City Council Minutes 1978 11-16-78 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS HELD NOVEMBER 26 , 1978 AT CITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HALL. - Mayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order at 8 : 00 P.M. and led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Roll call was taken as follows : Ward 1 - Wolff Ward 2 - Harker Ward 3 - Simmons Beach Alderman Hanback was absent from Ward 2 and Alderman Smith was absent from Ward 3 . A quorum was established. The reading of the minutes was waived. Alderman Harker moved to approve the minutes as pres-ented , seconded by Alderman Wolff . Motion carried 4-0 . The reading of the bills was waived. Treasurer Merkel added the following bill to the list: Sears Roebuck & Co. - $140 .82 (1-30-405) Alderman Wolff moved to authorize payment of- the bills presented with the one addition , seconded by Alderman Simmons . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Wolff - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Beach - Aye Motion carried 4-0 . Alderman Hanback & Smith were absent from voting. ATTORNEY' S REPORT - Alde.rman Simmons moved to approve and accept the deed, from Huston & Attorney Kramer for the property now a part of the West Alley , seconded by Alderman Harker. Motion carried 4-0 . Aldermen Hanback & Smith were absent from the voting . MAYOR' S REPORT - Mayor Thanepohn read the Football Proclamation commending Yorkville High School . Mayor Thanepohn received a letter from HUD in regards to Federal Insurance Administration for a time & cost meeting scheduled for November 17 , 1978 at 9 : 30 A.M. at City Hall . TREASURER - Alderman Simmons moved to approve the Treasurer' s Report , seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried 4-0 . POLICE —Alderman Wolff moved to approve the Police Report , seconded by Alderman Harker. Motion carried 4-0 . DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS - Alderman Harker moved to approve the Public Works Reports , seconded by Alderman Simmons . Motion carried 4-0 . WATER DEPARTMENT - OCTOBER 1978 Well #2 - Checked & operated periodically. Well #3 - Pumped 9 , 595 ,000 gallons . Well #4 - Pumped 1 ,402 ,000 gallons . Total pumped - 10 ,997 ,000 gallons . Down 812 ,000 gallons from September 1978 . Up 1 ,702 ,000 gallons from October 1977 . Daily Average - 355 ,000 gallons . Daily Maximum - 393 ,000 gallons . Chlorine Fed - 148 lbs . Chlorine Fed - 1 .8 parts per million. Water Samples - All -satisfactory. New Customers - 1 Commercial 1 Residential 2 5 8 Page 2 November 16 , 1978 Replaced Meters - 2 Leaks - 1-4" on West Hydraulic 1-2" on Moraan 1-1" on Fox Rd. 1-3/4" on Fox Rd. One hydrant on Van Emmon St. & East Alley was broken off by a truck and repaired. J.T. Johnson attended a one-day conference at Rock Falls on Water Distribution System sponsored by the American Water Works Association. Director Madden attended a 5-day management school at Allerton House sponsored by the AWWA and the University of Illinois . BUSINESS & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION" - Alderman Beach reported the joint meeting of November 8 , 1978 was poorly attended . There were 4 speakers present .representing the Farmer' s Home Administration, Waubonsee Area Business & Economic Committee , Illinois Department of Local Governmental Affairs and the Illinois Business and Economic Development Committee . Funding and grants were discussed. OLD BUSINESS - (Stark Annexation) - Alderman Wolff moved to table the matter until the December 14 , 1978 regular meeting , seconded by Alderman Beach . Motion carried 4-0 . NEW BUSINESS - Alderman Wolff reported that 3 bids were received for a new squad car as follows : Fox River Chrysler - 1979 Chrysler Newport $7 , 342 ,52 Ron Westphal Chevrolet - 1979 Chevrolet Impala 6 ,793 , 33 Jay' s Pontiac & GMC Truck , Sycamore - 1979 )Pontiac Cataline 6 ,639 . 49 Upon the recommendation of the Police Committee , Alderman Wolff moved to purchase the 1979 Chevrolet Impala at the cost of $6 , 793 . 