Mayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order at 8 : 00 P.M. and led the
Council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag .
Roll call was taken as follows :
Ward 1 - Wolff Ward 2 - Harker Ward 3 - Simmons
Beach Hanback Smith
A quorum was established.
Alderman Harker moved the reading of the minutes be waived and be
approved as presented , seconded by Alderman Smith. Motion carried
6-0 .
Guests were Attorney Jim Wilson and Reverend Paul Martin.
The reading of the bills was waived. Alderman Wolff moved to withhold
the following bills for study by Committee :
General Fund - CM&T in the amount of $3 ,470 . 31
MFT Fund - CM&T in the amount of $5 ,942 . 12
seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried 6-0 .
Alderman Harker then moved to authorize payment of the remaining bills
presented, seconded by Alderman Smith. Roll call vote was taken as
follows :
Wolff - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye
Beach - Aye Hanback - Aye Smith - Aye
Motion carried 6-0 .
ATTORNEY' S REPORT - The matter regarding Dick Huston and the deed for
the West Alley project was tabled until the next meeting.
MAYOR' S REPORT - Mayor Thanepohn requested an executive session following
the regular meeting regarding adquisition of property for the proposed
Community Center.
Mayor Thanepohn reported that Engineers Anderson and Griffin were cooper-
ating on the pewer grant and hope to have it ready very soon to send on
to the state .
Mayor Thanepohn announced a joint meeting between the City Council ,
City Plan Commission and City Business and Economic Development Commis-
sion to be held November 8 , 1978 at 8 :00 P.M. at the Water Tower Conference
Alderman Smith moved to set Halloween Trick or Treat hours for October 31 ,
1978 from 5 : 00 to 8 :00 P.M. , seconded by Alderman Simmons. Motion carried
6-0 .
Mayor Thanepohn proclaimed the week of Oct. 29 - Nov. 4 ' as '!Better Hearing
Week" sponsored by the Lion Club who are also sponsoring a hearing van
that will give free hearing tests on November 3 , 1978 .
TREASURER - Alderman Hanback moved to approve the Treasurer ' s report ,
seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried 6-0 .
POLICE REPORT - Alderman Hanback moved to approve the Police Report ,
seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried 6-0 .
PUBLIC WORKS REPORTS - Alderman Hanback moved to approve the Public
Works Reports , seconded by Alderman Harker. Motion carried 6-0. .
5z Page .2 October 12 , 1978
September Water Report - Well No. 3 - Pumped 11 ,809 ,000 gallons .
Up 1,019 ,000 gal . from Aug . 1978.
Down 1, 158 ,000 ga. from Sept. 1977.
Daily Average - 394 ,000 gal .
Daily Maximum - 494 ,000 gal .
Chlorine fed - 144 .5 lbs .
Chlorine fed - 1 . 5 parts per mil .
Well No. 2 - Treated and Checked Weekly.
Water Samples - None unsatisfactory.
New Customers - 11 single-family.
Replaced Meters - 2
Leaks - 1 in Appletree Ct.
Alderman Beach reported that the City Crew had built 2 dry-wells in
Appletree Court hoping to alleviate the water problem.
PARK COMMISSION - Alderman Smith reported that Director Heth ' s winter
program has been approved by the Commission . The next meeting will
be held November 21, 1978.
on the October 10, 1978 meeting . There was discussion as to over-
lapping the Plan Commission ' s jurisdiction. The Plan Commission will
finish with the Comprehensive Plan Study and the Business anO Economic
Development Commission will finish up the West Alley Project and
work on the East Alley Project and the parking problems .
The speakers at the November 8 , 1978 meeting will be Susan Childs
and other representatives of the Illinois Department of Local Governmental
Affairs , the Illinois Busines & Economic Development Commission, the
Farmer ' s Home Association and the Waubonsee Area Economic Development
Commission .
Alderman Beach reported that discussion was held on the matter of
some Cities inducing development to come into the areas by furnishing
free water and sewer , etc. Alderman Beach further stated that the
Commission could see no need to use this type of program in Yorkville.
