City Council Minutes 1975 06-12-75 FORM BOA-49 ® U.S.A. June 12, 1975
8 ^0 P. M.
Mayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the
flag. He then directed the Clerk to take Roll. Upon roll being taken, the
following Aldermen were present:
1st. Ward- Wolff 2nd. Ward- Hanback 3rd. Ward- Smith
Beach Erickson-absent Simmons.
Mayor Thanepohn asked anyone addressing the Council to stand and introduce
themselves. He then directed the Clerk to read the minutes of the last meeting.
Ald. Wolff moved to accept the minutes as written. Ald. Simmori` 'm,t*,&the motion,
motion carried. Mayor Thanepohn directed the Clerk -to read the bills. Ald. Hanback
questioned the Clean Sweep Bill being $120.00 for the month of May. City Treasurer
will call and inquire about amount of bill. Ald. Simmons questioned the Fox Valley
Disposal bill, and directed the City Secretary to write Fox Valley Disposal and
ask for verification on how many pick-ups we are paying for. The bill from McNelis
Tree Servise was presented late, but was agreedto be included in May payments.
Ald. Wolff made the motion to pay the bills accept Clean Sweep until it is
checked as to the correct amount, seconded by Ald. Beach, motion carried.
Attorney's Report-- Attorney Dickson Presented an Ordinance Amending an Ordinance
to regulate the connections to Sanitary Sewer Mains in the United City of the
Village of Yorkville. Ald. Wolff moved to accept Ordinance, seconded by Ald.
Simmons. Roll call vote- Wolff-aye, Beach- aye, Hanback- aye, Smith-aye, Simmons
aye, motion passed.unanimously.
Attorney Dickson will draw an Ordinance for Retirement of the 1959 Water Bond Issue,
Attorney Dickson also recommends that the City has a Bid Ordinance. Ald. Wolff
made a motion to adopt both Ordinances, seconded by Ald. Beach, motion carried.
Mayor's Report-- Mayor Thanepohn reported the ILEC Investigation Unit- was accepted
by the County but turned down by Oswego. Our share of the amount turned down by
Oswego would be $353.00 Ald. Hanback moved to accept payment.;$353.00, seconded by
Ald. Wolff, motion carried. Mayor Thanepohn reminded everyone of the Illinois
Municipal League Conference for newly elected Officers.Mayor Thanepohn Asked Atty.
Dickson if we have any jurisdiction over circuses and carnivals. Atty. Dickson
stated we are limited as to what we can do, He will check into the matter.
Mayor Thanepohn stated he received the BI-Centennial Flag and it will be flown in
the City Park.
City Clerk's Report-Clerk Schneider stated she has on file the annual report of
the City Treasurer.
Treasurer' Report-- Ald. Hanback moved to accept this report, seconded by Ald.
Wolff, motion carried.
Police Report--Ald. Wolff moved to accept this report, seconded by Ald. Smith
motion carried.
Director of Public Works Report--Ald. Wolff moved to accept this report, seconded
by Ald. Beach, motion carried.
FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A. June 12, 1975
Plan Commision Report--Copies of the minutes of the June 3rd. meeting were given to
each Alderman.Report 75.19 Hearing on re-zoning from R-3 to R-4 on West Hydraulic
Street. The City Council has recommended that the property be changed back to R-4
in order to correct an error made in rezoning. 75.20 Review Final Plat - Mulhern.
Mr. Langland moved to approve the final plat as amended by the following
1) the northwesterly building on Kendall Drive should have a thirty foot set
back indicated.
2)the designation of the number of units should be itemized on the final plat.
3)recommend-� that 100% bond certified by the city engineerbe obtained .
+)the landscape plans earlier submitted should be adherred to.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Olson. All present voting aye. Motion carried.
Mr. Mahoney then signed a copy of the plat for f'ili i&, purposes.
Route# 34 Corridor Study Report--Harold Feltz distributed to all members the
minutes from the April and May meetings of the Corridor Study. The next meeting
will be held in `Plano on June 18, 1975.
Subdivision Control Ordinance and Zoning Ordinance.
Mr. Clark Bartell distibuted updated sheets on the subdivision control ordinance.
