City Council Minutes 1975 12-04-75 December 4, 1975
ON T)ECEMBER 41, 1975.
Mayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. and led
the council in the Pledge of Allegiance to th'e Flag. The Clerk
called the roll. Present were:
1st Ward - Beach 2nd Ward - Groner 3rd Ward - Smith
Wolff Erickson Simmons
Mayor Thanepohn introduced Mgrs. Alice Dickson a representative of
the Senior Citizens Groun.
The reading of the minutes of the November 20th meeting was waived
and the corrections were made:
1. Paragraph 3 - Attorney's Report _ Line 2 _ Substitute. the
word "Countryside" for the word "Center".
2. Paragraph 5 _ Plan Commission Report _ Line 1 _ Substitute
the phrase, "gave Clarage & Associates approval to proceed
with", for the word "passed% ;
3. Paragraph 5 _ Plan Commission Report - Line 2 - Between the
words, "and" and "no", insert the words, "have had".
4. Paragraph 5 - Plan Commission Report _ Line 3 Substitute
the number, "71" for the number, "4711.
5• Paragraph 7 _ '.dater Report - Line 1 - Strike all after word
"reported", add, "on progress of new well #4., We are down
802 ft. and in hard limestone".
6. Alderman Groner mentioned spelling errors.
Mayor Thanepohn directed the Clerk to make corrections for typing
and spelling errors. A motion to accept the minutes as corrected was
made by Alderman Erickson, seconded by Alderman Simmons. Motion
Copies of the list of bills for the month of November were distributed
to all Council members. Alderman Groner requested the per copy cost
of the Zerox ')60 Copier. Director Madden stated that the charge for
the machine is $60.00 per month and that this fee includes up to
1400 copies per month. Alderman Erickson asked for a report on
overtime worked. The Treasurer said she would try toT,ave it at the
next meeting. Alderman Beach asked the reasons for the repainting of
the squad. Alderman Groner questioned the purchase. of boots for the
Police Department without Council Approval, as provided by the
"Personnel Policy". Mayor Thanepohn explained that uniform purchases
a had been approved by the council and that purchase of specific items of
uniform required approval of committee only. Alderman Smith moved to
pay the bills as presented. Second was by Alderman Ericksons Motion
r Attorney's _report - Attorney Dickson presented a revised version of,
"trash pick-up", resolution. At Alderman Simmons request this
resolution was held over until the December 18th meeting. The
second resolutions to allow, members of the Economic Development
Commission to reside outside Yorkville was presented to the Council.
A motion to adopt the resolution was made by Alderman Beach, Second
was by Alderman Simmons. Roll Call was taken and vote wes as follows:
Beach - Aye Erickson - Nay Simmons - Aye
Wolff - Aye Groner - Aye Smith - Aye
Resolution vra s adopted.
Mayors Report - Mayor Thanepohn announced that Luanne Erickson will
assist City Clerk Schneider in recording and typing of minutes.
At the Mayor's Recommendation a motion was made by Alderman Frickson
and seconded by Alderman Simmons to endorse the letter of the
Comprehensive Health Planning Council to have their name changed tot
"Health Systems Agency". Motion carried. The Mayor reported that
the "Human Resources Commission"'.had met and the Council would be re-
ceiving their minutes in the future. Bob Ripper from the Illinois
Industrial Commission had met with the Yorkville Business and Economics
Development Commission. Appointments to the Blue Ribbon Committee to
obtain a Medical Doctor for Yorkville are in progress. Copies of the
letter and Mayor were distributed to the Council concern-
ing the snow removal at Countryside. A letter from Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company regarding deferred compensation for public employees
was referred to the Finance Chairman Smith and Attorney Dickson for
Treasurer's Report - The Mayor commended Treasurer Merkel for her superb
job done in compiling the figures for the City fund balances. He also
mentioned the many hours of her off-duty time spent on the project.
Alderman Groner commented on the value of the periodic reports of these
balances. Mayor Thanepohn read a letter from CM & T recommending pay-
ment to Layne 1,-destern for $139926.00 for work performed on Well No, 4.
