City Council Minutes 1978 08-24-78 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE Z 3 VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE , ILLINOIS , HELD AT CITY HALL, AUGUST 24, 1978. Mayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order at 8 : 10 P .M. and led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag . Roll call was taken as follows : Ward 1 - Beach Ward 2 - Harker Ward 3 - Simmons Hanback Smith Alderman Wolff was absent from Ward 1. A quorum was established. The reading of the minutes from the August 10 , 1978 meeting was waived. The following corrections and additions were made : 1 . Page 2 , paragraph 4 , line 3 , add following the word September, seconded by Alderman Smith . " 2 . Page 2 , under Plan Commission , line 1 , delete "Beach" and add "Simmons" . 3 . Page 3 , under Health & Sanitation , last line , delete "6-2" and add "4-2" . 4 . Page 4, paragraph 3 , line 5 , delete "on" and add "of" . Alderman Smith moved to approve the minutes as corrected , seconded by Alderman Beach . Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Wolff was absent from voting . MAYOR'S REPORT - Mayor Thanepohn stated he had submitted a letter nominating Public Works Director Elden Madden as Water Operator of the Year. Director Madden was selected among the top 10 Water Operators in the State out of approximately 3200 cities in contention for the honor . The award will be presented in Springfield at the annual Water Operators Conference banquet on September 13 , 1978 . Reservations to attend can be made through the City Clerk. Mayor Thanepohn read a letter of resignation from Park Director , Rick Dalton . No replacement has been made to date . Mayor Thanepohn stated LeRoy Johnson has moved to the Senior Citizen housing in Newark and has left the employment of the City of Yorkville . PLAN COMMISSION - Alderman Simmons reported on the August 22 , 197P meetin Upon unanimous recommendation by the Plan Commission, Alder- IM movved to approve the preliminary plat of Joseph Klinek for dividing approximately 6 acres on W. River Road (Seeley Property) , and refer the matter back to the County Board, seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Wolff was absent from voting . The City Clerk was directed to send a letter stating the decision of the City Council to the Kendall County Board . Alderman Simmons reported on the reconvened hearing of the Zoning Board of Appeals on August 14 , 19'78 , regarding Mezger' s Yorkshire Estates . After discussion there was a unanimous vote for the sub- dividers to provide a walk-way of suitable width on Gateshead Drive for pedestrians and bicycle use . It was unanimously voted to grant the variation regarding curbs and gutters with the amendment to include "with the City Council instruct- ing the City Engineer to take special care to see that adequate retention ponds be installed ". HUMAN RESOURCE COMMISSION - Alderman Smith reported that copies of the survey the Commission had taken earlier had been sent to sev- eral public offices in Springfield and Washington and replies have been received from several offering any assistance they could provide . Page 2 BUSINESS & ECONOMIC 'DEVELOPMENT COMMhS-SION - The next meeting will be September 12 , 1978 at 8 :00 P.M. at the Water Tower Conference Room. OLD BUSINESS - Mezger' s Annexation Petition is being laid over until after the continuation of the Public Hearing . BUILDING & ZONING - Mayor Thanepohn stated there was one correction in the Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Yorkville Prohibiting