City Council Minutes 1975 02-27-75 FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A. FEBRUARY 27, 1975 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND ALDERMEN OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON FEBRUARY 27, 1975 AT 8:00 PT Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, He then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following Aldermen were present: 1st Ward-Wolff, absent 2nd Ward-Hanback 3rd Ward-Ellis, abse: Thanepohn Simmons Mayor Coleman asked for introduction of guests. He then directed the Clerk to read the minutes of the last meeting. Ald. Thanepohn moved to accept the minutes as prin- ed, seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. Mayor's Report-Mayor Coleman read a letter from Attorney Max Peterson in regard to Nelson Landfill having filed an Application for Permit for the subject sanitary lan( fill with the EPA. Mayor Coleman read a letter from the EPA granting per- mit to construct and/or make installations to our public water supply, with no special conditions. Mayor Coleman read a letter from Al Brady, the Civil Defense Director, with specifications for bids for the new siren. Mayor Colo man read a letter from George Bell asking municipalities to delay anything on Rt. 3) until the Route 34 Corridor Study is completed. Ald. Wolff arrived at 8:, Mayor Coleman stated the City Engineer was taking care of a state grant application for pending sewer work. City Clerk's Report-Clerk Brant had received a certificate from the Illinois Munici] League and reported the dues have been paid. Plan Commission Report-75.05 Report on Rt. 34 Corridor Study-A motion was made and approved to send notices to all the cities requesting the councils delay any land use changes and zoning requests along the Rt. 34 corridor until the study is comple- The final study including Phase I and Phase II should be completed in Sept. , 1975. 75.06 Progress Report on Rt. 47 by-pass-A state representative had been in Planner George Bell's office gathering information regarding the Radnall Rd. (Orchard Rd) b pass. This would have an interchange west of the drag strip which would route more traffic south of Rt. 47. If this by-pass is constructed, there would be an even greater need for a by-pass for Rt. 47. Mr. Bartell had received requirements for the acquisition of land for a by-pass from the Ill. Dept. of Transportation. They informed us that neither of the conditions can be applied to Yorkville. A discussic of the pros and cons of.ithe city plan and the county plan in order to make a recom- mendation to the city council. By a vote of three to two, the following was recomme: ed: The state has deemed the city plan workable and feasible and have no objections and we see no valid reason at this time to change the plan. 75.07 Subdivision Contrc Ordinance-A discussion draft will be distributed at the next meeting. 75.08 Plannin4 Commission Expansion-The city council had discussed possible expansion of the plan commission due to the fact that at the last meeting only three out of seven voting members were present and Mr. Anderson stated any expansion should be by even number: The plan commission recommends to the city council that it should be expanded by a minimum of two members. 75.09 Meeting time-the commission will change their startin4 time from 7:30 to 8 P.M. beginning at the March meeting. Mr. Roger Simmons stated that routing sheets for petitioners will be available for distribution next month pE our request from the November, 1974 meeting. -2- FORM 601-49 ® U.S.A. FEBRUARY 27, 1975 Attorney's Report-Attorney Grant had checked into the matter of the two letters re- ceived from the Illinois Dept. of Transportation and the one acknowledging the re- cent census with the population of 2,453 is to be recognized and the other ignored. Ald. Ellis arrived at 8:15 P.M. Flood insurance program resolutions were pre sented by Attorney Grant. 