City Council Minutes 1975 08-28-75 FORM 601-490 U.S.A. August 28, 1975
Mayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the
Flag. He then directed the Clerk to take roll, Upon roll being taken, the followinE
Aldermen were present:
1st. Ward- Wolff 2nd. Ward- Hanback 3rd. Ward- Smith
Beach Erickson Simmons
Mayor Thanepohn asked for introdution of guests. He then directed the Clerk to
read the minutes of the last meeting. There were two corrections on the second
page. Mayor Thanepohn said to stike out where Atty. Dicksonsaid the motion to
table was second and would be voted on first.Also on the second page 4th. line
up from the bottom of the page which should have read Ald. Beach voted nay.
Ald. Erickson moved to accept the minutes with corrections, seconded by Ald. Wolff
all aye, motion carried.
Attorney's Report-----Attorney Dickson distributed drafts to Ald. Simmons and
Ald. Smith the committee concerning Licensing of Carnivals Circuses, garage sales
intinerant merchants, and others. There are changes to be made and will be ready
by next meeting. In the same way the wheel Tax Ordinance has been submitted to
the Mayor, again there are some changes to be made. I have delivered to the
Treasurer the executed copy of the escrow ageement with the respect of the
retirement of the 1959 Water Bond Issue. The Ordinance passed at the last Council
meeting provided for the funding. of that use of $44, 139.00. The Treasurer needs
a resolution for her to transmit the sum of $44,139.00 to the National Boulevard
Bank of Chicago pursuit to the special ageement of retirement of that issue.
Ald. Simmons made motion to have the Treasurer transfer the funds to National
Boulevard Bank seconded by Ald. Wolff. Roll call vote Wolff-aye Beach- aye
Hanback- aye Smith- aye Simmons- aye, motion Carr-_ed. ,. �t�'-�`
Attorney Dickson said he had a letter from Mr. Peterson representing Brian
Mulhern and Mr. Lynch was here to represent Mr. Loftus on the issue of building
Permits for their projects in Countryside Center. Mayor Thanepohn said we would
stand by our Ordinance stating no building permits would be issued until the streel
are completed.
Mayor's Report---- Mayor Thanepohn said there was a position created for a
Secretary of the Public Works Department at the last meeting. I nominate Luann
Erickson as Secretary of Public Works Department at $2.50 an hour starting
September 1, 1975. She shall have all benefits as provided by the Personel
Policy adopted May 11 , 1972. Motion to accept made by Ald. Wolff , seconded by
Ald. Simmons. Roll call vote Wolff- aye Beach- aye Erickson- abstain Hanback- aye
Smith- aye Simmons- aye, motion carried. I have a acknowledgment from Comm.
Edison that they approved two street lights at Blain and W. Adrian and Blain and
W. Morgan. Theres a question on a road signthats somewhat confusing , heading
west at the entrance theres a sign saying left lane ends, actually its the right
lane that ends. Winn. Prickett checked with the highway Dept. in Ottawa and they
said thats the saftest way to control traffic. The Bicentennial committee request
a Parade on Harvest Days Sept. 27,1975 with the Council riding in the Parade.
Also permission to use the City Park at 10:00 a.m. Ald. Erickson made motion to
permit , seconded by Ald. Smith, all aye , motion carried. Illinois Municpal League
:,'onference on Oct. 3,4,5,6. Letter from Ill. Environment Potection agency
FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A. August 28, 1975
reference to public water supply proposed improvement construction permit this is
in reference to Mulhern. This permit is hereby issued for construction and
improvements to your public water supply. This is based on plans and speks issued
by your engineer$. Sanitary Sewers and Main for B-.-Jan Mulhern granted by E.P.A.
This is a permit to construct water lines at Mulherns.
Clerks Report--- 'T'he Clerk reo4ed the Plan Commission met Tuesday August 26, 1975
at 8:00 P. M. They revied subdivsion control Ordinance and Route #34 Corridor
Study Report.
Senior Citizens----- The senior Citizens were represented.
Old Bussiness---The Tax Levy totaled $155,673.00 Ald. Wolff moved to accept the
Tax Levy Ordinance as printed, seconded. by Ald.Simmons. Roll call vote Wolff- aye
Beach- aye Hanback-aye Erickson-aye Smith-aye Simmons-aye, motion carried.
Robert Loftus was represented by Kevin Lynch on his request for water extension.
