City Council Minutes 1975 07-10-75 FORM 601-49 O.S.A. July 10, 1975 ITINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND THE A ZMAE T OF THE UNITED CITY OF VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS HELD AT CITY HALL ON JULY 1091975• Mayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the FlE He then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following Aldermen were present; 1st. Ward-Wolff absent 2nd. Ward-Hanback 3rd. Ward- Smith absent Beach Erickson Simmons Mayor Thanepohn asked if there were any guests. Would they stand and introduce themselves. Mrs. Clara Blackman was repnting the Senior Citizens. He then directed the Clerk to read the minutes of the last meeting. Ald. Simmons de a motion to accept the minutes, snded by Ald. Beach, motion carried. Ald. Hanback questioned bill from E.& t. Utilty Sales for Streets and Alleys. Mr. Madden replied $50+.10 was for barracades and such. Ald. Hanback also questioned our Engineering expenses, shouldn't the developer pay. We have P.U.D. Services on Mulhern in the amount of $70.90. Mayor Thanepohn said we have sent his plans to Boca and he will pay for it. Ald. Simmons recomended to pay Fox Valley Disposal thi: time until we get this squared away. If necessary they will reimburse us. That amount now being $1,6+1.28. Some of our problem, seems to be due to apartmentE Ald. Simmons moved that we add $1,6+1.28 to the June Bills . .payable to Fox Valley Disposal. Ald. Hanback seconded, motion carried. Ald. Erickson moved to pay the bill seonded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. d. Wolff arrived at 8:10 P. M. Attorney' s Report-- Attorney Dickson reported he is waiting for a letter of reply from Dave Williams of Chapman and Cutler on Retirement of the 1959 Water Bond Issue. On the Budget Officer Ordinance Attorney Dickson suggested that we wait to pass his until, after our levy is made in the fall of the year, so it will not conflict or confuse the fourthcomming levy in the fall. If the appopri.ation Ordinance is satisfactory it has to be tabled for public inspection for 10 days prior to it's passage. Mayor Thanepohn said this should have been presented by Ald. Smith with 11 additions and revisions. Ald. Erickson asked if there was any way we could have an estimate of revenues for the fiscal year comri.ng , up. Mayor Thanepohn said we would do that when we get into the tax levy. Ald. Erickson made a motion to table he Appropiation Ordinance, seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. Attorney Dickson drafted an Ordinance to Re zone Tract of Land from R3 to R4 which as passed last week and need not have a fo4al vote. vlayor's Report---- Mayor Thanepohn asked if everyone had the 10 page resolution of procedures of Petitioning for Land uses and planning as adopted by the City Council. e resolution was passed in March. Resolution will be enforced. ayor Thanepohn stated the Norman Earp property is a non conforming use per our code yor Thanepohn attended a meeting with E.P.A. and the Sanitary Board, for purpose f E.P.A. approval of the Sanitary Board Ordinance. User fee of $50.00 is in line r even low. E.P.A. goal is for the users to pay operation, maintenance and eplacement of Sewer Plant. Grants may be available from I.and I. grants, hanges were made in Ordinance , one being no hook on when plant is at capacity. e City owns the collectors systems and the Sanitary District owns the intercepter d P1ant.E.P.A. is concerned that the City collect