City Council Minutes 1975 05-29-75 FORM 601-49 GU.S.A. May 29, 1975 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Mayor and Aldermen of the United City of the Village of Yorkville, Illinois held at City Hall on May 29, 1975 at 8:00 P.M. Mayor Thanepohn called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. He then directed the clerk to take the roll. Upon the roll being taken, the following Aldermen were present: ' 1st Ward-Wolff 2nd-Ward-Hanback 3rd Ward-Smith Beach Erickson Simmons Mayor Thanepohn asked for introduction of guests. He then directed the Clerk to read the minutes of the last meeting. Ald. Wolff moved to accept the minutes as written. Ald. Beach seconded, motion carried. Attorney's Report - Attorney Dickson presented an Ordinance concerning the regular meetings of the Mayor and the City Councilwhich shall be on the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 8:00 P.M. , provided, however, that for the months of November and December, the regular meetings of the Mayor and City Council shall be held on the first and third Thursday of each month at 8:00 P.M. Each meeting will be held in the City Hall of the Village of Yorkville. Ald. Wolff moved to accept the ordinance as printed, seconded by Ald. Beach. Roll call vote: Wolff-aye; Beach- aye; Hanback-aye; Erickson-aye; Smith-aye;Simmons-aye, motion passed unanimously. Attorney Dickson checked into ordinance of July 1959 regarding footing drains and downspouts hooked into the city sewers. Ald. wolff made a motion to change the ordinance 'to read that anyone hooked on has to be disconnected and will be given 60 days grace period to disconnect or due cause is shown. Attorney Dickson is to draft an amendment to existing ordinance regulating storm water hookon to sanitary sewer systems to permit all those who are presently hooked on 60days to disconnect unless good cause is shown. Roll call vote: Wolff-aye; Beach-aye; Hanback-aye; Erickson -aye; Simmons-aye; Motion passed unanimously. Attorney Dickson and the Council re-assured Loren Miller that he has "a vested right" to build 84 units on his Rt. 126 parcel as allowed by its original zoning. Attorney Dickson said legal research indicates that when a developer has expended a great deal of money, then an acquired building permit would authorize him to complete the proposed development. Ald. Wolff moved to adopt a repolution to acknowledge Loren Miller has a vested right to apply and secure a building permit to permit the construction and use of his property up to a maximum density of 8 units per acre based upon his reliance upon former zoning, seconded by Ald. Simmons Roll call vote: Wolff-aye; Beach-aye; Hanback-aye; Erickson-nay; Smith-aye, Simmons aye; Motion passed 5 to 1. Mayor's Report: Mayor Thanepohn reported on Illinois Law Enforcement Commission meeting he attended. Yorkville's share of 2nd year funding -for the Investigating Unit will be $1,210.00. Ald. Hanback moved to accept Yorkville share 2nd year funding for Investigating Unit, seconded by Ald. Erickson, motion carried. Mayor Thanepohn stated Yorkville's share for Juvenile Officer program will be $180.00. Ald. Wolff moved to accept Yorkville share for Juvenile Officer program, seconded by Ald. Erickson, motion carried. Mayor Thanepohn appointed Dale Woodworth to the Plan Commission. Ald. Wolff made a motion to accept appointment, seconded by Ald. Hanback, motion carried. Mayor Thanepohn asked Ald. Wolff to attend the Senior Citizen meeting on June 25, 1975 at 1:30 P.M. in regards to Senior Citizen housing. Mayor Thanepohn read letter from Salvation Army to have Donut Tag Day on Friday, June 6, 1975. Ald. Wolff moved to accept June 6, 1975 at Donut Tag Day, Seconded by Ald. Erickson, motion carried, FORK 601-49 ® U.S.A. Mayor Thanepohn stated a Mayors Prayer Breftfast will be held June 5, 1975 at Aurora College at 7:30 A.M. Mayor Thanepohn read a letter from Senator Robert Mitchler on Revenue Funds received by City. New Business - Signed contract for construction of water main along East Alley. Committee Reports - Streets 4 Alleys: Ald. Simmons said streets are in pretty good condition and would like to hold onto the money for another year and not do any major repairs this year, only if they have to. Water standing on Rt. 47 and Somonauk St.