City Council Minutes 1975 06-26-75 FORK 601-49® U.S.A. June 26 1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND THE ALDERMEN OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE TILLAGE OF YORKVILLEt TTT,TN©IS HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON JUNE 26! 1975• Mayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. He then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken* the following Aldermen were present: 1st. Ward- Wolff absent 2nd. Ward Hanbaek absent 3rd. Ward- Smith Beach absent Erickson Simmensa, Mayor Thanepohn said Danny Hanbaek was representing the council at the Chamber of Commerce Meeting and will be here later. Mayor Thanepohn asked anyone addresing the Council to stand and introduce themselves He then directed the Clerk to read the minutes of the last meeting. The Mayor said one addition he would have was on page 2, two thirds of the way down at the roll call on the Mulhern p.u.d. I would insert that the Mayor ruled the motion had failed. Alderman Simmons said there -sas acorrection on page 3 on Health and Sanitation it says A1d. Simmons repottedon letter from Kendall Co. Health Dept,, it should read Alderman Hanback. Alderman Simmons moved to accept the minutes with corrections, seconded by Ald. Erickson all aye. Wolff arrived at 8:10 P„M, Attorneys Report-Attorney Dickson presented a bid ordinance. The city Engineer asked for 3 corrections on page 3 Section 3 should be or copies of bids reeeived, Requirments that the city or the bidder of the city of Yorkville may be accepted if he is, with in 2% of the low bid, if considered to be in the best interest of city, selected portions of the lowest responsible .bid may be accepted and award made accordingly. Ald. Wolff made the motion to approve, including changesi. Ald. Simmons seconded, Roll call Wolff- aye Ald. Erickson- aye Ald. Smith-aye A'.d. Simmons- aye , motion carried. Attorney Dickson presented the Ordinance for Stop signs. River st. a thru st. with the exception of Church and River a 3 way stop. King st.. a stop at River st. Ald. Erickson made motion to accept and Ald. Wolff seconded, Roll call vote Ald. Wolff-aye, Ald. Erickson-aye, Ald. Smith-aye, Ald. Simmons-aye motion carried. Attorney Dickson prsented an Ordinance closing City Park south of the dam on Hydraiic St. until certain health conditions could be correked and construction work be completed. Motion to accept the Ordinance was made by Ald. Simmons Ald. Wolff seconded. Roll call vote, Ald. Wolff-aye, Ald. Erickson- aye, Ald. Smith-aye, Ald. Simmons- aye, motion carried. Atty. Dickson said we have Ordinance to permit licensing of Circuses and Carnivals. -Ald. Simmons wants to review the whole licensing matter thru a committee. Mayor Thanepohn refered this matter to the finance committee, H. Smith and R. Simmons. Mayor Thanepohn asked if Roberts Rules of Order should be adopted? Ald. Er ekson moved to adopt the Robert Rules, loss for want of second. Mayor Thanepohn appointed C. Richard Ellis to the Board of Appeals, Ald, Simmons made a motion to accept, Ald. Wolff seconded, all aye, motion carried. The second item is the Housing Code. We have the Boka Codet and are using the Ordinance of that Code. Atty. Dickson to draft an Ordinance of Budget Officers„ The Mulherh final plat has not been signed due to no Bond received* IL.E.C. meting the Kendall Co. investigation unit is not totaly dead, Oswego and Plano will reconsider. We voted to pursue a grant for juvenile programe