Apartments Over Business Properties as a Special Use as follows : Page 1 , paragraph 3 , line 3 , delete "prevent" and add "permit" . Mayor Thanepohn presented Director Madden with a book from the Capital Development Board on Accessibility Standards regarding making all public buildings a-cessible to handicapped people . FINANCE - Alderman Simmons stated a few corrections would be needed on the Tax Levy Ordinance , but the bottom line figure of $100 , 143 .25 to be raised by tax levy remains the same . Alderman Simmons moved to pass the Ordinance for the Levy and Assessment of Taxes for May 1 , 1978 through April 30 , 1979 , seconded by Alderman Beach , Roll call vote taken : Beach - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Hanback - Aye Smith - Aye Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Wolff was absent from voting . The Ordinance regarding Contractors paying the prevailing wage rate was tabled until the next meeting . HEALTH & SANITATION - Attorney Dickson was requested to send a letter to Fox Valley Disposal notifying them of termination of garbage collectio for the City of Yorkville at the expiration of the current contract . which meets the 120 days notification clause . STREETS & ALLEYS - Alderman Beach reported the culverts have been in- stalled on Elizabeth Street and the ditches shaped , and commended Director Madden for coordinating the job between KR&G and the property owners involved. The area will be left to settle for 1-11� months and then it would be decided whether to blacktop or tar & pitch the section of street . Alderman Beach reported that regarding the roadway improvements , there were still a few areas to finish with tar and gravel . LIBRARY BOARD - Alderman Harker reported the board was informed of the operating changes at the August 23 , 1978 meeting . YBS BOARD - Alderman Harker reported the meeting has been postponed until August 28 , 1978 . Alderman Simmons called a meeting regarding Mezger ' s Yorkshire Estates for August 31 , 1978 at 8 :00 P .M. at the Water Tower Conference Room. Alderman Beach requested the Elizabeth Street repair job be included in the meeting . As to the status of the Fox Road Contract , Director Madden stated it was presently awaiting final state approval . Walter Olsen questioned the water easement through McNelis ' property in regards to Mezger ' s subdivision . Mayor Thanepohn stated he could be heard at the Public Hearing on August 15,. 19:78 . Pa e 3 August 24 , 1978 Alderman Smith moved to adjourn the meeting at 8 :50 P.M. , seconded by Alderman Simmons . Motion carried 5-0 . Respectfully Submitted, CITY cltERK Approved August 10 meetW GENERAL FUND mmonwealth Edison Co. - EH55-AP-3084A Trees $ Parks (1-36=36.2-662) $26.83; 993.75 EJ59-AP-0150A P.D. (1-38-38.2-740) $15.78; EH55-AP= 8690A Maint.Bldg. (1- j-38.4-761) '$46.16; EAP 71881 St. Ltg. (1-39) $904.98 Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - 023-1001 Pvt. Line P.D. $15.78; 553-7855 Bldg. $ Zoning 216.36 $43.57; 553-6999 Park Recreation Dept. $59.81; 553-5836 P.D. $38.55; 553-6990 Mayor $26.41; 553-7809 Treas. $6.78; 553-0535 Mayor $4.38; 553-6222 Clerk $4.40; 552- 7593 Police Call Forwarding $16.68 (1-42-864) Sherwood Office Systems,Inc.- Data Cart for Mayor (1-42-867) 62.96 MS?