City Council Minutes 1975 01-23-75 Foam 601-49 ® U.S.A.
TA TTIARY 73- 1975
yor Coleman called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag,
He then directed the Clerk to take the roll. Upon roll being taken, the following
Aldermen were present:
1st Ward-Wolff 2nd Ward-Hanback 3rd Ward-Ellis
Thanepohn Simmons
Mayor Coleman asked for introduction of guests. He then directed the Clerk to read
the minutes of the last meeting. Ald. Ellis moved they be accepted as printed, secoi
ed by Ald. Wolff, motion carried.
Mayor's Report-Mayor. Coleman read a letter from the Illinois Department of Transport
ation stating a change in districts has been made and Kendall County will be under t
Ottawa office as of December 1, 197+. Mayor Coleman reported on a Civil De-
fense meeting he attended in regard to the new sirens. The accepted bid was from
Federal Sign and Signal Co. at a total cost of $409000. Yorkville's share will be it
creased some $3,000, the balance being paid from a grant. The Water tower will be tt
orkville location with installation being completed this year. Mayor Col
man read a letter from George Bell, Kendall County Building & Zoning Adminstration,
in regard to the Rt. 34 Corridor Study. A meeting has been set for Jan. 29th at 7:3C
at the Kendall County Annex. Mr. Bell requested 2 members be appointed from the Plar
Commission or 1 from the Plan Commission and 1 from the council to serve on this con
Clerk's Report-Clerk Brant read a copy of a letter from the EPA granting permission
to operate sanitary sewer extension to Millen and Emmons Subdivision, with special
condition: This permit is issued with the understanding that every effort must be
utilized to protect the existing 10 inch sanitary sewer which will parallel the pro-
posed drainage Swale. During and after the construction of this development includir
any structures on lots 8 and 9, said 10 inch sewer must be checked for breaks, colls
ses and infiltration. The results of this investigation must be submitted to this
Agency for their evaluation. Supt. Madden stated the contractors are still working c
this extension and it must meet all requirements before it can be put into use.
Clerk Brant read a letter from the Kidney Foundation requesting permission to conduc
"A Walk for Life" on March 22 and 23, 1975. Mayor Coleman granted permission for thi
annual campaign.
Old Business: Mayor Coleman stated the requirements for mail boxes from the Post Off
are the same as they have been for years. They must be 32 feet high at the base so a
driver can reach the box from a car window. The Lions Club are seriously considering
this as a project, supplying mail boxes, digging post holes and installing posts and
xes. Discussion.
d. Hanback suggested looking into the density requirements ins regard to number of
units in apartment buildings.
New Business: Attorney Grant reported it would be necessary to pass a couple resolu
tions and file a pre-application to the flood insurance program before July 1st in
order to make flood insurance available to property owners chose property lies withi
e flood plain map. He has requested the necessary forms and will be working with
Supt. Madden in compiling the information needed.
FORM 601-49 U.S.A. JANUARY 23, 1975
Mayor Coleman reported the matter of retiring the 1959 bond issue has been referred
to the attorney. Ald. Thanepohn stated Ernie Zeiter has requested a stree
umber for the new courthouse building. Supt. Madden will take care of the matter.
Committee Reports: Water: Ald. Wolff reported on a committee meeting where some of
e water problems in town were discussed. He moved for approval of a study by the
city engineer on the following: 1..Bnlarge the water main from the Pump House to the
Industrial Park; 2. Storm sewer on the north side at Liberty St.; 3. Repair the wate.
problem in Apple Tree Courts; 4. The cost of a well on the north side. This would
cost approximately $8,000 and take two months for the study. Ald. Ellis seconded thi
motion. Roll call vote: Wolff-aye; Hanback-aye; Thanepohn-aye; Ellis-aye; Simmons-
aye, motion passed unanimously.
Trees & Parks: Ald. Hanback reported he had met with the school board again and soon
will know what land can be used for ball diamonds this spring. Mayor Coleman said he
had talked with Dr. Garnett '.nd the school board is ready to make 6 tennis courts.
