DECEMBEF 14 , 1978 .
Mayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order at 8 : 00 P.M. and led the
Council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll call was taken as follows :
Ward 1 - Wolff Ward 2 - Harker Ward 3 - Simmons
Hanback Smith
Alderman Beach was absent from Ward 1. A quorum was established.
Alderman Wolff moved to waive the reading of the minutes and approve
the minutes of the November 16 , 1978 meeting , seconded by Alderman
Harker. Motion carried 5-0 .
Alderman Wolff moved to authorize payment of the bills presented,
seconded by Alderman Harker . Roll call vote was taken as follows :
Wolff - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye
Hanback - Aye Smith - Aye
Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Beach was absent from voting .
MAYOR' S REPORT - Mayor Thanepohn reported the street lights were
fixed with the exception of Bridge and Hydraulic and they are
the City' s responsibility and are awaiting parts at this time .
Alderman Wolff moved to authorize Attorney Dickson to draw up an
Ordinance setting the 1979 City Council meeting dates as follows :
The second and fourth Thursdays for January, February, March
May, June , July, August , September & October.
The third Thursday only for April and November.
The second Thursday only for December.
The motion was seconded by Alderman Smith. Motion carried 5-0 .
Alderman Beach was absent from the voting.
TREASURER - Alderman Smith moved to approve the Treasurer' s Report
as presented , seconded by Alderman Harker. Roll call vote was taken
as follows :
Wolff - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons- Aye
Han.back - Aye Smith - Aye
Alderman Beach was absent from the voting.
POLICE - Alderman Smith moved to approve the Police Department
report , seconded by Alderman Harker . Motion carried 5-0.
DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS - Alderman Harker moved to approve the
reports of the Public Works Department, seconded by Alderman
Simmons . Motion carried 5-0 .
November Water Report
Well No. 2 - Checked & operated periodically.
Well-__ No. 3 - Pumped 8 ,464 ,000 gallons .
Well No. 4 - Pumped 1 ,781 ,000 gallons .
Total Pumped - 10 , 245 ,000 gallons .
Down 752 ,000 gallons from October 1978 .
Up 1 ,062 ,000 gallons from November 1977 .
Daily Average - 282 ,000 gallons.
Daily Maximum - 365 ,000 gallons .
Chlorine fed - 114. 5 lbs .
Chlorine fed - 1.7 parts per million.
262 Page 2
Water Samples - 5 routine - all satisfactory.
2 Miller (Cobb Subd. , satisfactory.
Lines were flushed by new owner & tested at Arro
Lab in Joliet. Samples were free of bacteria and
E.P.A. "permit to operate" is in progress .
Replaced Meters - None
New Customers - None
Leaks - One 3/4" on W. Van Emmon
PLAN COMMISSION - The Holdiman , Holdiman & Bazan Petition to Annex
was tabled until the next meeting.
COMMUNITY CENTER - Alderman Smith moved to authorize the Community
Center Committee to have pledge cards printed, seconded by Alderman
Harker. Motion carried 5-0 .
Treasurer Merkel has opened a special account for pledges for the
Community Center Committee .
OLD BUSINESS - Alderman Wolff presented 4 sealed bids received for
purchase of the 1974 Olds Public Works car. They read as follows :
Larry Smith $375 .00
Linnea Prestegaard 550 .00
Dave Rogers 610 . 00
Superior Beverage 330 .00
Alderman Wolff moved to accept the high bid of Dave Rogers for $610 .00
for the purchase of the 1974 Olds , seconded by Alderman Smith. Roll
call vote was taken as follows :
Wolff - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye
Hanback - Aye Smith - Aye
Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Beach was absent from voting.
NEW BUSINESS - Alderman Simmons read the Plan Commission minutes
of November 1978 , Section 78. 31 regarding approval of the Preliminary
Plat of the Petition to Subdivide by Paul Knierum in Countryside
Center , Lots 2 , Block 9 , Unit 4 . Attorney Wilson clarified the Plan
Commission minutes in regards to the 30 foot street as indicated.