/Group Ins. Trust - Group Insurance Premium (1-42-856) 1143.21 Northern Ill. Gas Co. 312902161 Library (1-38-38.3-750) $27.72; 311900100 158.62 Trees & Parks $90.85 (1-36-36.2-662) ; 312900280 P.D. $6.54 (1-38-38.2-740) ; 311901170 Maint. Bldg. $28.61 (1-38-38.4-761) ; 313907740 City Hall $4.90 (1-38-38.1-730) Erlenborn's Office Supply- Inv. 4-05942 Office Supplies $ Brief Case $56.75: (1-42- 198.32 867) ; Inv. 3-05858 File Cabinets $141.57 (1-41-800) Riesenschneider Electric - Office Wiring $44.51 (1-38.4-762) ; Street Light repairs 69.74 $25.23 (1-30-416) Yorkville Hardware - Storm Door $7.25 (1-38.2-741) ; Paint etc. $14.86 22.11 (1-38.1-731) Jack Kane Heating - Flashing (1 138.1-731) 5.10 Farmers Elevator Co. - Repair materials $108.05 (1-38.1-731) ; Catch Basin 141.30 .� material $33.25 (1-32-501) tropolitan Pump Company - Lift station repairs (1-32-501) 58.75 Sable International - Mower repair parts (1-33-531) 33.1: forkville Auto Parts - Repair parts (1-33-531) Cust. No. 126 5.46 Kendall Grundy FS, Inc. - Gas Public Works (1-33-533) 253.40 Fox Valley Disposal Co. - Disposal Service for July $2567.04 Dumpster Service for 7/5/78 thru 8/4/78 $33.00 (1-34-561) 2600.04 .':alter E. Deuchler Ass'c. - Aircraft charter to Springfield (1-42-863) 195.00 Elden :Sadden - Re-imburse petty cash: Postage (1-30-407) $2.64; Gas 14.98 (1-33-533) $2.30; Office Supplies (1-41-800) .55Q; Postage (1-41-806) $9.49 C & R Communications - 1 replacement mike, tube & fuse (1-30-408) 86.85 Crawford,Murphy & Tilly - Inv. 753-Services rendered advertising for bids on 146.00 Orange St. sidewalk $89.30 less $70.00 credit Due $19.30 (1-30-409) ; Inv. 751 Services rendered East Alley storm sewer & parking project $126.70 (1-30-409) Midwest Supply Co. - Street safety equipment (1-30-411) 334.51 Ricmar Industries Inc. - Traffic marking paint $ quick kill (1-30-411) 173.90 Aurora Blacktop Inc. - Inv. 718 Cold Mix (1-30-411) 153.45 Central Limestone - Crushed stone (1-30-411) 101.75 Countryside True Value - Supplies $8.64 (1-30-411) ; Supplies $65.68 (1-30-412) 124.31 Su lies P.D. $44.15 Screen Door Grill $5.84 (1-38.2-741)1- 5-613) Salisbury Grocery Store - Supplies Maint. Bldg. $48.41 (1-38.4- 62) , SuppliesP.D. 86.26 $37.85 (1-38-38.2-741) Yorkville Appl. & Furniture- Paint (1-38.4-762) . 1111:stol er Dickson Co. - Repair work on backhoe $124.39 (1-38.4-762) ; Hand 1299 .004 4 Cleaner $4.65 (1-38.4-762) Lumber Co. - Materials for new office (1-38.4-762) 9 .44 Janco Chemical Supply,Inc.- Supplies $34.65 (1-38.4-762) ; Liners $50.70 ,(1-36.2-663) 85 .35 The Paper Crate - Office Supplies (1-41-800) 22.44 L. Erickson, City Clerk - Award Certificates (1-42-859) 6.00 GENZRAL FUND (Continued) Xerox Corporation - Delivery/removal charges $112.25 (1-42-860) ; 1.0 Reg. 222.25 Service $40.00 (1-42-860) ; Monthly rental charge $70.00 (1-42-868) redrickson's Inc. - Honorary Citizen Certificate covers (1-42-860) 5.61 ride's Flower Shop - Plant for J. Mann (1-42-860) 15.00 Tile Country Camera Shop - Film. flash cubes $ film processing (1-35-613) 27.10 i;esley $ Co. - Inv. 1130 Batteries & chargers (1-35-613) 53.52 Kenneth R. Lotz - Ammo P.D. (1-35-610) 35.00 Goodyear Truck Tire Center- Inv. 17522 Tire (1-35-613) 155.36 John N. Schneider Batteries for P.D. (1-35-613) $2.16; Waste Bags for P.D. 4.23 (1-38-38.2-741) $2.07 Corrm. Technicians $ Cons.Inc.- Inv. 22$83 Mike cords (1-35-603) 63.60 Detzler Pontiac, Inc. - Inv. 17107 & 17254 Repair 1978 Catalina (1-35-611) 100.65 Ron Westphal Chev. Inc. - Inv. 1121 $ 1154 Repair 1976 Olds $65.25; Inv. 1115 Repair 96.39 1976 Pont. Catalina $31.14 (1-35-611) Yorkville Auto Parts - Cust. #974 Supplies (1-35-613) Inv. 08575 $ 07427 4.70 (1-35-613) Plano Police Department - 590 calls on call forwarding (1-35-617) 147.50 Markelz Office Products,Ine.