City Council Minutes 1975 11-06-75 FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A. November 6. 1975 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND THE ALDERMEN OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON NOVEMBER 6, 1975. Mayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. He then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon the roll being taken, the following Aldermen were present: lst. Ward Wolff 2nd. Ward Groner 3rd. Ward Smith Beach Erickson Simmons. Mayor Thanepohn asked for introduction of guests. He then directed the Clerk to read the minutes of the last meeting. 10 lines uo from the bottom of the 1st. page "a�uisition of property" n xt 1_ine down should read "court suit" Page 2 line 10 "we have received motor audit" 11 recommendations were made to drop poor prograi "juvenile grant approximately 8 %11 End of 1st. paragraph on second page "phase 2 of comprehensive plan". Alderman Wolff moved to approve the minutes with correctiol 2nd. by Alderman Smith, all aye, carried. Reading of the Bills----Mr. Madden reported Clean Sweep got in one cleaning this month. The City pays for Police Uniforms. Alderman Wolff moved to approve the bill; 2nd. by Alderman Beach, all aye, carried. Attorneys Report-----Attorney Dickson reported on withholding social security. M. Merkel called the I.R.S. and was told that we should get a�w�2 f r.J ( n Fo b The Attorney reported the Attorney Generals opinion is back/And the Attorney General said unless you annex to the far side of the road, it is not a valid annexation. Attorney Dickson said this does not answer our question, and he's askinj for a fallow up on this. He will have the States Attorney write the State for another opinion on this. Attorney Dickson presented an Ordinance making Van Emmon Street a thru Street. Motion to pass was made by Alderman Wolff, seconded by Alderman Simmons, Roll call vote, Wolff aye, Beach aye, Erickson aye, Groner aye, Simmons aye, Smith aye, Ordinance passed. Mayors Report----Mayor Thanepohn appointed Mary K. Price to replaee Walter Olson on the Plan Commission term to expire in April 1977. Motion to approve by Alderman Beach, seconded by Alderman Simmons, all aye, motion carried. The Mayor then appointed Bessie Lough, Identa Austin, Bill Carpenter, Mary Ellen Ellis, Bill Thomas and Dick Mau to the Human Resources Commission. Alderman Beach moved to approve, seconded by Alderman Simmons, all aye, carried. Mayor Thanepohn proclaimed that November 16 thru 22 will be abserved as American Education Week. Alderman Simmons moved to approve, seconded by Alderman Wolff, all aye, motion carried.The Mayor proclaimed the week of November 23 thru 29 family week. Alderman Wolff made amotion to approve, seconded by Alderman Simmons, all aye, motion carried. A letter was received from Al Brady saying bids for the sirens will be advertised on Monday. The Mayor said all residents should replace or take down worn and damaged flags. Clerks REport--- The Clerk reported on her week of schooling at the University of Illinois. Treasurers Report---Alderman Wolff moved to approve the treasurers report, seconder by Alderman Groner, all aye, motion carried. FORM 601-49 U.S.A. 2. November 6, 1975• Police Report----- ChkTf Prickett reported on the drive for City Stickers. He made a report to the Crime Commission. There was a mock holdup at the Yorkville Nat. Bank, all Departments participated. The 112 hours overtime were due to a new Police man riding double and one going to school. Alderman Wolff moved to approve the Police Report, seconded by Alderman.'Simmons, all aye, motion carried. Director of Public Works Dept.