Mayor Thanepohn read a letter from Crawford, Murphy and Tilly. The estimated cost
for public improvemnts including sidewalks,curb,gutter,street work, storm sewer
and water main and Sanitary sewer are estimated at $37,000.00. The owner contractor
must post a perfomance bond of not less then $40,000.00. We must have the new
plans and the bond before we can act on this. Ald. Erickson moved to table the
water extention,seconded by Ald. Wolff all aye.
New Business---- Squad car/went to Standard Motors, Chevy Olds, Kornac Olds, Fox
River Chrysler, Detzler Pontiac, Hamilton Chevy Olds. and Carls Chevy. Carls Chevy
and Hamilton were the two bids we received. Carls Chevy bid $3,646 on a full size
car and $3,186. on a smaller car. Hamilton bid $3700. cash on dilivery with trade
on a Oldsmobile. Wolff made a motion to take the Hamilton Olds. for $3,700. seconde
by Ald.Hanback. Roll call vote Wolff-aye Beach-aye Hanback-aye Erickson-nay
Smith-aye Simmons-aye, motion carried 5 to 1.
Glen Shomer requested that he be able to have a septic and well at 104 Bridge st.
untill the city sewer and water are available.This was refered to the Water And
Sewer Committee.
Stan Woodworth has a lot he would like to divide into two lots. The Attorney and
the Building Inspector said ;you can split a lot as long as you have two buildable
Robert Loftus wants to drop two unites from two 12 unite buildings in Rountryside
Kommons and add a third bedroom to three other two bedroom units. Ald. Wolff
made a motion this be refered to the Plan Commission, seconded by Ald. Erickson
all aye.
Ald. Erickson said we have a problem on River st. at the Apartments. Tom Moganegg
said their trash cans are on his property, this is refered to the Health and
Sanitation Dept. '
Streets and Alleys------Ald. Simmons said Eldon has done some research on the
Culvert on Fox Rd. and it appears we don't own that road. Atty. Dickson will get
a opinion on that.
Water-----Ald. Wolff said we have drilled 80 feet and 61 foot completed with
pipes down. Also anual conference on Ill. Environmentel Protection Agency Conferenc
and water supply opperators Conference at a cost of $157.00 Ald. Wolff Made a
motion to send E. Madden , seconded by Ald. Beach, all aye.
FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A. August 28,1975
Health and Sanitation----Ald. Simmons said E. Madden was to get information on
Mosquito Spray, they will cover this at committee meeting.
Police--- nothing.
Trees and Parks----Ald. Hanback received a letter from Chuck Stading commending
E.Madde_z and his crew on help for the little league diamonds. $60.00 was spent for
chemicals to kill all weeds.Tennis Courts nre being used and we should pay the
$20,000.00 of our share. We have money tp light 3 courts from the walk a thon.
The Womens Club would like to have a Pavillion in the City Park, they will donate
$500.00 and have plans drawn for one , they will work with the city on this.
Sewers---- Ald.Wolff said smoking on the south west side of town is complete there
were 31 violations. They are now on the south east section. The minutes of the
Sanitary Board said we were going to repair sewer on Liberty and Main St. Thats not
right, we would look into it and in the near future have some improvements made.
Letters should go out to violators on down spouts. .
Public Property and Buildings----Ald. Smith said a bid from Malcor to repair the
roof of the Pump House, also Malcor suggested covering chimney of the Library
with Plastic to see if thats where the water was comming from. E. Madden has done
Building and Zoning----Ald. Beach will report at the next meeting.
Finance-----Ald. Smith said we haven't received anything from Xerox yet.
Library Board----Ald. Erickson said there has been 2213 books cheched out in the
mounth of July.
Yorkville Bristol Sanitary----Ald. Wolff they passed the Bills and gave the
Supl- ntendant of the Sanitary Board a $19,000.00 raise plu's $8. 12 per hour overtime
Ald. Hanback is going to move and will resign as of September 1,1975.
Mayor Thanepohn said we regretfully accept his resignation.
Ald. Wolff moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Simmons,. at 9:40 P.M.
OlgaUL. Schneider, City Clerk.