There is no objection by Mr. Knierum in going to a 33 foot street if
required by the City Council. The parcel has 8 .04 acres and meets with
the Subdivision Control Ordinance in all respects including the gross
density. Plans are for 12 units per building (3-1 bedroom and 9-2 bed-
room apartments per building) totaling 96 units . The drive has a 66 foot
right-of-way. Parking on Lot 5 can be extended over the easement, but
no structures can be built on the easement. There will be a berming
effect with 2-story effect in front and 3-story effect in back.
Inspector Madden asked if they were talking of a Planned Unit Development
in regards to berms and landscaping as the City could enforce it as a
P.U.D. , but not by the Subdivision Control Ordinance .
Attorney Dickson suggested approving the Preliminary Plat as presented
without approval of the parking and building layouts at this time .
Alderman Harker moved to approve the Preliminary Plat of Paul Knierum' s
request to resubdivide Lot 2 , Block 9 , Unit 4 of Countryside Center
showing the basic concept plan. The motion was seconded by Alderman
Wolff. Roll call vote was taken as follows :
Wolff - Aye Harker - Aye Simmons - Aye
Hanback - Aye Smith - Aye
Motion carried 5-0 . Alderman Beach was absent from the voting.
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ATTORNEY' S REPORT - Attorney Dickson stated that in regards to the
Pinball Licensing where no license has been issued to a business , the
license cannot be revoked and therefore the operation can be shut down .
Attorney Dickson stated, in regards to Workmen ' s Compensation,
that now under the amended state statues Police Officers are covered
as well as Public Officials . There may be an exception as to whether
Department heads are covered depending on whether the position is
established by Ordinance .
Alderman Wolff moved to advertise for sealed bids for the City property
adjacent to the Blake property, setting the opening date for January 25 ,
1979 . The motion was lost for want of a second.
Alderman Wolff moved to set the sealed bids opening date for April 19 ,
1979, for the _sale of the City property adjacent to the Blake property.
The motion was seconded by Alderman Harker. Motion carried 5-0.
BUILDING & ZONING - Alderman Simmons moved to send a letter of request
to the Kendall County Board and Kendall County Plan Commission adopting
a policy of a 10-year agreement to annex if the property becomes
contiguous to the City on any properties coming before the Yorkville
City Council for approval from Kendall County, the control coming
from the Yorkville City Council . The motion was seconded by Alderman
Wolff. Motion carried 5-0 .
Director Madden reported that he had spoken to Bill Perry and work
is progressing on Mezger' s Yorkshire Estates .
HEALTH & SANITATION - Alderman Hanback reported he has spoken to
Tri-County Scavenger and they are ready to take over the garbage
collection on January 2 , 1979 . It will be a 2-day pick-up, the
south side being collected on Mondays and the northside on Fridays .
Tri-County Scavenger will take care of publication of the notice .
Alderman Wolff moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Alderman
Harker. Motion carried 5-0 .