33 from Ron Westphal Chevrolet, with a guaranteed delivery date of November 28 , 1978 . The motion was seconded by Alderman Beach . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Wolff - Aye Beach - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Motion carried 4-0. Alderman Hanback and Smith were absent from voting . A Petition for Annexation from Clarence Holdiman, Ruth Holdiman and Sharon A. Bazan was received for 6 .102 acres East of Route 47 and North of Countryside Center. Alderman Reach moved to refer the Petition to the Plan Commission , seconded by Alderman Harker. Motion carried 4-0. Aldermen Hanback and Smith were absent from voting. Alderman Beach moved to approve the Klimek Subdivision in Kendall County within a 1� mile jurisdiction of the City of Yorkville , pro- viding it has not already been approved by the City Council and Mayor Thanepohn was requested to check the minutes book for clarification on whether or not the matter had been referred to the Plan Commission for approval. . The motion was seconded by Alderman Wolff. Motion carried 4-0 . Aldermen Hanback & Smith were absent from voting . FINANCE - Alderman Simmons moved to authorize payment of the Layne Western Contract balance of $8 ,916 .29 , seconded by Alderman Wolff. Roll call vote was taken as .follows : Wolff - Aye Beach - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Motion carried 4-0 . Aldermen Hanback & Smith were7 absent from voting . Page 3 November 16 , 1978 2, LIGHTS , TELEPHONE & GAS - Mayor Thanepohn will get a list from Secretary Merkel of all stree-t lights that are not working and report them to Commonwealth Edison for service . POLICE - Alderman Wolff moved to Commend Terry Schiltz for grad- uating #1 in his class at Police Training Institute , seconded by Alderman Beach. Motion carried 4-0 . Alderman Wolff moved to purchase a radar gun at the cost of $1085.00 , seconded by Alderman Harker . Roll call vote was taken as follows : Wolff - Aye Beach - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Motion carried 4-0. Aldermen Hanback & Smith were absent from voting. Alderman Wolff moved to purchase new badge and insignia designs for the Police Department at a cost of approximately $1000 .00 , seconded by Alderman Beach . Roll: call vote was taken as follows : Wolff - Aye Beach - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye Motion carried 4-0 . Aldermen Hanback & Smith were absent from voting . PUBLIC PROPERTY & BUILDINGS - Alderman Beach submitted copies of Inventory & Value of City Property for review by the City Council . Treasurer Merkel was requested to send a copy to the Auditor. STREETS & ALLEYS - Alderman Beach reported that numerous City right-of-way complaints from property owners along Fox Road were received. Seal-coating will begin November 17 , 1978 weather permitting. West Alley is now black-topped. Mayor Thanepohn stated that Crawford, Murphy & Tilly Engineering bills are being referred to the Streets & Alleys Committee for study. Alderman Wolff moved that 2 trees for the West Alley Parking Lot be purchased and planted on W. Van Emmon Street , seconded by Alderman Simmons . Motion carried 4-0 . Aldermen Hanback & Smith were absent from voting . TREES & PARKS - Alderman Wolff' s request to have the tree stump located on the City right-of-way to his property removed was referred to Alderman Hanback for authorization. TENNIS COURT COMMITTEE - Alderman Beach reported that the concrete was in for the bases for the lighting . Alderman Wolff moved to adjourn into Executive Session at 8: 50 P.M. regarding Personnel and Community Center Litigation , seconded by Alderman Harker. Motion carried. The regular meeting was resumed at approximately 9 : 15 P .M. Alderman Harker moved to authorize payment of the retirement gift for Chief Prickett, seconded by Alderman Wolff. Motion carried 4-0 . Aldermen Hanback and Smith were absent from voting. Alderman Wolff moved that the. Clerk submit the Notice to Bid to 260 Page 4 November 