AUGUST, 1975 G
Commonwealth Edison Co.-P.D. 47.87, Maint.Bldg. 6.46, Park 5.71, Ltg. 688.66 $
Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - Mayor 1.08, City Clk. 1.49, City Treas. 6.82, 222.69
P.D. 66.072 Dir. Public Works 91.420 P.D. (Call forwarding) 55.81
Clean Sweep, Inc. - Street sweeping for August 60.00
Aaren Pest Control - Bug spraying 2 times - P.D. 40.00
Archie Bieritz - Mowing park $ ball park 80.00
Betty Huston,Sec'y. Plan Commission - Fees for April,May & June 1975 Meetings 70.60
Ron Pechtold - Shampoo carpet - P.D. 56.28
Kendall County Record - Publications & printing for July $ August 287.50
Markelz Office Products - Typewriter Ribbons P.D.-Inv. #68490 $ 72381 5.34
F6x Valley Disposal Co. - 1 dumpster pick-up 20.00
James B. Clarage $ Assc.- Plan services for August & Subd. Ord. 483.33, Rt. 983.33
34 Corridor Study 500.00
Rich's Union 76 - Gas P.D. 633.59, St. Dept. 123.36 756.95
Durbin Office Machines - 2 boxes copy paper 3M copier - City Sect. 38.30
Plano Police Department - 221 calls 8/12 thru 8/31, 1975 22.10
Bob's Service - Fan bels - P.D. 4.20
Yorkville Hardware - Oper. Supplies - P.D. 12.04
Byers Printing Co. - Warning tickets - P.D. 81.23
Hamilton Chev.Olds Inc-. - Squad repairs-P.D.- Inv. 22118,22178,22273 & 22296 182.31
Don Reece - Recordax - installed at Plano P.D. Inv. 7432 208.95
Badger Uniforms - Shoes & Cap '- P.D. 150.62
Auto Specialists Inc. - Clean & service alternator - Inv. 10565 40.47
Communications,Technicians & Consultants,Inc. - Inv. #16388 Service 35.00, Inv. 736.00
#14843 Service 17.50, Inv. #16222 Portable Radio 683.50
Yorkville Auto Parts - Oper. Supplies - P.D. 5.48
John N. Schneider -OPer. Supplies - St. Dept. 1.55
Yorkville Auto Parts - Oper. Supplies - Trucks & Tractor 37.34
Yorkville Hardware Oper. Supplies - St. Dept. 2.95, Public Property $ Bldgs. 92.51
Hornsbys - Oper. Supplies - St. Maint. 7.72, Bldg. & Zoning 44.19 51.91
Crawford,Murphy & Tilly, Inc. - Services - Miilherns Subd. - Bldg. & Zoning 86.42
W. W. Grainger, Inc. - Oper. Supplies - Maint. Bldg. $ Public Prop. $ Bldgs. 187.28
E $ H Utility Sales - Yield signs - Streets $ Alleys 40.80
A & M Construction Co. - 2 share sidewalk-Ralph Blake residence-Streets $ Alleys 84.00
Ram Electric Supply, Inc. - Oper. Supplies - Streets & Alleys 10.71
Anderson $ Bushnell - Oper. Supplies - Streets $ Alleys 77.18
Fredricksens Office Supplies- Oper. Supplies - P.D. 45.38, Streets & Alleys84.39 129.77
C. 0. N elson - Trash Disposal - Streets 65.00
Countryside True Value - Oper. Supplies - P.D. 3.38, Streets & Alleys 10.91 14.29
Aurora :Blacktop, Inc. - Cold mix - Inv.#S20 - Streets $ Alleys 136.30
Milwaukee Electric Tool Corp. - Supplies - Inv. 20-40-378-00, Streets $ Alleys 84.19
Milford Mikkelson - Tuition $ F6es - Waubonsee Comm. College - Trucks & Tractor 20.00
W. S. Darley & Co. - Emergency lights $ stencil - Streets $ Alleys 162.05
Central Limestone - Rock - St. Dept. 66.33
Salaries Gross 12,400.16 Net 9150.98
$ 15311.70
Commonwealt Edison Co. - Water Tower 44.350 Pumping 651.55 6)5.90
Illinois Bell Telephone - Maint. Bldg. 22.57
The Bank of Yorkville - Deposit, Water Depr.& Cont. Fund 150.00
National BlV.d:: Bank of Chicago - Deposit - Bond and Interest Account 150.00
National Blvd. Bank of Chicago - Deposit - Bond and interest Reserve Account 170.00
Community Unit Dist. #115 - Refund of water permit fee 500.00
Elden Madden - Registation fee - Seminar on 8/19/75 $10.00, Tuition $ Lab fee 93.25
$ textbooks 83.25
Crawford,Murphy & Tilly,Inc. - Services- Water Main replacement East alley 975.14
Sidener, Inc. - meter 296.95
W. S. Darley $ Co. - Oper. Supplies 310.23
Jim's Trenching & Sewer Cleaning - service water leaks 199.00
Salaries Gross 770..83;. Net 530.85
Jim's Trenching $ Sewer Cleaning - grading - Storm sewer 154.00
Fox Valley Sewer Service - Oper. Supplies 175.00
Neenah Foundry Co. - Adj . Rings 554.40
Farmers Elevator Co. - Oper. Supplies 349.80
Crawford,Murphy & Tilly, Inc. - Water Main Extension - VanEmmon to Hydraulic 8914.51
Crawford,Murphy & Tilly, Inc. - Services on Plans & Specifications - Well #4 7349.69
Layne-Western Co., Inc. - Work performed - Well #4 6948400
Markelz Office Products - Office Furniture - Maint. Bldg. - Inv. #56341, 3527.68
57113, 64855, 65062, 65063, 68189
Commonwealth Edison Co. - Acct. #EH55-AP-3046A Maint.Bldg. $18.16; Acct. 777.87
EJ59-AP-0150A P.D. $5.15; Acct. #EH55-AP-3084A Park $17.60; Acct.
