City Council Minutes 1975 04-10-75 FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A. APRIL 10, 19 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND ALDM4EN OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON APRIL 10, 1975 AT 8:00 P.M. Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag He then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following Aldermen were present: 1st Ward-Wolff 2nd Ward Hanback 3rd Ward-Ellis abs Thanepohn Simmons Mayor Coleman asked for introduction of guests. He then directed the Clerk to read the minutes of the last meeting. Ald. Simmons moved to dispense with reading of the minutes and acceptance of same, seconded by Ald. Thanepohn, motion carried. Mayor Coleman .directed the Clerk to read the bills. Clerk Brant asked for authority to surrender certificates of deposit in the Bond and Interest Reserve Acct. in orde to pay the bond payment to the Nat'l Boulevard Bank of $6,200.00. At this time, the is not enough money in this account to pay this bond payment. Ald. Simmons questio ed the Fox Valley Disposal bill in regard to the number of collections. Supt. Madde. stated he had called Fox Valley Disposal about this and had corrected the number of collections, which is 680 now. There should be a credit on the next billing. Ald. Wolff questioned the Yorkville Auto Parts bill.-for truck repairs because they do no do repair work. Supt. Madden stated this was for parts that the city employees used to do the repair work on the trucks such as filters, etc. Ald. Hanback moved to ac- cept the bills for payment, seconded by Ald. Thanepohn, motion carried. Ald. Thanep moved that certificates of deposit be transferred froth the Bond and Interrest-Hesery Aec.t. to the Bond & Interest Acct., seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. Attorney's Report-Attorney Grant presented a Grant of Easement from Blaine Harker a Elizabeth Harker to the city granting the right to construct, reconstruct, replace, remove, maintain and use an underground electric service line. Ald. Simmons moved when this is signed by Mr. & Mrs. Harker, the Clerk is authorized to sign and seal this grant of easement, seconded by Ald. Hanback, motion carried. Mayor Coleman's Report-Mayor Coleman read a copy of a letter Attorney Grant wrote t the Federal Disaster Administration in regard to the denied application for re-im- bursement of storm damage. Mayor Coleman read a press release from the Dept. of Housing & Urban Development authorizing the sale of flood insurance in this com- munity. Clerk's Report-Clerk Brant presented a notice of appointment of authorized agent to IMRF to Marilyn J. Merkel, city secretary. Ald. Thanepohn moved that Marilyn Merkel be designated the IMRF agent, seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. Clerk Brant read an advance notice of 1976 that IMRF employer contribution rates will be raised to 12.61 % of participating employee earnings. Clerk Brant read a let from the National Boulevard Bank of Chicago stating a minimum of $100.00 annually will be charged for Paying Agent fee. The fee at present is $50.00. Clerk Brant read a letter from the Easter Seal Society requesting permission to con duct their annual tag day event on May 9 and 10, 1975. Mayor Coleman stated he feel this should be allowed but thinks this and other good causes should come under the Community Fund so people are not asked to give at different times during the year. Ald. Thanepohn moved thin tao d?v oaf 1— -11—A u-- a" -2- FORM 601-49 U.S.A. g Treasurer's Report-Ald. Simmons moved to accept this report, seconded by Ald. Wolff, motion carried. Police Report-Ald. Wolff moved to accept this report, seconded by Ald. Thanepohn, motion carried. Public Works Report-Ald. Thanepohn asked Supt. Madden if something could not be done about the manhole at Fox and Bridge as unknown persons lift the cover and throw debris into the sewer. Supt. Madden stated the cover will be attached so it cannot ,w_ .i_i.__ _r.a A9 a 7.T..1 4`f` ­­A +.. ­­+ +lac i n WeNTACQ RPTTAYri._ np.nnnded by Ald. -2- FORM 601-48 ® U.S.A. April 10. 1975 Treasurer's Report-Ald. Simmons moved to accept this report, seconded by Ald. Wolff motion carried. Police Report-Ald. Wolff moved to accept this report, seconded by Ald. Thanepohn, motion carried. Public Works Report-Ald. Thanepohn asked Supt. Madden if something could not be don about the manhole at Fox and Bridge as unknown persons lift the cover and throw debris into the sewer. Supt. Madden stated the cover will be attached so it cannot be taken off. Ald. Wolff moved to accept the Public Works Report, seconded by Ald. Hanback, motion carried. Ald. Hanback complimented the city crew for the good job they did in cleaning up after the recent snow storm. New Business Mr. Kurt Metzler, ILEC representative, presented the proposed juvenil officer program for Kendall County. Total program costs will be $41,800.00 with 90% coming from Federal grant, 5% State grant and 5% from local funds. Discussion. Ald. Thanepohn moved that we become a part of the Kendall County Juvenile Officer Progra contigent on the acceptance of all the other parties; Ald. Wolff seconded, motion carried. Committee Reports-Streets & Alleys-Ald. Simmons reported in the absence of Ald. Ell. After driving around town and studying a location for the mail collection box, this committee recommends the location in front of the Cake Box Restaurant. An ordinance is necessary for "No Parking" in front of the collection box. An application for sidewalk repair work has been received from Terry Morganegg, 401 W. Center St., with estimates of $997.60 and $1,066.40. Ald. Simmons moved that we accept and pay one-half of the $997.60 estimate, seconded by Ald. Wolff, motion carried. Water-Ald. Wolff asked for a Water Committee meeting after the finance meeting on April 17th. Trees and Parks-Ald. Hanback presented a draft of the tennis court agreement enterer into with the Board of Education. Discussion. Ald. Hanback will bring it back at th, next meeting after he has met with the Board of Education,& the attorneys of the Boa: and City. Public Property & Bldgs.-Mayor Coleman suggested a desk and the Mayor's phone be pry vided at the Maintenance Bldg. for the mayor. Liquor Commissioner-Clerk Brant stated he will have the liquor licenses and petitioi ready for collection by the next meeting. Building & Zoning-Ald. Simmons reported there are 2 conferences coming up that Supt Madden would like to attend. April 29th and 30th at the U. of I. on Water Distribut: Systems. Supt. Madden requested the Council allow J. T. Johnson to attend this one. Total cost for both would be $165.00. May 15th & 16th at Madison on Zoning Administ: tion; total cost $100.00. Ald. Simmons moved they be allowed to attend, seconded by Ald. Wolff, motion carried. The Rt. 34 Corridor Study will meet in Yorkville at the Annex with the Yorkville representatives as hosts to provide coffee and cookies. All are invited to attend this April 16th meeting. Mayor Coleman stated after conferring with the Clerk and City Attorney, the newly elected Council will be sworn in at the next meeting. He urges everyone to get out and vote. Mayor Coleman asked for adjournment to executive session 6oncerning property. Ald. Simmons moved to adjourn at 9:50 P.M., seconded by Ald. Hanback. J S J. , CITY CLERK JJB/njb