City Council Minutes 1975 11-20-75 Corrected r t ; CORRECTED T TNUTTS OF Tls^ NOV714BER 209 1975 =ING. November 209 1975 MTNUTTS OF Tr RrGULAR 'Ir 7,TTTTG OF 77' MAYOR Ar'n 77" ALD.FRT,HAT OF 7FTE UNITED CITY Or 77 VIL?.L G'.' rT? YORKVILLE, ILLIN(? IS HELD AT 77. CITY HALL ON NOVi T 777, 2'0, 1975- ITayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order iAth the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. He then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon the roll being taken, the following Aldermen were present: 1st. Ward- Wolff 2nd. Ward- Groner 3rd. Ward- Smith Beach Simmons Mayor Thanepohn asked for introduction of guests. He then directed the Clerk to read the minutes of the last meeting. The following cor-' recti_on was made: On the third paragraph, near the top it should read, "Mr. Garnett was to schedule the meeting". Alderman Groner moved to approve the minutes as corrected, seconded by Alderman Smith, all voted aye, carried. Attorn.ey's Report-----Attorney Dickson presented an Ordinance for a new stop sign for E. Kendall Drive to stop at Countryside Parkway, and five yield signs at: Madison at State--- ?Madison at T'organ--- Spring at Colton--- Center at Colton--- Church at Main. Alderman T3each moved to pass,seconded by Alderman Simmons, roll call vote, Beach aye - Groner aye - Simmons aye - Smith aye, motion passed. Mayors Report-----YAyor Thanepohn received a letter from Blaine Harker asking for a one year extension on a preliminary plat for unit 2 of his subdivision in the southwest part of town. Alderman Beach moved to pass, seconded by Alderman Simmons, all voted aye, carried. On the Business and Economic Development Comm. which reads, "made up of 7 citi- zens of Yorkville", the Mayor would like to delete the requirement of living in Yorkville, Alderman Simmons moved to approve, seconded by Alderman Smith, roll call vote, Beach aye- Groner aye- Simmons aye- Smith aye, approved. The Mayor then appointed Charles Stading to the Commission, Alderman Smith moved to approve, seconded by Alderman Simmons, all voted aye, motion approved. Plan Comm. Report-----Alderman Reach reported we gave Clarage & Associates approval to proceed with Phase 2 of the Comprehensive plan at the last meeting and have had no meeting since. The Mayor asked Alderman Roach to check with the Plan Comm. on the horse stable on .126 & 71 owned. by Mr. Drobac to see if it has been thru the Plan Comm. Streets and Alleys-----Aldmn.Simnons will have bids sent out on a new truck and equipment with the option to trade the old truck in at the time of delivery of the new truck. Alderman Simmons moved to pass, seconded by Alderman Smith, all voted aye, motion passed. Simmons also reported that we had a presentation by the Cutler Paving Co. The unit picks up a portion of the street an& levels out and puts blacktop on top of this. As of this time we will -eep it in mind. Attorney Dickson reported that the Fox road Annexation for the `,illiamsport did include all the roadway to the far end of Williamsport subdivision which is in the corporate limits of the city to the western border of the Williamsport Annexation. v CORRECTIONS .• page 2 Water Report-----E. Madden reported on progress of new ?;ell f4. Z^Te are down 802 ft. and in hard limestone. Health and Sanitation-----Alderman Simmons reported we have talked to Fox Valley Disposal a'-�out a couple of problems9 we will get those straight- ened out. Police Report-----Alderman Simmons reported we are to send one officer to the Police Academy at Springfield December 7 thru 12, 1975. The City will pay for mileage and $8.00 a day for meals. Also, Al Spera is work- ing on junk Ordinance violations and Borling will be back to work on December 2. 