E-AP71881 Street Lighting $736.96
Illinois Bell Telephone Co. - Mayor $26.47; Dir. Public Works $39.37; City 156.33
Treas. $8.97; Police $62.77; City Clerk $2.07; P.D. (Call Forwarding)$16.68
LeRoy Thanepohn - Municipal League Conference Expenses 243.44
Bride's Flower Shop - Flowers for Ald. Smith 10.00
Clean Sweep, Inc. - October sweeping - Inv. #1016 70.00
Fox Valley Disposal Co. - Disposal services for October 1710.41
Xerox - Use charge 10/16/75 to 10/30/75 20.00
Archie Bieritz - Picking up leaves in the Park 80.00
Durbin Office Machines - Copy paper - City Sect. $ P.D. 60.14
Betty Huston, Sect. Plan Comm. - Meetings & Expenses for August $ September 48.20
Fox Valley Disposal Co. - 1 Dumpster pick up 20.00
McNelis Tree Service - Removing 5 trees 425.00
Markelz Office Products - Oper. Supplies - City Sect. Inv. #61147 24.56
Ellsworth Windett - Insurance on City Bldgs. $ Contents, Country Well Bldg. $ 1516.57
Contents, Library Bldg. ; Bonds for C1erk,Mayor $ Library Treasurer
Rich's Union 76 - Gas P.D. $661.18; St. Dept. $227.49 888.67
Martin's Sheet Metal - Service furnace at P.D. 12.00
Plano Police Dept. - 376 calls 10/1/75 thru 10/31/75 37.60
Badger Uniforms - Inv. #69293,68858,69991, 70016 - Uniforms P.D. 454.46
Yorkville Auto Parts - 30" Fusees Inv. #00723 27.00
Southtown Oil - Radiator hose, clamps & installation - P.D. 10.90
Ram Electric Supply,Inc. - Oper. Supplies - P.D. 25.41
Robert W. Prickett - Install radios in new squad, check radios in 3 squd.ds 102.80
and 1 mike cord
Hamilton Chev.Olds,Inc. - Installing equipment from old squad to new squad 95.05
Inv. #22882
John N. Schneider- Oper. Supplies-Streets $ Alleys $6.63; Refrigerator P.D.$189.00 195.63
Baird Jewelers - Film P.D. $5.39; Bldg. $ Zoning Film $10.78 16.17
Bldg. Officials $ Code Adm. International,Inc. - Door knob hangers & danger signs 25.00
Bldg. & Zoning Inv. $52035
Aurora Typewriter Co. - Calculator Inv. #89298 Finance 199.00
Central Limestone Co. - Rock - Streets 17.91
Yorkville Hardware - Oper. Supplies - Streets & Alleys 32.47
Fox Valley B1uePrint - Oper. Supplies - Street Dept. 11.88
Malcor Roofing Co. - New roof at pumphouse Inv. #6790 - Public Prop. $ Bldgs. 868.00
Luanne Erickson - Curtains & rods - Public Prop. & Bldgs. 77.45
Odin Christian - Use of tiller - Trees & Parks 20.00
Farmers Elevator Co. - Oper. Supplies - Trees $ Parks 85.28
Blue Grass Farms - Sod - Trees $ Parks 155.00
Ram Electric Supply, Inc. - Inv. #14044 - Oper. Supplies - Trees & Parks 25.92
Homer G. Dickson Co. - Plumbing-Repair fountain in Park $26.00-Trees $ Parks; 295.21
Install steering shiff $ bushings in tractor $269.21-Trucks & Tractor
Hathorn's Inspection Station- Truck test - Truck & Tractor Maint. 4.00
Southtown Oil - Starter drive & installation - Truck $ Tractor Maint. 19.10
Milford Mikkelson - Mileage to W.C.C. - Streets $ Alleys 16.80
Yorkville Auto Parts - Oper. Supp. - Truck $ Tractor Maint. 18.45
Neenah Foundry - Frame $ lids - Sewer Fund 410.00
Aurora Blacktop,Inc. - Cold mix - Street Maint. 140.65
C.O. Nelson Co. - Trash disposal - Healtp $ Sanitation 84.00