either users fees or taxes to ay for the maintenance and replacement of the collectors. yor Thanepohn said they would have Police Committee meeting July 29, 1975. FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A. July 10, 1975 4.11 Committee's will meet July 31, 1975 at 8:00 P.M. in City Hall. omplaints on Rt. 47 Rail Road crossing referred to Steets and Alleys committee. omplaints on Oehring Property referred to Health and Sanitation Committee. Williams Port preliminary Platagreement expires July 25 and we have a meeting on he 24th. which means it should be given some consideration. Attorney Dickson was designated by the Council to write a letter to the developer of Countryside Center stating the roads be finished within 60 days or no building permits will be issued until they are completed. Ald. Wolff made a motion that developers be given 60 days or no building permits, seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. Treasury Report---- Ald. Wolff made a motion that we accept the report, seconded by Ald. Hanback, motion carried. Police Report----Ald. Wolff made a motion we accept the police report, seconded by Ald. Beach, motion carried. Public Works Report--- Ald. Wolff made motion to accept the report, seconded by Ald. Simmons , all voting aye. Ald. Hanback asked about over time reports. This will be taken up on July 31, 1975 meeting. Ld Business Glen Davidson- Proposed Subd.- Final Plat. It was tabled at the last meeting so the Council could familiarize themselves with it. Ald. Wolff made motior to accept final plat, seconded by Ald. Hanback, Roll call vote, Wolff- aye each- aye, Hanback- aye, Erickson- nay, Simmons- aye, motion passed 4 to 1. ew Business Mayor Thanepohn directed the Clerk to open Drilling of Well Bids. ller Well Works replied no bid. ehling Well Works bid $127,3+0.00 yne Western Co. Bid $109,844.00 d. Hanback moved to have the Engineer inspect bids and if satisfactory to approve he bid of Layne Western Co. Ald. Wolff seconded.Ald. Beach questioned Atty. if nd posted , will we have same problem as Water Tower. Attorney Dickson said we ould use performance Bonds to make sure they will do what they agree. The Water ower was an entirley different situation. Roll Call Vote, Wolff- aye Beach- aye, anback- aye, Erickson-aye, Simmons-aye , all voting aye. rian Mulhern-- for E.P.A. Permits. Max Peterson representing Brian Mulhern on pplications for E.P.A. Permits stated Council may want to table untill. next meetir. d. Hanback moved to table, seconded by Ald.. Beach, all voting aye. teets and Alleys---- Ald. Beach said the State made a traffic check at Van Emmon d 47 on a Thursday afternoon when the stores are closed. ealth and Sanitation--- Ald. Simmons said we have some weed problems and a letter ll be sent. Ald. Beach would like to thank Bob Bazon And the J.C,s. for painting rash cans in the downtown district. Police Committee meeting at City Hall July 29,1975. FORM 601-490 U.S.A. July 10, 1975• ees and Parks The City cleaned up the park after the 4th. of July. ,Trs. Blackman- wants signs in the Park to keep dogs out. lding and Zoning---- June 18th. Harold Feltz and Ald. Beach attended a Rt. 34 orridor meeting at Plano. Council was addressed by 2 officials from Burlington orthern, the State, the department of Transportation_ and the department of iculture. At that time there were also new maps. 