City Council Minutes 1978 08-10-78 231
THURSDAY , AUGUST 10 , 1978 ,
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Thanepohn at8 :00 P .M . Everyone
joined in Pledging Allegiance to the Flag . Roll call was taken as
follows :
Ward 1 - Beach Ward 2 - Hanback Ward 3 - Simmons
Alderman Harker was absent from Ward 2 and Alderman Wolff was absent
from Ward 1 . A quorum was established .
Guests included representatives from Tri -County Scavenger and Fox
Valley Disposa l: Director Madden introduced Jake Smith and Jeff
Jerabek who worked during the summer for the Public Works Department .
A major summer project for them was to repair the City Hall ' s belfry .
Alderman Wolff arrived at 8 :06 P . M .
The reading of the minutes was waived . Alderman Smith moved to
approve the minutes as presented , seconded by Alderman Simmons . Motion
carried 5-0 . Alderman Harker was absent from voting .
The reading of the bills was waived . Treasurer Merkel presented an
additional bill for McNelis Tree Service for removing a stump at Ridge
and Morgan Streets . Alderman Hanback asked that the bill be witheld
so he would have the chance to check into it further . Alderman
Wolff moved to authorize payment of the bills presented excluding the
bill from McNelis Tree Service , seconded by Alderman Smith . Roll call
vote was taken as follows :
Wolff - Aye Hanback - Aye Simmons - Aye
Beach - Aye Smith - Aye
Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Harker was absent from voting .
ATTORNEY - Attorney Dickson reported the Ordinance requiring contractors
to pay prevailing wage rates was not fully prepared to date .
The Mahoney/Hillside Annexation Ordinance has been recorded and sub-
mitted for publication .
Attorney Dickson stated there was a correction in the recapitulation
total on page 10 of the Tax Levy Ordinance to be made . He suggested
tabling the Ordinance until the next meeting . It must be passed ,
however , at the August 24 , 1978 meeting .
MAYOR ' S REPORT - Alderman Wolff moved to accept the appointment of
Thomas Barna as patrolman for the City of Yorkville Police Department ,
effective August 1 , 1978 , at the starting salary of $ 1 , 041 . 67 per
month including all benefits of the personnel policy , seconded by
Alderman Smith . Roll call vote was taken as follows :
Wolff - Aye Hanback - Aye Simmons - Aye
Beach - Aye Smith - Aye
Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Harker was absent from voting .
A thank you was received from the family of James Mann for the
extract from the City Council Minutes in Mr . Mann ' s memory and
the plant .
Alderman Wolff moved to appoint Mary Thomas as United Nations Day
Chairwoman , seconded by Alderman Smith . Motion carried 5-0 • Alderman
Harker was absent from the voting .
232 Page 2 August 10 , 1978
Mayor: Thanepohn requested a meeting of the Committee as a whole to meet
August 17 , 1978 at 8 : 00 P .M . at the Water Tower Conference Room to discuss
Projects and Goals .
Mayor Thanepohn proclaimed the week of September 17-24 , 1978 as Lupus
Week to coincide with the national observance by the Lupus Erythemato sus
Society of Illinois .
CITY CLERK - The Illinois Municipal League Conference will be held
September 15- 18 , 1978 .
Alderman Simmons moved to grant the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation permission
to conduct it ' s "Breath of Life" door-to-door campaign during the month
of September ., 'seconded by Alderman Smmith . Motion carried 5-0 .
TREASURER ' S REPORT - Treasurer Merkel stated that $396 has been received
for the Anti -recession fund . Alderman Smith moved to approve the
Treasurer ' s report , seconded by Alderman Wolff . Motion carried 5-0 .
Alderman Harker was absent from voting .
POLICE REPORT - Alderman Wolff moved to approve the Police report , seconded
by Alderman Beach . Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Harker was absent from
voting .
DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS .-. Alderman Wolff moved to approve the Public
Works reports , seconded by Alderman Smith . Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman
Harker was absent from voting .
WATER REPORT - Well No. 3 - Pumped 10 , 565 , 000 gallons .
Down 404 ,000 gallons from June 1978 .
Down 756 ,000 gallons from July 1977.
Daily average - 341 , 000 gallons .
Daily maximum - 541 , 000 gallons .
Chlorine fed - 134 . 5 lbs .
Chlorine fed - 1 . 5 parts per million .
Well No . 2 Treated and checked weekly .
Water Samples - All satisfactory .
New Customers - 4 residential
Replaced Meters - 2
Leaks - 3/4" service at 108 W. Ridge
4" main at 115 W. Hydraulic
Hydrants were flushed .
PLAN COMMISSION - AldermanSimmon eported the Zoning Board of Appeals
met on August 7 , 1978 and the meeting was recessed until Monday , September
14 , 1978 at 8 : 00 P . M . at City Hall .
Mr . Clarage has been directed to prepare a 3rd drawing concept for
the East Alley Project showing parallel parking . Dr . Van Laningham
will look into the possibilities of a lease .
BUILDING & ZONING - Alderman Simmons stated the the Committee recommends
having Attorney Dickson draw up an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance ,
section 7 . 02 on page 29 , to eliminate apartments above businesses
in regards to B-1 , Special Use to be presented at the next City Council
meeting .
Alderman Simmons stated there will be a PublJc Hearing on Mezger ' s
Yorkshire Estates at the next City Council rWia,iting on August 24 , 1978 ,
at 8 : 00 P . M .