Mr. Clarage distributed part V- General Provisions- of the zoning ordinance
indicating permitted accessory building, structures, and uses in required yards.
Old Business---Brian Mulhern PUD, Atty. Max Peterson reprsenting Mr. Mulhern
presented his final plat on PUD at Countryside Center for approval.
Ald. Hanback moved to table approval until next meeting so new Alderman can
acquaint themselves with PUD, seconded by Ald. Beach. Mayor Thanepohn read a letter
from City Engineer on recommendedi changes for Mulhern's PUD according to new
Subdivision Ordinance. Atty. Dickson stated a Performance Bond should be filed '
with Clerk before "'Plat is signed. Atty. Petersonstated PUD was passed by City
Council last fall under previous Subdivision Ordinance and does not feel they
should be bound by the New Subdivision Ordinance because it has not been approved.
Atty. Peterson asked the Plat be approved tonight and not tabled. .Atty. Peterson
asked if the council is tableing for presentation of Bond or tableing to approve PUL
Roll call vote- Wolff-abstain, Beach- abstain, Hanback-aye, Smith- abstain,
Simmons- abstain.
Ald. Wolff moved to have Mayor and Clerk sign final plat when Mulhern filed his
Performance Bond, seconded by Simmons. Roll call vote- Wolff-aye, Beach-aye,
Hanback- nay, Smith- aye, Simmons- aye. Motion passed 4 to 1.
Director of Public Works-- Elden Madden gave a report on R-3 to R-4 Zoning on
West Hydraulic. R-3 allows 7 units per acre and R-4 allows 12 units per acre.
Ald. _'Bimmons moved to table this matter until next meeting so Aldermen could
study it more, seconded by Ald. Wolff, motion carried.
Glen Davidson proposed Subdivision was presented by Atty. Max Peterson. Ald. Wolff
moved to refer this to the Panning Commision, seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion
Streets and Alleys--- Ald. Simmons requested to purchase short sleeve shirts for
the street department- 16 shirts at $76.00 He also requested to purchase signs,
Barricades, cones ect. needed for Street Department for a total of $58+.10.
Ald. Wolff moved chairman of Street and Alleys to meet with Director of Public
FORM sot-as ® U.S.A. JUne 12, 1975
Works to order Shirts and supplies, seconded by Ald. Smith, motion carried.
Second day of Clean Up on North side was very succesfull.
Water report--- Ald. Wolff has not received letter from School Board in regard to
hook—on fees. Ald. Wolff moved Engineer to send out bids on drilling of new well
with bid opening to be July 10, 1975 at the City Council meeting, seconded by
Ald. Simmons, motion carried.
Health and Sanitation Ald. 4��11��reported on letter from Kendall County
Health Department on conditions of the Park on Hydraulic Street. Outdoor
f cilities are not fit to use. Ald. Hanback moved to have No Trespassing signs
posted and the area to be closed, seconded by Ald. Wolff, motion carried.
Atty. Dickson to draw Ordinance.
Ald. Beach wrote to Highway Department regarding traffic signals on RT. 47 and
Pox, Rt. 47 and VanEmmon, and Rt. 47 at Hydraulic.
Police-- Mayor Thanepohn reportedareas where junk cars are being stored will be
Ald. Wolff recommended buying Champion Radar gun from Ray O'Herron at a cost of
$1080.00 seconded by Ald. Simmons. All voting aye with the exception of Ald.
Hanback voting nay.
Ald. Wolff made a motion to purchase a portable radio from Communication Technici4
Consultants Inc. at a cost of $683.00, seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried.
Ald. Wolff made a motion to have City Attorney to draw up Ordinance for a stop
sign on King St. at River St. seconded by Ald. Hanback, motion carried.
Sewers---Ald. Wolff started a survey of things we need and the cost and will
report later.
Finance---Ald. Smith reported insurance has been consolidated. Policy went into
effect June 10, 1975. Ald. Smith asked for a Finance Committee meeting for June 19,
at the City Hall and also all Committee Chairman to be present to draw up an
Appropriation Ordinance.
Ald. Wolff moved to adjourn at 9:30 P.M., seconded by Ald. Simmons.
Olga LU. Schneider, City Clerk.