City Council Minutes 1975 09-25-75 FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A. Qentember 25 1Q75 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND THE ALDERMEN OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON SEPTEMBER 25, 1975• Mayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. He then directed the Clerk to take roll. Upon roll being taken, the followir. Aldermen were present: 1st.Ward- Wolff 2nd.Ward- Groner 3rd.Ward- Smith Beach Erickson Simmons Mayor Thanepohn asked for introduction of guests. He then directed the Clerk to read the minutes of the last meeting. Ald. Groner asked for corrections on the 1st. page spelling of carnival, experation of stickers to read 6, 30, 76. Correct spelling of Jerabek, Morganegg. Mayors report to read commendation to home owners. 8 lines down observed. Questioned Treasurers report on F.C.D. the F. was for Federal. Paid Plano Police Dept. $22.10 for calls. Mosquito spraying was done. Ald. Simmons said the City not the Fox Vally Disposal will pick up 2 or less units. Ald. Groner Said E.Madden reported bulbs are being replaced and will be lighted for the Fall Festival. Spelling on weather, Street. Brush sweeper should be Dickson C-). Building and Zoning should read Ald. Beach recommended plan A. Finance Ald. Smith said Zerox machine. Ald. Simmons -said .in-sewer report after $1,725,,00 .Engineers fees would. bring--total' to-$2000.00 or more. . Ald. Erickson moved to accept the minutes as corrected, seconded by Ald. Groner, all aye. Attorney's Report----Attorney Dickson presented a revised copy of the Ordinance Licensing ofSolicitors, Peddlers and ect. with the addition to the last paragraph section 4 from previous Ordinance, no fees should be charged of a solicitor, peddler or hawker or itinerant merchant sponsored by or working for a religious, educational or charitable organization, where such organization is entirley a non profit organization. It only eliminates the fee, doesn't eliminate the registr; Ald. Smith of the Finance Committee said this makes a child going door to door selling produce out of his garden in violation of the law. Ald. Smith moved to have Peddlers deleted from the Ordinance, where there is immedi2te delivery of goods. Seconded by Ald. Erickson, all aye. Ald. Wolff moved to adopt the revised Ordinance, seconded by Ald. Groner. Roll call vote, Wolff aye- Beach aye- Erickson aye- Groner aye- Smith aye- Simmons aye, motion carried. The 2nd. Ordinance Licensing of Garage Sales. Ald. Smith said the recommendation of the Finance Committee was to forget about it. Ald. Erickson moved to reject the Ordinance on Garage Sales, Seconded by Ald. Simmons. Roll call vote, Wolff abstain- Beach aye- Erickson aye, Groner abstain, Smith aye- Simmons aye, motion carried 4 to 2. The 3rd. Ordinance on Licensing of Circuses and ect. Ald. Smith said the recommendation of the Finance Committee, on this Ordinance on page 2 the 1st. sentence we delete the part, and for admission to which a fee is charged. Attorney Dickson said at the last meeting this was deleted. Ald. Smith said the Finance Committee wanted to have the last line on page 2 and 1st. part of the 3rd. page deleted, because E. Madden said there was no way that he could certify any type rides that came with a carnival, to comply with the Ordinance. Ald. Smith recommended that be deleted and in section 4 the fee be dropped from $500.00 to $300.00. There are provisions for inspections in section 7. Ald. Smith made a moti to crept w$ hanged, s conded by d Beach Roll call vo �, Wolff aye- BeacR aye Erickson aye- Groner aye- mithaye- Simmons aye, a aye. FORM sot-as® U.S.A. 2 September 25,__1975. Attorney Dickson said the 4th. item is the Ordinance Fox Valley Disposal to bill on apts. of 3 or more units. He is not prepared on that Ordinance now. The fifth item Opinion from the Atty. General on Fox Road Culvert, received a letter from Dallas Ingemunson States Atty. by annexation of just part of the road and the passage of time , this could be challenged. Sixth item, Human Resources Commission. Atty. Dickson distributed a draft of the Ordinance which has attempted to establish and define the authority of the Human Resources Commission which is a suggestion of the Mayor, and the Mayor has provided much of the language that is in this Ordinance. Attorny Dickson Would like to have the Ordinance tabled to give the Aldermen time to review it. Aldo+ Erickson moved to table the Human Resources Ordinance, seconded by Ald. Simmons, all aye. ttorney Dickson said last in my report the b Division Contrc Ordinance and the/Awnin Ordinance have been received by me and7discussed those 2 Ordinance's with Ald. Beach and we will be talking more about them later. Mayors Report---- mayor Thanepohn and Winn. Prickett attended a Juvenile Justice and Deliquency p�bention planning seminar down at I. S. U. Monday Sept. 22, 1975. Kendall Co. had about 30% of the people that were there. The Mayor had a letter from the States Atty. regarding the dog pond. This pond would not be used for any animals other than in Kendall Co. Ald. Groner moved to table for study, seconded by Ald. Wolff, all aye. Dr. Sehlapp spoke to the council about fixing the building, it would be a improvement not a new building. The county would lease this for $1000.00 a year for a period of 4 years, which would be part of Mrs. Weise's pay. The building would be insulated and would reduce sound. Mayor Thanepohn refered this to the Health and Sanitation also the Building and Zoning Committee's for study. Ald. Beach said he wanted a meeting on Building and Zoning on Oct.2,1975 at 8:00 P.M. at City Hall. On the agenda will be the Fence Ordinance, Mud Ordinance, Phase 2 Study of the Comprehenensive Plan and now the Dog Pont. Mayor Thanepohn had a letter from