The Route 47 Bridge plans are to delete parking on Bridge Street making
it 4-lane. The state will then equal the parking lost in that area by
providing parking in another area.
OLD BUSINESS - Harker Annexation - Alderman Harker asked to be excused
from his seat on the City Council for the discussion. Mr. Harker
then presented a pre-application sketch of his proposed annexation to Fox
Industrial Park. Alderman Simmons commented that on the strength of the
conversation of the last City Council meeting on the matter at hand, the
sketch meets with approval of the City Council . The matter will now go
before the Plan Commission .
Stark ' s Annexation - Attorney Wilson presented the proposed Annexation
Agreement for the City Council to study before the next meeting. Attorney
Wilson requestion to be placed on the agenda for the October 26 , 1978
meeting. The Proposed Petition for Annexation will need corrections
the most important being the legal description to extend all the way
to the far side of Route 34 and Route 47; the present-.corporate
limits are not clearly delineated; and compliance has not been met
regarding sending notice to the township road commissioner and fire
protection district, with affidavits being prepared and forwarded to
the City Clerk.
Page 3 October 12 , 19782 5 c)
James Wandell Re-zoning - Attorney Wilson presented the request of James
Wandell to rezone property on E. Main Street in Worsley' s Addition.
There were no objectors present at the Public Hearing of the Plan Commission
on September 26 , 1978 . Alderman Simmons then read Section 78.22 of the
Plan Commission minutes from September 26 , 1978 recommending the
City Council approve the re-zoning and to consider road easement to
the east of the property.
Alderman Hanback moves o approve the re-zoning of Lots 1 , 2 and 3 , Block 2 ,
of Worsley' s Addition/on E . Main Street from R-1 to R-2 , seconded by
Alderman Harker. Alderman Beach stated the Plan Commission had addressed
the City Council to consider the roadway easement problem and it is being
ignored. Attorney Dickson stated that in his opinion emergency vehicles
had the right to use the road and that as long as the City had not assumed
maintenance in the past they would not be required to do so at this time.
Alderman Wolff moved to amend Alderman Hanback' s motion to approve the
re-zoning provided Mr. Wandell provide a 10 ' easement on the east property
line , seconded By Alderman Beach. Alderman Wolff stated if it becomes
necessary to build a road the City would then have the easement and would
not have to purchase the land. Alderman Harker stated the residents have
already built their own roadway. Mayor Thanepohn stated that to his
knowledge there were no more buildable lots on the private roadway.
Roll call vote was taken as follows :
Wolff - Aye Hanback - Nay Simmons - Nay
Beach - Aye Harker - May Smith - Nay
Motion defeated 4-2 .
Roll call on the original motion was taken as follows :
Wolff - Nay Hanback - Aye Simmons - Aye
Beach - Nay Harker - Aye Smith - Aye
Motion carried 4-2 .
FINANCE - Alderman Simmons reported that work has been done on the
consideration of retiring Layne Western ' s contract and the figures should
be available within the next month .
The voter ' s list will be available from the County in 2 or 3 weeks , and
more can be done at that time on the matter of the election procedures .
HEALTH & SANITATION - Trash & junk pick-up will be October 16 & 17 for
the South side of town and October 23 & 24 for the North side of town.
Notices were sent out with the last water bills .
LIGHTS , TELEPHONE & GAS - Mayor Thanepohn referred Don Puckett' s request
for a meeting with a City representative regarding Cable TV to Alderman
Smith .
POLICE - Alderman Wolff called a Committee meeting for October 19 , 1978
at 7 : 30 P.M. at the Water Tower Conference Room to work out specifications
for a new squad. Alderman Beach asked to have the Streets & Alleys Com-
mittee included to go over the engineering invoices and Dr. Garnett' s letter
Alderman Wolff moved to authorize Chief Prickett to send out for bids
for a new squad car after specifications are . set-and to be opened
November 16 , 1978 . The motion was seconded by Alderman Smith,,, —
Motion carried 6-0.
