahe `
7-1 - 1 of Chaptei 24 , Illinois Revi St tes
omas W , ,
Attorney for Hillside; ursing and
Convalescent Home , Irft . , an Ill -
inois corporation , and Robert J .
Mahoney and Doris J . Mahoney
SUBSCRIBED and corn to before -
me this �ej? Lda of July , '1. 978
Notary iblis
P.O.BOX 23, U.5.ROUTE 34
YORKVILLE,ILLINOIS 60560 TELE: 312-553-0088 (9)
July 19 , 1978
Bristol Township Commissioner of Highways Trustees of Bristol Township
Attention: Mr. Floyd Wood Attention: Clerk of the Board of Trustees
Cornei s Road c/o Mr. B. James Kenton
Bristol , Illinois 60512 204 Kendall Drive
Re : United City of the Village of YO�r& 111e' Illinois 60560
Annexation of Real Estate
Hillside - Nursing and Convalescent Home ; Inc .
Robert J . Mahoney and Doris J . Mahoney
Gentlemen :
Notice is herewith given to you pursuant to the provisions of
Chapter 24 , Section 7- 1 -1 of the Illinois Revised Statutes
( Il l inoi s Municipal Code ) that the City of Yo-r—k—ville proposes
to adopt an ordinance annexing territory to the United City of
the Village of Yorkville , Kendall County , Illinois , to annex
certain property to the City of Yorkville. which includes cer-
tain highways under the jurisdiction of the Township Commissioner
of Highways . Enclosed herewith you will find a copy of the
proposed Ordinance to which have been attached the legal des -
criptions of the parcels of real estate to be •annexed , together
with a plat of annexation of the subject real estate . Kindly
note that the plat of annexation provides for the extensi.on of
the village limits to the far side of the adjacent highways.. .
The highways involved are Game Farm Road and Prairie Lane . The
real estate sought to be annexed is located on the southeast
corner of the intersection of Game Farm Road and U . S . Route No .
34 . Part of the subject real es�a-te is resently improved with
the Hillside Nu ing and Convalescent, +oii e , Inc .
V e'r y t r'ul y y o u r s ,
Thomas W . Gra t
No. J o Add your address in the 'RETURN TO space on
S69$4Z-0-llbl OdO No. 036825 � reverse.
' J w
< 1. Tie following service is requested(check ope).
a Show to whom and date delivered........ ....Z�^ '° -e ' n `+ (l Show to whom,date,and address of delivey.._�
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N �ti': r `(J. 0 o <i> °� �z to z in -S gy m{ (CONSULT POSTMASTER FOR FEES)
C m o o Itni•� O - Nuvwlsod Au3/�f 10 d0 31V0 p H N " p �' Z 2. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO:
fD __�— / -+ w • w to N r ►ice SL Ct O
I�� Jt _l v o m T a � m Bristol Township Commissioner of Flig -
"E a,( C+ o !l � =Z ° Zf� � m m• oways, Attn: Floyd Wood, Corneils Rd,
lua6e pazuo4lnV ❑ a ssajpPV ❑ 3uf11VNOIS „ �^ o -n ,.� YQ1"k-ll1_Ia,A_1L111Q-1S-__Ii0.5-60
Zm a p°o N W �1 tt P I 4 4 w �� c -3 °3 Vf O (n •TS 37
a Y •anoge paqu a s 011JP a 1 paAlaoaa ant I o 3. ARTICLE DESCRIPTION
(i PP 1 3 fq Id) w -4 n °"°°o m L7 036825
M r g a A 4 � cri ua6e Jo eassal e o ain eubis uie o s�(em v •
S-IA ��NA a 0 9289£0 Zm °oan� o pl �� v � .
°z a n D C7 -_�,n 7„° n �o 0 0 (Always obtain signature of addressee or agent)
A m-MIA a p r ON 03uf1SNl 'ON 031�I1u3D ON 03u31SIJ3u w o"., A:A rn t1 D m
° I `a L A a 0 NOIldIUOS30 340li8v £ °C a [ n; T r o I have received the anti described above.
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Addressee ❑ Authorized a
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