Phil McDonold of the Enviramental Health Div. of the County.It was a copy of the letter notifying Mr. Kissel of non compliance with the Sanitary Ordinance, its being worked on now. Mayor Thanepohn appointed Ald. Beach to the Public Property and Building Committee as a Member. Ald. Wolff moved to accept Ald. Beach's appointment, seconded by Ald. Smith, all aye. Ald. Wolff will be at City Hall to pick the Mayor and the Aldermen for the Parade Saturday at 9:15 A.M. . The Mayor thanked A14- Groner for all his work on the projec- Clerks Report----- The Clerk reported the Plan Commission had a meeting and Ald. Beach would give a report on this meeting. Plan Commission Report------Ald. Beach said they had a meeting last Thursday evening and as a result of the meeting they have requested the City Council's approve the Yorkville Sub Division Ordinance. The Committee approved the proposed changes, pending Legal Opinion concerning any possible wording changes that were arrived at in committee. Attorney Dickson said it was alright. Ald. Beach made motion to accept the Yorkville Sub Div. Ordinance as corrected, seconded by A1d.Wolff, roll call vote,Wolff aye- Beach aye- Erickson aye- Groner aye- Smith aye- Simmons aye, motion carried. sr FORM 601-49® U.S.A. 3 September 25, 1975. Ald. Beach said the Planning Comm. request the City Council approve Phase 2 of the Comprfensive Plan at this time, Ald. Beach would like to refer this to the Committee meeting next week. Senior Citizens were repr�ented by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Low . Old Business---- Nothing. New Business---- 7tithing. Streets and Alleys Report-----Ald. Simmons had nothing to report.Ald. Groner requested that a blanket Ordinance be drafted to include all those old existing stop signs. He would like to have this updated. The Mayor asked Attorney Dickson to look into this. Ald. Erickson said on the curve by the Caytons, instead of a light, they should have signs and reflecters. This was refered to Steets and Alley's Committee. Water Report----Ald. Wolff said we are just under 200 feet and about 280 feet thru hard rock to go yet. Health and Ss.zi[':ation------Ald. Simmons had a copy of the letter from Phil. McDon that was sent to the Yorkville Resturann very flagrant violations, either they clean it up or else. By next meetint he will know more. Police Report-----Mayor Thanepohn said they will have a committee meeting on October 16, 1975 at 8:OOP.M. at City Hall. Ald. Groner wants to know about the Dog condition. He wants the Dog Ordinance put in force. is will be taken up- in Committee. Trees and Parks----Ald. Groner thanked E. Madden for the tour of City pPojects. He said the Dam project will get dirt and seed down there.The City Park is in good co4tion, lights are working, flowers are planted, things have been painted, new flags are up, every thing will be ready for Saturday. Mayor Thanepohn said to make a note for Xmas decorations. Also in the Tennis Court project theres $6000.0 remaining in that fund. He would like Ald. Groner to get with Mr. Garnett on this. Ald. Wolff asked to see the agreement on the Tennis Court project. The Mayor said they have had favorable comments on Tennis Courts. Ald. Groner said the rules and agreement are not in the Tax Payers Favor. Mayor Thanepohn Said they would like Flag holders for Bridge st. by or before next year for the Bi Centenial. Ald. Groner said Don Dirst said there was a mill where the sanitary Dept. is and theres a old griss mill stone there. Ald. Groner would like to have this moved to the Park and put a plaque on it. Sewers------ Ald. Wolff said bids will go out to repair sewers and they will open them on the 2nd. meeting in October. Future Planing---- nothing. Public Property and Buildings-------Ald. Smith got anotherBid on the Pump House roof and it was $50.00 higher than Malcor so E. Madden will have the roof repaired by Malcor. Ald. Smith bought a desk for the City Clerk for $75.00. FORK 601-49 ® U.S.A. 4 September 25 1975. Building and Zoning Report----- Ald. Beach said on the agenda was the Sub Div. Ordinance which was already accepted by the Council and he already refered the Fence Ordinance to the Committee, and I have a report on Rt. 34 Corridor Study. The Commision met Sept. 17,1975 as the result of that, there going to have the James Clarage and Ass. who will present an: interim report on the Rt. 34 Study group on Oct. 15, 1975. On Oct.21,1975 at the new County Office Building there will be a meeting with all the board members of City and County plus all Plana- Commission: in attendence. Purpose to accept, comment and propose changes to the interim report. On Oct. 29,1975 A public meeting will be held at the new Kendall Co. office building at 7:30 P.M. ON November 15,1975 the Rt. 34 Study group *.rill finalize plans to present and finish Rt. 34 Commission report. Harold Feltz and Ald. Beach are representatives of the Rt-34 Plan Commission. They would like the Council and the Plan Commission to hold Oct.21,1975 open for a meeting at 7:30P.M. at the County Building 2nd. floor. Finance Report------Ald. Smith reported he would meet with the representative of Zerox Co. on Friday to sign a rental contract on the 660 machine for $60.00 a month and also sign a perchase agreement for a 914 machine for $4417.00, they will be delivered in 6 weeks. Mayor Thanepohn asked Ald. Smith to get busy now on the Budjet Officers Law. Library Board Report----nothing. Yorkville Bristol Sanitary Board Report---- Ald. Wolff Said everyone should go to a Sanitary Board meeting just once. The Council would like to have the Mayor on the Sanitary Board. Ald. Wolff Will get the group for the Homecomming Parade. Ald. Wolff moved to adjorn the meeting at 9:25 seconded by Add. Beach. Olga E. Schneider, City Clerk.