PUBLIC PROPERTY & BUILDINGS - Alderman Beach requested to include
a meeting regarding the City inventory at the October 19 , 1978
STREETS & ALLEYS - Alderman Beach reported that the catch-basins & covers
were not accepted by the state. Director Madden reported that 6" boring
254 Page 4 October 12 , 1978
machine was on its way from Chicago to get 2 cores to deliver to the State
lab in Ottawa for testing and certification. The report should be back
MOnday or Tuesday. At this time it is doubtful that blacktopping will
be completed.
In regards to the West Alley, a 12" water main has been completed
and the contractor can proceed with the job.
WATER - Alderman Smith requested to reschedule a meeting with Tom
Muerder for November 2 , 1978 at 7 : 30 P.M. at the Water Tower Conference
LIBRARY BOARD - Alderman Harker reported the next ' meeting will be —
October 25 , 1978 at 7 : 30 P.M.
There was a motion to adjourn the regular meeting into executive
session regarding acquisition of property for the Community 'Center
by-- Alderman Hanback, seconded by Alderman Smith . Motion carried 6-0 .
The regular meeting was reconvened at 10 : 30P.M.
Alderman Wolff made a motion that the City of Yorkville offer $150 ,000
to the Congregational Church to include the equipment and excluding
the Sanctuary properties or memorial gifts with the provision the Congre-
gational Church has use of the facilities on Sunday mornings to hold
services and for use for Christian Education classes for a 5-year
period to be renewed with the option to negotiate at that time . The
motion was seconded by Alderman Harker . Roll call vote was taken as
follows :
Wolff - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye
Beach - Aye Smith - Aye
Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Hanback was absent from the voting .
Alderman Beach moved to authorize Attorney Dickson to draft the motion
in letter form to the Congregational Church to be contingent on
acceptance of the Merchants National Bank ' s trust officer, Oliver Wolcott.
The motion was seconded by Alderman Wolff. Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman
Hanback was absent from voting.
Alderman Wolff moved to adjourn the meeting , seconded by Alderman Harker.
Respectfully Submitted,
Luanne J. Erickson , City Clerk
{ SEPTEMBER, 1978 Approved October 12, 1978 Meeting
Commonwealth Edison Co. - EH55-AP-8690A Maint. Bldg. (1-38-38.4-761) $51.35; 1039.11
E AP 71881 St. Ltg. (1-39) $987.76
Commonwealth Edison Co. - EJ59-AP-0150A P.D. $22.74 (1-38-38.2-740) ; EH55-AP- 37.97
3084A Trees $ Parks $15.23 (1-36-36.2-662)
Northern Ill. Gas Co. - 311905811 Park (1-36-36.2-662) $3.43; 313907740 City 144.37
Hall (1-38-38.1-730) $4.89; 311900100 Trees & Parks
(1-36-36.2-662) $88.45; 312902161 Library $17.27
(1-38-38.3-750) ; 312900280 P.D. (1-38-38.2-740) $6.10;
311901170 Maint. Bldg. (1-38-38.4-761) $24.23
