City Council Minutes 1975 04-24-75 FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A.
Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flap
Rev. Larry Rezash gave an opening prayer. Mayor Coleman directed the Clerk to take
roll. Upon roll being taken, the following Aldermen were present:
1st Ward-Wolff-absent 2nd Ward-Hanback 3rd Ward-Ellis
Thanepohn Simmons
Mayor Coleman asked for introduction of guests. He then directed the Clerk to read
the minutes of the last meeting. Ald. Hanback moved to accept the minutes as writte
Ald. Ellis seconded the motion, motion carried.
Attorney's Report-Attorney Grant presented an Ordinance Regulating-Parking By Esta-
blishing A No Parking Zone on the East side of Bridge St. for a distance of 40 feet
northerly from the Northeast corner of the intersection of Van Emmon and Bridge. Al
Thanepohn moved to accept the ordinance as printed, seconded by Ald. Ellis. Roll ce
vote: Hanback-aye; Thanepohn-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye; motion passed unanimously
MAYOR'S REPORT-Mayor Coleman read a copy of a letter to Sen. Mitchler from the Dire
for of Waterways in regard to the work at Palmer Dam. The project will require 35
working days to complete when the working conditions are favorable. Another crane a
crew will be brought in and hopefully the work will be completed by early: June. Al
Hanback suggested keeping this area restricted while the work is going on.
Mayor Coleman read a letter from the Bi-centennial Committee in regard to a contest
for the design of Yorkville 1975-76 vehicle tax stickers. This contest will be oper,
to grades 7 through 12 with May 23rd being the deadline. Three semi-finalists will
be chosen and presented to the Council for consideration on May 29th. -
Mayor Coleman read a letter accompanying an agreement from Burlington Northern in
regard to the city's request to go underneath the tracks in the alley east of Brida
St. for the new water line.
CLERK'S REPORT-Clerk Brant extended his thanks to Rev. Rezash of the Congregational
Church and the Bristol-Kendall Fire Dept. for the use of their buildings as polling
places for the April 15th election. He reported the votes had been canvassed at the
Finance Meeting of April 17th. The canvass showed Leroy Thanepohn, Mayor, Olga
Schneider, Clerk, Marilyn Merkel, Treasurer, Lawrence Beach, Alderman 1st Ward, Bey
Erickson, Alderman 2nd Ward and Hershel Smith, Alderman 3rd Ward.
Clerk Brant stated he had received two bond payment notices from The Northern Trust
Co. that are due May 1st. (Water Refunding Bonds, 169 issue 5% interest in the amou
of $11,268.65. Water Revenue Bond, 169 issue, 7% interest in the amount of $6,490.
He stated there was not enough at this time in the account to pay these. The Treasu
stated some water rentals are due in and Clerk Brant was instructed to check with
Mrs. Merkel on the balance and if necessary, surrender the certificate of deposits
required to meet this payment. Clerk Brant read a notice of Illinois Coma
Commission in the matter of eliminating nonessential uses of natural gas by the ini
ation or continuation of advertising and educational programs and prohibiting certa
new attachments that are deemed specific nonessential uses of natural gas, to be he
on May 16, 1975, at 10:00 A.M. in Springfield, Ill. Clerk Brant read a
Proclamation setting the second week in May as Municipal Clerks Week. Ald. Simmons
moved to pass this proclamation, seconded by Ald. Thanepohn, motion carried.
Clerk Brant read a letter from the Illinois Municipal League on a conference for
newly elected municipal officials on June 13-14 in Arlington Heights.
FORN 601-49 ®U.S.A.
APRTI, 24. 1975
'Plan Commission Report-75.1 + Review Final Plat-Mulhern Court-This was placed on the
agenda for the May meeting. 75.15 Report-Route 34 Corridor Study-Two maps of the
Yorkville area were shown and discussed. 75.16 Review Subdivision Control Ordin-
ance-A rough draft was presented and a discussion was held on the five acre minimum,
releasing bonds, and the required rating of bonding companies. The commission sug-
gested some changes in the rough draft. The city council is to review the ordinance
and within a thirty day period it will be completed. 75. 17 Review-Property pre-
sently zoned R-3 on West Hydraulic St. This item is to be referred to the May meetin
75.18 Review and consider amending R�-3 and R-4 zoning to limit number of dwelling
units per strueturso Suggestions were made to limit density and height in R-3 and
R-4 zoning. Also suggested was a requirement for garages as an amendment to the
zoning ordinance for these buildings. The status of the subdivision Williamsport was
discussed. Aid. Simmons presented the two maps of Yorkville on the Route
34 Corridor Study. Aid. Simmons moved to amend the ordinance to increase the Plan
Commission from 7 to 9 members, seconded by Aid. Hanback, motion carried. Mayor Cole
man stated the new appointments to the Plan Commission will be made by the new
Old Business: Dr. Dean Schlapp, County Animal Control Adminstrator, addressed the
Council on the dog pound situation and the improvements the county would like to
make to existing facilities at Christine Weiss' . This property is non-conforming
to the zoning ordinance. Discussion.
