City Council Minutes 1975 09-11-75 FORK 601-49 ® U.S.A. Ccptcmhcr 11 1Q7�'i MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND THE ALDERMEN OF THE UNITEDCITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS HELD AT THE CITY HALL ONSEPTEMBER11,1975- Mayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. He then directed the Clerk to take roll, Upon roll being taken, the followir. Aldermen were present: 1st. Ward 2nd. Ward-Erickson 3rd. Ward- Smith Beach Simmons Mayor Thanepohn asked for introduction of guests. He then directed the Clerk to read the minutes of the last meeting. One correction in the Atty's Report Ald. Erickson voted aye in the roll call vote. Ald. Erickson moved to accept the minutes as corrected, seconded by A1d.Beach all aye. Reading of Bills--- Ald. Smith added bill for Bob Todman for 50.00 for blocking in the country well house. Ald. Smith moved to add $50.00 to the bills, seconded by A1d.Beach. The treasurer also had a bill for Fox Valley Disposal which was late , but to go on bill $1,710.00 Ald. Beach made motion to pay Fox Valley Dis. seconded by Ald. Simmons, all aye. Ald. Erickson asked if shoes for the Police Dept. had been on the bill before? Mayor Thanepohn said no just since they require all men to have uniform attire. Mayor Thanepohn said the 34 corridor study was half way there ,$500.00 to Clarige. Water construction theres a $8914.00 bill to Crawford, Murphy & Tilly. Motion to pay bills by Ald. Simmons, seconded by Ald. Beach. Roll call vote, Beach aye- Erickson aye- Smith aye- Simmons aye, all aye. Ald. Hanback sent a letter of resignation as of Sept. 4,1975 he will have a 1st. Ward address. Jerry Groner resigned from the Plan commission. Mayor Thanepohn appointed Jerry Groner to fill the unxpired term of Ald. Hanback, motion to accept by Ald. Beach, seconded by Ald. Simmons, all aye. The Clerk Swore Jerry Groner into the office of Ald. of the 2nd. Ward. Attorney's Report---- Att--. Dickson requested the States Atty, of Kendall co. that the Atty. General render a opinion whether the City or County has the culvert on Fox Road. Ald. Erickson questioned about c1nival licenses.Ald. Smith moved to table Ordinances 2-3-4- on the agenda, seconded by Ald. Simmons all aye. Wheel Tax Ordinance changes the date of experation of City Stickers to summer rather than winter. The present City Stickers will be good for an additional six months. The ammendment also drops the pevious program of lower cost for stickers if purchased in advance. All stickers will be $5.00, motion to accept by Ald. Beach, seconded by Ald. Simmons. Roll call vote; Beach aye- Groner aye- Erickson Nay- Smith aye- Simmons aye, motion carried 4 to 1. Ordinance yeild intersection at Washington & Morgan. Washington to yeild to Morgai St.Ald. Beach moved to accept, seconded by Ald. Simmons. Roll call vote, Beach aye Erickson aye- Groner aye- Smith aye- Simmons aye, motion carried. Mayor Thanepohn's Report-----James Jerabeg resigns from the Police Dept. to accep- anouther position. Mayor Thanepohn appointed Gary Borling a recent graduate of Western ILl. University with a degree in law enforcement to replace Jerabek, motion to acceptby Ald. Beach, Seconded by Ald. Simmons, Roll call vote; Beach aye- Erickson aye- Groner aye- Smith aye- Simmons aye, motion carried. Ill. M. L. will be on 3-4-5-6. you make your omn reservations. A request by the Bristol Kendall Firemen to hold a fire fighting demonstration involving gasoline explosions on October 5, 1975 at Countryside Center, motion to approve made by Ald. ERickson, seconded by Ald. Beach, all aye. FORM 801-49® U.S.A. 2 September 11 , 1975. A request by the J C's to operate bingo in City Park at Fall Festival. Mrs. Morganig wants to run from 1 to 4, asking for permission from State. 17.76 will go to the Bicentenial Commission 10% goes to State & rest goes to our profit. Will the Council approve if State gives license for the 27th. of Sept. & 1 other date. Motion to approve by Ald. Erickson, seconded by Ald. Beach, all aye. The Mayor said he would like everyone to read the August Ill.M. L. on Council Committee's. Received a letter from consultant on Womens Club Pavillion & will be glad to help. Mayor Thanepohn recommended that the City Council give Pecommendations for improvme & beautification of buildings & property. The Mayor made committee changes. Ald. Groner will serve as chairman of trees & parks committee & as a member on s4e & alleys, health and sanitation, future planning Tennis Courts & Bicentenial activi Frank Wolff was made Chairman of future planning committee. The student Council of Yorkville high made a request to hold a homecomming Parade Oct. 4, 1975 motion to aprove Ald. Beach, seconded by Ald. Smith, all aye. Mayor Thanepohn made a proclomation declaring Sept. 27, 1975 as hunting and fishing day. The business commission went to Rochell on August 27, 1975 & abserved & got some ideas to update our own business. The Clerk had a complaint that went to Ald. Simmons. Clerks training institute in Urbana Oct.28 to 31 ,1975. Ald. ERickson moved to accept cost of sending Clerk to Urbana, seconded by Ald. Smith, all aye. Treasurers Report----The Treasurer cashed in F.C.D. & receivedinterest of $1 ,141.66 also cashed in 2 water C.D,s on alley report. Motion to accept Treasurers report made by