City Council Minutes 1975 07-24-75 FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A. July 24, 1975 Mi iUTES OF THE I EliuLAR MT-LNG OF THE i iAYOR AND THE ALDEtfn&i OF THE UNITED CITY O] THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON JULY 24, 1975• Mayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the F: He then directed the Clerk to take roll. Upon roll being ta'-en , the following Aldermen were present: 1st. Ward- Wolff-absent 2nd. Ward-Hanback- absent 3rd. Ward-Smith-absent ` Beach Erickson Simmons Mayor Thanepohn asked for introduction of guests. He then directed the Clerk to read the minutes. Ald. Erickson moved to accept the minutes as printed, seconded by Ald. Beach, motion carried. Attorney's Report---Attorney Dickson said he has not received an answer to his letter to Chapman and Cutler. The Appropriation Ordinance was tabled at the last Council meeting, it must be passed by this quarter. Ald. Erickson moved to accept the Appropiation Ordinance, seconded by Ald. Simmons. Roll call vote, Beach aye, Erickson aye, Simmons aye, motion carried. Atty. Dickson sent a letter to the Countryside Center , National care)on the roads. Atty. Dickson sent a letter to the City Auditor with respect to the scheduling of retirement of Certificates of deposit of the City to provide funds for the Well. Mayor's Report----Mayor Thanepohn read a letter from the office of the Governor, from Lawrence P. Malone in reference to our Water and Sewer Grant Request. Illinois State Clearing House completed the review of this. Funds involved do not add up. They are recommending that the loan not be approved. This letter must accompany the application to the funding agency and it will remain valid thru July 119 1976. Mayor Thanepohn appointed Ald. Hanback to the Advisory Committee of the Tennis Courts, to represent the City Council and there will be one from the School, and one from private funding. Mayor Thanepohn signed the finalized agreement. Mayor Thanepohn gave a report on Business and Economic Development Committee Meeting. The commission is designed to assist with attracting industry and business to Yorkville, and act as an advisory board to the City Council. They will also help solve problems of local Industry, if they arise. James Hall was named Chairman. Three year terms for Hall, Dr. James Garnett, and Willard Harthan. Two year terms for Richard Haynes, Rev. Lawrence Rezash, and Jeff Ferren. Ernest Zeiter was named to a one year term. Mayor Thanepohn reminds parade officials no mini bikes or motorcycles to be in Parades. Mayor Thanepohn read a letter from the E. P. A. supplemental approval was given for Water Works Improvements and Well No. 4. A letter from the Kendall Co. Civil Defense• Siren System Project is up to the point of getting bids, we have to wait to secure a wage determinaion from the State of Ill. before advertising,, it will take 30 to 60 days to get that from the State. Senior Citizens---Blanch Smith representing the Senior Citizens thanks the Mayor and other people who came to the meeting. She said Senior Citizens Housing is the main problem. . Old Business Brian Mulhern E.P.A. request application for permits for water and sewer. The City Engineer said it was in order. Ald. Hanback made a motion for permit to construct Water and Sewer for Mulhern Court, seconded by Ald. Beach, all aye, motion carried. FORK 601-49® U.S.A. July 24, 1975. Well Bids Are being worked on. Ald. Erickson wrote a letter to the Municipal League asking them if the Mayor of the City can also be Chairman of Committee's. Atty. Dickson will request an answer from the ILL. Municipal League- on this matter. New Business -Blain Harker has his stets blacktopped. Ald. Simmons moved we accept the streets, seconded by Ald. Beach, all aye. Streets and All @ys----Ald. Beach said we have not received a report on the traffic survey.At the July 31st. committee meeting Ald. Beach would like to dicuss the purchase of a street brush. Health and Sanitation- Ald. Simmons reported the Oehing Property has been cleanded up and the grass is cut. Ald. Beach reported on health problem on East Olson St. The property has been under construction since 1971. Elden Madden cited them for weeds and also asked a resonable amount of time the house be completed. Some work was to be resumed by July22, 1975• Put a Doctor on the piority list. Police Report----Mayor Thanepohn had a meeting with Mayor Whitecotton and Police Chief Westby on a communication system. In order to use their Com. Center we would need a phone and panel. Calls after 6:00 P.M. would be answered by the Plano Police The instulation charge would be $3+.00 and mounthly charge of $18.60. Our phone would be answered and dispathed to our squads. Theres a call forwarding at our Dept with a $16.00 one time charge and $2.25 a mounth.Plano also requires a tape recorde they tape all calls. Tape Recorder is $175.00 to $200.00 and 10¢ a call. To go inte the squad it would be $100.00 instalation charge and $77.35 mounthly charge. Ald. Simmons moved to accept the Comm. Center, seconded by Beach, all aye. Trees and Parks Ald. Beach said it is hard to enforce people to stay out of th Park by the Dam, while work is being done. Ald. Hanback arrived at 8:45 P.M. Ald. Hanback made a motion that all overtime hours be reported each mounth, Ald. Erickson seconded, all in favor signify by saying aye. Beach-aye, Erickson-aye, Hanback-aye, Simmons- opposed. Motion passed 3 to 1. Sewers-----Inspection was conducted on May 22, 1975by Ste-.re Baldwin. Sanitary and Plant personal are to be commended on Plant performance. Wolff arrived at 9:00 P.M. Library Ald. Smith ordered a new flag for the Library. Ald. Erickson wants the City to put Zoning Books in the Library. Building and Zoning------Ald. Beach said the Rt. 34 corridor meeting was held July 16, 1975. Mr. John Curney outlined the procedures that which the Rt. 34 committee will be guided. The next meeting will be in August. FORN 601-49 ® U.S.A. Jul V 22' 197 Finance Received a total of $58,923.44 General Fund- $20,081.11 Garbage- $12,061.63 Library- $7,147.41 Police- $4,525.32 Retirement Fund $9,150.81 Sewer and Int. Bond $5p957.16 Ald. Erickson moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:10. Olga Schneider, City Clerk.