City Council Minutes 1975 08-14-75 FoRM Got-4s ® U.S.A. August 14, 1975
Mayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the F1
He then directed the Clerk to take roll. Upon roll being taken, the following
Aldermen were present:
1st. Ward- Wolff 2nd. Ward-Hanback 3rd. Ward- Smith
Beach Erickson Simons
Mayor Thanepohn asked for intrduction of guests. He then directed the Clerk to reac
the minutes. Ald. Wolff moved to accept the minutes as printed, seconded by Ald.
Simmons, motion carried.
Attorney,s Report----Attorney Dickson read a letter from the Illinois Municipal
League confierming the earlier legal opinion that the Mayor could also serve as
a Police Committee Chairman. Attorney Dickson presented an Ordinance providing
for the call and redemtion prior to their maturity of certain outstanding and
unpaid Water Revenue Bonds, dated November 1, 1959, and authorizing the establishme
and deposit of funds in a special Escrow fund for payment of Principal and Interes
on unpaid Water Revenue Bonds. Ald. Wolff made a motion to accept the Water Bond
Issue, seconded by Ald. Simmons. Roll call vote, Wolff- aye Beach-aye Hanback-aye
Erickson- aye Smith- aye Simmons- aye, motion carried. Atty. Dickson sent a letter
to the County Collector on Real Estate Taxes, will hold fee for payment for
extending and collecting 1975 Real Estate Taxes.
Tax Levy Ordinance to be tabled Ald. Wolff made motion to table, seconded by Ald.
Simmons, all ?,.ye.
Mayor Thanepohn,s Report----Mayor Thanepohn said we need a secretary for the Public
Works Department. Ald. Wolff made a motion to create a position for a Public Works
Secretary, seconded by Ald.Hanback. Roll call vote, Wolff- aye Beach- aye
Hanback- aye Erickson- nay Smith- aye Simmons- aye, motion carried 5 to 1. Ald.
Wolff made a motion to pay the Secretary $2.50 per hour, seconded by Ald. Smith,
all aye, motion carried.Mayor Thanepohn said the merchants want to close Van Emon
Street west of Bridge Street to the alley, for Dicky Rides on August 22 and 23,1975
Ald. Hanback made a motion that they close Van Enron from the alley west to Main S
sconded by Ald. Wolff, Roll call vote, Wolff-aye Beach-nay Erickson- aye
hanback- aye Simmons- aye Smith- aye, motion carried 5 to 1.
Mayor Thanepohn wants to have the Vehicle Stickers expire on May31, 1976 instead
of December 31, 1975, so the stickers may be placed on Windsheilds in warm weather.
The fee will then be $5.00 per year, 50¢ for over 65. Ald. Simons made a motion to
amend the Ordinance, seconded by Ald. Hanback, all aye , motion carried.
Mayor Thanepohn read a letter from the School District 115 for City water service,
Meter will be $280.00 and $175.00 for inspection and handling school sewer extentio
Ald. Wolff made motion to accept, seconded by Ald. Beach,all aye, motion carried.
Mayor Thanepohn will be the delegate for the I.M.L. conference October 3to 6, 1975
Ald. Wolff will serve as the Alternate delegate. Ald. Hanback moved to accept,
seonded by Ald. Simmons, all aye, motion carried. Mayor Thanepohn has a request
from the Bi-Centenial to have a Harvest Festival in the City Park, this was refered
to Ald. Hanback.
Treasurer Report---Ald. Wolff made motion to accept the treasurers report, seconded
by Ald. Hanback,all aye motion carried.
Police Report---W. Prickett said the overtime was due to vacations.
FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A. Au.p.�� f
August 14 1975
Director ol Pubiic Works------E. Madden reported a the City WHO itirid
10 million gallen pumpage mark for the first time, pumping 10,032000 in July.
Wealso have the drilling of a second Well now under way.
Senior Citizens---Identa Austin was representing the Senior Citizens.