----Mr. Madden reported letters have been sent to 27 property owners regarding the downspouts connected to the sanitary sewers. There were 8 Building Permits issued in October. Alderman Wolff made a motion to approve the Public Works Report, seconded by Alderman Simmons, all aye, motion carried. Plan Commission-----Alderman Beach reported the Plan Comm. met on October 28,1975 and a presentation by James Clarage and Ass. on Phase 2 of the Yorkville Comprehensive Plan. As a result of that meeting Alderman Beach made a motion that we act on the recommendation of the Plan Comm. that we adopt phase 2 of the Comprehensive Plan, seconded by Alderman Simmons, all aye, carried. SEnior Citizen Representative----Blanch Smith asked about property at Countryside for Senior Citizens. Cc-nr- Old Business----Alderman Erickson reported that the Insurance Co. denied the claim of Don Dirst for repairs on his car due to damage resulting from the manhole on Church Street. The Secretary will write to the Insurance Co. and ask them to reconsider. Mr. Madden said the condition was corrected. Steets and Alleys----Alderman Simmons reported that Odins report noted that 11 more loads of junk has been hauled out. We also have two bids on salt. One for $10.75 per ton, one for $12.00 and we pick it up, possible delivery at $13.51 per ton. This will bestudied to see what is the best way. Alderman Wolff moved to buy salt the way the committee says, seconded by Alderman Smith, all aye, motion carried. Alderman Simmons said Larry would have a committee meeting on November 13, 1975 at City Hall. Water----- Alderman Wolff reported the well is down 584 feet. Alderman Wolff talked to the Gas Co. about a back hoe. We can get a 1968 back hoe for $1000.00 with 30,000 miles in excellent shape. Alderman Wolff made a motion to purchase, seconded by Alderman Groner, all aye, motion carried. Health and Sanitation----Alderman Simmons reported that the Yorkville Resturant is closed. Alderman Beach wrote an article on getting a Doctor for Yorkville. He said there are rumors of a private firms intent on building a hospital here, so would we really need a Doctor here. Alderman Beach made a motion that the Mayor appoint a blue ribbon committee to study by survl*y, seconded by Alderman Wolff, all aye, motion carried. Police -------Alderman S mmons reported on yeild signs for Madison at State and for Madison at Morgan and there should be one at Spring and Colton and Center and Colton with Spring yeilding to Colton and Center Yeilding to Colton. Also Church and Main with Church yeilding to Main. Also a recommendation for a stop sign at Countryside at Kendall drive to stop at Countryside Parkway. This is where Mulherns Apartments come off Kendall Drive onto Countryside Parkway. FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A. 3• November 6 1 Trees and Parks----- Alderman Groner reported he contacted Mr. Garnett ab Tennis Courts and said they would have a meeting on this. out the Sewers----Alderman Wolff said that there are a few familys that didn't know that it was a $150.00 hook up fee and $300.00hookup making it $450.00 to hook up to the sewer. Also there are people paying users fees that are not hooked intothe sewer. If they have been paying the users fees will the Sanitary Dist. waive that toward the hookup fee? The Mayor said we are just acting as a collection agent. There will be a Sanitary Board Meeti Alderman Wolff said this is a ng on November 17, 1975 at 7:OOP.M. at Dallas office have sent contracts out on- t. Board problem and also ours. Wolff said we t' and have approved the low bid and are waiting for the contracts to come back. Future Planning----- Alderman Wolff would like the book p because we need it to apply for Grants and ect. It will cost between our City $1000.00 and we will need about 50 copies. Alderman Beach moved we we approve,$700.00 and by Alderman Simmons all aye, motion carried. second Public Property and Buildings-----Alderman Smith reported the purchase ater. -for the Police Dept. for $189.00 and thanks to Mr. Beach the water heater Refrig hooked up. Building and Zoning----A-*rman Beach reported on the Rt. 34 Corridor meeting, Comunities attended. The Frontage Rd. Ordinance was made a little more passable at least our City.On November 12 at 7:30 P.M. there will be a passable tc Kendall Co. office Building. Aldeman Beach read a letter from Dallaseto1Mr. Madde at thE Director of Public Works. Dr. Dean Schlapp has filed a application for repairs and completion of a dog pond on C. Weiss property. I request the building f waived. Alderman Beach moved to waive the fee for the building permit ee be by Alderman Wolff, all aye , motion carried.Alderman Beach said we have a econd problem at Mulhern. Courts. WAiting for the Boka report to reveiw this, till then he is not to dry wall either building. Finance---Mayor Thanepohn said there was a note made to check into any changes in Insurance. Adjourned into executive session at 9:05P.M. - ---------- Olga J. Schneider, City Clerk NOVEMBER, 1975 GENERAL FUND Commonwealth Edison Co. - Acct. E AP71881 Street Lighting $736.96; Acct. 777.44 #EH55-AP-3046A Maint.Bldg. $15.62; Acct.