Mayor Coleman has learned from the Department of Waterways equipment will be moved
in the first of the month to move the island. He gave permission for the use of the
city trucks to haul away stumps.
Public Property & Bl s. : Ald. Simmons reported the offices are done and Supt. Madde.
ad moved into his.
Lights. Telephone & Gas: Ald. Hanback reported just 3 more weeks until the Library
fights are installed. Mayor Coleman has had requests from residents on Sunset Drive
or street lights. Ald. Hanback was directed to contact the Conovers irr regard to th
Building & Zoning: Supt. Madden reported on the schooling he took at the University
of Wisconsin. He thanked the city for allowing him to attend this valuable course.
Finance & Audit: Ald. Thanepohn reported on the finance meeting. He stated the ex-
penditures were gone over and compared with the appropriations. At this point, we ar
over-spent but if the committee chairmen watch very carefully what is spent in the
next three months should end up within the appropriations. A meeting was set for
Jan. 30th at 8:30 at city hall to get some recommendations establishing new wages
or officials and to make a clerk-treasurer transition. Clerk Brant is not going to
run for re-election making this an appropriate time for the transition. The audit®r
d attorney are asked to attend this meeting.
Police: Ald. Thanepohn reported this committee is working on having the servicing of
vehicles done here in Yorkville.
Library: Ald. Simmons reported, as a result of the letter Attorney Grant composed fo
he library to 1pt long over-due books back, some have been returned as far back as
yor Coleman appointed Ald. Simmons to the Route 34 Corridor Study Commission, and
opes Harold Feltz from the Plan Commission will serve on this commission, also.
d. Simons moved to adjourn at 9:10 P.M.
Commonwealth Edison Co.- St.Ltg.$608.96,Maint.Bidg.$10.85,Park$13.81 633.62
Illinois Bell Tel.Co.-P.D.$56.72,City Clerk$0.76,City Hall$18.72,City Treas.$0.71,
St. Dept.$1.08 77.99
Fox Valley Disposal Co.- Trash Removal, Dam 40.00
The Beacon News- Publish. Public Notice 10.36
Alexander Lumber Co.- Storm Windows, City Hall 82.80
Clean Sweep, Inc.- St. Sweeping,Nov. 60.00
Betty Huston- Sec'ty. Planning Comm. Service for Sept. & Oct. 35.50
Robert J. Coleman- Mileage to Wheaton, Ill. for business 9.45
Ellsworth Windett Insurance- City Clerk's bond$73.50, Mayor's bond $73.50 147.00
Hornsby's- City Hall 3.07
Fox Valley Disposal Co.- Garabage removal, Nov. 1,773.76
Building Officials & Code Adm. Int'l. , Inc.- Inv.#43453,Reg.fee$65.00,Inv.#361o9
Code books$14.40 79.40
Xerox Corp.- Basic chg.12-1-74 to 2-30-75$75.00, Copies $20.33 95.33
The Country Companies Insurance- Tractor Policy#AN04143OOD 52.00
it it " " Workmans Comp.audit$665.00,General liability audit
$425.00 1,090.00
Kendall County Record- Printing Notices to bid & ordinances, Zoning books 786.29
Baird Jewlers- Film & Bulbs,P.D.$12.50,Film Bldg. & Zoning$9.00 21.50
Yorkville Hardware- Oper. Suppl., Public Prop.&Bldg. 6.48
C.O. Nelson Co.- 2 loads disposal 10.00
Dierzen Welding & Machine Co.-Inv.#5298,repair truck 35.00