16 , 1978 to the news.,media for' the Public Works Department car? to be opened at the regular meeting, December 14, 1978, and to include the wording, "The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids received. " The motion was seconded by Alderman Simmons . Motion carried 4-0 . Aldermen Hanback & Smith were absent from voting. Clerk Erickson was requested to notify the Police Department when the application for Pinball & Mechanical Amusement Devices was approved by Mayor Thanepohn and available to be distributed to applicants . Attorney Dickson stated the application will be similar to that of the liquor license and would send it to the Clerk and Mayor for approval as soon as possible. Alderman Wolff moved to adjourn the meeting at 9 : 35 P.M. , seconded by Alderman Simmons . Signed: CITY C ERK OCTOBER, 1978 Approved November 16, 1978 Meeting GENERAL FUND 40.30 Commonwealth Edison Co. - EH55-AP-8690A (1-38.4-761) 24,70 Commonwealth Edison Co. - EH55-AP-3084A Trees $ Parks $17.69 (1-36.2-662) ; EJ59-AP-0150A P.D. $7.01 (1-38.2-740) 930.97 Commonwealth Edison Co. - EAP71881 St. Ltg. (1-39) 129.51 Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - 023-1001 Pvt. Line P.D. $15.78; 553-7$24.02; 10.0 ; 553-6222 Clerk $5.97; 553-6990 Mayor $24.02; 552-7593 Call Forwarding $17.23; 552-0535 Mayor $5 .72; 553-5836 P.D. $50.76; (1-42-864) 84.03 Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - 553-6999 Recreation Dept. $34.50; 553-7855 Bldg. & Zoning $49.53 (1-42-864) 75.00 Monthly rental charge for copy machine (1-42-3) 175 .00 Xerox Corporation 169.07 University of Illinois - Registration Fee for Clerk Institute (1-42-863 Quarterly Workmens Unemployment Tax (1-42-870) 72 .94 Department of Labor - Q Supplies $7.94 LeRoy Thanepohn - Meeting Expense $65 .00 (1-42-863) ; pP (1-42-867) 7.00 Markelz Office Products,Inc. -Adding machine tape (1-42-867) 1593.01 MSP Group Insurance Trust - Group Insurance Premium Emply.No. 07087 Trust #1022 (1-42-856) 141.90 Nat'l. Institute of Municipal- Subscription (1-42-863) 77.74 Law Officers The Conrad Hilton - Expense - Municipal League Conference (1-42-863 105.50 422 Calls on Call Forwarding (1-35-617) 43.80 Plano Police Dept. - Se t.,1978 Betty Huston - Sec't. Plan Commission - Fees for Aug. � Sep t.,1978 Kendall County^Record - Wandell Hearing $8.40; Ordinance-Apts. over Business $11.60 (1-41-802) ; Wage Ord. $10.40; Bid Ord. $15.40 (1-42-860) ; Truck Bids $4.20 (1-30-413) ; Squad Bids $1.60 (1-35-616) ; Printing Inspection Notices & Bldg. Permits $78.85 (1-41-807) ; Time Sheets $26.95 (1-42-859) 19.00 Marilyn Merkel - Postage (1-42-861) 64.56 Elden Madden - Re-imburse for Petty Cash - Postage $1 .00 (1-30-407) ;4- Gas $15.00 (1-33-533) ; Flower Bulbs $12 .43 (1762) ; (1-42-863) - Postage $1.13 (1-41-808) ; Clerks Dues $35 .00 (1-42 251.20 Communications Technicians - Inv. 23541,23598,23528 Radio Repairs (1-35-603) 223.3E & Consultants, Inc. - Inv. A27942 Notice to Appear Forms (1-35-604) 39.9` Frank Thornber Co. The Shoe Horn - Ticket #13203 Shoes (1-35-605) 128.9: Badger Uniforms - Ticket 046270,046988 Nameplates & Raincoat& Raincovers (1-35-605) 100.01 Village of Carol Strea� - Truck Enforcement Class $ Tickets for Sg t. Reuter (1-35-608) 33.01 Clark Boardman, LTD - Inv. 99652 Search $ Seizure Law Report (1-35-608) 49.0 Kenneth R. Lotz - Ammunition ^(1-35-610) 536.6 _ Ticket #1771 $147.97; Ticket #1800 Inc. Ticket 1725, $14.32; Ticket Ron Westphal Chev., $119.50; Ticket+#1812 $234.49; Ticket #1732 $6.55; #1733 $13.83;Squad repairs on 1978 Pont. Catalina & 1976 Pont. Catalinas (1-35-611) 5.E Hornsby's Family Center - Ticket 937667 8 Qts. Oil & Spout $5205351(1-35-612) 528J Kendall Grundy FS, Inc. - 1 head lamp $8.50 (1-35-613) ; 156.1 Goodyear Truck Tire Center - Cust. #00349 Tires (1-35-613) Measure 33.1 Countryside True Value - Measuring Tapes & Keys-P.D. $17.42 (1-35-613) ; Tape-Publ . Works $15 .75 (1-41-807) GENERAL FUND (Continued) Win Prickett - Expense-Executive Board Mtg. $10.00 (1-35-608) ; Music 25.00 Boosters