Elden Madden gave a report on housing Code. Building Code governs way house is FORN 601-49 U.S.A. Ji3nn 76 1Q,Fi built and governs way it is kept after it is built. For health and safty the Housing Code will be enforced. Mayor Thanepohn talked with the Senior Citizens group. They will appoint 2 members to attend Council Meetings. City Clerk- Clerk has Plan Commision Report.. Hanback arrived at 8:40 P.M. Old Business- R.3 to R. 4 zoningon west Hydraulic. Mr. Pulfer asked that it be left zoned as it was When he purchased it. Ald. Hanback moved to accept R.4, Ald. Erickson seconded, Roll Call vote. Ald. Wolff-aye, Ald. Hanback-aye, Ald. Ericksor. aye, Ald. Smith-nay, Ald. Simmons-nay, motion carried 3 to 2. Glen Davidson Proposed Subdivision. Atty. Peterson re^resenting Glen Davidson wants approval of final Plat. Ald. Hanback moved to accept final plat)no second, motion lost. Ald. Wolff made motion to accept plat as is, Ald. Erickson seconded, then Erickson withdrew his second and moved to table until next meeting. Ald. Hanback seconded. Atty. Peterson would like extension of time. Ald. Simmons ammended to allow 30 days extension to record Final Plat. Ald. Smithseconded with all voting aye, with Wolff apposing. New Business- Al Bradytalked on Civil Defense siren project will go out for bids in about 30 days. Unit has 68 Personal, 36 are new unit Citizen Band owners and operators. They will have office in basement of Annex. Federal approved Emergency operating center. Have Emergency Stand by Generaters , 22 ton army cargo truck. Hired a girl to do Secretary work until September, and will try to extend or hire full time Secretary. Mr. Brady stated Civil Defense is available for any Emergency that comes up. Roberta Peterson is concerned about area that has single family residential zoned and a resident turned a garage into Rental Preerty. This was refered to Elden Madden Building Inspecter. Streets and Alleys- Ald. Simmons said Dick Mitchel said State is going to do some- thing about Rt. 47 concerning stop signs. Water- Ald. Wolff said water rates will stay as they are now. Police- Ald. Wolff said they are waiting for prices on phone. Trees and Parks Ald. Erickson asked about easments for tennis courts. Madden said no easments are needed. Ald. Erickson said there are three trees that s'Vould come down in the City Park. Sewers- Ald. Wolff said he told the E.P.A. that we would be checking storm and downspouts. Public Property and Buildings- Ald. Smith said roof will be taken care of on Libraz Smith will see about new locks on building also. Finance- Ald. Smith-appropriation request. Ald. Simmons recommended chaanngging wording to trucks, tractor and equipment and changing amount of $179300.00 to FORM 601-49 U.S.A. June 26, 1975 $19,300.00 Ald. Smith moved to have Atty. draw appropriation Ordinance. Ald. Wolff seconded all aye. Ald. Smith moved to advertise for Gas Bids. Ald. Wolff seconded, all aye. Erickson moved to adjourn meeting adjourned at 10:20 P.M. c Olga L. Schneider, City Clerk. JUNE, 1975 GENERAL FUND Commonwealth Edison Co. - Maint. Bldg. 8.11; P.D. 10.47 $ 18.58 Ill. Bell Telephone - Police 39.12, Mayor 1.83, Dir. Public Works 1.08, 51.21 City Clerk 1.49, Treas. 