Aid. Hanback presented the tennis court agreement. Attorney Grant read a Resolution
Re: Construction of Tennis Courts. Discussion. Aid. Hanback moved to accept the re-
solution as read, seconded by Aid. Ellis. Aid. Ellis stated it is about time these
two bodies are working together and/�'i 'this will be the beginning of a compatible
association with the Board of Education. It was pointed out the project is short
$3,875.02 to construct the 6 tennis courts but private donations are coming in and
a Walk-a-thon will be held in May, and the committee feels the necessary funds will
be received to complete all six. Aid. Hanback stated Dr. Garnett and the school boar
have been very co-operative to work with. Roll call vote: Hanback-aye; Thanepohn-aye
Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye, motion passes unanimously.
Clerk Brant was instructed to open the bids on the watermain extension between Van
Emmon and Hydraulic. Davis Construction Co. , Plano, $14,086.00 T & R Construc-
tion Co. , Aurora $9,92+.50 Dempsey Ing. , Inc. , Geneva $9,031.00 Bada Con-
struction Co. , Plainfield $13,777.00. Aid. Ellis moved that we accept the lowest
qualified bidder, seconded by Aid. Simmons, roll call vote: Hanback-aye; Thanepohn-
aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye, motion passed unanimously.
New Business: Aid. Thanepohn moved to establish the meeting dates for May as May 15t
and May 29th, seconded by Aid. Ellis, motion carried.
Committee Reports: Streets & Alleys: Aid. Ellis reported a letter of recommendation
on street repair work has been prepared. The committee recommends no action be taker
at this time and the letter be turned over to the new streets and alleys committee.
Water: Aid. Thanepohn reported at the meeting of April 17th it was determined to ser
out bidsion drilling a well only, as the city can fund that much at this time. Aid.
Thanepohn moved that we send out bids and specifications be supplied by the city
engineer for the drilling of a deep well, seconded by Aid. Simmons, motion carried.
-3- T n
FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A. APRIL 24, 1975
Police Committee: Ald. Thanepohn read from the minutes of Feb. 13th where it mehtic
a need for a telephone and radio operatior at the Police Station, when the city
secretary's office is moved to the Maintenance Bldg.
Trees & Parks: Ald. Hanback reported the ballfields are almost complete.
Sewers: City Engineer, Bob Andersen, reported the water part of the study is comple
and the problem areas have been determined. They are now working on ideas for corre
tion and costs of materials.
Public Property & Bldgs. : Ald. Simmons reported three bids have been received on of
furniture for the Maintenance Bldg. Because of the difference in the furniture and
availability the committee recommends waiving advertising for bids and the committe
go look at the merchandise and buy the lowest possible. Ald. Thanepohn moved to wai
bidding and the committee be empowered to purchase the necessary equipment, seconde
by Ald. Ellis, roll call vote: Hanback-aye; Thanepohn-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye,
motion passed unanimously. Clerk Brant asked where the Xerox machine was to be
located when his office is moved, and was informed to place it in the Maintenance
Telephone, Lights & Gas: Ald. Hanback was asked to notify the telephone company on
the moving of the Mayor's phone. Clerk Brant will take care of changing his phone t
the new location.
Liquor Commissioner-Mayor Coleman reported the liquor licenses were prepared and
referred them to the new mayor for his signature as liquor commissioner.
Building & Zoning: Ald. Simmons reported the new routing procedures are available
at the Maintenance Bldg. He will see to it that all council members have a copy.
Finance & Audit: Ald. Thanepohn moved that the expenses be paid for all the present
aldermen and the newly elected officials to attend the municipal officials conferen
on June 13-14 at Arlington Towers, Arlington Heights, Ill. , seconded by Ald. Hanbac
Motion carried. Ald. Thanepohn complimented the council on working so well together
and a special recognition to those leaving the council. Mayor Coleman offered his
thanks to the council and said he had enjoyed serving the community as mayor.
Library: Ald. Simmons reported there has been minor vandalism at the Library. He
said the Library is very grateful for all the work the city has done for them.
Clerk Brant installed the newly elected council members. Mayor Coleman congratulate
each member and presented an inscribed gavel to Mayor Thanepohn. Meeting adjourned
at 9:50 P.M.
Yorkville Public Library
April 23, 1975
Proposed Budget for 1976.1977
Salaries and Withholding 910 500.00
Janitor and Supplies 1,000.00
Insurance 150.00
Conferences and Dues 250.00
Library Supplies 600.00
Books, Magazines, Records, Etc. 4,500.00
Printing of Treasurer' s Report XO.-0000 Postage and Misc.