- Inv. M37826 File. folders, Pend. Folders & staple 30.70 remover (1-35-604) Badger Uniforms - 'Inv. 043598 Trousers, shirts, shoes, jacket & emblems 458.71 $278.37; Inv. 043050 Cap $10.95; Inv. 043658 Jacket $ Vest $169.39 (1-35-605) Kendall Grundy FS, Inc. - Gas for P.D. (1-35-612) 253.36 9304.28 : AYROLL Gross 20,259.93 Net 14,700.96 WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND `,ayne Western Co., Inc. - Monthly payment No. 15 Well No. 4 $1140.23 Balance 1140.23 to be paid out of Water Fund (2-54-460) ?A^K =,'ISSION FUND Ka7tmes Bus Service, Inc. - Bus trip 248.0 i r ATER' FWD Layne Western Co., Inc. - Monthly payment No. 15 Well No. 4 (2-50-408) Balance 449.82 paid out of Water Construction Fund den, Madden - Re-imburse petty cash: Office supplies $10.00 (2-411) ; 39.24 DeKalb Water Conference $3.90 (2-418) ; Postage $25.34 (2-420) Co- nonwealth Edison Go. - EK59CH2552S Pumping $19.89; EP14AP33737 Pumping $1146.41 1166.30 (2-50-403) Commonwealth Edison Co. - EP14AP33737 Pumping (2-50-403) 1087.12 :Northern Ill. Gas Co. - 313906160 Pumphouse (-2-50-410) 7.75 Ili.. Bel'_ Telephone Co. - 553-7079 Water Dept. $30.30; 023-1047 Pvt. Line Pumphouse 39.50 $9.20 (2-50-409) Ricmar Industries, Inc. Inv. 21587 Safety red paint -C-2-50-412) 59.80 Jim's Trenching - Backhoe time - water leak Hydraulic St. (2-50-407) 187.50 John N. Schneider - Air conditioner repairs (2-50-406) 65.81 Hydronic Supply Co. - Copper water tubing (2-50-412) 294.24 Water Products Co, . - Inv. 18278, 18368 & 18529 Couplings, Flanges & Curbstops 234.88 (2-50-412) The Bank of Yorkville Deposit - Water Depreciation & Contingencies Fund 150.00 Na-t'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago- Deposit-Water Bond & Interest Account 2000.00 Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago- Deposit-Water Bond $ Interest Reserve Account 170.00 5951.96 PAYROLL Gross 2,215.49 Net 1,605.65 i ORDINANCE NO. "197 AN ORDINANCE FOR THE LEVY & ASSESSMENT OF TAXES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING MAY 1, 1978 & ENDING APRIL 30, 1979 FOR THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS WHEREAS, the City Council of the UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE , Kendall County, Illinois , heretofore did, , prior to the commencement of the fiscal year beginning May 1, 1978 and ending April 30 , 1979 , following a public hearing upon the proposed Budget, approve said Budget for the fiscal year and the said Budget was in the aggregate amount of $991,055 .40. Said amount did not include additional appropriations by special Ordinances, which special Ordinances are for the annual payments to MABEL RQWLANDS for the purchase of real estate from her and to LAYNE-WESTERN CO. for rental of a pump. Said amount also did not include the sum of $15 ,000.00 to be accumulated for capital improvements, said special Ordinan.ces and appropriations making the total budget with special Ordinances and appropriations $1,034,478:85. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of The UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, Kendal. County, Illinois: SECTION 1: That the total amount of the budget for all corporate purposes legally made to be collected from the tax levy of the current fiscal year is hereby ascertained to be in the amount of $100,423.45. SECTION '2: That the sum of $1 ,034,478.85 , being the total of the budget and appropriations heretofore legally made and Which is to be collected in part from the tax levy of the current fiscal year of the UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE for all corporate purposes of said City, for pur- poses of