City Council Minutes 1975 12-18-75 i
December 18, 1975
ON DEC's lF ER 189 1975-
Mayor Thanepohn called, the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. and led
the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. In the absence
Olga Schneider, a motion was made by Alderman Groner to appoint Luanne
Ericksong City Clerk pro-temg second by Alderman Simmons. Motion
carried. Roll call was taken and present were:
1st Ward - Beach 2nd Ward - Groner 3rd Ward - Smith
Wolff Erickson Simmons
The reacting of the minutes of the December 4th meeting was waived.
Alderman Erickson moved to accept the minutesq seconded by Alderman
Wolff. Motion carried.
Attorney's Report - A Proclaimation was presented by Attorney Dickson
proclaiming Girl Scout Cookie Day.
Mayor's Report - Requests were granted for the extension of Holiday
liquor hours for the upcoming holidays9 Christmas Eve and New Year's
Eve. Due to the unusual amount of vandalism recently it was suggested
by Mayor Thanepohn that citizens cooperate more in reporting every
Plan Commission Report - Alderman Beach presented a request from the
United Methodist Church asking for a "Special Use Permit" to conduct
a "pre-school" class in the church building at Main and Madison St.
Alderman Wolff made the motion to grant the "Special Use Permit" tb
the United Methodist Church for such usep seconded by Alderman Erickson*
Roll call was taken and the vote as follows:
Beach - Aye Erickson - Aye Smith - Aye
Wolff Aye Groner - Abstain Simmons - Aye
Motion carried.
A motion was made by Alderman Beach to have the Attorney draw up an
amendment to change the Yorkville Zoning Ordinance Book Sec. 10.02
A 5 to ready•"No sign may be ipa nted or pasted directly on the surface
of any wall"p seconded by Alderman Groner. Roll call was taken and the
vote as follows:
Beach - Aye Erickson -.'.Aye Smith - Aye
Wolff - Aye Groner - Aye Simmons - Aye
Motion carried.
r r •
page 2
Dr. Coleman, Chairman of the Plan Ccmmissiong stated that to date Mr.
Drobac*s petition for the riding stable has not yet been presented to
the Plan Commission. The county has referred it back to the city.
There was no Old Business.
Now Business included sealed bids on the purchase of a new truck and
equipment as follows:
Owen Kane Ford Bid #1
76 Ford Outright - `
66 Ford Trade-in 00.00
,1 . 5
(Option: A%540 with Single Speed
Axles add $800.00)
Dierzen Equipment Bid '$59925.00
Bid #2 Alternate
76 Cab & Chassis Outright $8s1.67.37
66 Ford Trade-in 700,00
Coffman Brothers Truck Center
76 Cab & Equipment $149000,00
(Includes 1966 Plow & Spreader
(Option: 4-speed Autematio with
2-speed rear axle;• add $935.00)
Carl Chevrolet! Inc.
76 Chev. Cab & Chassis List -$10s854•
66 Ford Dump Trade-in 1
7,5 2.00
76 In stock for immediate delivery List $11!224.75
66 Ford Dump trade-in 2 801•
No equipment bids were given*
Alderman Wolff move to take the bids to .the Street Committee for
discussions seconded by Alderman Groner. Motion carried. It Mill
be brought before the next City Council meeting in January for a
page 3
Streets & Alleys - Alderman Simmons reported on the Fox Road Culvert
problem. Bob Anderson has been checking the situation and it may be
necessary to get easements from property owners.
Water - Alderman Wolff reported Well No. 4 was at the 1070* level and
drilling and testing is still expected to be completed in January.
The Yorkville-Bristol Sanitary District asked the Water Department to
compute at new rates for special users. It will be taken before the
Committee for further discussion.
Health & Sanitation - Alderman Simmons made a motion to accept the
latter resolution '!A Resolution Amending Resolution of the United
City of the Village of Yorkville to Establish Standards for Service to
Residents with Respect to Ga*age and Refuse Removal"9prepared as
printed by Attorney Dicksong second by Alderman Beach. Roll call vote
was taken as follows:
Beach - Aye Erickson . Aye Simmons- Aye
Wolff - Aye Groner - Aye Smith - Aye
Motion carried.
Trees & Parks - Alderman Groner recognized the Senior Citizens for
placing the red maple tree in the Northeast corner of the City Park .
The engineering has been commenced on the park at the river front.
Mayor Thanepohn`asked the vandalism at Fox Valley Shopper be looked
into for repairs if it is the City9s responsibility.