#EH55-AP-3084A Park $21.87; Acct.#EJ59-AP-0150A P.D. $2.99 Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - City Clerk 1.49; City Treas. 8.68; Dir. Public Worksl9.49 29.66 Northern Illinois Gas Co.-Acct. #312902161 Library $56.89; Acct.#312900280 P.D. 234.71 $16.02; Acct.#311901170 Maint.Bldg. $81.54; Acct. #311900100 Park $59.56; Acct. #313907740 City Hall $11.56; Acct. #311905811 Park $9.14 Nat'l. Institure of Municipal Law Officers - Membership-Atty. F. Dickson 118.25 Olga Schneider, City Clerk - Hotel expense for Clerk's Conference 44.10 Kendall County Record - Publishing Ordinances $122.40; Inspection notices for 185.95 Bldg Insp. $29.45; Forms P.D. $34.10 James B. Clarage & Assc. -Planning services for September & October $166.66; 241.66 Zoning street map $75.00 Fox Valley Disposal - 1 dumpster pickup 20.00 Rich's Union 76 - Gas - P.D. 453.98; St. Dept. 169.50; Investigators-Oil-1.80 625.28 Xerox - User charge $40.53; Developer $ dry ink $69.30 "_.. . 109.83 Mid Lakes Distributing Inc.- Inv.#961B Electric water heater for P.D. 57.25 Riemenschneider Electric - Inv. #1412 - New circuit for water heater- P.D. 38,:19 Boot N Heel _ - Boots for Patrolmen - P.D. 75.00 Anderson $ Bushnell - Name Sign Inv. #66424 P.D. 4.75 John Schneider Appliance - Supplies to hook up water heater $14.47; 2 light bulbs-P.D. 20.97 . 6.50 Yorkville Body Shop - Painting 1974 Olds Inv.#21155 P.D. 124.00 Communications Tech.& Consultants= Inv.#17136 Repairs on Scanner P.D. 17.50 Robert Prickett - Crystals $ installation in radios:: P.D. 62.50 Hamilton Chev.Olds - Replace rear brakes & tune-up-1975 Olds Inv. #23115 93.60 Winfred Prickett - Re-imburse for 5 keys to squad P.D. 2.50 Countryside True Value - Mail drop $7.99; Oper. Suppl. 12.49; Auto Expense $7.96 43.55 Supplies for shooting range 19.95 P.D. Less Disc. 4.84 Countryside True Value - Oper. Supplies - Maint. Bldg. $15.58 less Discount 14.02 Markelz Office Products - Inv.#62152,62192 & 55618 Office Supplies Maint.Bldg. 118.42 Continental Research Corp.- Inv.#18486 Blast fog St. Dept. 177.00 John Schneider Appliance ­Oper Supplies - St. Dept. 10.80 Fred Wayne Trucking - Hauling charge St. Maint. 82.97 Riemenschneider-}Electric - Inv. #1413 Install lighting on Monument & service call 196.55 on power outgge at Maint. Bldg. Yorkville Auto Parts - Valvoline - Truck & Tractor Maint. 16.43 Hathorn's Inspection Station - 2 inspections - Truck & Tractorr Maint. 8.50 Northern Ill. Gas Co. - Back Hoe - Truck, Tractor & Equip. 1000.00 Crawford,Murphy & Tilly - Inv.#757 Services for advice & consultation Re: Subd. Ord. 1767.22 $29.34-Bldg.$Zoning; Inv.#875 Services-bidding of sewer sealing on Center $ Liberty $222.00-Sewers; Inv.#762 Services-Specs for sealing sewer at Center & Liberty $540.00 Sewers; Inv.#761-Smoke machine rental $ Smoke Bombs $500.00 Sewers; Inv.#759 Services water sewer $ storm sewer system $336.35=Sewers; Inv.#758 Services-Mnlhern Subd. 139.53 Bldg. $ Zoning Yorkville Hardware - St. Dept. - Oper. Suppl. 6.78; Trees & Parks - Oper. 20.40 Suppl. 13.62 6339.00 SALARIES GROSS 14294.85 NET 10577.79 16916.79 WATER FUND Commonwealth Edison Co. - Acct. #EH55AP-8690A Water Tower $18.95; Acct. 18.97 EK59CH25525 Pumping .02� Illinois Be1l,:Telephone - Maint. Bldg. 21.65 Northern Ill. Gas Co. - Acct.#313906160 Pumphouse 19.32 The Bank of Yorkville - Deposit —Water Depreciation & Contingencies Fund 150.00 Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago - Deposit - Bond & Interest Account 15040 Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago - Deposit - Bond $ Interest Reserve Account 170.00 Crawford,Murphy $ Tilly - Inv.#874 Services-resident inspection Well #4 537.71 $135.00; Inv.#873 Services examinig & testing water $ sewer system in Mulhern's Subd. $237.71 Inv. #760 services on resident inspection of drilling of Well #4 $165.00 Producers Chemical Co. - Inv. #42293 Chlorine 119.00 John N. Schneider Appl. - Oper. Supplies 12.77 SALARIES GROSS 770.83 NET 575.94 1775.36