1. Assures the Federal Insurance Administration that the city will enact as necessary, and maintain in force for those areas having flood or mudslide hazards, adequate land use and control measures with. effective enforcement provisions consistent with the Criteria set forth in Section 1910 of the National Flood Insurance Program Insuivance Program Regulations. Ald. Thanepohn moved that Resolution 1-1975 be adopted, seconded by Ald. Wolff, motion carried. 2. Whereas, the city has adopted and is enforcing the B.O.C.A. Basic Building Code and the Yorkville Zoning Ordinance and refers to Section 113.0 of the BOCA Basic Building Code which prohibits any person, firm or corporation from erecting, constructing, en larging, altering, repairing, improving, moving or demolishing any building or struc tune without first obtaining a separate building permit for each building or structu from the Superintendent of Waterworks and Streets, as Building Inspector and that said Building Inspector shall review all building permit applications to determine whether proposed building sites will be reasonably safe from flooding. Ald. Thane- pohn moved that Resolution 2-1975 be adopted, seconded by Ald. Wolff, motion carried 3. The same as No. 2 except this relates to mudslides. Ald. Thanepohn moved to adopt Resolution 3-1975, seconded by Ald. Ellis, motion carried. Attorney Grant presented Ord. 2-1975 Establishing Salaries for Elected and Certain Appointed Office of the United City of the Village of Yorkville which shall become effective May 1, 1975. Ald. Ellis asked for a discussion of the Treasurer's salary of $9,600. He pointed out this is to be a full time job as an elected treasurer who will also do the work of the city secretary, but what, at some future time, the elected treasurer is not qualified for the position of city secretary or cannot work as a full-time treasurer, they would still get $9,600. Therefore, he feels there still should be a city secretary and lower the treasurer's salary. Ald. Ellis moved the salary of the treasurer be changed from $9,600 to $2,400 and hire a city secretary for $7,200. Ald. Wolff seconded the motion. Discussion. Ald. Wolff withdrew his second and Ald. Ellis withdrew his motion. Ald. Ellis then moved to change the ordinance to read the salary of the treasurer $2,400, seconded by Ald. Wolff. Roll call vote: .Molff- aye; Hanback-aye; Thanepohn-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye, motion passed unanimously. Ald. Hanback moved to accept the ordinance as changed, seconded by Ald. Simmons. Roll call vote: Wolff-aye; Hanback-aye; Thanepohn-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-aye, motic passed unanimously. Old Business: Attorney Max Peterson, representing Brian Mulhern, presented the final plat with all covenants attached. Ald. Ellis moved to refer this to the Plan Commis- sion, seconded by Ald. Wolff, motion carried. Mr. Peterson will taste care of gettii it to Mr. Anderson. Ald. Thanepohn stated the IBM typewritter, previously approved for purchase, will cost $531.00. This exceeds the $500 limit to buy without bids. Ald. Thanepohn moved to waive the bidding and purchase the IBM tyl writer for $531, seconded by Ald. Wolff, motion carried. New Business: Blaine Harker asked who he should contact when he is ready to have lights put in and Ald. Hanback said to go directly to Commonwealth Edison. Committee Reports: Streets & Alleys: Ald. Ellis presented an application and inform tion in regard to sidewalk replacement program. (See attachment) Ald. Ellis moved tl -3- FORN 601-49 ® U.S.A. FEBRUARY 27. 