providing for a Police Pension Fund, Illinois Muni- pal Retirement Fund, Bond Fund, Installment Contract Fund, Health and Sanitation Fund, and Corporate Fund, as` budgeted for the current fiscal year by the annual Budget Ordinance of the UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE for the year May 1, 1978 and ending April 30, 1979 , passed by the City Council of the UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE at a legally convened meeting prior to said fiscal year, be and the same is hereby levied upon al - the taxable property in the UNITED CITY ' OF THE' VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, subject to taxation for the current year, the specific amounts as levied for the various funds heretofore named being included herein by being placed in separate columns under the heading "To Be Raised by Tax Levy" , which appears over the same, the tax so levied being for the current fiscal year of said UNITED CITY ` OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE and for the said budget to be collected from said tax levy, the total of which has been ascertained as aforesaid and being as follows : -2- Estimated Receipts . Amount. From Sources Other To Be Raised 'Budgeted . . .Than Tax Levy By Tax Levy`- GENERAL "FUND STREETS' & ALLEYS: Salaries-City Employees $80 ,000.00 $ 75 ,000 .00 $ 51000 .00 Illinois Municipal . Retirement Fund 10,320 .00 10 ,320 .00 -0- Maintenance 5,000 .00 5,000 .00 -0- Cement Sidewalks along City Streets 2 ,000 .00 2 ,000 .00 -0- Wearing Apparel 700 .00 700 .00 -0- Office Supplies 500 .00 500 .00 -0- Postage 20.00 20 .00 -0- Equipment 500 .00 500 .00 -0- Engineering 4 ,000 .00 4,000 .00 -0- Education 200 .00 200 .00 -0 Operating Supplies 4 ,000 .00 4 ,000 .00 -0- Hand Tools 400 .00 400 .00 -0- Publishing 100 .00 100 .00 -0- Streets Signs & Posts 300 .00 300 .00 -0- Curbs & Gutters 500 .00 500 .00 -0- Miscellaneous 100 .00 100 .00 -0- • Parking Lot & Alley Improvement 15 ,000.00 15 ,000.00 -0- SNOW REMOVAL: Salt 2 ,800 .00 2 ,800 .00 -0- Chips 750 .00 750 .00 -0- Equipment 4,000.00 4 ,000 .00 -0- Equipment Maintenance 600 .00 600 .00 -0- SEWER: Repair , Maintenance & Cleaning 3 ,000 .00 3 ,000 .00 -0- Engineering 16 ,000 .00 11,000 .00 5 ,000 .00 Tools & Equipment 100 .00 100.00 -0- Publications & Printing 50 .00 50 .00 -0- TRUCKS, TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT: Operating Maintenance 3 ,000 .00 3 ,000 .00 -0- New Equipment 9 ,000 .00 9 ,000 .00 -0- Gas 4,000 .00 4,000 .00 -0- Inspections & Licenses 70 .00 70 .00 -0- I, -3- Estimated Receipts Amount From Sources Other To Be Raised Budgeted Than Tax Levy _ By Tax Levi► POLICE: Salaries $121,000 .00 $ 121 ,000.00 -0= Illinois Municipal. Retirement Fund 16 ,000 .00 16 ,000 .00 -0 Crossing Guards- Salaries 6 ,900 .00 6 ,900 .00 -0- Radio Maintenance 800 .00 800 .00 -0- Office Supplies 350 .00. 350 .00 -0- wearing Apparel 1,600 .00 1,600 .00 -0- Postage 20 .00 20 .00 -0- Printing 400 .00 400 .00 -0- Education, Training & Dues 4,000 .00 4 ,000 .00 -0- New Equipment 12 ,500 .00 12 ,500 .00 -0- Ammunition 200 .00 200 .00 -0- Squad Maintenance 2 ,400 .00 2 ,400 .00 -0- Gas , Oil & Lube 10,000 .00 10 ,000 .00 -0- operating Supplies 2 ,000 .00 2 ,000 .00 -0- Shooting Range 300 .00 300 .00 -0- Dog Catcher 300 .00 300 .00 -0- Miscellaneous 325 .00 325 .00 -0- Police Telephone- Call Forwarding 1,000 .00 . 