7.69 James B. Clarage $ Assc. - Plan Commission Mtgs. $ Ordinance 583.33 Xerox Corp. - Inv. #030425055 - Copies 34.96 Clean Sweep, Inc. - June sweeping 60.00 Durbin Office Machines - Photo copy paper - City Secretary 42.68 Anderson $ Bushnell - Oper. Supplies - City Secretary Inv. #64512 11.38 Archie Bieritz - Mowing Park & Ball Park 120.00 Kendall Co. Bi-Centennial Commission - Flag 17.76 Winfred Prickett - Re-imbursement for Bi-Centennial Flag 17.76 Rich's Union 76 - Gas - St. Dep't. 183.47, P.D. 690.64 874.11 C: 0. Nelson Co. - Trash Disposal - St. Dep't. 137.00 Douglas Roach - Snow plowing in Park - Trees $ Parks 40.00 Farmers Elevator Co. - Oper Supplies - Parks 28.47, St. Dep't. 37.66 66.13 Yorkville Hardware - St. Dep't. - Oper. Supplies 25.92 Homer G. Dickson Co. - St. Dept. - Oper. Supplies 30.36 Aurora Blacktop Inc. - Inv.#JN-24 - Cold mix - St. Dept. 116.00 E $ H Utility Sales,Inc. -- Inv.#21287 - Oper. Supplies - Streets $ Alleys 504.10 Crawford,Murphy & Tilly,Inc - Bldg. & Zoning-Inv.#256-Services on Mulhern 250.32 PUD$70.90; Inv. #257-St. Dept.-Eng. Services $ Consultation on street repairs $179.42 Main Surplus - Inv. #8667 - St. Dept. - Shirts 76.00 Zwart Gravel Co. - Gravel - St. Dept. 10.80 Kendall Outdoor Equipment - Services - St. Dept. 10.00 Continental Research Corp. - Inv.#16410 - Oper.Supplies.- St. Dept. 158.30 Carl Chevrolet, Inc. - Services - Truck & Tractor Maintenance 15.45 Southtown Oil Co. - Services - Truck Maintenance 65.97 Schneider Refrigeration $ Appl. - Oper. Supplies - P.D. 6.39; Library,,-1.15 22.43 Gem Business Forms,Inc. - Traffic Tickets - P.D. 124.12 Badger Uniforms - Uniforms for P.D. - Inv. #65360,65361 $ 65362 495.11 Aurora Radiator Service - Radiator repairs on Squad'- P.D. 12.00 Ram Electric Supply Inc. - P.D.- Bulbs for outside lights 24.84 Southtown Oil Co. - Shocks & Labor on Squad - P.D. 83.85 Yorkville Auto Parts - Oper. Supplies - P.D. 42.06 Communications, Technicians $ Consultants,Inc. - Inv. #13646 Remote $ 378.85 installation at Maint.Bldg.$192.50; Inv.#16116 Parts for Base for 2 Frequencies $168.85; Inv.#16181 Repair remote at Maint.Bldg. 17.50 Salisbury Grocery - Oper. Supplies - P.D. 16.48 Buffalo Rock Shooters Supply - Shells - P.D. 60.40 Bob's Service - Battery & Labor - Oper. Supplies 69.45 Absco - Anti-freeze - P.D. 20.70 Salaries - Gross $12,688.58 Net 9360.89 $ 14049.30 WATER FUND Commonwealth Edison Co.-Pumping 599.00, Pumping 3.27, Water Tower 17.10 619.37 Illinois Bell Telephone Co. - Maint. Bldg. 14.29 Marilyn J. Merkel - Postage $ Expenses 15.78 John N. Schneider - Oper.Supplies - Water Dept. 14.88 Crawford,Murphy $ Tilly,Inc.-Inv.#259-Services for Water main replacement 8.75 Municipal & Utility Division-Rockwell International- Oper. Supplies 86.60 Sidener,Inc. - Inv.#29557 $ 29901 - Oper. Supplies 254.92 Jack Ward, P.H. - Oper. Supplies & Services 215.00 * Salaries - Gross 770.83 Net 530.85 $ 2Z39.44 SEWER FUND Neenah Foundry Co. - Adj . Rings - Maintenance 1109.00 98'. n * ADDED TO WATER FUND The Bank of Yorkville - Deposit - Depreciation & Contingencies Fund 150.00 Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago-Deposit Bond & Interest Account 150.00 Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago-Deposit Bond $ Interest Reserve Account 170.00 FUND "BALANCES FOR JUNE, 1975 GENERAL FUND Balance 5/31/75 17411.79 RECEIPTS State Income Tax 5480.78 Sales Tax for March, 1975 11224.32 Utility Tax - Electric 9429.51 Circuit Clerk - Fines 662.00 City Ordinance Fines 17.00 Dog License 1.00 Building Permits 579.32 Sign Permits 20.00 Library - W. Tax $ S.S. 155.19 Sale of Zoning Book 5.00 Sale of Boca Building Code Book 7.00 Re-imbursement from Patrolmen for 3 guns 427.05 Petition for Variance L Carl Chevrolet 85.00 Total Receipts 