Sewers - Alderman Wolff has samples of the substance used to seal
the sewers. Sealing of the sewers has been completed and will be
checked and repaired in the spring on Liberty St. between Spring and
Center, and on Center St. from Liberty to Bridge,
Lights, Telephone & Gas - Alderman Erickson reported a letter has been
sent to Commonwealth Edison approving lights for Hydraulic St. west
of Morgan and a study on Sunset St. West Dolph was let'stand for t10
time beings and Elden Madden is to contact Wayne Milleng contraotor:
Public Property & Buildings - A motion was made by Alderman Smith# se-
conded by Alderman Wolff to purchase an IBM Selectric typewriter
with the corrective features for the City Secretary's office. Roll call
was taken and the vote as follows
Beach - Aye Erickson .• Nay Smith - Aye
Wolff - Aye Groner - Nay. Simmons - Aye
Motion carried.
There is work being done on the Library building roof by the Public
Works Department,
Building & Zoning - Alderman Beach stated the Yorkville Plan Commission.
req ested the Ybr�ville City Council to approve the Route 34 Study Plano
page 4
The Ordinance will be a separate approval. It was suggested that
the Mayor and City Attorney meet with Dallas Ingemunsong State's
Attorney to draft an Ordinance. After that meeting it is to be
put to the committee for further study.. The committee would like to
conclude the Plan in January. The State of Illinois Local Govern..
ment Affairs Agency has sighted the Route 34 Corridor one d' the most
successful attempts at intergovernmental relations in the entire
Finance Alderman Erickson asked for an explaination of the Water
Tower Bonds. Attorney Dickson reviewed the Court's action.on the
Morrissey Case to bring the City up to date on this matter* Alderman
Erickson requested clarification on the 1963 Special Water
Assessment Fhnd and the procedures to determine the over-collection;
Attorney'.Dickson gave a brief summation of the assessment and fund
' ► balancest and asked for time to research the subject further:
Library Board - Alderman Erickson reported the light has been burning
day and night at the Library and Elden Madden has contacted Ca mon.
wealth Edison and at the same time they will tend to the one at the
water tower.
YBS Board . Alderman Wolff reported that anyone paying a User's Fee
who is not presently hooked up to the sanitary sewer, will.receive
credit towards the hook-up fee. Mayor Thanepohn requested .the YBS
Board supply the City Council with a copy of their minutes.
May Thanepohn accepted the motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:01 P.M.
by Alderman Wolff.
LuaiAe Erickson
for: Jl ,
Olga ScPAneider
Approved by:
Lefty Thanepohnq Mayor
Commonwealth Edison Co. - Acct. #E AP 71881 St. Ltg. $736.96; EH55-AP=3046A 766.33
Maint.Bldg. $24.35; Acct. #EH55-AP-3084-A Park $5.02
Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - City Clk. 553-6222 $1.49; Dir.Public Works 553-7855 118.06
$44.17; City Treas. 553-7809 $19.30; P.D. 553-5836
$43.38; Mayor 553-0535 $9.72
Ill. Municipal League - Membership Dues for year ending 12/31/76 158.40
Colortone Inc. - Dog tagrs and links 27.24
LeRoy Thanepohn - Expenses for Business $ Economic Dev.Comm. Mtg. 12.34
Kendall County Record - Publications $133.80; Printing-P.D.- $39.15 172.95
Clean Sweep, Inc. - November sweeping 35.00
The Country Companies - V0414300 Automobile Liability Policy change processed 34.51
11/18/75 $6.76; Vo424010 Automobile Liability Policy
change processed 12/11/75 $27.75
Ill. Agricultural Service Co. - Policy GP1778 Directors $ Officers Liability 930.00 .
1/26/74 to 1/26/77
Fox Valley Disposal Co. - Disposal service for November & December, 1975 3440.82
$3420.82; 1 Dumpster pick-up $20.00
Durbin Office Machines - Inv.11204 Copy paper for 3M machine 42.44
Xerox - 12 Pkgs. 8z x 11 paper $43.80; Use charge for 96.80
November $40.00 and Copies $13.00
Erlenborns - Brief Case for City Sect. 24.74
Markelz Office Products - Office supplies for City Sect. $ City Clerk 78.74
Rich's Union 76 - Gas P.D. 555.69; St. Dept. 244.24 799.93
Plano Police Dept. - 23 calls for October, 392 Calls for November $41.50 62.40
282 Calls for December less73 calls overcharged for Nov.
Gary Borling - Mileage to PTI School 33.00
Ill. Law Enforcement Officers Law Bulletin - Subscription - P.D. 11.50
Ronald Reuter - Mileage to School at Springfield 51.00
The Constable Equip. Co. ,Inc.- Inv.#2975-5 pointed Star $15.76; Inv.#2766- 4 Silver 24.66
Tags(Revolver Master) $8.90
Cavett Drugs - First Aid Equipment - P.D. 3.29
Bob's Standard Service - Car washes - P.D. 7.50
John Schneider Appl. - Oper. Suppl. - P.D. 5.89
Clark Boardman Co. ,LTD - Federal Rules of Criminal Proceedure - P.D. 35.13
Jim McCarty - Recharge Fire Extinguisher in Squad Car - P.D. 12.50
Riemenschneider Electric - Inv.#1474 Re-wire for Xerox Machine - P.D. 46.70
Winfred Prickett - Toll charges for school at Oakbrook, Tubes to repair 53.38
Motorola 2 way radio, Dues to Ill. Assn. of Chiefs of
Police $ Ill. Valley Chiefs of Police Assn.