-Engineer Bob Anderson will write a letter to the State on this ..for action. Ald. Simmons reported Jerry Groner's problem could be solved by cutting back South East corner then water will turn corner and go down alley. Ald. Erickson suggested a yield or stop sign on King at River St. Matter referred to the Police Committee. Water - Ald. Wolff asked for a committee meeting on water, June 11, 1975 at Ald. Wolffs home. Health $ Sanitation - Ald. Simmons reported clean up day on the north side will be June 2, 1975. Ald. Beach reported the Jaycees will replace the trash containors down town with larger ones. Police,Report - Mayor Thanepohn will have a committee meeting on June 5, 1975 at 7:30 P.M. at the P.D. Ald. Erickson wants to have a discussion on phone calls at night to the P.D. , Matter referred to the Police committee. I Trees $ Parks - Ald. Hanback said $5000.00 was received from the Walk=a=Thou held for the Tennis Courts. Mayor Thanepohn commended Ald. Hanback on his leadership on the Tennis Court project. Public Property & Buildings - Ald. Smith reported bolts were installed on City Hall doors. Building 4 Zoning - Ald. Beach attended meeting at Sandwich on Rt. 34 Corridor study at which time soil maps were displayed. Maps will be given to Cities involved. Finance $ Audit - Ald. Smith reported nothing on gas bidds at this time. Ald. Smithpresented recommended amounts of Insurance coverage. Mayor Thanepohn asked whether to buy a package deal or bid on Insurance. Ald. Wolff made a motion to consolidate,'and purchase Insurance from Ellsworth Windett Insurance Agency, seconded by Ald. Simmons. This will be for a period of 1 year. Roll call vote: Wolff-aye; Beach-aye; Hanback-nay; Erickson-nay; Smith-aye; Simmons-aye, motion carried 4 to 2. Mayor Thanepohn asked for a motion to indicate we plan to use Revenue Sharing Funds for -a new well. Ald. Wolff made the motion to use funds for a new well, seconded by Ald. Erickson, motion carried. Curt Metzler gave a report on 2nd year grant of Kendall County Investigating Unit and' cost to the City. Yorkville's share will be based on a per capita rate, which is $1,210.00. FORM 601-49 U.S.A. Motion made by Ald. Wolff, seconded by Ald, Erickson t9 accept XexkYW O ShgTge of 2nd year funding for Investigating Unit, All voting Aye; motion caxrxed, Curt Metzler reported on Juvenile Grant and Yorkville share of $180.00. Motion made and carried to accept cost of Juvenile program. 2 entries were presented at Council meeting for the City Vehicle sticker contest Robert Stone, an 8th grade student at Circle Center School made the winning stick drawing for the 1976 Vehicle Sticker. Motion by Ald. Wolff to accept Robert Stone's drawing, seconded by Ald. Beach. Motion carried. Ald. Wolff moved to go into an executive session at 9:58 P.M. on land. Mayor Thanepohn moved to adjourn at 10:00 P.M. , motion carried. -tlgaA, . Schneider, City Clerk MAY 1975 Commonwealth Edison Co.-St.Ltg. $712.22, Maint.Bldg.$7.55, $ 719.77 Northern Illinois Gas--Maint.Bldg. $151.48, City Hall $31.60, Library $93.60 371.87 City Park 60.42, Police $34.77 James B. Clarage $ Assc.- Plan Commission Meetings & Ordinance 583.33 Ill. Bell Telephone - Mayor 1.08, St.Dept. 1.08, Treas. 8.38, P.D. 36.01, Clerk 2.06 48.61 Fox Valley Disposal - Disposal Service for May 1641.28 Xerox Corp. - Copies $10.74 Inv.