Ald. Simmons, seconded by Ald. Smith, all aye. Police dept. Report----30 arrests, Plano answered 221 phone calls at a total of $4. Recovered more stolen property then was stolen. Ald. Erickson moved to accept Polic report for August, seconded by Ald. Beach, all aye. Director of Public Works Report----- When there done with smoking, going into testing water main valves & winter proofing hydrans, exercise valves & if need be repair them. Water dept. Well is in progress. Sewer Dept. Report----More on storm sewers later. Street dept. Report--- Leaves & grass cut , & parking lot at Library is being fixed Building Dept. Report---- The value of construction today for the calender year $1 ,143,000.00 this is where our increase in Revenue comes from & more to share the burden & keep the taxes from going up. Ald. Beach moved to accept, seconed by Ald. Simmons, all aye. Plan Commission Report---No meeting. Old Business---- Every thing is in order for the Robert Loftus water main extensic Ald. Erickson moved to approve, seconded by Ald. Beach , all aye. Glen Schomer water and sewer request to set aside City requirments for water and sewer connections. Ald. Simmons recommended that he be allowed to have a well and septic system due to the footage involved. Ald. Erickson moved to approve the septic and well at 104 No. Bridge St. , seconded by Ald. Simmons, all aye. FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A. September 11 , 1975 New Business-----Mr. Madden recommended that the Wayne Millen Subdivision Steets be accepted. Ald. Erickson moved to accept Wayne Millen Sts. , seconded by Ald. Groner, all aye. Gas Bids---- Rich's Union Pump prices on unleaded is 62.9 Super Reg. 62.9 price to City is pump price less 40 tax less 40 discount which at this time would be 54.9 to the City. Zeiters Mobil- Mobil Reg. 63.9 per gal less+¢ Fed. tax 59.9 less 05 City price 54.9 Mobil no lead .04 Fed. Tax 60.9 less .05 City price 55.9 Mobil Premium 67.9 less.04 Fed. Tax63.9 less .05 City price 58.9 above prices our pump prices as of September 11, 1975. Ald. Groner asked how long bids were fore? Till April of 1976. Ald. Erickson recinded the motion to table till next meeting for loss of a second Ald Simmons moved to give to Riches 76, seconded by Ald. Smith, Roll call Vote; Beach aye- Erickson aye- Groner aye- Smithaye- Simmons aye, motion carried. O Brush Sweeper Bids---Homer Dickson bid $1,939.25 installed. J.W. Hiner bid $2,150.00 installed. Ald. Erickson questioned this. Ald. Beach moved to accept Dicksons bid of $1 ,939.25, seconded by Ald. Simmons, Roll cal'. vote: Beach aye- Erickson nay Groner aye- Smith aye- Simmons aye, motion carried 5 to 1. Streets and Alleys Report----Ald. Simmons said there is grading at Countryside. Ald. Erickson said Mr. Keller Wants the City to dv something about bikes riding on the grass by the steps in front of his house. Water Report--- Ald. Simmons said the well is down 172 feet into hard rock there using a 254 in. bit & they will be installing a 22 inch steel liner to bottom of this layer then the bit will be 21inch, drilling about 7 feet a day. Health and Sanitation Report----Ald. Simmons said they looked at Kissel apartments they need anouther container, will write Mr. Kissel about this & weeds. Mosquito Spra, ' w�bye done Tues. night at a cost of around $200.00. F will pick up 2 or less unites free & 3 or more unites to be bi by Fox Valley, Ald. Simmons wants this to be an Ordinance. Ald. Simmons moved to have Ordinance drawn up, seconded by Ald. Groner, all aye. Police Report--- Nothing. Trees and Parks Report---- E. Maddencee the Memorial lighting the bulbs are being replaced & the lights will be lit for the Fall Festival. Sewer Report----Ald. Simmons said there is a hurry to get the storm sewers between Spring and Center Water is infiltering the sanitary sewer , due to wileather. Have report from Vidio type . Recomend all Liberty st. cleaning & inspection, testing, grouting and ect. $1,725.00 Engineers fees $1000.00 or more. Ald. Simmons moved to send out bids, seconded by Ald.Beach to be back by October 23, 1975. all Future Planning----Nothing. Public Property and Buildings------ Ald. Smith said Library still leaks. Ald. Smith said we have a bid of $868.00 to fix the roof of the pump house down town. Ald. Simmons wants anouther bid, seconded by Ald. Erickson , all aye. FORM 601-490 U.S.A. September 11 , 1975, Lights, Phone & Gas----- Ald. Erickson said Claytons would like to have a stet light on the curve of Game Farm Rd. Mr. Prickett said it is a bad spot. Building and Zoning---- Ald. Beach Rt. 34 Corridorplan A. Orchard Rd. across Rt. 34 west of Oswego & join Rt. 71 near Minkler Rd. Sub division Control. Ordinance to go back to the Plan Commission and Ald. Beach will present this to the PAn Comm. Fence Ordinance- Ald. Beach made motion to refer this to committee, seconded by Ald. Erickson all aye. Finance ---- Ald. Smith on Photo Copy Machines to buy $4,650.00 price over 5 years at $77.50 per montho The same machine with options is $6,150.00 to rent over 5 yea Ald. Beach moved to empower the committee to purchase, seconded by Ald. Groner, roll call vote: Beach aye- Erickson aye- Groner aye- Smith aye- Simmons aye, carri Library-- Nothing. Ald. Simmons moved to adjorn, seconded by Ald. Beach. 10:07 P.M. Olga Schneider, City Clerk.