1975• Trees and Parks Report-----Alderman Groner reported that Sen. Mitchler's press report was incorrect. Instead of the cost of $5398509 the cost was $7,600 to the State and that's what the City got out of it. He also stated that Mr. Freeman of the'F. & J. T11arina asked how long the area by the dam would be closed and, "can the fishermen enter the grounds to reach the river?". The Mayor told Alderman Groner he had the option to open a walkway to the river. Alderman Groner then asked if we were going to put privys there? Aldermen Simmons and Smith think there should be some type of restrooms there. Alderman Groner wanted to know about a passage under the bridge and to get the obstructions out of there. and from the ditch by the library. We may need a permit from the E.P.A. and after the 1st of the year a permit from the Corps of Engineers. He should contact Sen. Mitchler for help on this. Signs have been received indicating boat entrances to water at Main Street. Christmas decorations will be up for the holidays. Alderman Groner requested a discussion on the Dam area after the meeting. Sewers-----Alderman Death reported Dorothy Perkins was at Sanitary meeting and has contacted all residents except Go-Tape to have Special Assessments to construct sewers this spring if possible. If there is enough they will conduct a survey to find the cost. Also Rick Pfister asked for permission to get a dump truck to haul sludgeq which he was given. Lights-----Alderman Simmons reported we have a letter from Commonwealth Edison concerning lights on Game Farm Road and one on Dolph Street. Public Property and Bldgs------Alderman Smith asked to purchase a typewriter for the Public Works Office 1aintenance Dldg.9 ; then move the typewriter from the Police Dept. to the Secretary's Office and move the typewriter presently. in the Public ?Forks Office to the Police Dept. The price from the I.B.M. for the typewriter is $612.00. Alderman Smith moved to purchase, seconded by Alderman Tleachq all voted ayep carried. Alderman Smith authorized Madden to get a humidifier. Th.ere's no visible water leak in the Library since the ceiling was taken d.ozm. Also John Steinwart is offering :;250.00 toiva.rds na.inting a smiling mace on the water tower. CORRECTIONS - page 3 Building & Zoning-----Alderman Reach reported on the committee meeting on the 13th of November, as a result of which vne change i s to be made in our zoning book, Section 603 - A. 3 to be 603 - A. 3 "multiple family dwellings". Alderman Beach moved to make 603 - A. 3 to read, "multiple family dwellings", seconded by Alderman Simmons, roll call vote, Beach aye- Groner aye- Simmons aye- Smith aye- Thanepohn- ayeq: carried. On the Rt. 34 Corridor Study, 5 property owners were there, no objectors. Next meeting will be November 25, 1975. On the Mulhern Court framing problemg the builder has agreed to comply with building code. Mr. Madden said the Department tested the lights for Christmas. Every pole has brackets. Adjourned into discusson on dam.area at 9:00 P.M. w- by: Olga L. hnei Cit Jerk approved: LeRoy Tha n, yor vonb 601-49®U.S.A. November 20 1975. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND THE ALDERMEN OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON NOVEMBER 20,1975• Mayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. He then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon the roll being taken, the follwing . Aldermen were present: 1st. Ward- Wolff 2nd. Ward- Groner 3rd. Ward Smith Beach Simmons Mayor Thanepohn asked for introduction of guests. He then directed the Clerk to read the minutes of the last meeting. On the third page at the top should have read Mr. Garnett was to schedual the meeting. Alderman Groner moved to approve the minutes as corrected, seconded by Alderman Smith, all aye, carried. Attorneys Report-----Attorney Dickson presented an Ordinance for a new stop sign for E. Kendall Drive to stop at Center Parkway, and five yield signs at Madison at State Madisop gtG organ--- Spring at Colton--- Center at Colton---- Church a>fid Main, Alderman/moved to pass, seconded by Alderman Simmons, roll call vote, Beach aye- Groner aye- Simmons aye-- Smith aye, motion passed. Mayors Report----- Mayor Thanepohn received a letter from Blaine Harker asking for a one year extension on a preliminary plat for unit..2 of his subdivision in the southwest part of town. Alderman Beach moved to pass, seconded by Alderman Si.nmons, all aye, carried. On the Business and Economic Developement Comm. which reads made up of 7 citizens of Yorkville, the Mayor would like to delet the requirement of living in Yorkville, Alderman Simmons moved to approve, seconded by Alderman Smith, all aye, approved. The Mayor then appointed Charles Stading to the Commission, Alderman Smith moved to approve, seconded by Alderman Simmons, all aye , Motion approved. Plan Comm. Report-----Alderman Beach reported we passed phase 2 of the