#029755026; Use Charge 6/1/75 to 8/30/75 85.74 Inc. 030156413 $75.00 Aurora Trophy Center - Inv. #2912 32.70 Fredrickson's Office Supplies,Inc. - Inv. #56854 Oper. Supplies 51.16 Schaefer's Greenhouse - Flowers for LeRoy Johnson 7.50 Eby-Brown Co. - Inv. #1470477 Cassette Tapes 61.56 Archie Bieritz - Mowing - Park $ Ball Diamond 160.00 Kendall Co. Record - Publi6ations $ Printing Letterheads 84.95 Clean Sweep, Inc. - Sweeping for May 120.00 Ill. Institute of Technology - Tuition for Reuter & Millen-Seminar on Criminal Justice 95.00 Ill. Municipal League - Registration Fees - Conference 470.00 Harry Crawford, Postmaster - Envelopes 453.50 Aurora College Management Development Center - Tuition for Captain Randall 230.00 Marilyn J. Merkel - Re-imbursement for supplies 56.00 Rich's Union 76 - Gas - St.Dept. $192.23, P.D. 659.28, Investigators 95.48 946.99 Farmers Elevator Co. - Oper. Supplies - P.D. 18.43 Robert W. Prickett - Inv. #108435 - Radio Repair 7.50 Al Spera - Mileage to School at Marseilles 8.10 Ronald Reuter - Mileage to School at Marseilles 8.10 James Jerabek - Mileage to School at Marseilles 16.20 The Constable Equipment Co. - Inv. #1927 - 3 guns P.D. (Cash rec'd.from Patrolmen) 427, 05 Badger Uniforms - Inv. #64447,64323,64324 & 64325 Uniforms $ Buttons for P.D. 222.98 Yorkville Auto Parts - Inv. #A8594 $A8553-Oper.Supplies P.D. 18.11 Hamilton Chev. Olds Inc.- Inv.#21241,21225 $ 21338 - Squad repairs $ Tune-up - P.D. 147-,50 John N. Schneider - Oper. Supplies - P.D.6.15, Bldg. $ Zoning 10.34 16.49 Commu-ications Technicians $ Consultants - Inv.#13422 Repair Radio P.D. 39.10 Farmers Elevator Co. - St. Dept. Oper. Supplies 1.26 Homer G. Dickson Co. - Mower Repairs - St. Dept. 21.53 Zwart Gravel Co. - Gravel - St. Dept. 67.92 Central Limestone Co. - Rock -- St. Dept. 143.94 Hathorns Inspection Station - Truck Inspections - St. Dept. 8.50 Milford Mikkelson - Mileage to Waubonsee - St. Dept. 12.60 Anthony Brothers Concrete - i share sidewalk for Terry Morganegg - St. Dept. 498.50 Crawford,Murphy & Tilly,Inc.-Inv. #188 Services on Subd. Ord. , Inv,:#191 Examining 366.36 storm damage, Inv.#192 Services on General Engineering Mrs. Irene Hasemeyer - h share of sidewalk repair 6.11 Yorkville Auto Parts - Oper. Supplies - Truck Main. St. Dept. 20.69 Anderson $ Bushnell - Inv.#64019 $ 64300 - Oper.Supplies-:Bldg. & Zoning Dept. 68,40 Elden Madden - Expenses-Zoning Adm.Seminar - B ldg. $ Zoning Dept. 34.65 Yorkville Hardware - Oper. Supplies - St.Dept. 11.51, Trees & Parks 25.40 36.91 Anchor Post Products,Inc.- Fence for Pony League Backstop - Trees & Parks 1170.00 C.O. Nelson Co. - Trash disposal - St. Dept. 74.00 $9680.89 WATER FUND Commonwealth Edison Co. - Pumping 555.75, Pumping 2.08, Water Tower 12.01 571.81 Pumping 1.97 Northern Ill. Gas - Pump House 36.85 Illinois Bell Telephone - Maint. Bldg. 21.41 The Bank of Yorkville - Deposit - Depreciation $ Contingencies Fund 150.00 Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago-Deposit Bond & Interest Account 150.00 Nat'l. Blvd. Bank of Chicago-Deposit Bond & Interest Reserve Account 170.00 Crawford Murphy $ Tilly,Inc.= Inv.#189..Services on Specs for Water Main Replacement 138.60 $119.44, Inv.#190 Services for Shallow well 19.16 Sidener, Inc.- Inv.#W28636, W29116 & 29347 - Oper. Supplies 251.58 Riemenschneider Electric - Inv. #1280 Photo Cell Relay $ Labor 72.90 John N. Schneider - Oper. Supplies Water Dept. 89.19 Yorkville Hardware - Oper. Supplies - Water Dept. 2.69 Marilyn Merkel - Postage & Expense 7.40 1662,:43 SEWER FUND oo x Vlley Sewer Service - Labor - Open Sewers 200.00 a. Mayor Thanepohn nominated Elen E. Madden as Director of Public Works at a salary of $14,000.00 per year effective May 1, 1975 with 50% from each General and Water Funds. He shall have all benefits as povided by the Personnel Policy adopted May 11, 1972. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman Wolff, seconded by Alderman Simmons, Alderman Wolff, Beach, Smith, Simmons voting aye, Alderman Hanback & Erickson voting nay. Mayor Thanepohn nominated Fred 0. Christian as General Foreman of Public Works Department at a salary of &950.00 per month effective May 1, 1975. He shall have all benefits as provided by the Personnel Policy adopted May 11, 1972. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman Simmons, seconded by Alderman Wolf, with all Aldermen voting aye, motion carried.. Mayor Thanepohn nominated Michael L. Price as employee of the Public Works Department at a salary of $800.00 per month effective May 1, 1975. He shall have all bebefits as provided by the Personnel Policy adopted May 119 1972. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman Erickson, seconded by Alderman Wolff, all Alderman voting aye, motion carried. Mayor Thanepohn nominated James T. Johnson as employee of Public Works Department at a salary of $800.00 per month effective May 1, 1975 and increased to $850.00per month May 15, 1975.He shall have all benefits as provided by the Personnel Policy adopted May 11,1972. Motion to accept : nomination made by Alderman Wolff, seconded by Alderman Simmons, with all Alderman voting aye motion carried. Mayor Thanepohn nominated Milford G. Mikkelson as employee of Public Works Department at a salary of $800.00 vtper month effective May 1, 1975 and increased to $850.00 per month Jume 1, 1975. He shall have all benefits as provided by the Personnel Policy adopted May 11097 Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman Simmons, seconded by Alderman Wolff, with all Aldermen voting aye motion carried. Mayor Thanepohn nominated LeRoy Johnson to serve in the Public Works Department at the pleasure of Elden E. Madden, Director of Public Works, at $100.00 per month. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman Wolff, seconded byAlderman Simmons,with all Aldermen voting aye motion carried. Mayor Thanepohn nominated Winfred W. Prickett as Chief of Police at the salary of $14,000.00 per year effective May 1, 1975. He shall have all benefits as provided by the Personnel Policy adopted May 11, 19!2. Motion to accept nomination made by Asr'erman .Wolff, seconded by Alderman Erickson, with all Aldermen voting aye, motion carried. Mayor Thanepohn nominated Richard A. Randall as Captain of the Police Department at the salary of $1000.00 per month effective May 1, 1975. He shall have all benefits as provided by the Personnel Policy adopted May 11, 1972. Motion to aostpt-nomination made by Alderman Erickson, seconded by Alderman Wolff, with all Aldermen voting aye, motion carried. Mayor Thanepohn nominated Alvin P. Sera as Lieutenant of the Police Department at a salary of $975.00 per month effective May 1, 1975. He shall have all benefits as provided by the Personnel Policy adopted M11, 1972. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman : .Si.mmmons, secondedby Alderman Wolff, with all Aldermen voting aye, motion carried. Mayor Thanepohn nominated James S. Jerabek as Patrolman of the Police Department at a salary of $900.00 per month effective May 1, 1975. He shall have all benefits as provided by the Personnel Policy adopted May 11, 1972. Motion to acceptnomination made by Alderman Wolff, seconded by Alderman Smith, with all Aldermen voting a-ye, motion carried. Mayor Thanepohn nominated Ronald W. Reuter as Patrolman of the POAce Department at a salary of $925.00 per month effective May 1, 1975. He shall have all benefits as provided by the Personnel Policy adopted May 11, 1972. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman Wolff, seconded by Alderman Smith, with all Aldermen voting aye, motion carried. Mayor Thanepohn nominated Wayne E. Millen as Patrolman of the Police Department at a salary of $850.00 per month effective May 1, 1975. He shall have all benefits as Provided:: by the Personnel Policy adopted May 11, 1972. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman Wolff, sconded by Alderman Smith, with all Aldermei voting aye, motion carried. Mayor Thanepohn nominated Jeffrey A. Ross as Patrolman of the Police Department at a salary of $850.00 per month effective May 1, 1975. He shall have all benefits as provided by the Personnel Policy adopted May 11, 1972. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman Simmons, secondeda by Alderman Wolff, with all Aldermen voting aye, motin carried. Mayor Thanepohn nominated Alfred C. Baker and Arthur Thanepohn as School Crossing Guards at the salary of $10.00 per school day. Motion to accept nomination made by Alderman Wolff, seconded by Smith, with all Aldermen voting aye, motion carried. Mayor Thanepohn nominated Fred H. Dickson as City Attorney to be paid a retainer of $2+00.00 per year and the privilege of billing the City for extra legal services performed.. Motion to accept nomination made by Simmons, seconded by Alderman Wolff, with all Aldermen voting aye, motion carried. Mayor Thrmepohn nominated Marilyn J. Merkel as City Secretary at the salary of $7200.00 per year effective May 1, 1975. She shall have all benefits as provided by the Personnel Policy adopted May 11, 1972. Motion to accept nomination made by Wolff, seconded by Alderman Simmons, with all Aldermen voting aye, motion carried. Mayor Thaaepohn nominated the firm of Crawford, Murphy & Tilly with Robert Anderson as City Engineer. They shall have the privilege of billing the City for engineering services performed. Motin to accept nomination made by Alderman Simmons, seconded by Alderman Wolff, with all Aldermen voting aye, motion carried.. Mayor Thanepohn nominated The Yorkville National Bank, The Bank of Yorkville and The National Boulevard Bank of Chicago and The Northern Trust Bank of Chicago to serve as City Depositories. Motin to accept nomination made by Alderman Wolff, seconded by Alderman Smith,with all Aldermen voting aye, motion carried. Mayor Thanepohn nominated the Chairman of the Finance Committee to be the fourth signature on all checking accounts in the absence of either the Mayor, Treasurer or City Clerk. Motion to accept made by Alderman Simmons, seconded by Alderman Erickson, with all Aldermen Voting aye, motion carried. Mayor Thanepohn nominated Elden E. Madden as Building Inspector to serve at the pleasure of the Building Council and to be paid $4500.00..:we,•per year. Motion to accept Nomination by Alderman Wolff, seconded by Alderman Simmons, Alderman Wolff, Simmons, Beach, & Smith aye, Aldermen Hanback & Erickson voting nay. No vote is not for personel involved, but for Salary.. ( CITY OF YORKVILLE . i COMMITTEES MAY, 1975 - APRIL, 1976 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN MEMBERS Streets $ Alleys Simmons Beach - Hanback Water Wolff Simmons - Smith Health $ Sanitation Simmons Beach Hanback Police (Mayor) Thanepohn Wolff - Simmons { Trees & Parks Hanback Erickson - Smith Sewers Wolff Smith - Erickson Future Planning Hanback Beach Lights, Telephone & Gas Erickson Simmons Public Property & Buildings Smith Erickson Asst. Liquor Comm. Wolff Beach Building & Zoning Beach Erickson - Simmons Finance Smith Simmons I ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TERM EXPIRES (Term of 5 Years) Martin Behrens, Chairman Appointed 5/9/74 James Morganegg, Sec'y, Appointed 6/28/73 John Behrens Delmar Becker k1' Tom Lindblom Appointed 3/28/74 Donald Walters Appointed 3/28/74 PLANNING COMMITTEE TERM EXPIRES (4 Year Term) Robert J. Coleman, Chairman April 30, 1979 Fred Dollman, Sec'y. April 30, 1976 J( Robert Mahoney April 30, 1979 I Walter Olsen April 30, 1977 Lawrence Langland April 30, 1976 Harold Feltz April 30, 1977 James Kenton April 30, 1978 Jerry Groner April 30, 1979 Lawrence A. Beach, Council LIBRARY BOARD TERM EXPIRES Martin Behrens, Chairman Wayne Gutzwiler, Treas. f Carol Munson, Sec'y. Robert Yuill LaDonna Tweedy Mary Jo Gardner Clara Rezash Mary Hoover Bert Erickson, Council BUSINESS & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION (Appointed 1/91,75)yy James Hall William Harthan CHAMBER OF COMMERCE James Garnett Danny Han ac Richard Haynes Rev. Larry Rezash Y.B. SANITARY BOARD :t Jeff Farren Frank WolfT Ernest Zeiter Mayor LeRoy Thanepohn, Council CITY ATTORNEY Fred Dickson The Mayor is ex-official to all committees and asks that the committe meetings be held on Thursday evening, if possible, so that he could be present. i