City Council Minutes 1975 10-23-75 FORM 601-49® U.S.A.
October 23, 197
Mayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the
Flag. He then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon the roll being taken, the
following Aldermen were present:
1st. Ward Wolff 2nd. Ward Groner 3rd. Ward Smith
Beach Erickson Simmons.
Mayor Thanepohn asked for introduction of guests. He th n directed the Clerk to
read the minutes of the last meeting. Ald. Wolff/Aatije 2 under Police Dept. it
should have been PlainfiOld. Also under Sts. and Alleys two thirds of the way down
should have read to accept the surfacing of the streets. Ald. Simmons moved to
accept the minutes as corrected, seconded by Ald. Beach, all aye.
Attorney's Report--- Attorney Dickson presented the Blanket Ordinance on existing
stop signs.Th.ere are 2 additions to be made, 1st. on page 2 2nd. paragraph west
Somonauk and Game Farm Rd. West Somonauk stopping for Game Farm Rd. The 2nd.
West Ridge and MOrgan, with West Ridge yeilding to traffic on Morgan adding the
words at the West entrance of intersection. Ald. Beach moved to accept, seconded
by Ald. Wolff. Smith aye, Simmons aye, Groner aye, Erickson aye, Beach aye, Wolff
aye, motion carried. Attorney Dickson reported on the Ordinance Fox Valley Disposal
to bill Apartments. Ald. Simmons said section 2 under D. should read 2 or less
units. Ald. Simmons moved to accept with corrections, seconded by Ald. Smith.
Smith aye, Simmons aye, Groner aye, Erickson aye, Beach aye, Wolff aye, motion
Mayors REport--- Mayor Thanepohn had a resolution regarding Halloween on October 31,
1975 from 5 to 8:00 p.m. Ald. Wolff moved to accept.o seconded by Aid. Groner, All ay
The Mayor suggest the City observe Veterans Day on November 11 ,1975. Ald. Groner
moved to accept, seconded by Ald. Simmons, all aye.
Mayor Thanepohn appointed Rev. Lawrence Rezash to be chairman of the Human Resoure
Commission, with a term to April of 1978. He resigned from the Business and Econpmi
evelopment/�010R'b Mayor said he has great respect for Rev. Rezash. Ald. Simmons
moved to accept Rev. Rezash, seconded by Ald. Beach, all aye.
There will be seven residents on the commission. A letter of resignation was read
from Jim Hall saying he did not have time to do the proper job, he was chairman of
the Yorkville Business and Economic Developement Comm. The Mayor appointed Walter
Olsen chairman of Business and Economics Comm. Olsen resigned from the Plann Comm.
Danny Hanback a former Alderman was appointed to the Plan Comm. until' 1979.
Appointed Ald. Simmons chairman of the Police Committee, and Hershal Smith as a
ember of the Police Committee. Ald, Groner moved to accept the appointments, secone
by Ald. Wolff, all aye. The Mayor said of the open meeting act, there are four
reasons why we may have a executive session. 1-Negotiation between employer and
employee. 2-Accusation of property. 3- for disccussion with Attorney's for what
of litigations that may result in port suit. 4-To consider the appointment or
ismisal of our officers. These are the only reasons to meet in executive sessions. .
Public meetings do not mean public participation. We will set aside a period in the
agenda for Public comment. The consumer protection are speaking of requiring
bonding of Plummers, Electricions and Heating Contractors. As a matter of record
people may have excess to their own records, but the public may not. The Mayor
as excess to all records, but Police records are privilaged. Committee chairman do
not have a license to run the Department.
FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A. 2. October 23, 1975.
Office hours for the City Secretary will be changed to Monday thru Friday from
8:00a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The meeting dates for Nov. and Dec. are the 1st. and 3rd. Thursday rather then the
2nd. and 4th. A joint Council and Plan Comm. meeting on the 28th. of October at
8:00 p.m. Clarage and Bartel will be there. Officials wages will be paid semi-
anually, that will be at the next meeting. We will determine then if the 1099 act
for pay will be issued. Mayor Thanepohn showed the Council the emblem for the
Police and Public Works Dept. The emblem will be in black and gold.
We have received the Yorkville Motor fuel Tax fund for 1973 and 1974.