1975 this procedure be adopted, seconded by Ald. Thanepohn, motion carried. Water: Ald. Wolff reported drilling for the new well has been stopped and would like a meeting March 6th at 7:30 P.M. at his home to discuss the problem. Police: Ald. Thanepohn reported the new squad car was delivered. He and Patrolman ands 1 attended an ILEC meeting. The ILEC are making a study in regard toestablishi a county wide juvenile office program. Discussion. Trees & Parks: Ald. Hanback reported he had attended a school board meeting in regal to the tennis courts and will report when there has been a firm committment made by all interested parties. Discussion. Some work at the dam has been made. Ald. Hanbacl stated it would help the Fire Dept. if there was a ramp made along the river for the pumper truck so that river water could be used in fighting fires. The area east of the dam will be considered. Ald. Wolff asked to go back to the Water Committee Report and stated a permit had be received from the EPA to construct the water main east of Rt. 47 in the alleyway be- tween Van Emmon and Hydraulic. Ald. Wolff moved to send out bids for this work to be opened at the April 10th meeting. Seconded by Ald. Ellis, motion carried. Sewers: Ald. Wolff had received a couple calls in regard to the new plant that half of the water that is taken in is drain off water. He stated he could not make a re- port of the cause until the study was completed. Future Planning: Ald. gimmons gave the timetable for the Route 34 Corridor Study wit the September Meeting for the final plan. Public Property & B1 s. : Ald. Simmons reported fire extinguishers have been orderer for the Maintenance Building. Discussion on the move of the city secretary's office and desks and equipment that will be needed. Lights, Telephone & Gas: Ald. Hanback reported the lights are in at the Library and on Morgan Street. Building & Zoning: Ald. Simmons presented a routing sheet prepared by Supt. Madden to the council and asked they look it over and discuss it at the next meeting. Ald. Thanepohn asked if there had been any change in the boundaries or zoning during the past year as the zoning map must be published by March 31st. Supt. Madden stated one had been made during 197+. Finance & Audit: Ald. Thanepohn asked Clerk Brant if he would check into the matter of changing the IMRF representative to Marilyn Merkel. Ald. Thanepohn asked for a Finance Meeting March 6th after the water meeting at Ald. Wolff's home. It 9:25 P.M. Ald. Ellis moved for adjournment, seconded by Ald. Simmons. JB/njb CITY CrEmr- J GENERAL FUND JANUARY 1975 16 Commonwealth Edison Co.-Park$7.66,Maint.Bldg.$10.48,P.D.$3.68,St. Ltg.$615.60 637.42 Ill. Bell Tel. Co.-Clerk $2.12,Treas.$42.06,P.D.$36.39,ST.Dept.$2.48,Mayor$o.19 83.24 American Concrete Institute- Manual on concrete Insp. 8.00 James J. Brant, Clerk- Postage 7.75 Archie R. Johnson- 50% of sidewalk cost 56.25 Clean Sweep Inc.-St. sweeping Dec.& Jan. 120.00 Fox Valley Disposal Co.-Service at dam, Dec. & Jan. 80.00 It it It " - Garabage removal, Dec. 1,773.76 Illinois Municipal League- Dues1975 158.40 The Country Companies Insurance Co.- Ins.Police cars Policy#AV04143o0 194.01 Ernest R. Zeiter Insurance Agency- Increase coverage,City Hall,Policy#FR-G265215 26.00 Markelz Office Products- Stationery Suppl. , City Sect'y. Inv.#45036, 45066 22.82 Xerox Corporation - Copies, Inv.#027701729 .14 Crawford, Murphy, & Tilly, Inc.-Sewer testing,Inv.#9465, Invet. St.Ltg. ,Inv.#9468, Suppl. information for State & Federal Grants,Inv.# 9466 283.69 John N. Schneider- Oper. Suppl.-St. Dept. 53.36 Building Officials & Code Adm. Int'1. , Inc.-Inv.