City Council Minutes 1975 02-13-75 FORM 601-49 U.S.A.
Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag,
He then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following
Aldermen were present:
1st Ward-Wolff 2nd Ward-Hanback 3rd Ward-Ellis absent
Thanepohn Simmons
Mayor Coleman asked for introduction of guests. He then directed the Clerk to read
the minutes of the last meeting. Ald. Wolff moved to accept the minutes as printed.
Seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried. Mayor Coleman directed the clerk to read
the bills. Add. Wolff questioned the large amount for gasoline used during the montl
In comparing previous bills, the increase is due to using two squad cars. Ald. Wolff
questioned the Hamilton Olds bill of $416.30. He said the charges are fair but felt
the work should be done here in this county and also it would eliminate using more
gas to drive to Plainfield. Ald. Thanepohn stated it has been set up with Blaine
Harker to do this type of work. Ald. Wolff questioned the Silent Secretary bill.
Clerk Brant stated it was for ID cards for the P.D. Ald. Simmons questioned the Fox
Valley Disposal bill for service at the dam and felt this dumpster could be removed
since that area is not used during the winter months. Supt. Madden stated it was
to have been picked up in Nov. and asked that bill be held. Supt. Madden also state(
he had checked on the Illinois Supply Co. bill and there is nothing due them at thi:
time, therefore, that bill should not be paid. Ald. Hanback moved to accept the
bills for payment except the Fox Valley Disposal bill for the dam, seconded by Ald.
Thanepohn, motion carried.
Attorney's Report-Attorney Grant reported that according to the Supervisor of Assesi
ments the enabling ordinance passed in regard to regulating the issuance of certifi-
cates of occupancy for new construction cannot be handled thru that office due to
lack of space and clerical help. They are speeding up the process as much as possib:
Attorney Grant recommended repealing this ordinance and presented an ordinance to tl
effect. Ald. Thanepohn moved to repeal an ordinance regulating the issuance of
certificates of occupancy passed by the City Council of the United City of the Villa
of Yorkville on December 5, 1974, seconded by Ald. Wolff. Roll call vote: Wolff-aye;
Hanback-aye; Thanepohn-aye; Simmons-aye, motion passed unanimously. At the next
meeting he should have ready all the papers on the flood insurance.
Mayor's Report Mayor Coleman read a letter from the Illinois EPA granting a permit
to construct and/or operate sanitary sewer extension to Blaine Harker's subdivision,
Clerk's Report-Clerk Brant read two letters from the Illinois Department of Trans-
portation. One acknowledged the recent census with the population as 2,453. The oth(
contained an ordinance to conduct a census and 2 affidavids to be filled out. Dis-
cussion. The letters were referred to the city attorney. Clerk Brant asked
each ward to come up with names of 5 election judges and one alternate for the April
15th election. These are to be given to the clerk at the first meeting in March.
Treasurer's Report-Ald. Wolff moved to accept the treasurer's report, seconded by A]
Simmons, motion carried.
Police Report by Officer Randall-Ald. Wolff moved to accept the report, seconded b3
Ald. Hanback, motion carried.
Superintendent of Public Works Reports-It was noted the new truck is here. Ald. Wolff
FORM 601-49®U.S.A. FEBRUARY 13, 1975
moved to accept all reports, seconded by Ald. Thanepohn, motion carried.
Plan Commission report was presented with each aldermen getting a copy. Ald. Hanback
recommended adding two or three more people to the commission. He noted that only
three commission members were in attendance at this meeting and feels these decisior
are far too important for just three members to make. Discussion.
75.02 Route 47 by-pass report-Kendall County is nowinder the jurisdiction of the
Ottawa office of the Illinois Dept. of Transportation, Highway Dept. 75.03 Rt. 34
Corridor Study Report-Ald. Simmons and Harold Feltz of the Planning Commission were
appointed to the Rt. 34 corridor commission. The next meeting will be January 29th
and meetings thereafter will be held on the third Wed. of each month. 75.01 Tom
Curnes Re-zoning Petition-Mr. Curnes stated he wished to lease the building to Carl
Middlegge who would use a portion of the building for a body shop, a portion for a
showroom for this antique cars and the remainder for dealer preparation. A letter we
read from Clarage and Assoc. who recommended that the zoning change not be approved.
(in a letter they state because of the residential character of the surrounding area
and the degree of disparity between residential and manufacturing zones, it is theiz
opinion that the requested zoning change not be approved. ) Several nearby residentc
have not objected to this but Mr. Anderson had had calls of nearby residents and a
letter objecting to this zoning change. Motion to deny was carried. It was suggestec
Mr. Curnes file an application for special use with the city clerk. The plan com-
mission was requested to recommend to the council that B-2 zoning be retained for
the property in question but recommend granting special use for automobile painting,
upholstering, repairing, reconditioning and body and fender repairing, when done
within the confines of a structure if this recommendation is deemed legal by the
city attorney. The commission voted two to one against making this recommendation tc
the city council. 75.0+ Subdivision Control Ordinance Report-Although an applicati
has been filed for federal funds, no response has been received. Because of the urge
need for such an ordinance, it was recommended that Clarage & Assoc. contact Mayor
Coleman for discussion regarding this ordinance.