Juvenile Grant was received $2397.00 2 men arms and equipment, our input will be
8%. Janet Nesson represented us at the Spingfeild meeting, dropped 4 programs
entirely and fund good programs beyond 3 years. The Mayor said we have a minimal
Drug problem. Drugs 1 boy out of 94 ajustments, alcohol is a different story.
Dr. Coleman said on the joint meeting of October 28,1975 we would cover page 2.
Senior Citizens- Mr. and Mrs. Kohout who live in Fox River Gardens wanted to know
why we don't have a Doctor. The Mayor said the Health and Sanitation Comm. would
look into this. Ald. Simmons, Ald. Groner and Ald. Beach are on this Committee.
Old Business---On the approval of the Sewer Permit Request by Loren Miller, the
City Engineer said that improvements are needed to the existing sewer before the
approval of a sewer request is given. The E.P.A. would approve if L. Miller and the
Industrial Park would get the sewers fixed.
Ald. Erickson said Mrs. Corneils said the city owes her money. Judge Sears rendered
a judgement on this and her attorney should get in touch with Attorney Dickson.
Ald. Erickson wants letter sent to Mr. Purcell thanking him for a good job on the
streets in Countryside.
New Business--- The Clerk read two Sewer Sealing Bids. The W.G. Jaques Co. of
Iowa with a bid bond of 10% with 3 alternate bids.
A- $10,997. B- $ 13, 807. 3M. C- no bid.
Video Pipe Grouting of Chicago with a bond bid of 10% 3 alternate bids.
A- $4,271.44 B- no bid C- no bid.
The contractors guarantee their work. there will be 1330 feet of work at Liberty
and Center streets.Ald. Wolff made a motion to accept Video providing his figures
are correct, seconded by Ald. Beach, Groner aye, Erickson aye, Smith aye, Simmons
aye, Beach aye, Wolff aye, motion carried.
Streets and Alleys----Ale.. Simmons reported that Ald. Beach said the sweeper is in
Ald. Simmons moved that Public Works notify Clean Sweep their sevice won't be
required after Navember 1 , 1975, seconded by Ald. Wolff all aye.
Water---Ald. Wolff reported the well came to a stand still for awhile, the shale
rock shifted. In 2 or 3 days they will get the casings in.
Health and Sanitation----Ald. Simmons said they now have two containers for garbage
at Kissels. The Court Date for Kissel and the Yorkville Restaurant is comming up
next week.
FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A. October 23, 1975.
Police Meeting---- The Mayor said everyone was at the October 16,1975 meeting.
The yeild sign at State and Madison will be checked out and Morgan and Madison wil-
be checked The Squad Car is to be delivered October 2+, 1975. Ald. Groner asked
about the radio in the Cheifs car.
Trees and Parks---Ald. Groner reported on the Bi Centenial Committee they extended
their thanks to the City for the festivities in the Park. Ald. Groner asked about
the Christmas Decorations, the Chamber of Commerce bought them. Ald Groners
Committee will take care of this. they are in the Barber Shop basement. Mr. Garnet
will talk to Ald. Groner on the Tennis Courts.
Sewers----Ald. Wolff SAid letters will go out Monday October 27,1975 on the down
spout problem.
Public Property and Buildings---- Ald. Smith reported we purchased a water heater
for $57.85 for the Police Building, also getting prices on a refrigerator.
The typewritter with the duel pitch is $693.00 without duel pitch $ 612.00.
Building and Zoning---Ald. Beach said there will be a joint meeting between the
Plan Comm. , City Council and all Rt. 34 Corridor personal at 7:30 on November5,.1975
at the County Building, 2nd. floor conference room.
Finance----Ald. Smith asked the Mayor about the transfer of funds. Mayor Thanepohr.
said we could put some in savings or certificates.
Library Board---- Ald. Erickson said the roof is still leaking.He would also like
to compliment Ald. Groner on his job behind the library.
Y.B. 5.-----Ald. Wolff reported that Mrs. Dorothy Perkins and Mrs. Austin wanted
information on the extension of the sewer lines on Rt. 47. She pays taxes to the
Sanitary District. The Sanitary or the City could have special assesments, but we
have to repair what we have 1st.She is not in the city.
The Mayor reported there is some concern on conferences, not all are costing the
City. We have Ross, Ruter and Randall going to F.B.I. seminar on their own time and
using their own cars.
The motion for adjornment was made by Ald. Wolff at 9:40 P.M.
Olgab - L---------------
'L. Schneider, City Clerk