1,000 .00 -0- TREES & PARKS : (BASEBALL PARK - LITTLE LEAGUE) Equipment 400 .00 400 .00 -0- Maintenance 400 .00 400 .00 -0- (CITY PARK) Equipment 1,000 .00 1,000 .00 -0- Tree & Stump Removal 200 .0.0 200 .00 -0- Electric & Gas 1,000 .00 1 ,000 .00 -0- Operating Supplies 300 .00 300 .00 -0- Miscellaneous 500 .00 500 .00 -0- Salaries 7,000 .00 7 ,000 .00 -0- Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund 400 .00 400 .00 -0- Flowers & Trees 100 .00 100 .00 -0- CITY PARKING: i Tree Removal 1,000 .00 1,000 .00 -0- Tree .Replacement 500 .00 500 .00 -0- -4- i Estimated Receipts Amount From Sources Other To Be Raised Budgeted. Than Tax Levy By Tax Levy TENNIS COURTS :I Maintenance S 600 .00 $ 600 .00 -0- Electric 500 .00 500 .00 -0" FUTURE PLANNING: Planning Committee Expense 400 .00 400 .00 -0- Planning Consu}ltant Fee 5,000 .00 5 ,000 .00 -0- Publications 500.00 500 .00 -0- Engineering 2 ,500.00 2 ,500 .00 -0- PUBLIC PROPERTY & BUILDINGS : (CITY HALL) Utilities 450 .00 450 .00 -0- Repairs & Maintenance 600 .00 600 .00 -0 Building Improvements 400 .00 400 .00 -0- (POLICE STATION) Utilities 400 .00 400 .00 -0- Repairs & Maintenance 700 .00 700 .00 -0- Improvements 200.00 200.00 -0- (LIBRARY BUILDING) Utilities 1,200 .00 1 ,200 .00 -0- Repairs & Maintenance 400 .00 400 .00 • -0- Improvements 600 .00 600 .00 -0- (MAINTENANCE BUILDING & CITY OFFICE) New Equipment ' 1,000:00 1,000 .00 -0- Utilities 1,500 .00 1,500 .00 -0- Repairs & Maintenance 600 .00 600 .00 -0- Land Acquisition 10 ,500.00 10 ,500 .00 -0- STREET LIGHTING: 13,000 .00 13 ,000.00 -0- LIQUOR COMMISSION: 100 .00 100 .00 -0- -5- an Estimated Receipts Amount From Sources Other To Be Raised Budgeted Than Tax Levy By Tax Levy BUILDING & ZONING: *Office Supplies & Equipment $ 750.00 $ 750 .00 -0 Books & Maps 150 .00 _. 150 .00 --- Publications 400 .00 400 .00 -0- Engineering & Review 2 ,000 .00 2 ,000 .00 . -0- Salary 5,500.00 5,500.00 -0- Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund 710 .00 710 .00 -0- Education, Conference & Associations 900.00 900 .00 -0- Miscellaneous 100.00 100.00 -0- Postage 25 .00 25 .00 -0- FINANCE :-. Legal Service 4,500 .00 4,500 .00 -0- Salary - City Officials15 ,600 .00 15 ,600 .00 -0- Other Salaries 13 ,000 .00 13 ,000 .00 -0- Insurance - Workmens Compensation 5,900 .00 5,900 .00 -0- Bonding-City Officials & Ass 't. Collector 230 .00 230 .00 -0- Audit Expense 4 ,000 .00 4 ,000 .00 -0- Health & Accident Insurance 16 ,000.00 16,000 .00 -0- Illinois Municipal League Dues 200 .00 200 .00 -0- Insurance-Fleet Policy 4,000 .00 4 ,000 .00 -0 Stationary & Printing 1 ,000 .00 1 ,000 .00 -0- Miscellaneous 800.00 800 .00 -0- Postage 500 .00 500 .00 -0- New Equipment 1,000.00 • 1,000 .00 -0- Education, Conference & Convention Expense 2 ,500 .00 2 ,500 .00 -0- Telephone 2,700.00 2 ,700.00 -0- Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund 2 ,700 .00 2 ,700.00 -0- General Liability Insurance 6 ,500.00 6 ,500.00 -0- Office Supplies 800.00 800 .00 -0- Xerox Rental & Supplies 2 ,400 .00 2 ,400 .00 -0- Umbrella Policy 1,000 .00 1,000 .00 -0- Unemployment Compensa- tion Tax 900 .00 900 .00 -0 Insurance on Buildings 41000.00 4,000.00 _0- $5010820 .00 $491,820 .00 $10 ,000.00 -6- i I on Estimated Receipts Amount From Sources Other To Be Raised Budgeted Than Tax Levy By Tax Levy HEALTH & SANITATION FUND Garbage Removal $ 27 ,000.00 $ -0- $27,000.00 Mosquito Spraying 200 .00 200.00 -0- Need & Hazard Removal 200 .00 200 .00 -0- TOTAL HEALTH & ,SANI- TATION FUND $ 27,400 .00 $ 400.00 $27 ,000 .00 PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND Salaries & Withholding 15 ,280 .00 1,700 .00 13 ,580 .00 (Library) Salaries & Withholding (Custodian) 1,400 .00 -0- 1,400 .00 Custodial Supplies 300 .00 -0- 300 .00 Library Supplies 