Comprehensil plan at the last meeting and no meeting since., then. The Mayor asked Alderman Beach to check with the Plan Comm. on the horse stable on 126 & 47 owned by Mr. Durabeck to see if it has been thru the Plan COmm. Streets and Alleys----Alderman Simmons will have bids sent out on a new truck and equipement with the .option to trade the old truck in at the time of delivery of the new truck. Alderman Simmons moved to pass, seconded by Alderman Smith, all aye, motion passed. Simmons also reported that we had a presentation by the Cutler Paving Co. The unit picks up a portion of the stet and levels out and puts black- top on top of this. As of thd.s time we will keep it in mind. Attorney Dickson reported that the Fox_ road Annexation for Williamsport did incli all the roadway to the far end of Williamsport subdivision which is in the corporate limits of the city to the western border of the Williamsport Annexation. Water Report----E. Madden reported we are down 802 feet into hard limestone. Health and Sanitation----- Alderman Simmons reported we have talked to Fox Valley Dispoaal about a couple of problems, we will get those staightened out. FORM 601-49® U.S.A. November 20, 1975 Police Report-----Alderman Simmons reported we are to send one officer to the Police Accademy at Spingfield December 7 thru 12, 1975. The City will pay for milage and $8.00 a day for meals. Also Al Spera is working on junk Ordinance violations and Boring will be back on December 2, 1975. Trees and Parks Report----Alderman Groner reported that Mr. Mitchlers press report was incorrect instead of the cost of $53,850. the cost was $7,600. to the State and thats what the City got out of it. He also stated that Tvr. Freeman of the F.&J. Marina asked how long the area by the dam would be closed and can the fishermen enter the groulads to reach the river. The Mayor told Groner he had the option to open a walkway to the river. Groner then asked if we were going to put privys there? Aldermen Simmons and Smith think there should be some type rest room: there. Alderman Groner wanted to know about a passage under the bridge and to get the obstuctions out of there and from the creek by Library. We may need a permit from the E.P.A. and after the 1st, of the year a permit from the core of Engineers, He should contact Mr. Mitchler for help on this. Signs have been received indicatii boat entrances to water at Main Street. Christmas decorations will be up for the holidays. Alderman Groner requested a discussion on the Dam erea after the meeting, Sewers---- Alderman Beach reported Dorothy Perkins w' As at Sanitary meeting and has contacted all residents except Go Tane to have Weial Assesments to construct sewers this spring if possible. If there is enough they will conduct a survey to find the cost. Also Rick Phister asked permission to get a dump truck to haul sludge, which he was given. Lights-----Alderman Simmons rep*ed we have a letter from Comm. Edison for lights by game farm read and one for Dolph Street. Publ-i.c Property and Bldgs.------Alderman Smith asked to purchase a typewritter for the Maintenance bldg. Then move the typewritter from the Police Dept. to the Secretarys office and move the typewritter presently in the Maintenance bldg. to the Police Dept. The price from I.B.M. for the typewritten is $612.00 Alderman Smith moved to purchase, seconded by Alderman Beach, all aye, carried. Alderman Smith authorized Madden to get a humidifier. Theres no water in the Library since the cieling was taken down. Also John Stynworth is offering $250.00 towards painting a smilling face on the water tower. Bldg. and Zoning-----Alderman Beach reported on the committee meeting on the 13 of November and as a result one change is to be made in our zoning book section603 a to be 603 A 3 multiple family dwellings. Alerman Beach moved to --iake 603 A 3 to read multiple family dwellings, seconded by Alderman Simmons , roll call vote, Beach aye- Groner aye-- Simmons aye- Smith aye Thanepohn aye. , carried. On the Rt. 34 Corridor Study 5 property owners were there, no objectors. Next meeting will be November 25,1975. On the Mulhern Court framing problem the builder has agreeded to conditions. Mr. Madden tested the lights for Christmas And every pole has brackets. Adjorned into discussion on dam erea at 9:P.M. Ol . Schneider, City Clerk.