'brary Ald. Erickson is waiting on Roof and Door problem at Library. d. Wolff moved to adjourn at 9;20 P.M., seconded by Ald. Beach, motion carried. Olga . Schneider, City Clerk. JUNE, 1975 GENERAL FUND Commonwealth Edison Co. - Maint. Bldg. 8.11; P.D. 10.47 $ 18.58 Ill. Bell Telephone - Police 39.12, Mayor 1.83, Dir. Public Works 1.08, 51.21 City Clerk 1.49, Treas. 7.69 James B. Clarage & Assc. - Plan Commission Mtgs. $ Ordinance 583.33 Xerox Corp. - Inv. #030425055 - Copies 34.96 Clean Sweep, Inc. - June sweeping 60.00 Durbin Office Machines - Photo copy paper - City Secretary 42.68 Anderson & Bushnell - Oper. Supplies - City Secretary Inv. #64512 11.38 Archie Bieritz - Mowing Park & Ball Park 120.00 Kendall Co. Bi-Centennial Commission - Flag 17.76 Winfred Prickett - Re-imbursement for Bi-Centennial Flag 17.76 Rich's Union 76 - Gas - St. Dep't. 183.47, P.D. 690.64 874.11 C: 0. Nelson Co. - Trash Disposal - St. Dep't. 137.00 Douglas Roach - Snow plowing in Park - Trees $ Parks 40.00 Farmers Elevator Co. - Oper Supplies - Parks 28.47, St. Dept. 37.66 66.13 Yorkville Hardware - St. Dep't. - Oper. Supplies 25.92 Homer G. Dickson Co. - St. Dept. - Oper. Supplies 30.36 Aurora Blacktop Inc. - Inv.#JN-24 - Cold mix - St. Dept. 116.00 E & H Utility Sales,Inc. -- Inv.#21287 - Oper. Supplies - Streets & Alleys 504.10 Crawford,Murphy & Tilly,Inc - Bldg. & Zoning-Inv.#256-Services on Mulhern 250.32 PUD$70.90; Inv. #257-St. Dept.-Eng. Services $ Consultation-on street repairs $179.42 Main Surplus - Inv. #8667 - St. Dept. - Shirts 76.00 Zwart Gravel Co. - Gravel - St. Dept. 10.80 Kendall Outdoor Equipment - Services - St. Dept. 10.00 Continental Research Corp. - Inv.#16410 - Oper.Supplies.- St. Dept. 158.30 Carl Chevrolet, Inc. - Services - Truck $ Tractor Maintenance 15.45 Southtown Oil Co. - Services - Truck Maintenance 65.97 Schneider Refrigeration $ Appl. - Oper. Supplies - P.D. 6.39; Library;-1.15 22.43 Gem Business Forms,Inc. - Traffic Tickets - P.D. 124.12 Badger Uniforms - Uniforms for P.D. - Inv. #65360,65361 $ 65362 495.11 Aurora Radiator Service - Radiator repairs on Squad'- P.D. 12.00 Ram Electric Supply Inc. - P.D.- Bulbs for outside lights 24.84 Southtown Oil Co. - Shocks $ Labor on Squad - P.D. 83.85 Yorkville Auto Parts - Oper. Supplies - P.D. 42.06 Communications, Technicians & Consultants,Inc. - Inv. #13646 Remote & 378.85 installation at Maint.Bldg.$192.50; Inv.#16116 Parts for Base for 2 Frequencies $168.85; Inv.#16181 Repair remote at Maint.Bldg. 17.50 Salisbury Grocery - Oper. Supplies - P.D. 16.48 Buffalo Rock Shooters Supply - Shells - P.D. 60.40 Bob's Service - Battery & Labor - Oper. Supplies 69.45 Absco - Anti-freeze - P.D. 20.70 Salaries - Gross $12,688.58 Net 9360.89 $ 14049.30 WATER FUND Commonwealth Edison Co.-Pumping 599.00, Pumping 3.27, Water Tower 17.10 619.37 Illinois Fell Telephone Co. - Maint. Bldg. 14.29 Marilyn J. Merkel - Postage $ Expenses 15.78 John N. Schneider - Oper.Supplies - Water Dept. 14.88 Crawford,Murphy & Tilly,Inc.-Inv.#259-Services for Water main replacement 8.75 Municipal $ Utility Division-Rockwell International- Oper. Supplies 86.60 Sidener,Inc. - Inv.#29557 $ 29901 - Oper. Supplies 254.92 Jack Ward, P.E. - Oper. Supplies & Services 215.00 * Salaries - Gross 770.83 Net 530.85 $ 2230.44 SEWER FUND Neenah Foundry Co. - Adj . Rings - Maintenance 1109.00 yl/o * ADDED TO WATER FUND i The Bank of Yorkville - Deposit' - Depreciation $ Contingencies Fund 150.00 Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago-Deposit Bond $ Interest Account 150.00 Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago-Deposit Bond & Interest Reserve Account 170.00 JUNE, 1975 GENERAL FUND Commonwealth Edison Co. - Maint. Bldg. 8.11; P.D. 10.47 $ 18.58 Ill. Bell Telephone - Police 39.12, Mayor 1.83, Dir. Public Works 1.08, 51.21 City Clerk 1.49, Treas. 