Page August 10 , 1978
EMERGENCY SERVICES & DISASTER - Alderman Wolff was requested to look
into the matter concerning the Emergency Siren not being operative
when needed due to power failure .
FINANCE - Alderman Simmons stated the Tax Levy was down 16% from last
year .
HEALTH & SANITATION - Alderman Hanback made a motion upon committee
recommendation to accept Tri -County Scavenger ' s garbage bid of $3 . 40
per unit , due to the local contractor ' s clause in the Bidding Ordinance ,
seconded by Alderman Smith . Alderman Beach stated he could see no
reason to bid the contract for 2 years with the escalation clause and
suggested rebidding the contract for a 1 year period only . Alderman
Wolff stated he felt there was no reason to send the bids to committee
in :the future if the bids meet the specifications . Alderman Smith
stated the 2% local contractor clause is in the Ordinance for that
purpose . (Roll call vote was taken as follows :
Wolff - Nay Hanback - Aye Simmons - Aye
Beach - Nay Smith - Aye
Mayor Thanepohn - Aye
Motion carried 4 -2 . Alderman Harker was absent from the voting .
POLICE - Alderman Wolff stated he has received 2 complaints for off-
street parking and questioned the Ordinance as to what it states . The
matter will be checked out further . The matter was referred to committee
for study. PCs taps$611'tIOf 1A
Alderman Wolff also questioned the ACity or the owner of the property
of green areas grown up in weeds . Attorney Dickson stated it was the
property own6r ' s responsibility , but he will check into the matter
further. The open areas are the responsibility of National Care in
Countryside Center Subdivision . The weed control ordinance will apply
to the privately owned lots but the parkways are another matter entirely .
Attorney Dickson stated the City can mow the green area and bill the
owner if the owner does now adhere to the request by letter .
PUBLIC PROPERTY & BUILDINGS - Alderman Beach stated the belfry tower had
been removed and repairedby the City Crew and raised back to it ' s
original position .
STREETS & ALLEYS - Director Madden stated that Dan Blanco from
I . D . O .T . was present for the bid openings for Fox Road and had taken
them back to his office for study. Mr . Blanco then informed Director
Madden that he felt it would be proper to let the bids and requested
a revised estimate from the engineers as the figures used were out-
dated . Mr . Blanco gave Director Madden figures to use, bringing the
engineer ' s estimate to $ 107 , 019 . 25 . Bids should be let as soon as
possible being it is late in the season . Director Madden stated
the engineer ' s original estimate was $ 103 , 514 . 84 . The following
bids for the Fox Road Project were received :
Aurora Blacktop - $ 111 , 187 . 00
Geneva Construction - $ 114 , 288 . 25
Director Madden stated the bidding includes storm sewers , tree
removal and seeding . Alderman Beach moved to accept Aurora Blacktop ' s
bid of $111 , 187 . 00 for the Fox Road Project , seconded by Alderman
Wolff . Roll call vote was taken as follows :
Wolff '- Aye Hanback - Aye Simmons - Aye
Beach - Aye Smith - Aye
Motion carried 5-0. Alderman Harker was absent from the voting .
2 3 4 Page 4 August 10 , 1978
Alderman Beach reported that the Elizabeth Street storm . repairs would
include the area approximately midway on the street where the storm
waters tore up a 30-40 foot section of the street . Director Madden
has negotiated with the property owners involved and KR&G Excavating .
KR&G will deepen the ditch and add 2 additional tiles , scrape and
reshape the ditch on the south side and and add a burm on the north
side of the street on Leo Anderson ' s property . The City Crew will
finish up the job . The estimated cost of the materials will be $ 1 ,204 . 68 .
Alderman Beach reported that upon committee recommendation Herman Johnson
on the corner of Spring and Colton streets will be allowed to put in
a 100 foot sidewalk obtaining 2 estimates of which the City will pay
one half of the low estimate , upon completion of the job, to the property
ow,ner�upon the property owner ' s submission to the City of a paid receipt
that the job has been completed and paid for in full .
Alderman Beach introduced Bernie Wilhelmson , who is engineering the
West Alley Project for CM&T , the City Engineers . Mr . Wilhelmson explained
the Engineering plans provide for asphalt to replace the area and not
for a new sidewalk . Alderman Hanback moved to put in ar,sidibwalk in place
of asphalt from a point 20 feet east of Mr . Groner ' s westerly property
line to meet with Mr . Langlands property , seconded by Alderman Smith . Roll
call vote was taken as follows :
Wolff - Aye Hanback - Aye Simmons- Aye
Beach - Aye Smith - Aye
Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Harker was absent from the voting .
The City Crew will do the sodding of the green areas and Mr. Langland
has agreed to do the watering of the sod .
Due to a surveyinq error the the utility pole will r.e.main in its ori -
.ginal position . i One set of curbing in the West Alley
Project is 5 inches higher than the rest of the curbing , but seems
to be no problem so it will be left as it is now.
The agreement in regards to the West Alley with Mr . Groner calls for
an extra 10 feet of curbing and it will be put in when the sidewalks are
poured . Director Madden stated the plan schedule is to do the grading ,
priming and then block the alley for approximately 2 days . Then when the
utility company moves the pole it will be black-topped . He _.further
stated the Engineer must be available during the grading as it would be
a critical period of the project . Alderman Beach stated numerous complaint
calls have been received on both the West Alley and Road Maintenance
work due to inconvenience to citizens .
Alderman Wolff moved to adjourn the meeting at 9 : 10 P .M . , seconded by
Alderman Beach . Motion carried 5-0 .
Respectfully Submitted ,