#38681, Approved & Not- Approved labels 8.00 Elden E. Madden-Mileage, Dec. & Jan. 63.90 it it it - Tution at Waubonsee Comm. Collge, Water Treatment Course 26.00 " It it -Additional expenses at Bldg. Insp. Seminar 32.00 Ale*eaele - e @2 20 Countryside Hardware- Inv.#5239, Batteries, St. Dept. 2.60 Hathorn's Inspection Station- (2) truck Insp. , Inv.#18114 & 18129 8.50 Farmers' Elevator Co.- lumber & nails, St.Dept. 85.72 International Salt Co.- Inv.#690627, Salt 218.40 Ram Electric Supply, Inc.- Inv.#49542, flor. lights 27.21 E & H Utility Sales, Inc.- Inv.#16318, signs 31.90 Central Limestone Co.- Rock 194.73 C.O. Nelson Co.- disposal 4.00 Fred Wayne- Hauling Salt 56.29 Southtown Oil Co.- Truck repairs 60.85 Badger Uniforms- Inv.#59260, Clothes, Mikkelson 97.11 " 11 - Inv.#59250, Clothes, Johnson 97.11 Milford Mikkelson- Mileage, tution, books, Welding course 80.62 Yorkville Hardware- oper. Suppl. st. dept. 21.72 John N. Schneider- Paint, St. Dept. 100.24 Rich's Union 76- Gas, Police depet.$751.06, Special Police$87.05, St. Dept.$99.44 937.55 Countryside Hardware- Oper. Suppl. P.D. 3.47 Hamilton Chevrolet-Oldsmobile, Inc.- Squad repairsInv.#19824,19810,20248,20249920267, 20268,20311,20385 416.30 Bob's Service- Shocks & (2) car washes 50.40 B.F. Goodrich Store- Tire adjustment, Inv.#4286-02368 17.50 Yorkville Auto Parts- Bulbs,oil, &switch, Inv.#5120,4377,4551 11.14 Robert W. Prickett- Repair radio 17.00 Rich's Union 76- (2) tires, Inv.#01779 125.00 Communications Technicians & Consultants, Inc.-Inv.B1024,radio crystals 29.50 Ray O'Herron Co., Inc.- Inv.#24026, Gun, case, rack, fire ext., first aid kit t4cAsse. 477.43 Pairkiep Mirage Graphics- Inv.#8006, photos, Special Invest. 12.15 Durbin Office Machines- Inv.#09991,10053, 3M paper 99.18 Ram Electric Supply, Inc.-Inv.#10025, Flood lights 24.84 Badger Uniforms- Inv.#59203, Badges, Crossing guards 31.08 Silent Secretary- I.D. Cards 7.. 0 A �e�+see-&-huts e��--fie 47- 7 4 Q43.9 WATER FUND Commonwealth Edison Co.-Water Tower$23.54,Pumping$501.15,Pumping$10.99 535.68 Northern Ill. Gas Co.-pump house 98.79 The Bank of Yorkville- Deposit, Depr. & Contg. Fund 150.00 The Nat'l. Boulevard Bank of Chgo.- Deposit, Bond & Int. Acct. 150.00 it it n to it n _ �� " ° " Res. Acct. 170.00 Marilyn J. Merkel- Postage 2.14 Crawford, Murphy, & Tilly, Inc.- Inv.#9467, Prem. studies of well 403.13 Healy-Ruff Co.- Inv.#175-22, Tape 12.45 Water Products Co.- Inv.#10639, 42.73 Badger Meter, Inc.- Inv.#565017, Chamber & housing 52.30 E & H Utility Sales, Inv.- Inv.#16974, Couplings 13.48 Norman Equipment Co., Inc.- Inv.#C742403, pipe 107.30 American Water Works Assc.- Inv.#5027, Handbook & Manual 6.00 Homer G. Dickson & Co. , Inc.-Inv.#39956,39946, Pipe 15.31 Yorkville Hardware- Oper. Suppl 5.85 John N. Schneider- Paint 118.51 Jim's Trenching & Sewer Cleaning- Water leaks 140.00 Illinois Supply Co.- Inv.#CN25386-4 177.08 2,200.75 REVENUE SHARING FUND Scott Wood & Metal, Inc.- Inv.#125540, DVR material 11.51 Riemenschneider Electric- Inv.#1204, Electrical work 5021 61-72 S7.qpQ 4"Cb� 11 Ella app Txq QVI-S) pu& ny�ww xul onaven jo Req Q vzlay-wo Poo CA!, U SLq 'pusn Q (94WOU33 3t� Sw• (g) mys u 204i 'M IM P0A01 df&,u 7xa !logo s;!K Q73 qny anusyconv uT nuop mq jjwqs Isom yyy 'SylsZu" Mnnnd W WIN aMONOY QW709 AW NO A P030SM3 aq YjZ9" !IV on valad An, wy Soxg payanja eq jjwq0 S31maod x0danA %OnKOW syqw nT pepnInv T oq 15H I,, aaRnsoiddo AvmmAjap y zuamaouldal 12TWI ✓ 1000 ell Qn1trij IOU YjWqS JUjZ0jV7,i ,.`}f J, -do yva loynydnon Wn yjan;0M go vew oil in RHOS XON KSA yTaqs Alin ey ps"OK -do sl Poywwjjd&,,- no weds al) papnbaz o4awaon go SZpawn'n, 11sko Gq don 03 Sawaqu Mauna Qnsdood lueywzyIdde vy no pawadde awaTise no ey uo psopq Z99 Aud 114, KID ey "ZoLoadnul 1312 Y . 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