City Council Minutes 1975 03-27-75 FORK 601-490 U.S.A. March 27, 1975
ayor Coleman called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
e then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following
Aldermen were present:
1st Ward-Wolff-absent 2nd Ward-Hanback-absent 3rd Ward-Ellis
Thanepohn Simmons
ayor Coleman asked for introduction of guests. He then directed the Clerk to read
he minutes of the last meeting. Ald. Ellis moved to accept the minutes if there were
no corrections, Ald. Thanepohn seconded, there being no corrections, motion carried.
Attorney's Report-Attorney Grant presented an ordinance amending Section XVIII of an
rdinance pertaining to the water works of the city dated Oct. 24, 197+ increasing
some of the water service connection charges. Ald. Ellis moved for acceptance of thi
rdinance, seconded by Ald. Thanepohn. Roll call vote: Thanepohn-aye; Ellis-aye; Sim.
ons-aye. Motion passed unanimously.
ayor's Report-Mayor Coleman read the following letters: From the Yorville-Bristol
anitary District in regard to Dale Woodworth's request for a commitment for capacit;
or a home for the elderly. The request was denied because of infiltration which is
ausing the plant to run almost to capacity. The Kendall County Garden Club sug-
ested planting a patriotic garden in the park for each summer during the bi-centen-
ial celebration and ask the city council to consider this matter. Letter referred
o the Trees and Parks Committee. The State's Attorney reminded the council
thics statements must be in by April 30, 1975. Mayor Coleman read a copy
f a letter he had written to the EPA in regard to the Nelson Landfill requesting
pproval of this landfill. Postmaster Crawford requested a No-Parking
rea in front of the Cake Box Restaurant for a collection box. Discussion. Matter
eferred to New Business. The Burlington Railroad requested they be noti.
ied when the new pipeline is going to be installed in the alley east of Bridge St.
atter referred to Supt. Madden. The Illinois Civil Defense has disapproves
he application for re-imbursement for storm damage because of lateness in receiving
he application and suggested the' c ty write a letter stating they had applied befor,
he due date.
Clerk's Report-Clerk Brant asked for another election judge for Ward 1. Mayor Colem&
tated he had talked to Ald. Wolff about this and submitted Edie Coleman's name.
d. Ellis moved for acceptance of this election judge, seconded by Ald. Simmons,
motion carried.
lan Commission Report read by Clerk Brant. 75.11 Final Plat Review-Mulhern Cout-
Peterson, attorney for Mr. Mulhern presented the final plat for Mulhern Court.
letter was presented from Clarage and Associates showing several requirements in
he subdivision ordinance that have not been met. The commission discussed these 7
points. The surety bond is set by the city engineer and he will review the plans prii
to the April meeting. Clarage & Associates will write a letter of recommendation if
11 requirements are met. Matter was tabled until the April meeting. 75.12 Report
on Rt. 34 Corridor Study. Report on a meeting held March 19th in Oswego. Ten maps in.
tead of 4 will now be used to cover the Rt. 34 corridor. The next meeting will be
Aril 16th in Yorkville. 75.13 Report and Review Subdivision Control Ordinance.
FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A.
MARCH 27, 1975
table of contents was presented in the Yorkville Subdivision Ordinance by Clarage
d Associates. The rough draft of the ordinance will be presented at the April meet
ng. It was suggested the final ordinance be printed in looseleaf form for ease in
hanging any ordinances. The ordinance will go into effect when signed by the mayor
d clerk. The council discussed the Mulhern Court matter.
ew Business: Attorney Grant presented a resolution stating the United City of the
age of Yorkville deems it to be in the best interests of the City that the real est
erein described be rezoned and classified as R-4 General Residence District to eonf
o existing land uses and this be submitted to the Plan Commission for review and re
ommendations in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. (This is located on West Hydr
is St. ) Ald. Thanepohn moved that the matter be referred to the Plan Commission,
econded by Ald. Ellis, motion carried. Ald. Thanepohn moved that we adopt the resol
tion as printed, seconded by Ald. Ellis, motion carried. Ald. Hanback arrived at
:45. Discussion on the location of the collection box and the No-Park .ng
rea. Ald. Thanepohn moved that the matter be referred to the Streets Committee for
onsideration, seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried.
ommittee Reports-Parks: Ald. Hanback reported the school board granted permission f
ball diamonds at Circle Center School. Equipment for the diamonds has been ordered
d will cost approximately $1,900. The school board is sending out bids on the tenn
ourts and a meeting has been set for this committee and Dr. Garnett to write up a
rocedure agreement for the use of the tennis courts. Ald. Hanback answered question
he council had on the matter of the tennis courts. He also reported trees are being
cut down around town.