New Business-----The Council received a letter from Max Peterson with a request
for Brian Mulhern to install two foundations in his development in Countryside
prior to receiving E.P.A. approval. Ald.Hanback moved to deny the request, seconder
by A1d.Smith, all aye, reges'- denied.
Bob Loftus requested an extention of a water line. The Atty. an----- City Engieer said
to table this until specifications are checked. Ald. Wolff made motion to table,
seconded by Ald. Simmons, all aye, motion carried.
Leon Lies, speaking for several Countryside Center Subdivision residents thanked
the Board for their letter trying to get the roads fixed.
Streets and Alleys Report----Ald. Simmons sent out letters on weeds and junk. He
also sent letter to the Rairoad about conditions of crossings. We also have a
problem on Fox Road with the euvert. Ald. Beach and E. Madden were in the culvert
and said that 85% of the culvert is rusted out at the bottom causing the road to
cave in. We will accept a motion to authorize the committee to spend the Engieeri:
money. Ald. Simmons made the motion, seconded by A1d.Beach, allsigify by saying ay
opposed, all aye, motion carried. Ald. Simmons said we have bought two yellow
flashing lights. Ald. Beach had a letter from Clean Sweep and after September 1,19'
the price will be $70.00 instead of $60.00 for sweeping twice a mounth. The June
31 meeting we talked about a brush for our tractor, we had two bids. Ald. Beach
made motion to accept H. Dickson,s low bid of $1939.25, Ald. Simmons seconded,
Went into discusion , Ald. Erickson said its better to use the Co. for the cost
facter. Ald. Erickson moved to table and the Mayor said a motion was already made.
Ald. Hanback seconded the motion to table. Atty. Dickson said the motion to table
was second and would be voted on first. Roll call vote, Wolff-nay Beach-nay
Erickson-aye Hanback-aye Smith-nay Simmons-nay, 4 to 2 motion lost. Mayor Thanepoh
ruled motion out of order. Atty. Dickson said we have to publish the bid at least*
once 15 days prior to opening of bids.
Ald. Wolff made motion we send out bids for brush 4e- sweeper, seconded by Ald.
Beach. Roll call vote, Wolff-aye Beach-aye Hanback-nay Erickson-nay Smith-aye
Simmons-aye,motion carried 4 to 2.
Streets and Alleys Report----Ald. Beach said letter from Illinois Transportation
dated June 9, 1975 said theres not enough volume for Traffic controls.
Water Report----Ald. Wolff said the new main in the alley ran into some under-
ground problems. We should pay $587.71 and the $188.00 but not pay the M4.25.
' After confering with E. Madden and the Engineer, because in our specs we told then
there were things we had no knowledge of and they bid that way. Ald. Wolff made
the motion , seconded by Erickson, all signify by saying aye, opposed, a3dJmPye4
Ald. Wolff said they had to send someone to school for Certified Water Plant
operator. Tuition would be $50.00. Ald. Wolff made a motion to send J. T. Johnson
and E. Madden to School, seconded by Ald. Simmons, all aye, motion caried.
FORK 601-49 ® U.S.A.
August 14, 1975
The same company said they would deduct SM0.00 off of amount due and furnish 10
yards of stone, if the City would maintain the alley between Van Emmons and Hydrali
Motion made by Alr'. Wolff to accept stone, seconded by Ald. Simmons, all aye.
The new deep well will be started on Monday.
Health and Sanitation Report----Carnivals will go down under finance. Ald. Simmons
had meeting on Garbage Disposal figures are agreeable 736 residents at $2.23 which
was $16+1.28 New figure 767 price $1710.41 this includes everything apt, and
residential and all. The committee will look into this.
Police Report---Mayor Thanepohn said telephone communications with Plano is in
operation. Your calls will be answered around the clock. Squad car bidding will
sent out by the Committee, motion to bid for Squadcars with a trade in for
Chrysler, Pontiac, Oldsmobile and Buick dealers. Ald. Wolff made motion the Cheif
send out bids, seconded by Ald. Simmons, signify by saying aye, 5aye Erickson nay,
motion carried 5 to 1. All unlighted Bikes must be off the streets at night and
this will be enforced.