700 .00 -0- 700 .00 Conferences & Dues 300 .00 -0- 300 .00 Books , Records, Magazines Etc . , 8,060 .00 -0- 8,060 .00 Postage & Miscellaneous 300 .00 -0- 300 .00 Furnishings 300 .00 -0- 300 .00 Printing of Treasurer's Report 60 .00 -0- 60 .00 TOTAL PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND $ 26 ,700 .00 $ 1 ,700 .00 $25,000 .00 MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND Street & Road Main- tenance 80 ,000 .00 80 ,000 .00 -0 Engineer Fees 4 ,000 .00 4 ,000 .00 -0- Traffic Signal 14 ,000 .00 14 ,000 .00 -0- TOTAL MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND $98,000 .00 $ 98,000 .00 -0- MOTOR VEHICLE TAR FUND Purchase of Vehicle Tags . 400 .00 400 .00 -0- Office Supplies 100 .00 100 .00 -0 Street & Road Mainten- ance 25 ,000 .00 25 ,000 .00 -0- Miscellaneous 1,000 .00 1,000 .00 -0- Sidewalks 15 ,000 .00 15 ,000 .00 -0- Maintenance-Traffic 250 .00 250 .00 -0- Signal- TOTAL MOTOR VEHICLE TAX FUND $ 41;750 .00 $41,750 .00 -0- -7- Estimated Receipts Amount From Sources Other To Be Raised Budgeted Than Tax Levy By Tax Levy WATER FUND Miscellaneous $ 1,000 .00 $ 1,000 .00 Salaries 25,300.00 25 , 300.00 0 Pumping Power . 12 ,000 .00 12 ,000 .00 -O- Meters & Parts 4,500.00 4 ,500.00 -0- Water Main Replace- ment 80 ,000 .00 80 ,000.00 -0- Repairs to Water Works 2 ,000 .00 2 ,000 .00 -0- Repairs to Water Mains 4 ,000 .00 4 ,000..00 -0- Replacement to Water- works Plants 25 ,000 .00 25 ,000 .00 -0- Telephone 600 .00 600 .00 -0- Gas Heat Well House 500 .00 500.00 -0- Office Supplies 200 .00 200 .00 -0- Operating Supplies- Equipment 3 ,000.00 3,000 .00 -0- Easements 100 .00 100 .00 -0- Chlorination 600 .00 600 .00 -0- Pumphouse Repairs & Improvements 4 ,000 .00 4 ,000 .00 -0- Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund 3,500 .00 30,500 .00 -0- Engineering 8,000 .00 8,000 .00 -0 Education, Training, Conference & Dues 750 .00 750 .00 -0- Office Equipment & Maintenance 400 .00 400 .00 -0- Postage 700 .00 700 .00 -0- Printing 250 .00 250 .00 -0- Publishing 100 .00 100 .00 -0- TOTAL WATER FUND $176 ,500 .00 $176,500 .00 -0- WATER FUND BOND & INTEREST FUND Bonds 10 ,000 .00 10 ,000 .00 -0- Interest 13,700.00 13 ,700 .00 -0- Bank Charkles 200 .00 200 .00 -0- TOTAL WATER FUND BOND & INTEREST FUND $ 23,900.00 $ 23,900 .00 -0- WATER FUND WATER METER RENTAL Refund of Water Deposits $ 250.60 250.00 -0- Estimated Receipts Amount From Sources Other To Be Raised Budgeted Than Tax Levy By Tax Levy`s 1 WATER FUND CONSTRUCTION Capital Expenditure $ 5 ,785 .40 $ 5 ,785 .40 -0- WATER FUND LAYNE-WESTERN CONTRACT 12 Monthly Installments $ 19 ,080.60 -0- $ 19 ,080.60 SEWER FUND SEWER EXPANSION FUND Capital Improvements and Repairs $ 24,000 .00 $ 24 .000 .00 -0- REVENUE SHARING FUND Maintenance Building & City Office $ 5 ,950 .00 $ 5 ,950 .00 -0 Improvements Maintenance Building- Radio System 7 ,000 .00 7 ,000 .00 -0- Community Center 50 ,000 .00 50 ,000 .00 -0- Maintenance Building & City Office-Land Improvement 2 ,000.00 2 ,000 .00 -0- TOTAL REVENUE SHARING FUND $ 64,950.00 $ 64,950 .00 -0- INSTALLMENT PURCHASE OF REAL ESTATE 10-YEAR CONTRACT WITH MABEL ROWLANDS Principal $ 6 ,210.00 -0- $ 6.210 .00 Interest 3 ,132 .85 -0 3 ,132 .85 TOTAL ROWLANDS PURCHASE $ 9 ,342 ,85 -0 $ 9 ,342 .85 'CA'P2'TAL. ,I MP,RO'V-EMENT, REPAIR &' 'REPLACEMENT FUND $ ' 15,000 .00 $ 5 ,000 .00 $ 10,000.00 I Estimated Rece*pts Amount From Sources Other To Be Raised . Budgeted Than Tax Lever- By Tax Levy' TOTAL ORIGINAL BUDGET: $ 991,055 .40 PLUS SPECIAL ORDINANCES & APPROPRIATIONS: 43,423.45 TOTAL BUDGETED: $1,034 ,478.85 