Hamilton Chev.Olds,Inc. - Inv.#23260 Balance tires $15.20; Inv.#23502 Adjust 22.70
Engine & Carb. $7.50
Sargent-Sowell, Inc. - Space Blankets,Emblems & Special copy charge-P.D.-$103.00 194.50
Emblems & special copy charge $91.50-Public Works Dept.
Countryside True Value - Oper. Suppl.-P.D. $18.73; Oper. Suppl.-Trees & Parks $9.00; 43.02
Truck & Tractor-Oper.SMa#t. $15.29
KR&G Excavating - Clay fill - Trees & Parks 405.80
Englewood Electrical Supply - Lights - Trees & Parks 65.00
John N. Schneider Appl. - X-mas Decorations - Trees $ Parks $7.27; Maint. Bldg. 9.30
Supplies $2.03
Yorkville Hardware - X-mas Decorations-Trees & Parks $53.22; St. Dept. 58.59
Supplies $5.37
Lyle Signs, Inc. - St. Dept.-Supplies $457.45; Trees $ Parks-Signs $59.90; 640.65
St. Dept.-Signs $123.30
Ram Electric Suppl - Inv.#14365 $ 14381 X-mas Light Bulbs-Trees $ Parks 19.19
Int. Salt Co. - Salt Inv.#147442 - Snow removal $235.43; Inv.#147486 461.83
Salt $226.40
Dierzen Welding & Mach. Co.- Inv.#1368-Truck $ Tractor Maint.-Repairs to truck 65.00
Farnsworth Ford Inc. - Part for Truck - Truck $ Tractor 42.00
Plano Auto Parts, Inc. - Truck Repair - Truck $ Tractor Inv. #109072 9.73
Yorkville Auto Parts:- - Oper. Suppl. - Truck & Tractor Maint. 48.75
Homer G. Dickson & Co. ,Inc. - Street sweeper $1939.25; Repairs to Truck-Truck $ 2032.'08
Tractor Maint. $92.83
Janco Chemical Supply,Inc.- Sweeping compound- Finance Fund- Supplies 5.95
Fredricksons Office Supplies,Inc. - Office Suppl. - Finance 14.41
Hornsbys - Office Supplies & Equipment - Finance 78.54
Anderson & Bushnell - Office Supplies- Finance $11.57; Stationery Suppl. 63.72
$ Printing $52.15
Smlisbiury Grocery - Oper. Supplies - Maint. B ldg. 19.55
Riemenschneider Electric - Maint. Bldg. Wiring $454.42; Xerox Wiring $336.42 790.84
C.O. Nelson Co. - 3 loads disposal - St. Dept. 15.00
Crawford Murphy $ Tilly,Inc. - Inv.#952-Services Sealing of Sewers on Center & 341.43
Liberty Streets $70.75(Sewer Maint.) ; Inv.#950 Services
Water,Sewer & Storm Water report $270.68 (Sewers)
Central Limestone Co. - Streets $ Alleys-Snow removal $400.68; Maint. $102.53 503.21
Aurora Blacktop - Streets $ Alleys - Maintenance - Cold Mix 87.00
SALARIES GROSS 14139.24 NET 10497.48 _
23 20.52
Crawrord Murphy & Tilly,Inc.- Services on Resident Insp. Well #4 90.00
Layne-Western Co. ,Inc. - Eng. Progress Est.#4- Work on Well #4 13926.60
Comm. Edison Co. - Acct.EhSS-AP-8690-A Water Tower $33.82;Acct.#EK59CH25525 1176.89
Pumping $18.24; Acct.#EP14AP33737 Pumping $1124.83
Ill. Bell Telephone Co.- Maint. Bldg. 553-7079 25.35
Marilyn J. Merkel - Postage 6.95
Kendall County Record - Printing Water Bills 26.75
Jim's Trenching - Water leaks-Water Main Maintenance 70.00
E & H Utility Sales - Inv.26870 Repair sleeves-Water fund repairs to water main
$100.98; Inv.25792 Pipe savers-Water Dept. Suppl. $4.24 105.22
Sidener Supply,Inc. - Supplies - Water Dept. Inv.33351 $82.02;Inv.33757 $1911.84 273.86
Farmers Elevator Co. - Oper. Suppl. - Water Dept. 54.01
Bob Todnem - - Use of heater to thaw fire hydrant - Water Main repairs 10.00
SALARIES GROSS 770.83 NET 575.94