Ad $15.00 (1-35-616) Servicemaster Building - Cleaning for October $ November (1-38.2-741) 134.00 Maintenance Service John N. Schneider - Bulbs (1-38.2-741) 7.13 Ram Electric Supply - Inv. 2752 Bulbs (1-38.2-741) 37.44 Central Limestone Co. - Stone (1-30-403) 59.40 Perfect Blueprint Service- Surveyor's level & tripod (1-30-408) 220.15 Hornsby's Family Center - Ticket 937671 Circular Saw $26.16; Ticket 937672 Battery 27.66 $1.50 (1-30-412) Yorkville Hardware - Supplies (1-30-416) 46.62 Farmers Elevator Co. - Plywood, Bolts, etc. (1-30-416) 77.11 John N. Schneider - Paint $18.31 (1-31-454) ; Flag Pole Rope $12.60 (1-36.2-663) 30.91 Fox Valley Sewer Service - Open & flush main at Countryside Subd. (1-32-501) 164.00 Concrete Drilling & - Inv. 27836 2&1 holes thru floor for test cores (1-32-501) 180.00 Sawing Co. a`b a Af.. Water & Sewage Works - Subscription (1-32-504) 24.00 Robinson's Auto Supply Co.- Jumper cables (1-33-531) 21.95 Oswego Community Bank - Battery (1-33-531) (Homer Dickson) 59.35 Au Sable Intl. Inc. - Inv. 7375 Oil,filters & gas can (1-33-531) 40.90 Yorkville Auto Parts - Cust. #126 Repair parts (1-33-531) 15.30 Kendall Grundy FS, Inc. - Gas (1-33-533) $211.46; Tires (1-33-531) $159.95 371 .41 Greene Valley Land Fill - Hauling refuse to dump (1-34-561) 223.55 Fox Valley Disposal Co. - Dumpster service (1-34-561) 66.00 Tri County Concrete - Concrete (1-36.4-691) 208.50 Erlenborn's - Plans file (1-41-800) 80.16 Building Officials $ Code- Inv. P-97240 Forms (1-41-801) 139.50 Adm.,Int. , Inc. Anderson & Bushnell - Office Supplies-City Sect. $40.89 (1-42-867) ; File 249.02 cabinet & folders $208.13 (1-41-800) Xerox Corp. - Film Remover $2.72; Toner $48.00 (1-42-868) 50.72 Mike Price - Work shoes (1-30-405) 56.70 Richard Randall - Expense - I.V.Chiefs Ass'n. Meeting $12.00 (1-42-863) 54.00 $42.00 (1-35-608) The Shoe Horn - Ticket 12681 Safety Shoes (1-30-405) 35 .95 Ron Westphal Chevrolet,Inc.- Inv. 1818 Repair 1975 Chev. PU (1-33-531) 159.47 Fox Valley Disposal Co. - Disposal services for October, 1978 (1-34-561) 2567.04 Xerox Corporation - 1.0 Hours-Reg Service & Scale (1-42-868) 51 .51 Fox Valley Sewer Service - Clean Sewer at West Orange @ Bridge & Main (1-32-501) 205 .00 BOCA International - 1979 Dues (1-41-806) 120.00 Total 11806.93 Luanne Erickson - Expense-Clerk's Institute (1-42-863) 142 .40 11949.33 SALARIES Gross 19625.35 Net 14305.38 Bills Added Sears Roebuck & Co. - Uniforms (1-30-405) $ 140 .82 WATER FUND Commonwealth Edison Co. - EK59CH25525 Pumping $38.01; EP14AP33737 Pumping 1993.83 $1955.82 (2-50-403) Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - 553-7079 Water Dept. (2-50-409) 35.03 I11. Bell Telephone Co. - 023-1047 Pvt. Line Pumphouse (2-50-409) 9.20 Pekoc $ Lee TV Service - Battery for locator (2-50-401) 4.50 Davis Construction Co. - Inv. 6275 Labor Machines & Materials to install 12" 3285.51 Water Main (2-50-405) Elden Madden - Re-imburse for petty cash: Office Supplies $9.85 (2-411) ; 25 .33 Bleach & cleanser $2.71 (2-412) ; Conference expense $1 .10 (2-418) ; Postage $ water samples $11.67 (2-420) Layne Western Co., Inc. - Payment #18 Well No. 4 (2-50-405) 1590.05 The Bank of Yorkville - Deposit - Water Depreciation $ Contingencies Fund 150.00 Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago - Deposit - Water Bond $ Interest Fund 2000.00 Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago- Deposit - Water Bond $ Interest Reserve Account 170.00 Elden Madden - Water Conference Registration & Mileage for J. T. 30.80 Johnson (2-50-418) Water Products Company - Meters $558.00 (2-50-404) ; Clamps, Valves, etc. 1054.47 $496.47 (2-50-407) Arro Laboratories,Inc. - Bacteriological Analysis (2-50-401) 8.75 Total 10357.47 SALARIES Gross 2,135.17 Net 1,536.33 PARK COMMISSION FUND Kammes Bus Service - Bus trip 117.00 MOTOR VEHICLE TAX FUND Aurora Blacktop, Inc. - 1978 Roadway & Drainage Improvements (5-403) 40,000.00 CAPITOL IMPROVEMENT & REPAIR FUND Aurora Blacktop, Inc. - 1978 Roadway & Drainage Improvements (8-401) 36,484.81