Alderman Beach moved to accept the Treasurer's Report, second was by
Alderman Erickson and the motion carried.
Police Report - Alderman Erickson moved to accept the Police Reportq
seconded by Alderman Wolff, motion carried.
Director of Public Works Report - Alderman Erickson asked if there
was a State requirement that curve signs be installed on Game Farm Road.
Director Madden is to look into the matter. Alderman Wolff moved to
accept the report, seconded by Alderman Smith, motion carried.
Mayor Thanepohn thanked. the Kendall County Record for the printing and
I donation of the new City maps.
Mrs. Dickson asked if a traffic light could be installed in the downtown
area. It was explained that one survey had been made on the advisability
of this and that it was still being pursued. The 1-a.yor suggested that
petitions to the State of Illinois requesting a traffic signal might
be effective.
- 3 -
There was no Old Business.
There was no New Business.
Plan Commission Report - Alderman Beach reported that the November
meeting had been cancelled due to a lack of business on the agenda.
The next meeting will be on December 16, The Kendall County Plan
Commission has tabled action on Nor. Drobac's petition for a riding
academy until it has been reviewed by the Yorkville Plan Commission.
Water Committee - Alderman Wolff reported that Well No. 4 is now at
the 900 ft. level and that drilling should be completed about January 19
Trees & Parks - Alderman Groner reported that Christmas decorations were
installed in the downtown area by the Public `,1Iorks Department. New
flood lights have been installed at the monument in the City Park. A
bird feeder and corn for the wild ducks have been supplied to the Public
Library. A large millstone has been moved. from Blackberry Creek to
the City Park and will be put on display in the Spring of 1976.
Sewer Committee - Alderman Wolff commented that the downspout violations
were being corrected with a minimum of problems. The Engineers report
on, "Water, Sewer, and Storm ?.dater", has been completed and copies are
available from the office of the Director of Public Works. Sealing
of sanitary sewers on E. Center and Liberty St.will be started on
December 5•
Lights, Telephone e! Gas - Alderman Trickson reported. that a new
street light had been contracted for the curve on Game Farm Road.
Public Property and Buildings - Alderman Smith reported the, "smiling
face", suggested for the water tower would cost approximately $2000.00
and it vas decided to send a letter to Mr. Steinwart expressing our
appreciation for his offer and suggestion. The new Xerox 914 will be
delivered to the Public %storks Office on December 5. The Xerox_ 660
presently in that office will go to the office of the City Secretary and
the copier in that office will go to the City Clerk's office.
Building & Zoning - Alderman Beach reported that the November meeting
had been cancelled. The December meeting is re-scheduled to be on Dec-
ember 10 at Fox Bend. Soon after that a committee meeting will be
called to discuss the new ordinance. The new Subd.ivi.sion Ordinance is
now at the printers. The committee commended Building Inspector Madden
on his handling of the framing problem in Countryside Center Subdivision.
This matter has now been resolved and work on the project is progressing
very favorably.
Finance - Alderman Smith informed the Council that the Correction feature
is not available as a modification to the City Secretary's typewriter.
Upon motion of Alderman ^lolff, seconded by Alderman Simmons, the Council
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At 9:30 P-M- upon the completion of the Executive Session, the
motion was made by Alderman Beach, seconded by Alderman Simmons
that the Council authorize Attorney Dickson to draw up an Offer to
Purchase land. and that Larry Langland be presented with a check
From the City Of Yorkville in the amount of x$500.00 to be used as
"earnest money"q for the purchase of land. Roll call was taken and the
vote as follows:
Beach - Aye Erickson - Aye Simmons - Aye
Wolff - Aye Groner - Aye Smith - Aye
Motion Carried.
Alderman Wolff then made the motion to adjourn the meetings seconded
by Erickson. Motion carried.
Lua ne Erickson
Olga Pchneidert City Clerk
Approved by:
eRoy Th ep 63h fi—4L