City Council Minutes 1975 10-09-75 FORM 601.49 U.S.A. 9=,_
October 1 9 J_1
Mayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the
Flag. He then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon the roll being taken, the
following Aldermen were present:
1st. Ward--Wolff 2nd. Ward- Groner 3rd. Ward- Smith
Beach Erickson Simmons.
Mayor Thanepohn asked for the introduction of guests. He then directed the Clerk
to read the minutes of the last meeting. Ald. Beach moved to accept the minutes
as printed, seconded by Ald. Groner. Mayor Thanepohn directed the Clerk to read
the Bills. The Treasurer reported she would like to add on Plano P.D. for
forwarding phone calls for $25.80 . Also Crawford Murphy and Tilly Inc. Study and
Report for Water and sewer and storm water systems, $7,920.99 of the General Fund.
Then the Northern Trust Co. Water Refunding Bond dated May 1,1969 $1,015.50 Also
Water Revenue Bond dated May 1, 1969 for $6,492.75. These two will be out of the
Water Fund. Mayor Thanepohn asked about the Riemenschneider Electric under ground
to the Maintenance building. E. Madden reported that they had overhead lines and
they buried the lines so as not to have to move them while working on well.
Alderman Groner asked about buying of gas for investigaters? Mayor Thanepohn
reported that we share part of the set up. I.L.E.C. Investigating unit we share thi
cost every 3rd. or 4th. month. Alderman Groner asked if we were duplicating some
of the operating supplies. The Mayor said no it was usualy cleaning materials and
some for Squads and ect. Alderman Simmons made motion to pay the bills, seconded
by Alderman Smith, motion carried.
Attorney,s Report----Attorney Dickson reported the Ordinance for Fox Valley
Disposal to bit' Arts. will be ready before next meeting. On the Human Resource
Commission Ordinance. Alderman Erickson asked if these weren't taken care of by
other organizations and Social Security? The Mayor said this is a moral obligation
to help the people. Alderman Wolff asked if this was to help people without
donating any money. Alderman Wolff said he thinks this is the biggest problem of
this Country, were always helping and giving away to people, who should be taking
care of themselves. Alderman Erickson said he would like to have section 3 out.
Alderman Groner asked about the intent of the last part of section3. Attorney
Dickson explained section 3 to the Council. Alderman Smith moved to accept the
Human Resource Comm. Ordinance, seconded by Alderman Wolff. All aye. Attorney
Dickson will have the Blanket Ordinance on Existing Stop Signs ready before the
next meeting. Attorney Dickson reported on the notice of the 59 Bond Issue.
Not being printed on time we may have to pay 6 months intest.
Attorney Dickson asked the Councilto approve of the expe iture of $115.00 for his
membership in the National Institute of Municipal Law Officials Organization.
Alderman Beach made a motion to approve, seconded by Alderman Wolff, All aye.
Mayors Report---Mayor Thanepohn has a report on leaf burning from McDonold.
Just dry leaves and brush in daylight hours, in a container and not on the roadway.
FORM 60149® U.S.A. 2 October 9, 1975•
No trash or garbage and ect. Mayor Thanepohn reported any one abstaining or pass
votes are determined to count with ivote or a majority. As the Roberts Rules.
Clerks Report----The Clerk reported that Chuck Johnson of the Fox Valley Disposal
came out and talked to her and Mr. Kimes on Spring St. Mr. Kimes called and thanked
the City for taking care of this matter.
Treasurers Report--- Motion to accept the Treasurers report by Alderman Wolff,
seconded by Alderman Smith, all aye.
Police Dept. Report--- Alderman Wolff would like to know why we have to take our
car to Plano to get the brakes fixed. , he feels they should be done in Yorkville.
Mayor Thanepohn said it is not easy to get someone to work on a squad car when you
want it done. Alderman Groner asked about the Drug abuse here. Mayor Thanepohn
said we don't have a drug problem in Yorkville, and Kendall Co.Alcohol seems to
be a problem. Alderman Erickson moved to accept the report, seconded by Alderman
Wolff, All aye.
Division of Public Works Report--- Alderman Wolff roved tc; accept the Public Works
Report, Alderman Groner would like to have the no. of inspections on the report,
seconded by Alderman Groner, all aye.
Plan Commision Report---Alderman Beach reported they talked about Phase 2 on
Oct. 2,1975 committee meeting. Dr. Coleman has set u? a joint meeting between the
Plan Comm. and the City Council for Oct. 28, 1975 at the City Hall 8:00 P.M.