NOVEMBER, 1978 Approved December 14 Meeting
Commonwealth Edison Co. - EH55-AP-3084A Trees $ Parks $17.46 (1-36-662) ; EJ59-AP- 19.88
0150A P.D. $2 .42 (1-38.2-740)
Commonwealth Edison Co. - EH55-AP-8690A Maint. Bldg. $36.94 (1-38.4-761) ; EAP71881 1015 .11
St. Ltg. $978.17 (1-39)
Northern Ill. Gas Co. - 311901170 Maint.Bldg. $137.21 (1-38.4-761) ; 311900100 227.29
Trees & Parks $85.98 (1-36.2-662) ; 311905811 Park $4.10
Northern Ill. Gas Co. - 312900280 P.D. $27.31 (1-38.2-740) ; 313907740 City Hall 56.59
$29.28 (1-38.1-730)
Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - 553-6222 Clerk $9.24; 553-5836 P.D. $68.33; 553-0535 Mayorl51.07
$4.38; 553-6990 Mayor $28.33; 553-7809 Treas. $8.33;
552-7593 Call Forwarding P.D. $16.68; 023-1001 Pvt.Line
P.D. $15.78 (1-42-864)
Ill . Bell Telephone Co. - 553-6999 Park Recreation Dept. $26.38; 553-7855 Bldg. & 70.36
Zoning $43.98 (1-42-864)
MSP/Group Ins. Trust - Group Insurance Premium (1-42-856) 1382 .10
Glenn H. Koch - Balance due - Band engagement (1-42-860) 335 .00
Anderson $ Bushnell - Ticket #81811 Office Supplies P.D. $2.90 (1-35-604) ; 841 .51
File Cabinet $745.00 (1-42-862) ; Office Supplies-Public
Works $93.61 (1-42-867)
Kendall County Record - Printing November City Newsletter $94.00 (1-42-859) ; 152 .65
Printing Weight Violations for P.D. $38.65 (1-35-607) ;
Legal Ad-Rezoning Ord. $14.80 (1-41-802) ; Bids for 74 Olds
$5.20 (1-30-413)
The Hartford Ins. Co. - Workmens Comp. Insurance 83WZ653649 (1-42-853) 5843.00
CC Services, Inc. - General Liability Ins. ROC1P9-6648-20 Premium 10/2/78 4533.00
to 1-1-79 $108.00 (1-42-866) ; Commercial Umbrella
155-C-10735 10/2/78 to 10/2/79 $4425.00 (1-42-869)
Xerox Corporation - Monthly charge for October (1-42-868) 75 .00
Navarro's Jewelers - Gift (1-42-860) 243.48
Markelz Office Products,Inc.- Inv. M46958 W-2 Forms (1-42-867) 14.06
James B. Clarage $ Assc. - Planning service for January thru December (1-37-701) 250.00
Community Technicians $ - Inv. 23838 Change radio from Old squad to New Squad 186.55
Consultants,Inc. (1-35-603)
Badger Uniforms - Jacket (1-35-605) 74.50
University of Illinois - Basic Law Enforcement Course for T. Schiltz $ G. 1650.00
Sibenaller (1-35-608)
Ill. Valley Crime Prevention- R. Diederich attending Juvenile Justice Seminar(1-35-608) 15.00
Richard Randall - I.V.C.P. Meeting (1-35-608) 10.00
Ray O'Herron Co., Inc. - Inv. 052758 Spotlight (1-35-609) $44.04; Inv. 052384 73.71
Targets & Black target posters $29.67 (1-35-610)
Kenneth R. Lotz - Ammo (1-35-610) Ticket #1706 47.50
Ron Westphal Chevrolet,Inc. - Ticket 2024,2017 $ 1956 Repairs on 1978 Pont.Catalina 233.03
$103.70; Ticket 1907 Repair 1976 Olds $129.33 (1-35-611)
Kustom Signals, Inc. - Inv. 40528 Radar Gun (1-35-609) 1085 .00
Kendall Grundy FS, Inc. - Gas P.D. $394.42 (1-35-612) ; Wiper Blade $9.35 (1-35-611) 403.77
Cavett Rexall Drugs - Film & Developing (1-35-613) 48.32
Yorkville Auto Parts - Cust. #974 Supplies (1-35-613) 32.67
Rockford Safety Equipment Co.- Medical Supplies (1-35-613) 40.83
Ray O'Herron Co., Inc. - Traffic Book Holder, mace, kellite $ gromet (1-35-613) 32.64