Illinois Bell Telephone Co. - 023-1001 Pvt. Line P.D. (1-42-864) 15.78
Illinois Bell Telephone Co. - 553-5836 Police $45.52; 553-6222 Clerk $5.13; 553-0535 172.96
Mayor $4.38; 553-7809 Treas. $5.40; 553-6990 Mayor
$21.50; 552-7593 Police Call Forwarding $16.68 (1-42-864)
553-6999 Recreation Dept. $27.97; 553-7855 Bldg. $
Zoning $46.38 (1-42-864
MSP/Group Insurance Trust - Group Insurance Premium (1-42-856) 1166.04
Xerox Uorp. - Rental charge for August (1-42-868) 75.00
Conrad Hilton - Expense - Municipal League Conference (1-42-863) 233.52
Larry Beach - Expense - Municipal League Conference (1-42-863) 322.03
Plano Police Department - 393 calls on call forwarding (1-35-617) 98.25
Red Wing Shoe Store - Shoes ' (1-35-605) 64.95
C & R Communications - Inv. 6203 Antenna Parts (1-35-603) 15.90
CMI Incorporated - Repair radar (1-35-603) 99.93
The Shoe Horn - Ticket #6424 Shoes (1-35-605) 42.00
Badger Uniforms - Inv. 45772,45711,45587,45577,45475,45470,45446,45508 656.14
Wearing Apparel (1-35-605)
Ill. Valley Crime Prevention - Fee for T. Schiltz attending Firearms Training (1-35-608) 25 .00
Ron Westphal Chevrolet - Inv. 720,1632,1596,1594,1566,1541,1531,1514,1508 Squad 386.20
repairs (1-35-611)
Green's Standard - Inv. 3953 Tire Repair (1-35-611) 11.00
United Auto Center,Inc. - Inv. 24013 Squad Repair 1976 Pontiac (1-35-611) 38.00
Kendall Grundy FS, Inc. - Gas P.D. (1-35-612) 475 .83
Yorkville Auto Parts - Cust. 974 Fusees (1-35-613) 2.85
Cavett Rexall Drugs - Poloroid Film (1-35-613) 5 .99
Barco Municipal Products,Inc.- Inv. 16962 Glo Cones (1-35-613) 47.75
The Country Camera Shop - Photo finishing (1-35-616) 6.98
Aaren Pest Control - Spray P.D. (1-38-38.2-741) 20.00
John N. Schneider Appl. - Trash can liners & plastic bags (1-38-38.2-741) 17.19
Servicemaster - Cleaning service for September (1-38-38.2-741) 67.00
Elden Madden - Expense - Municipal League Conference (1-42-863) 35.35
Countryside True Value - Supplies $11.06 (1-30-412) ; Supplies $22.57 (1-35-610); 41.27
Supplies $7.64 (1-38-38.2-741)
Elden Madden - Re-imburse for petty cash: Gas (1-33-533) $3.00; Office 29.45
Supplies (1-41-800) $1 .99; Sub. Bldg. Officials Conference
meeting (1-41-806) $5.00; Postage for Commissions (1-42-861)
$4.00; Office Supplies (1-42-867) $1 .39; Coffee Supplies
for Conference Room (1-42-860) $14.07
Salisbury Grocery - Oper. Supplies $13.66 (1-30-411) ; Oper. Supplies $2.56 37.36
(1-33-531) ; Oper. Suppl. $21.14 (1-38-38.2-741)
Behrens Brothers Const. - Replace 104 Sq.Ft. sidewalk on River St. (1-30-404) 166.40
Midwest Supply Co. - Inv. 1713 White Enamel (1-30-411) 203.53
Aurora Blacktop Inc. - Inv. 1020 Cold Mix (1-30-411) 161.20
GENERAL FUND (Continued)
Crawford,Murphy $ Tilly,Inc. - Inv. 1084 Services-Thru August on Van Emmon St. 3470.31
improvement $786.77 (1-30-409) ; Inv. 1085 Services
attending meeting for Fox River Bridge replacement
& checking Loftus parking lots $145.68 (1-30-409) ; Inv.