7.69 James B. Clarage & Assc. - Plan Commission Mtgs. $ Ordinance 583.33 Xerox Corp. - Inv. #030425055 - Copies 34.96 Clean Sweep, Inc. - June sweeping 60.00 Durbin Office Machines - Photo copy paper - City Secretary 42.68 Anderson & Bushnell - Oper. Supplies - City Secretary Inv. #64512 11.38 Archie Bieritz - Mowing Park & Ball Park 120.00 Kendall Co. Bi-Centennial Commission - Flag 17.76 Winfred Prickett - Re-imbursement for Bi-Centennial Flag 17.76 Rich's Union 76 - Gas - St. Dep't. 183.47, P.D. 690.64 874.11 C. 0. Nelson Co. - Trash Disposal - St. Dep t. 137.00 Douglas Roach - Snow plowing in Park - Trees & Parks 40.00 Farmers Elevator Co. - Oper Supplies - Parks 28.47, St. Dept. 37.66 66.13 Yorkville Hardware - St. Dept. - Oper. Supplies 25.92 Homer G. Dickson Co. - St. Dept. - Oper. Supplies 30.36 Aurora - Blacktop Inc. - Inv.#JN-24 - Cold mix - St. Dept. 116.00 E $ H Utility Sales,Inc. -- Inv.#21287 - Oper. Supplies - Streets $ Alleys 504.10 Crawford,Murphy $ Tilly,Inc - Bldg. $ Zoning-Inv.#256-Services on Mulhern 250.32 PUD$70.90; Inv. #257-St. Dept.-Eng. Services $ Consultation-on street repairs $179.42 Main Surplus - Inv. #8667 - St. Dept. - Shirts 76.00 Zwart Gravel Co. - Gravel - St. Dept. 10.80 Kendall Outdoor Equipment - Services - St. Dept. 10.00 Continental Research Corp. - Inv.#16410 - Oper.Supplies,- St. Dept. 158.30 Carl Chevrolet, Inc. - Services - Truck $ Tractor Maintenance 15.45 Southtown Oil Co. - Services = Truck Maintenance 65.97 Schneider Refrigeration & Appl. - Oper. Supplies - P.D. 6.39; Library -1.15 22.43 Gem Business Forms,Inc. - Traffic Tickets - P.D. 124.12 Badger Uniforms - Uniforms for P.D. - Inv. #65360,65361 & 65362 495.11 Aurora Radiator Service - Radiator repairs on Squad.- P.D. 12.00 Ram Electric Supply Inc. - P.D.- Bulbs for outside lights 24.84 Southtown Oil Co. - Shocks $ Labor on Squad - P.D. 83.85 Yorkville Auto Parts - Oper. Supplies - P.D. 42.06 Communications, Technicians $ Consultants,Inc. - Inv. #13646 Remote & 378.85 installation at Maint.Bldg.$192.50; Inv.#16116 Parts for Base for 2 Frequencies $168.85; Inv.#16181 Repair remote at Maint.Bldg. 17.50 Salisbury Grocery - Oper. Supplies - P.D. 16.48 Buffalo Rock Shooters Supply - Shells - P.D. 60.40 Bob's Service - Battery $ Labor - Oper. Supplies 69.45 Absco - Anti-freeze - P.D. 20.70 Salaries - Gross $12,688.58 Net 9360.89 $ 14049.30 WATER FUND Commonwealth Edison Co.-Pumping 599.00, Pumping 3.27, Water Tower 17.10 619.37 Illinois Bell Telephone Co. - Maint. Bldg. 14.29 Marilyn J. Merkel - Postage & Expenses 15.78 John N. Schneider - Oper.Supplies - Water Dept. 14.88 Crawford,Murphy & Tilly,Inc.-Inv.#259-Services for Water main replacement 8.75 Municipal & Utility Division-Rockwell International- Oper. Supplies 86.60 Sidener,Inc. - Inv.#29557 & 29901 - Oper. Supplies 254.92 Jack-Ward, P.E. - Oper. Supplies & Services 215.00 * Salaries - Gross 770.83 Net 530.85 $ 2230.44 SEWER FUND Neenah Foundry Co. - Adj. Rings - Maintenance 1109.00 io * ADDED TO WATER FUND The Bank of Yorkville - Deposit - Depreciation $ Contingencies Fund 150.00 Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago-Deposit Bond & Interest Account 150.00 Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago-Deposit Bond & Interest Reserve Account 170.00 i