Old Business-Tom Curnes, Petition to rezone. Clerk Brant stated Mr. Curnes had calle
and requested his petition be tabled until the next meeting. There was a discussion
as to what zoning he could go to.
Supt. Madden showed the council a new city map drawn by Joel Salisbury, a high schoc
drafting student who has been working three hours a day for the Public Works Dept.
This new map shows the water lines, manholes, sewers and he has brought the new
subdivisions up to date. Supt. Madden stated this is a great help in referring to
locations of lines, etc. and thanked Joel for a fine job.
New Business-Mr. Kleb of 0. Kleb & Associates, Architects, presented proposed additi
and alterations of the Yorkville Congregational Church and requested the following
variations: 1. Para. 6.02 C.4-Minimum lot size for all non-residential uses=2 acres
(87,120 square feet); the existing property-0.735 acres (32,000 square feet).
2. Para. 602. D.2-Minimum side yard adjoining a street--30 feet; the existing side
yard adjoining Church St. 17z feet, more or less. 3. Para. 6.02 B-3-Minimum rear
yard=40 feet; the existing rear yard at the Church-28 feet, more or less. 4. Para.
6.02 E-maximum lot coverage by buildings-20% of lot area; the combined lot coverage
of the existing church and the proposed addition=9,750 S. F. (Bldg. ) X 100% = 30.5%
32,000 S. F.
5. Para. 9.03 G.3-required screening of open parking areas in Residence District
shall conform with the side yard setback requirements. (Para. 6.02 D.2-minimum side
yard-10% of lot width; 80 feet x 10% - 8 feet. ) The proposed 5' high screening
FORM 601.48 ® U.S.A.
FFRRTTARY 13. 1975
edges are located immediately adjacent to the side lot lines. 6. Para. 9.05 G.1.
e parking space shall be provided for each 6 seats. The proposed alterations to
he existing Church provide ' 322 seats; 322 seats = 54 spaces requires.
e proposed site development provides 31 parking spaces. Mr. Kleb was infoi
d this should go to the zoning board of appeals but since it is out of the limits
allowed, they will deny it at the public hearing and it will come back to the counc'
or their action. Mr. Kleb requested the City Clerk notify the Zoning Board of Appea
d. Hanback stated the railroad track crossings are bad again. Mayor Coleman will
ite letters again to the railroad.
ayor Coleman had received just before the meeting the linen and plat for Mulhern
ourt. Mayor Coleman asked that this be put on the next agenda since it was not re-
eived in time to be put on the agenda for this meeting. The deadline for the agenda
is Tuesday before the meeting.
Committee Reports: Water-Mr. Anderson reported two test holes had been drilled just
east of 47 and were not satisfactory. Today they had moved to another site along
ennedy Road.
olice-Ald. Thanepohn reported he and Officer Randall will be attending an ILEC meet
ng next Thurs.
ees & Parks: Ald. Hanback reported he has met with the School Board, Lions Club
d the Chamber of Commerce on constructing 6 tennis courts on school property. The
roposed amounts to be given are $8,000 each for the Lions Club and Chamber of Com-
erce; the land and $12,000 for the School Board and $20,000 for the city. He also
as been working with the School Board to put 2 Little League diamonds at Circle ,
enter a year from now.
Future Planning-Ald. Simmons reported on the Rt. 34 Corridor meeting.
:10 P.M. Ald. Ellis arrived. Streets & Alleys-Ald. Ellis requested the council
study the recommendations on sidewalks that he presented and act on this matter at
he next meeting.
Public Property & Bldgs-Ald. Simmons presented the bill for the new truck.
Lights, Telephone & Gas-Ald. Ellis asked if anyone had reported the lights were out
on the bridge. Officer Randall will call again about this matter.
Building & Zoning-Ald. Simmons reported this committee is working on revising the
fees for planning, building inspections and some areas there are,no fees being paid.
Finance & Audit-Ald. Thanepohn recommended the State Statutes be followed in regard
to the duties of the City Clerk and Treasurer beginning with the new fiscal year:
Since Clerk Brant is not running for re-election, the committee feels this is the
roper time to make this change. Ald. Thanepohn also recommended the following
officials' wages: Clerk-$1,200,a year; Treasurer-$9,600 a year; Alderman-$1,200 a
ear; City Attorney-$2,400 a year; Mayor-$2,400 a year; Liquor Commissioner-$600 a
ear. There will be a full time treasurer and do away with the City Secretary's job,
The committee recommends moving the Treasurer's office to the Maintenance Bldg. ,
here office space is available. A telephone and radio operator would be needed at
he Police Station.
d. Wolff moved to adjourn at 9:20 P.M., seconded by Ald. Simmons, motion carried.
awes J. Br t, City Clerk