James B. C1apage will have a detailed presentation on Phase 2.
New Business----Loren Miller asking for approval of Sewer Permit for Millers Subd.
This was refered to the City Engineer and E. Madden for futher study. They will
give recommendation in two Weeks.
Streets and Alleys----Alderman Simmons reported on the surfacing of th- streets
in Countryside Center. Alderman Simmons moved to accept the streets, seconded by
Alderman Wolff, all aye. Alderman Simmons reported a fall cleanup campaign on the
north side on Oct. 20, 1975 and on the south side of town on Oct. 27,1975.
Alderman Simmons said the committee agrees with Alderman Erickson that reflectors
on the curve( on Game Farm Rd. would be good from the north and east.Also that
Mr. Erickson had mentioned Mr. Kellers sidewalk. The Mayor said there is concerne
about the whole sidewalk. Sharing of the expence on repairs would be between the
City and Property Owner.
Water Report----Alderman Wolff reported that the well is 410 feet down then 80 feel
of hard rock then we will be in sand and stone, its going pretty good.
Health and Sanitation . Report----Alderman Simmons reported that the Health Dept.
signed a complaint against the Yorkville Resturant and Mr. Kissol.
Police Committee Report----Mayor Thanepohn reported there would be a Police Comm.
meeting on Oct. 16,1975 at City Hall at 8:00 P.M.
FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A. 3 October 9,1975.
Trees and Parks Report----Alderman Groner reported the City Crew put fill in back
of the Library, also dirt by the Dam. They picked trees out of the river.
Sewers Report---- Alderman Wolff reported there would be an Oct. 16,1975 meeting.
The E.P.A. sent us a nasty letter concerning our City problems. Wolff said to repai
things properly it would cost about $700,000.00 We are done with the smoking of
down spouts, and have sealed 3 man hole covers.
Building and Zoning Report---- Alderman Beach reported on the committee meeting on
Oct. 2,1975. The Fence Odinance has been killed primary reason no need for this
Ordinance at this time. Attach a policy letter to each Building Permit that they
must clean mud and debri off City Streets. Made 3 word changes in Sub Division
Ordinances. Alderman Beach moved to accept changes made in Committee Oct.2,1975,
seconded by Alderman Simmons, all aye. Alderman Beach called for a discussion on tY:
Christine Weiss Dog Pound. There was a tour made last Monday night and by putting
the building up it would cut down noise and be an improvement. Alderman Beach
moved to make this non conforming renovation for a period of 4 years, seconded by
Alderman Wolff. Alderman Erickson doesn't want the pound there. The Mayor said we
have no alternative right now. All in favor say aye , 5 to 1 in favor.
Alderman Beach said all Council Members and Rt. 34 Corridor Committee have joint
meeting Oct. 21,1975 at 7:30 at County Building.
Alderman moved to ajorn into executive session at 9:30 P.M.
Olgg L. Schneider, City Clerk.
Commonwealth Edison Co. - Acct.#EH55-AP-3046A Maint.Bldg.$11.39; Acct. 775.36
#EJ59-AP=0150A P.D.$17.16; Acct.#EH55-AP=3084A Park $11.58; Acct. #AP71881
St. Ltg. $735.23
Illinois Bell Telephone Co. - Police $119.46; City Treas. $19.10; Dir.Public Works 193.19
$35.38; P.D. (Call forwarding) $16.68; Mayor $1.08; City-;Clk. $1.49
Northern Ill. Gas Co. - Acct.#311900100 Park $60.27; Acct.#312902161 Library $8.01; 91.12
Acct.#313907740 City Hall $4.10; Acct. #312900280 P.D. $4.70; Acct. #311901170
Maint.Bldg. $14.04
Clean Sweep, Inc. - Sept. sweeping Inv. #951 70.00
Archie Bieritz - Mowing park and ball park 120.00
Kendall County Record - Printing $59.10; Publications $54.40 113.50 ,