Building & Zoning-Ald. Simmons moved that we pass the resolution adopting routing
procedures, seconded by Ald. Hanback, motion carried.
inanee: Ald. Thanepohn set a meeting for April 17th at City Hall at 8:00 P.M.
Library: Ald. Simmons reported the library has a new check-out counter and two new
hairs as part of a memorial grant from Bud Hayden. Ald. Simmons reported Mary Thoma;
ad received a graduate student scholarship. Ald. Simmons stated there was a problem
th a person who will not return books or pay the fine and it was suggested the
ibrarian call Chief Pricket about this matter. Mayor Coleman stated a letter will
be sent to Mary Thomas congratulating her on receiving this scholarship.
d. Thanepohn moved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Ald. Simmons at 9:15 P.M.
Commonwealth Edison Co.- Maint.Bldg.$10.22,Park$18.06,St.Ltg.$615.60 643.88
Ill. Bell Tel. Co-Clerk$0.95, P.D.$48.32, St.Dept.$1.08,Treas.$7.69,Mayor$2.35 60.39
James J. Brant,Clerk- Postage 9.90
Xerox Corp.-Copies,Inv#027936541 14.44
Fox Valley Disposal Co.- Garbage removal,Jan. 1,641.28
International Business Machines Corp.- Typewriter& Assc.,Inv.#HA18328,9CJ9572 550.35
James B. Clarage & Assc.- Qtry. Plan. Service & Subdivision Ordinance 733.33
Crawford, Murphy & Tilly. Inc.- State & Fed.Grants,Sewer testing,Gen.Eng.Assist. 450.20
Markelz Office Products- office assc., City Sect'y. 17.46
Kendall County Record- Printing Public Notice & forms for P.D. 101.35
Building Officials & Code Adm. International, Inc.-Plumbing Code Book, Inv.#5031 17.40
Bristol Welding Co.-Mat'l.& Labor, Inv.5133,5134,5136 96.00
Neenah Foundry Co.-Frame & Grate, Inv.#5-5972 131.40
Fox Paving, Inc.- Cold mix, Inv.J-7 87.00
Central Limestone Co.- Rock 117.60
Airo Welding Supply- Welding gas & Assc. , Inv.#AO10248 26.o9
Countryside Hardware- Statement, Ticket#5599,5577,5519 26.32
Kan-' du; Inc.- Ziebart truck, Inv.#4261 125.00
Fred Wayne- Hauling Salt 203.35
James T. Johnson II- safety shoes 18.87
Milford G. Mikkelson- Mileage to school 29.40
Yorkville Hardware- Statement, St. Dept. 10.03
Yorkville Hardware-Statement, Gen, Fund 1,59
Yorkville Auto Parts- Statement, Inv.#5166,5371 St.Dept.$45.00, Flares,P.D.Inv.#4784 71.88
Rich's Union 76- Gas, P.D.$562.47, Spec. Police$14.29, St.Dept.$190.531ess over-pay P.D,--.
$125.00 642.29
Hamilton Chevrolet-Oldsmobile, Inc.- Inv.#3656, 1975 Oldsmobile 4,819.00
Ram Electric Supply, Inc.- Flor. tubes, Inv.#11659 1.84
Winfred W. Prickett- radio tubes 11.50
Robert W. Priekett- Inst. Police radio 54.00
Kendall County Record- Christmas & New Year greeting 9.00
General Electric Co.- Inv.#GP203693, Police radio 1,448.28
Share Corp.- Inv.#262367, Disinfectant & cleaner 21.4
WATER FUND $12,191.87
Commonwealth Edison Co-Pumping$3.66, Pumping$560.85, Water Tower$25.98,Puming$18.89 609.38
Ill. Bell Tel. Co.-Pump House 32.44
The National Boulevard Bank of Chicago- Deposit, Bond & Interest acct. 150.00
" it it it it " - Deposit, Bond Interest Reserve Acct. 170.00
The Bank of Yorkville- Deposit, Depr. & Contg. Acct. 150.00
Crawford, Murphy, & Tilly, Inc.- Invest.water, rehabil. well,water main replc. 1,798.64
Badger Meter, Inc.-Inv.#568860, 14.90
Homer G. Dickson & Co. ,Inc.-Plumbing Suppl. 625.69
John N. Schneider- Statement,o8684,08723,09302,09263,09270,09276,09106,08722 48.66
Scott Wood & Metal, Inc.-Inv.#125788 9.58
M & W Construction- Labor & Mat'l. for office construction 3,760.00
$ '4,443.93