1086 Services-checking metzger property $91.71 (1-41-803) ;
Inv. 1087 Services-resident inspection West Alley
parking lot $624.98 (1-30-409) ; Inv. 910 Services-Field
staking & inspec west alley parking lot $767.26
(1-30-409) ; Inv. 912 -Services checking bids $ preparing
bid tabulation-Orange St. sidewalk project $22.00
(1-30-409) ; Inv. 922-Services assisting Public Works
Employees & partial inspection of Street Mai#t. work
$535.16 (1-30-409) ; Inv. 1088 Services-assisting Public
Works employees $ partial inspection of St. Maint. Work
$378.95 (1-30-409); Inv. 757 Services-tennis court
lighting,project plans, specs & bidding documents
$117.80 (1-36.4-690)
The Shoe Horn Safety Shoes (1-30-405) 35.95
Heiman's = Gas Tank (1-30-408) $21.95; Concrete Blades $18.00 39.95
Kendall Outdoor Equipment - Parts for chain saw (1-30-408) 3.90
Central Limestone Co. - Crushed rock $139.26 (1-30-403) ; Catch basin material 203.14
$63.88 (1-32-501)
Aurora Concrete Products Co. - Catch basins (1-32-501) 129.90
Fox Valley Sewer Service - Clean sewers (1-32-501) 98.10
,Neenah Foundry Co. - Seal type manhole covers (1-32-501) 548.94
Farmers Elevator Co. - Supplies for sewer repair (1-32-501) 10.08
Hathorn's Inspection Station - Truck inspections (1-33-534) 9.45
Yorkville Auto Parts - Cust. 126 Ticket 11617 PIuffler $ Clamps for 74 Olds 29.76
$28.12; Ticket 10773 Hose Clamps $1 .64 (1-33-531)
Kendall Grundy FS, Inc. - Gas Public Works (1-33-533) 298.13
Fox Valley Disposal - Disposal Service for Sept. (1-34-561) 2567.04
James B. Clarage & Assc. - East alley parking project (1-37-701) $605.00; City 1355.00
Planning services for Jan. thru Sept. (137-701) $750.00
McKee Door Sales $ Service - Order W0024036 Replace hinge,lubricate $ adjust door 30.60
Bldg. Officials & Code Adm. - Forms (1-41-800) 18.00
Quill Corporation - Supplies (1-42-867) 81.73
Suburban Bldg. Officials Conf.- Registration for annual meeting (1-41-806) 140.00
Win Prickett - Expense attending meetings (1-35-608) 47.00
SALARIES GROSS $ 21,200.05 NET 15,177.27
Hayden's Sport Center - Inv. 5624 Trophies 52.00
Erickson Tool & Mfg. Co. - Inv. 2463 Chair leg sleeves inserted (7-401) 126.00
Commonwealth Edison Co. - EK59CH25525 Pumping (2-50-403) 42 .66
Northern Ill. Gas o. - 313906160 Pumphouse (2-50-410) 7.72
Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - Pvt. Line Pumphouse 023-1047 $9.20; 553-7079 Water Dept. 41 .67
$32.47 (2-50-409)
Elden Madden - Re-imburse for petty cash - Office supplies $8.72 (2-411) ; 17.99
Postage water samples $9.27 (2-420)
Elden Madden - Expense - Water 6perators Convention (2-50-418) 96.05
Layne-Western Co.,Inc. - Payment #17 - Well No. 4 (2-50-405) 1590.05
Sparling,Division of - Metercrepair parts Inv. 76597 $79.79; Inv. 76636 $26.51 106.30
Envirotech Corp. (2-50-404)
The Bank of Yorkville - Deposit - Water Depreciation $ Contingencies Fund 150.00
Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago- Deposit - Water Bond $ Interest Account 2000 .00
Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago - Deposit - Water Bond 4 Interest Reserve Account 170 .00
4222 .44
SALARIES GROSS 2,201.99 NET 1,592.96
The Northern Trust 6o. - Water Ref. Bonds dated 5/1/69 - 50 (2-51-452) $18.28; 268.28
(2-51-450) $250.00
The Northern Trust Co. - Water Rev. Bonds dated 5/1/69 - 7% (2-51-452) $21 .43; 6496.43
(2-51-450) $6475.00 6764.71
Crawford,Murphy, $ Tilly,Inc. - Inv. 911 - services - Fox Road reconstruction 5942 .12
project (4-402)
LP � m � � �►
BILLS TO BE ADDED TO SEPTEMBER, 1978 Approved October 12 meeting
Badger Uniforms - Inv. 046183 Trousers & Blazers (1-35-605) 166.35
Ronald Reuter - Expense attending school (1-35-608) 10.07
Dierzen Welding & Machine Co. - Repair truck hydraulic pump (1-33-531) 335.00
Aurora Blacktop, Inc. - Engineers Progress Est. #1 - West Alley $ Parking 9929.81
Lot paving (1-30-417)
10441 .23