Xerox - Use charge 9/1/75 to 11/30/75 $90.00; Copies 35.06 125.06
Schaefer's Greenhouse - Flowers (Funeral) 20.00
Fox Valley Disposal Co. - Disposal services for September, 1975 1710.41
Fredrickson's Office Supplies, Inc. - Inv. #00069-Desk for City Clerk 75.00
The Country Companies - Automobile Liability $200.59; General Liability $1473.00 5142.00
Workmens Compensation $3669.00
Richs Union 76 - Gas P.D. $672.92; St. Dept. $150.93; Investigators $114.55 938.40
Salisbarys Grocery - Oper. Supplies - P.D. 24.24
Buffalo Rock Shooter's Supply - P.D. - Inv. #03340 - Wad Cutters 60.40
Hamilton Chev.-Olds, Inc. - Repairs to Squad - P.D. - Inv. #22417 108.98
Comm. Technicians $ Consultants,Inc. - Repairs to radio - P.D. - Inv. #15029 10.00
Clark Boardman Co. , LTD - Search & Seizure Law Report - P.D. - Inv. #45660 18.00
Share Corp. - Oper. Supplies - P.D. - Inv. #178761 72.72
Winfred Prickett - 3 Crystals for scanner - P.D. 18.75
Markelz Office Products - Oper-. Supplies - P.D. - Inv. #61962 12.78
Countryside Hardware - Oper. Supplies - St. Dept. 1.52; P.D. 3.75 5.27
C. 0. Nelson Co. - Trash Disposal - Streets & Alley 35.00
Milford Mikkelson - Mileage to Waub6nsee - Streets $ Alley 37.80
Crawford,Murphy & Tilly,Inc. - Investigation of Condition of culvert under Fox Road 135.00
Inv. #567 - St. Maint.
Riemenschneider Electric - Inv. #1372 Repair flood light in City Park $78.14; 862.89
Inv. #1346 Underground Serv. toMaint. Bldg. 784.75 - St. Dept.
Comm. Technicians $ Consultants,Inc. - Inv. #15255 Repair portable radio-St. Dept. 59.45
Yorkville Hardware - Oper. Supplies - St. Dept. 30.64
Anderson $ Bushnell - Office Supplies - Public Works Dept. 110.58
Aurora Typewriter Co. ,Inc. - Inv. #88824 - Typewriter repairs - Bldg. & Zoning;,; 36.25
Winding Creek Nursery - Mums - Inv. #22896 - Trees & Parks 25.00
Kendall Grundy FS, Inc. - Weed killer for Little League fields - Trees $ Parks 60.00
Scott Wood & Metal,Inc. - Oper. Supplies - Inv.#130400 - Truck $ Tractor Maint. 6.60
Coffman Truck Sales,Inc. - Inv. #P66525 Valve - Truck $ Tractor Maint. 3.00
Airco Welding Supply - Inv. #A108143 Oper. Supplies - Truck & Tractor Maint. 9.27
Village of Oswego - Mosquito spraying service - Health $ Sanitation 170.00
Salaries:, Gross $15597.97 Net 11501.57
Suburban Building Officials Conference - Membership & Registration Fee 50.00
for Ald. Beach & E. Madden - Blg. & Zoning
Commonwealth Edison Co. - Acct.#EH55-AP-8690A Water Tower $37.38; Acct. 666.28
#EP14-AP-33737 Pumping $626.66; Acct.#EK59-CH-25525 Pumping $2.24
Illinois Bell Telephone Co. - Maint.Bldg. 25••87
Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago - Interest $ Seryice Charge PA#943 280.00
The Bank of Yorkville - Deposit - Water Depreciation $ Contingencies Fund 150.00
Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago - Deposit - Bond $ Interest Acct% 150.00
Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago - Deposit- Bond $ Interest Reserve Acct. 170.00
Northern I11. Gas Co. - Acct.#313906160 Pump House 10.89
John N. Schneider Appliance - Oper. Supplies 11.17
Sidener, Inc. - Oper.Supplies - Inv. W31261 28.96
Farmers Elevator Co. - Blocks 33.00
Crawford,Murphy & Tilly,Inc. - Services - Inv. #568 - Water main replacement 85.00
VanEmmon $ East Alley
Riemenschneider Electric - Inv. #1373 Replaced pipe on service at Pumphouse 354.55
$84.78; Water proof light in pit at water tower Inv.#1347 $269.77
Marilyn J. Merkel - Postage $ expense 20.29
Salaries Gross $770.83 Net 530.85
Crawford,Murphy $ Tilly,Inc. - Inv. #569 - Instruction-Smoking of Sanitary 176.26
Crawford,Murphy & Tilly,Inc. - Inv. #570 - Services - Resident Engineering 298.48
Inspection for Well #4
Layne Western Co. , Inc. - Work performed - Well #4 13061.70