Farmers' Elevator Co.-Culverts, oper. suppl. 250.29
Kendall Outdoor Equipment- Oil, Inv.##14020 3.00
Central Limestone Co.-rock 137.43
Ray O'Herron Co. , Inc.-Pin back badge, St. Dept. Inv.#999245 24526 5.02
Bender's Inc.- Clothing, Inv.#000245,000254,000260,8233, Credit Memo4141 152.40
Aurora Blacktop Inc.- Cold mix 87.00
Bristol Welding Co.-Inv.#5268 77.00
Continental Research Corp.-Inv.#13654, SLP210 (sewer) 172.10
Crawford, Murphy,& Tilly,Inc.- Inv.#9335,Surveys at Apple Tree Courts;& attsnding
meetings$583.21; Inv.09334 Suppl. Information for
State & Fed. grants$204.00 787.21
W.W.Grainger, Inc.-Inv.#144 609219, fixtures 77.16
Main Surplus- clothing 50.94
of it - of 111.82
Navy Brand Manf. Co.-Inv.#85813, sewer solvent(sewer) 243.00
Southtown oil Co.- Truck repairs 18.10
Sterling Salt Co.-Inv.#404691,402485Salt 485.84
Fred Wayne- Hauling salt 61.82
Yorkville Hardware- Oper. Suppl. 9.31
Zwart Gravel Co.- rock 13.14
Carl's Chevrolet. Inc.- Inv.#176, 166 flasher $3.95 8.94
Salisbury Groc.-oper. Suppl.St.Dept.$6.34; P.D.19.98 26.32
Rich's Union 76- Gas; St. dept.$158.79, P.D.$605.26 764.05
Countryside Hardware- Oper. Suppl., ST.Dept.$15.62, P.D.$8.61 24.23
John N. Schneider- St.Dept. 17.69
if ►► of - Library, repair fauset 26.94
ft It it - furnance 56.45
Anderson & Bushnell- Inv.#61398, plastic sign, P.D. 4.o0
Durbin Office Machines- Inv.¢#09915,09875, paper 56.72
Auto Specialists, Inc.- Inv.#7229, repair alternator 25.19
Yorkville Auto parts- Inv.#3909 $3.15, Inv.#4006 $g'.30 .4
3 5
It it " - Inv.#A4681, jumper cables 33.84
Badger Uniforms- Inv.#58095, Trousers & strips 29.69
Sa-So Inc.- Mnv.#E59350, Blankets & emblems 89.51
Richard A. Randall- Mileage to attend school 15.60
Winfred W. Prickett-Shells & Cases purchased from Somar Enterprises 119.58
John N. Schneider- Oper. Suppl. 19.42
Commonweelth Edison Co.- Water tower$17.05, Pumping$483.70, Pumping$4.14 504.89
The Bank of Yorkville- Dep., Depr.& Contg.Acct. 150.00
The National Boulevard Bank of Chicago- Dep. , Bond & Int. Acct. 150.00
of it " it it it - Dep. , Bond & Int. Res. Acct. 170.00
Kendall County Record- print pages for meter book 22.50
Jim's Trenching & Sewrer Cleaning- water leaks, labor & mat'l. 146.00
it of to it - w of it ►► (PAID) 580.00
Sidney, Inc.- Inv.#W26518, clamp 43.90
John N. Schneider- Repair heater,Inv.#10360 19.20
Marilyn J. Merkel- postage 10.67
Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Inv.- Inv.#9336, Preml. studies of well 431.60
Ellis & Ford Mfg. Co., Inc.- Inv.#B17276, cutter wheels 17.41
E & H Utility Sales, Inc.- Inv.#15919, Coupling 7.44
Producers Chemical Co.- Chlorine, Inv.#39116 81.75
DECEMBER 197+ (cont.)
Skip's Auto onup- Inv.#1217, truck repair 24.00
Don Schoenfielder- letter truck 165.00
Water Products Co.- Inv.#10630, coupling 42.73
Yorkville Hardware- Oper. Suppl. 1.60
Riemenschneider Electric- Labor & Mat'l. to wire Maint. Bldg. 1,082.37
John N. Schneider- Furnace & Air conditioner for Maint. Bldg. 2 8.008.00
Vernon & Sons- Inv. 2932, 1975 stickers 181.30
Kendall County Record- Print receipts and notice 73-32