TOTAL RECEIPTS FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN LEVY: $ 934,055.40 TOTAL LEVY: $ 100,423.45 R E C A P I T U L A T I O N GENERAL FUND $ 501,820.00 $ 491 ,820.00 $ 10 ,000.00 HEALTH & SANITATION FUND 27 ,400 .00 400 .00 27 ,000.00 PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND 26 ,700 .00 1 ,700 .00 25 ,000 .00 MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND 98 ,000 .00 98 ,000 .00 -0- . MOTOR VEHICLE TAX FUND 41,750.00 41,750 .00 -0 WATER FUND 176 ,500 .00 176 ,500 .00 -0- WATER FUND- BOND & INT. 23,900.00 23 ,900 .00 -0- WATER FUND- WATER METER 250 .00 250 .00 -0- RENTAL WATER FUND- CONSTRUCTION 5 ,785 .40 5,785.40 -0- WATER FUND-LAYNE WESTERN CONTRACT 19 ,080 .60 -0- 19 ,080660 SEWER FUND-SEWER EXPAN- SION FUND 24 ,000 .00 24 ,000 .00 -0- REVENUE SHARING FUND 64 ,950.00 648950.00 -0- INSTALLMENT PURCHASE OF ROWLANDS PROPERTY 9 ,342 .85 -0 9 ,342 .85• CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT, REPAIR & REPLACEMENT FUND 1.5 ,000 .00 5 ,000 .00 10,000.00 $1,.034P47.8 .85 $ 934,055 .40 $ ' 100 ,423.45 -10- SECTION 3 : That the total amount of $100 ,423 .45 , ascertained as aforesaid, be and the same is hereby levied and assessed on all property subject to taxation within the UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, according to the value of said property as the same is assessed and equalized for State and County purposes for the current year. SECTION 4 : The foregoing item of $27 ,000 .00 levied for Health and Sanitation is levied in excess bf the Statutory rate by reason of compliance with the Statutes of the State of Illinois relative to an excess tax in relation to garbage disposal; the foregoing item of $25 ,000 .00 levied for Public Library purposes is levied in excess of the Statutory rate by reason of compliance with the Statutes of the State of Illinois relative to an excess tax in relation to Public. Library levies ; the foregoing item of $9 ,342.85 for the acquisition of real property is levied pursuant to the Statutes of the State of Illinois and an installment contract, entered into heretofore by the UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF . YORKVIL.LE, pursuant to an Ordinance of said City, and is in excess of the statutory rate applicable to the general cor- porate and police purposes of the said City -by reason thereof= and the foregoing item for purchase of personal property (installment contract for purchase of a water pump) in the annual payment amount of $19 ,080 .60 is levied in excess of the _ Statutory rate applicable to general corporate purposes by reason of compliance with the statutes of the State of Illinois and the passage of a special Ordinance for the purchase of said personal property in installments . -11- SECTION 5 : That there is hereby certified to the County Clerk of Kendall County the several sums aforesaid constituting said total amount of $100,423.45 , which said total amount of said UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE requires to be raised by taxation for the current fiscal year of said City, and the City Clerk of said City is hereby ordered and directed to file with the County Clerk of said County, on or before the time required by law, a certified copy of this Ordinance . SECTION 6 : This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately from and after its passage and approval accord- ing to law. ADOPTED this �� day of August , 1978 , pursuant to a roll call vote as follows : • AYES: _ NAYS: Q APPROVED this , day of August, 1978. ayor '.. '•ATTES'f:- City Clerk. i . i i