Inv. 053065 $ 052754
Plano Police Department - 444 Calls on call forwarding (1-35-617) 111 .00
Art Riemenschneider - Replace lock on door (1-38.2-741) 32.50
Servicemaster Bldg. Maintenance - Service for December (1-38.2-741) 67.00
GENERAL FUND (Continued)
Elden Madden - re-imburse for Petty Cash - Tollway Fee $1.60 (1-30-416) ; 30.36
Christmas Lights $2.82 (1-36-664) ; Office Supplies $1 .02
(1-41-800) ; Postage $5.00 (1-41-808) ; Postage $9 .60 (1-42-861)
Office Supplies $10.32 (1-42-867)
Luanne Erickson - Clerk Fee - Postage (1-42-861) 8.46
The Shoe Horn - Ticket 18167 $ 19640 Shoes & Boots (1-30-405) 80.85
Communications Technicians- Inv. 23956 Transferring Radios from 74 Olds to 76 Pontiac 62 .50
$ Consultants,Inc. Public Works Dept. (1-30-408)
J. W. Hinner Sales $ Equip.Co. - Barricade lites $ batteries (1-30-408) 200.40
Yorkville Hardware - Nuts $ bolts (1-30-411) 4.61
Countryside True Value - Tools & Supplies $91.68 (1-30-412) ; Supplies $36.72 147.38
(1-31-454) ; Supplies P.D. $18.98 (1-38.2-741)
Bristol Welding Co.,Inc. - Snow Plow repair (1-31-454) 55.00
Dierzen Welding $ Machine Co. - Hydraulic on truck repaired (1-31-454) 36.00
Central Limestone Co. - Crushed rock (1-31-452) 204.11
Yorkville Auto Parts - Cust. 126 Oil,parts & supplies (1-33-531) 110.20
Plano Auto Parts, Inc. - Ford truck part (1-33-531) 5.06
Kendall-Grundy FS, Inc. - Gas Public Works (1-33-533) 301 .59
Oswego Community Bank - (Homer Dickson $ Co. ,Inc.) Plumbing & welding $25.38 38.63
(1-33-531); Plumbing $13.25 (1-38.4-762)
Fox Valley Disposal Co. - Dumpster Service 11/05/78 thru 12/04/78 $33.00; Disposal 2600.04
service for 11/30/78 $2567.04 (1-34-561)
John N. Schneider Appl. - Decorations (1-36.2-663) 21 .56
Archie Bieritz - Picking up leaves (1-36.2-664) 50.00
Plano True Value Hardware - Xmas Bulbs (1-36.2-664) 60.03
Hornsby's Family Center - Xmas Light Bulbs (1-36.2-664) $6.91; Boots-PD.. $2.23 9.14
Hornbys's Plano Store - Ticket 4708016 Xmas tree lights (1-36.2-664) 13.82
Farmers Elevator Co. - Insulation & 2x41s for City Hall (1-38.1-732) 53.15
Quill Corporation - Supplies for City Hall (1-42-860) 29 .27
The Paper Crate - Office Supplies (1-42-867) 10.15
SALARIES GROSS 29,239.58 NET 22,509.84
The Stationery House - Office Supplies 18:20
Sun Office Equipment Co. ,Inc. - Inv. B21531 Furniture for Conference Room (7-401) 47.59
Layne Western Co., Inc. - Payment No. 19 on Well No. 4 $1590.05; Payment of 9020.30
Balance $7430.25 (2-50-405)
Commonwealth Edison Co. - EP14AP33737 Pumping (2-50-403) 1079 .50
Commonwealth Edison Co. - EK59CH25525 Pumping (2-50-403) 17.70
Northern Illinois Gas Co. - 313906160 Pumphouse (2-50-410) 22.64
Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - 023-1047 Pvt. Line-Pumphouse (2-50-409) 9.20
Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - 553-7079 Water Department (2-50-409) 37.79
Arro Laboratories,Inc. - Water Sample Analyses (2-50-401) 8.75
Water Products Co. - S-B Clamp (2-50-407) 73.02
Taxis-Severson Builders - Repair water service on City property (2-50-407) 117.50
SALARIES GROSS 2,332.93 NET 1,739.39