Trees and Parks Report----Ald. Hanback said the Tennis Courts are about done. The
Dam project will soon be done and then it will be landscaped.
Sewer Report---Ald. Wolff said they started sewer smoking inspections of 30 houses
3 have down spouts hooked to the sewer, 2 houses have plumming hooked to storm
sewers, 1 manhole leaks thru side walks, 1 section of sewer leaks thru ground.
Were going to seal Center and Liberty Streets.
Public Property and Buildings Report------Ald. Smith said he talked to E. Madden
authorizeing some shelving in Maintence Building and door locks and leaky roof
on Library and Pump House fixed.
Finance Report----Ald. Smith met with Salesman for photo copy machines, proposal
will be ready next meeting.Licensing of Carnivals to be $500.00, Ciruses $500.00,
Itinerant Merchants $15.00, Peddlers $15.00, and Garage Sales $2.00 This will be
all in one Ordinance. Atty. Dickson will research this thru to see if we have the
power. Ald. Smith moved to table , seconded by Ald. Wolff, all signify by saying
aye, opposed, all aye.
Library Board Report----Mrs. Thomas would like to have the land by the side of the
building along the River cleaned up and the grass cut.
Ald. Wolff made a motion to ajourn meeting at 10:15 P.M. �i�
Olga L. Schneider, City Clerk.
Commonwealth Edison Co. - St. Ltg; $1377.M -, Park .58¢, Maint. Bldg. 7.70
Northern Ill. Gas Co. - Maint. Bldg. 16.12, P.D. 5.04, City Hall 4.10 15W66
Library 12.54, Park 59.77 97.57
Ill. Bell Telephone Co. - Dir.Public Works 1.08, Mayor 1.27, City Clk. 1.49 53.42
P.D. 4
Arlington Park Hilton - Expenses1�Munic pal�Conference
Fox Valley Disposal - Disposal Serv. July $1641.28, Services at Dam Site
5/26/75 thru 7/4/75 52.00 & 7/5/75 thru -8/4/75 40.00 1733.28
Clean Sweep, Inc. - Street sweeping for July
Markelz Office Products - Oper. Supplies - City Sect. Inv.#57098 & 57092 60.00
Archie Bieritz - Mowing Park & Ball Park 23.64
Durbin Office Machines - Inv. #10740 - Copy paper for 3M machine - P.D. 160.00
James B. Clarage & Assc. - Plan service for Jul 37.20
Kendall Co. Record - Printing Rev. Sharing Notice,Ordinancces,Treas.Report etc. 320.60
Aurora Typewriter Co. - Inv.#87930 - Repair Calculator - City Sect.
Xerox - Copies 5/31/75 thru 7/31/75 Inv. #031138559 & 031361980 16.0
Rich'sUnion 76 - Gas P.D. 699.37; St. Dept. 148.79 52.06 6
Mirage Graphics - Film & Develpping Inv. #007928 848.16
Goodyear Truck Tire Center - 4 tires - P.D. 2.30
Ray O'Herron Co. ,Inc. - Radar w/out case - P.D. - Inv.#26792 154.96
Badger Uniforms - Inv. #66953 - Caps for crossing 080.00
g guards
Hamilton Chev.-O1ds,Inc. - Squad repairs - P.D. , raincovers 30.82
Bob's Service - Repairs to squad $ fan belts 170.30
Yorkville Hardware - Oper. Supplies - P.D. 53.60
Yorkville Auto Parts - Oper. Supplies - P.D. 4.65
Jeff Ross - Mileage to Seminar at LaSalle 17.88
Ronald Reuter - Mileage to Kent College 19.20
Wayne Millen - Mileage to Kent College 15.30
Yorkville Auto Parts - Valvaline Oil - St. Dept., Oper.Supplies 15.30
E & H Utility Sales,Inc. - Signs Inv. 22315, Joint Clamps Inv. #22122 & 3 , 87
Stop Sign Inv. #21510 65587.