28093.17 DISBURSEMENTS 25174.44 Balance 6/30/75 20330.52 WATER FUND Balance 5/31/75 11809.53, RECEIPTS Water Rentals 2494.07 Meters 160.00 Connections 690.00 Total Receipts 3344.07 DISBURSEMENTS 2193.28 Balance 6/30/75 12960.32 MOTOR VEHICLE TAX FUND Balance 5/31/75 5959.04 RECEIPTS - Vehicle Stickers 128.75 DISBURSEMENTS NONE Balance 6/30/75 6087.79 SEWER FUND Balance 5/31/75 2177.12 RECEIPTS - Sewer Hook-ups 450.00 DISBURSEMENTS - Fox Valley Sewer Service - Open sewers 200.00 :Balance 6/30/75 2427.12 INTERES" FUND 4699.87 NONE Y1699 ;' WATER-BOND AND INTEREST FUND Balance 5/31/75 3075.00 RECEIPTS 150.00 Balance 6/30/75 3225.00 WATER-BOND AND INTEREST RESERVE FUND Balance 5/31/75 2676.33 RECEIPTS - To Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago 170.00 Balance 6/30/75 2846.33 WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND Balance 5/31/75 3795.23 RECEIPTS NONE DISBURSEMENTS NONE Balance 6/30/75 3795.23 WATER DEPRECIATION & CONTINGENCIES FUND Balance 5/31/75 2654.73 RECEIPTS - Transferred from Water Fund 150.00 DISBURSEMENTS NONE BALANCE 6/30/75 2804.73 WATER METER RENTAL FUND Balance 5/31/75 692.61 RECEIPTS NONE DISBURSEMENTS - Refunds of Deposits 55.00 Transferred to Water Fund 20.00 Balance 6/30/75-' 617.61 MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND Balance 5/31/75 16477.52 RECEIPTS NONE DISBURSEMENTS NONE Balance 6/30/75 16477.52 REVENUE SHARING FUND Balance 5/31/75 6016.93 EC_y PTS NONE E INTS NONE Balance 5/30/75 6016.93 y _l 1� CITY OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS Engineer's Estimate PROPOSED WATER SUPPLY WELL #4 Approx. Unit Item Description Quantity Unit Price Amount 1. Bond, Insurance, Mobilization and Set Up. L.S. $ 5,000.00 2. Drilling and Casing Well 2.01 Drilling hole for 26" O.D. steel conductor pipe. 59 L.F. 70.00 4,130.00 2.02 Drilling 25" hole for 22" O.D. steel casing pipe 420 L.F. 65.00 27,300.00 2.03 Drilling 21" hole 393 L.F. 60.00 23,580.00 2.04 Drilling 17" hole 530 L.F. 40.00 2111200.00 2.05 Furnishing & installing 26" steel conductor pipe w/steel cutting shoe 60 L.F. 50.00 3,000.00 2.06 Furnishing & installing 22" steel casing pipe including sealing outside of pipe with cement grout 481 L.F. 45.00 21,645.00 2.07 Furnishing & installing 18" O.D. steel inner pipe if required. 100 L.F. 30.00 3,000.00 TOTAL ITEM #2 $103,855.00 3. Test Pumping Well 3.01 For furnishing & installing & removing test pumping equipment for completed well 2 Each 1,000.00 $ 2,000.00 3.02 For test pumping 32 Hours 65.00 2,080.00 TOTAL ITEM #3 $ 4,080.00 7589-03 PROPOSED WATER SUPPLY WELL #4 Approx. Unit Item Description Q11aaLLty Unit Price Amount 4. Shooting and Cleaning Well 4.01 In the event development (shooting) of the well is required, the unit price per explosive jetting device shally apply. It is under- stood and agreed that this unit price is based upon furnishing, placing and detonating directional jetting devices. For the purpose of evaluating bids, 400 shots will.. be assumed. 400 Each 20.00 $ 8,000.00 4.02 In the event development (shooting) of the well is required, the unit price per hour of cleaning out time shall be applied. ° It is understood and agreed that for the pur- pose of evaluating bids, 70 hours of cleaning out time will be assumed. 70 Hours 55.50 3,885.00 TOTAL ITEM #4 $ 11,885.00 5. Logging the Well 5.01 For furnishing caliper log of the well L.S. 1,000.00 TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID FOR ALL ITEMS FOR WELL #4 $125,820.00 7589-03