Salaries Gross $13357.97 Net 9979.76
Commonwealth Edison Co. - Acct. #EK59CH25525 Pumping $24.87; Acct. #EP14AP33737 667.76
Pumping $621.09; Acct. #EH55-AP8690A Water Tower $21.80
Illinois Bell Telephone,Co. - Maint. Bldg. 20.43
Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago - Dep. - Bond & Interest Acct. 150.00
Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of @hicago - Dep. - Bond & Interest Reserve Acct. 170.00
The Bank of Yorkville - Dep. - Water Depreciation & Cont. Fund 150.00
Sidener, Inc. - Inv. #31931 Meters & Parts $614.04; Inv. #31978 Oper. Supplies 675.65
E $ H Utility Sales,Inc. - Inv. #25070 Main repairs $139.40; Inv. #25071 New 183.76
Equipment $44.36
W. S. Darley & Co. - Inv. #159540 - Periscope Flashlight 30.57
M J. Merkel - Postage & expense 8.07
Salaries Gross 770.83 Net 561.54
Layne- Western Co. ,Inc. - Eng. Progress Estibate #3 - Well No. 4 24067.80
Neenah Foundry Co. - Balance due from August statement 61'40
National B1vd.Bank of Chicago - PA #784 - Principal $10,000.00; Interest 10687.50
$637.50; Service $50.00
OF COUNSEL August 15, 1975
Mayor LeRoy E. Thanepohn
Heustis Street
Yorkville, Illinois. 60560
Lawrence A. Beach Hershel D. Smith
Morgan Street 1104 Sunset Avenue
Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Yorkville, Illinois 60560
Bert W. Erickson Frank C. Wolff
River Street 225 West Elizabeth
Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Yorkville, Illinois 60560
Danny C. Hanback ,/Olga Schneider,
505. Heustis v City Clerk
Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Yorkville, Illinois 60560
Roger E. Simmons Marilyn Merkel,
803 North Bridge City Treasurer
Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Yorkville, Illinois 60560
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:
After sending out the proposed Ordinance for
retirement of the 1959 Water Bond Issue, it came to light
that there was an error in the Water Fund figure on Page 6.
Accordingly, enclosed herewith is a corrected copy of Page 6,
and it would be appreciated if you would insert this in your
copy of the Ordinance.
Very truly yours,
FHD/gkh Fred H. Dickson
Amount Amount
Appropriated Levied
I.L.E.C. Grant $ 2, 500. 00 $ -0-
TOTAL APPROPRIATION -------------- $1, 003,587.27
TOTAL LEVY -----------------
----------------------- $155,673. 57
GENERAL FUND $ 441, 875. 00 $ 90,000. 00
HEALTH & SANITATION FUND 21,600. 00 17,600. 00
PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND 17,900. 00 17,900. 00
35, 375. 00 -0-
WATER FUND 386 , 475. 00
10, 850. 00 10, 8855
0. 00
2,500. 00 -0-
$1, 003,587. 27 $155, 673.57
The foregoing item of $17,600. 00 levied for garbage
disposal is levied in excess of the statutory rate by
reason of compliance with the Statute of the State of
Illinois relative to an excess tax in relation to garbage
disposal; the foregoing item of $17, 900. 00 levied for
the Public Library Fund is levied in excess of the statutory
rate by reason of compliance with the Statute of the State
Of Illinois relative to an excess tax in relation to public
library levies; and the foregoing item of $19 , 323. 57 levied