Southtown Oil Co. - Repair to truck tire & supplies - St. Dept.
Aurora Blacktop, Inc. - Cold Mix - St. Maint. 9.00
Hathorn's Inspection Station - Truck inspections - St. Dept. 232.00
Farmers Elevator Co. - Oper. Supplies - Public Pro 11.25
Storm Sewer 310.16 Bldgs. 32:21 342.37
C. 0. Nelson Co. - Trash disposal - St. Dept.
Blocker Bros. , Inc. - Cleaning sewer lines , Inv. #004021 35.00
Safari Market - Oper. Supplies - St. Dept. Inv. #5199 400.00
John N. Schneider - Oper. Supplies - P.D. 12.96, St. Dept. 32.50 17.70
Homer G. Dickson $ Co. - Oper. Supplies - St. Dept. 45.46
Airco Welding Supply - Service - Truck Maint. 7'99
Bldg. Officials $ Code Adm. International,Inc. - Inv. #45748 Plan Examination 227.00
#1710-$132.00, Publcations $95.00; Bldg. & Zoning
Central Limestone Co. - Rock for June & July - Streets $ Alleys
Kendall County Record - Graduation Ad - St. Dept. 105.62
Zwart Gravel Co. - St. Dept. - gravel 8.00
Countryside True Value - Oper. Supplies - P.D. 13.62, Trees & Parks 4.41 54.81
Yorkville Hardware - Oper. Supplies - St. Dept. 18.03
Milford Mikkelson - Mileage to W.C.C. $42.00, Tuition & FLGes $14.00 10.08
Salaries - Gross $12613.81 56.00
Net 9303.98
Commonwealth Edison Co.-Water Tower 37.64, Pumping 3.51, Pumping 673.71 714.86
Northern Ill. Gas Co. - Pump House
Illinois Bell Telephone Co. - Maint. Bldg. 10.51
The Bank of Yorkville - Deposit, Water Depr. $ Contg. Fund 26.71
The Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago - Deposit Bond & Interest Account 150.00
The Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago - Deposit Bond & Interest Reserve Account 150.00
Marilyn Merkel - Postage & Envelopes 170.00
Yorkville Hardware - Oper. Supplies - Water Dept. 2.37
Producers Chemical Co. - Chlorine - Inv. #41105 15.93
Crawford,Murphy $ Tilly,Inc.-Inv. #379 - Services water main replacement 134.64
Sidener, Inc. -Inv.W30069- Generator heads, combined drill $ tap 82.44
Ziebell Water Service Products, Inc.- Inv. #2455 - Hydrant Parts
Salaries Gross 770.83 61.07
Net 530.85
Notice is hereby given to the owners and holders of Water
Revenue Bonds, dated November 1, 1959, 'of the United City of the
Village of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, numbered from 46 to
68, inclusive, 76 to 80, inclusive, and 86 to 100, inclusive, of the
denomination of $1,000 each, and maturing in varying amounts on May
I of each of the years 1976 to 1980, inclusive, and '1982 to 1985,
inclusive, that the United City of the Village of Yorkville has
exercised its option to call said bonds for redemption and payment
In the aggregate amount of $43,000, prior to their maturity, and such
bonds will be paid on November 1, 19752 upon surrender. of said bonds
with all interest coupons pertaining thereto, and such payment will
be at a price of par and accrued interest up to and including
November 1, 19750'
_ The owners and holders of said bonds. are directed. to present
the same for payment at the National Boulevard Bank of Chicago,
Chic ago, .Illinoiss where such bonds and the interest thereon will
be paid.
Notice is further given that said bonds shall cease to
bear interest from and after November 1, 1975.
By order of the City Council of the United 'City of the
Village. of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois.
Dated at Yorkville, Illinois, this * day of
testy easurer "'_"`----