Furniture 350.00
Maintainanoe 250.00
Estimated Receipts
Distribution of Funds - 316,900.00
Desk Receipts 1,000.00
MARCH 1975
Commonwealth Edison Co.- Maint. Bldg.$10.31,P.D.$1; 96, Park$25.64, St.Ltg.$624.59 662.50
Illinois Bell Tel. Co.-St.Dept.$1.08,Treas.$6.93,P.D.$37.75,Clerk$0.94,Mayor$0.89 47.59
Clean Sweep, Inc.-St. sweeping, Feb. 30.00
Fox Valley Disposal Co.- Disposal service,Feb. 1,641.28
Xerox Corp.-Copies $27.22 Inv.#28473249, Use Chrg.3-1-75 thru5-30-75 $75.00 102.22
Countryside Hardware- Office Suppl. , Bldg.&Zoning 8.32
Markelz Office Products-Office Suppl. Bldg.&Zoning, Inv.#75226 31.05
Cavett Rexall Drugs- Office Suppl. Bldg.&Zoning, Inv.#57850 2.06
Building Officials & Code Adm. Intn'l. , Inc.- Inv.#39938, Forms 46.00
James B. Clarage & Assc.- Inv.#JC74-104, Pkan. Comm. Meetings & Ordinance 583.33
West Plublishing Co.- Ill. Revised Statues, City Hall & P.D. 24.00
Markelz Office Products- Office Supll. , City Sec'ty, Inv.#59206 6.38
The Country Companies- Policy#Avo424010, Trucks$496.77, Policy#AV0414300, Police Car$200.59
E & H Utiltiy Sale, Inc.- Inv#18569, St.signs 39.92
Hathorn's Inspection Station- Truck insp. 7.60
Lyle Signs, Inc.-Inv.#20788, St.signs 146.10
Fox Paving, Inc.- Cold mix, Inv.#A-6 174.00
International Salt Co.- Inv#147252, Salt 265.87
Central Limestone Co.- Rock 169.08
Fred Wayne- Hauling Salt 58.30
Southtown Oil Co.- Truck repairs 11.00
Dierzen Welding & Machine Co.- Repair Snow plow$45.00, Brackett for squad radio,P.D.10.00 55.00
Farmers' Elevator Co.-Oiler. Suppl. , St.Dept. 2.30
Yorkville Auto Parts- Truck repairs, Inv.#4886, 4927 227.10
Sears, Roebuck & Co.- Safety toe shoes 59.91
Y Food Mart- Oper. Suppl. 15.00
Homer G. Dickson & Co. , Inc.- Truck part, Inv.#41016 3.17
Farnsworth Ford, Inc.- Inv.#88676, Truck parts 8.88
Anderson Ford- Truck parts 8.00
Milford Mikkelson- Mileage to school 25.20
John N. Schneider- Oper. Suppl. 14.52
Rich's Union 76- Gas; St. Dept. $111.59, P.D. $648.30 759.89
Kendall County Record- Letal notice, Print forms P.D. 32.45
Durbin Office,Machines- 3M paper 37.20
M & W Constructi on Co.- Utility shed, P.D. 1,020.00
Southtown Oil Co.- Battery Adjustment 25.20
Markelz Office Products- Binders, Inv.#69689 3.16
Hamilton Chevrolet-Oldsmobile, Inc.-'Inv#2o658,20745,20788, Tranfer lights,patch holes 336.75
Yorkville Auto Parts- Auto pats. P.D. 27.96
John N. Schneider- Oper. Suppl. 11.54
Countryside Hardware- Keys 3.87
Auto Specialists, Inc.-Repair Alternator 108.66
Duncan Industries- Ticket envelopes `6.87
Commonwealth Edison Co.- Water Tower$26.34, Pumping$479.99,Pumping$16.80 523.13
Nothern Ill. Gas.Co.- Pump house 79.96
Illinois Bell`Tel. -Co.-Pump- House 15.73
The Bank of Yorkville- Deposit, Depr. & Contg. Acct. 54•
The National Boulevard Bank of Chicago- Deposit, Bond & Int. Acct. 150.00
it it it it it it it n It It Res. Acct. 170.00
Marilyn J. Merkel- Postage 8.16
Crawford, Murphy, & Tilly, Inc.- Inv.#961o,9611 ,9612, 9609 Eng. services 1,635.70
Producers Chemical Co.- Inv.#39892• Chlorine 81.75
Anderson & Bushnell- Oper. Suppl. 26.69
Floyd Denny Co.- Inv.#1327. Inst. & furnish light bulbs on tower 15.00
Sidner, Inc.- Inv.#W28150, Meters & Asse 702.66
National Boulevard Bank of Chicago- Bond payment PA943 280.00
Rand& I-PtQPmat meat
National Boulevard Bank of Chicago- Bond payment, P/A722 96.200.00
L.A. Douglas Carpet Service- carpet, Maint. Bldg. office 382.40